Represents a IMeasurement that can be serialized.
This measurement implementation is serialized through ISupportBinaryImage to allow complete control of binary format. All measurement properties are serialized at their full resolution and no attempt is made to optimize the binary image for purposes of size reduction.
Наследование: Measurement, IBinaryMeasurement
Пример #1
        private void ProcessMeasurements(IEnumerable <IMeasurement> measurements)
            List <ISupportBinaryImage> packet = new List <ISupportBinaryImage>();
            bool useCompactMeasurementFormat  = m_useCompactMeasurementFormat;
            int  packetSize = 5;

            // Wait for any external events, if needed

            // If a set of base times has not yet been initialized, initialize a set by rotating
            if (!m_initializedBaseTimeOffsets)
                if (m_parent.UseBaseTimeOffsets)

                m_initializedBaseTimeOffsets = true;

            foreach (IMeasurement measurement in measurements)
                ISupportBinaryImage binaryMeasurement;
                int binaryLength;

                // Serialize the current measurement.
                if (useCompactMeasurementFormat)
                    binaryMeasurement = new CompactMeasurement(measurement, m_signalIndexCache, m_includeTime, m_baseTimeOffsets, m_timeIndex, m_useMillisecondResolution);
                    binaryMeasurement = new SerializableMeasurement(measurement, m_parent.GetClientEncoding(m_clientID));

                // Determine the size of the measurement in bytes.
                binaryLength = binaryMeasurement.BinaryLength;

                // If the current measurement will not fit in the packet based on the max
                // packet size, process the current packet and start a new packet.
                if (packetSize + binaryLength > DataPublisher.MaxPacketSize)
                    ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, useCompactMeasurementFormat);
                    packetSize = 5;

                // Add the current measurement to the packet.
                packetSize += binaryLength;

            // Process the remaining measurements.
            ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, useCompactMeasurementFormat);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish <see cref="IFrame"/> of time-aligned collection of <see cref="IMeasurement"/> values that arrived within the
        /// concentrator's defined <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"><see cref="IFrame"/> of measurements with the same timestamp that arrived within <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/> that are ready for processing.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index of <see cref="IFrame"/> within a second ranging from zero to <c><see cref="ConcentratorBase.FramesPerSecond"/> - 1</c>.</param>
        protected override void PublishFrame(IFrame frame, int index)
            if (!m_disposed)
                List <ISupportBinaryImage> packet = new List <ISupportBinaryImage>();
                bool useCompactMeasurementFormat  = m_useCompactMeasurementFormat;
                long frameLevelTimestamp          = frame.Timestamp;
                int  packetSize = 13;

                foreach (IMeasurement measurement in frame.Measurements.Values)
                    ISupportBinaryImage binaryMeasurement;
                    int binaryLength;

                    // Serialize the current measurement.
                    if (useCompactMeasurementFormat)
                        binaryMeasurement = new CompactMeasurement(measurement, m_signalIndexCache, false, null, 0, false);
                        binaryMeasurement = new SerializableMeasurement(measurement, m_parent.GetClientEncoding(ClientID));

                    // Determine the size of the measurement in bytes.
                    binaryLength = binaryMeasurement.BinaryLength;

                    // If the current measurement will not fit in the packet based on
                    // the max packet size, process the packet and start a new one.
                    if (packetSize + binaryLength > DataPublisher.MaxPacketSize)
                        ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, frameLevelTimestamp, useCompactMeasurementFormat);
                        packetSize = 13;

                    // Add the measurement to the packet.
                    packetSize += binaryLength;

                // Process the remaining measurements.
                ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, frameLevelTimestamp, useCompactMeasurementFormat);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish <see cref="IFrame"/> of time-aligned collection of <see cref="IMeasurement"/> values that arrived within the
        /// concentrator's defined <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"><see cref="IFrame"/> of measurements with the same timestamp that arrived within <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/> that are ready for processing.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index of <see cref="IFrame"/> within a second ranging from zero to <c><see cref="ConcentratorBase.FramesPerSecond"/> - 1</c>.</param>
        protected override void PublishFrame(IFrame frame, int index)
            if ((object)m_parent == null || m_disposed)

            // Includes data packet flags, frame level timestamp and measurement count
            const int PacketHeaderSize = DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize + 13;

            List<IBinaryMeasurement> packet = new List<IBinaryMeasurement>();
            bool usePayloadCompression = m_usePayloadCompression;
            bool useCompactMeasurementFormat = m_useCompactMeasurementFormat || usePayloadCompression;
            long frameLevelTimestamp = frame.Timestamp;
            BufferBlockMeasurement bufferBlockMeasurement;
            IBinaryMeasurement binaryMeasurement;
            byte[] bufferBlock;
            int binaryLength;
            int packetSize = PacketHeaderSize;

            long publishTime;

            foreach (IMeasurement measurement in frame.Measurements.Values)
                bufferBlockMeasurement = measurement as BufferBlockMeasurement;

                if ((object)bufferBlockMeasurement != null)
                    // Still sending buffer block measurements to client; we are expecting
                    // confirmations which will indicate whether retransmission is necessary,
                    // so we will restart the retransmission timer

                    // Handle buffer block measurements as a special case - this can be any kind of data,
                    // measurement subscriber will need to know how to interpret buffer
                    bufferBlock = new byte[4 + bufferBlockMeasurement.Length];

                    // Prepend sequence number
                    BigEndian.CopyBytes(m_bufferBlockSequenceNumber, bufferBlock, 0);

                    // Append measurement data and send
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(bufferBlockMeasurement.Buffer, 0, bufferBlock, 4, bufferBlockMeasurement.Length);
                    m_parent.SendClientResponse(m_clientID, ServerResponse.BufferBlock, ServerCommand.Subscribe, bufferBlock);

                    lock (m_bufferBlockCacheLock)
                        // Cache buffer block for retransmission

                    // Start the retransmission timer in case we never receive a confirmation
                    // Serialize the current measurement.
                    if (useCompactMeasurementFormat)
                        binaryMeasurement = new CompactMeasurement(measurement, m_signalIndexCache, false);
                        binaryMeasurement = new SerializableMeasurement(measurement, m_parent.GetClientEncoding(ClientID));

                    // Determine the size of the measurement in bytes.
                    binaryLength = binaryMeasurement.BinaryLength;

                    // If the current measurement will not fit in the packet based on
                    // the max packet size, process the packet and start a new one.
                    if (packetSize + binaryLength > DataPublisher.MaxPacketSize)
                        ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, frameLevelTimestamp, useCompactMeasurementFormat, usePayloadCompression);
                        packetSize = PacketHeaderSize;

                    // Add the measurement to the packet.
                    packetSize += binaryLength;

            // Process the remaining measurements.
            if (packet.Count > 0)
                ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, frameLevelTimestamp, useCompactMeasurementFormat, usePayloadCompression);

            // Update latency statistics
            publishTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
            m_parent.UpdateLatencyStatistics(frame.Measurements.Values.Select(m => (long)(publishTime - m.Timestamp)));
Пример #4
        private void ProcessMeasurements(IEnumerable <IMeasurement> measurements)
            // Includes data packet flags and measurement count
            const int PacketHeaderSize = DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize + 5;

            List <IBinaryMeasurement> packet;
            int packetSize;

            bool usePayloadCompression;
            bool useCompactMeasurementFormat;

            BufferBlockMeasurement bufferBlockMeasurement;

            byte[] bufferBlock;
            ushort bufferBlockSignalIndex;

            IBinaryMeasurement binaryMeasurement;
            int binaryLength;

                if (!Enabled)

                packet     = new List <IBinaryMeasurement>();
                packetSize = PacketHeaderSize;

                usePayloadCompression       = m_usePayloadCompression;
                useCompactMeasurementFormat = m_useCompactMeasurementFormat || usePayloadCompression;

                foreach (IMeasurement measurement in measurements)
                    bufferBlockMeasurement = measurement as BufferBlockMeasurement;

                    if ((object)bufferBlockMeasurement != null)
                        // Still sending buffer block measurements to client; we are expecting
                        // confirmations which will indicate whether retransmission is necessary,
                        // so we will restart the retransmission timer

                        // Handle buffer block measurements as a special case - this can be any kind of data,
                        // measurement subscriber will need to know how to interpret buffer
                        bufferBlock = new byte[6 + bufferBlockMeasurement.Length];

                        // Prepend sequence number
                        BigEndian.CopyBytes(m_bufferBlockSequenceNumber, bufferBlock, 0);

                        // Copy signal index into buffer
                        bufferBlockSignalIndex = m_signalIndexCache.GetSignalIndex(bufferBlockMeasurement.ID);
                        BigEndian.CopyBytes(bufferBlockSignalIndex, bufferBlock, 4);

                        // Append measurement data and send
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(bufferBlockMeasurement.Buffer, 0, bufferBlock, 6, bufferBlockMeasurement.Length);
                        m_parent.SendClientResponse(m_workingBuffer, m_clientID, ServerResponse.BufferBlock, ServerCommand.Subscribe, bufferBlock);

                        lock (m_bufferBlockCacheLock)
                            // Cache buffer block for retransmission

                        // Start the retransmission timer in case we never receive a confirmation
                        // Serialize the current measurement.
                        if (useCompactMeasurementFormat)
                            binaryMeasurement = new CompactMeasurement(measurement, m_signalIndexCache, m_includeTime, m_baseTimeOffsets, m_timeIndex, m_useMillisecondResolution);
                            binaryMeasurement = new SerializableMeasurement(measurement, m_parent.GetClientEncoding(m_clientID));

                        // Determine the size of the measurement in bytes.
                        binaryLength = binaryMeasurement.BinaryLength;

                        // If the current measurement will not fit in the packet based on the max
                        // packet size, process the current packet and start a new packet.
                        if (packetSize + binaryLength > DataPublisher.MaxPacketSize)
                            ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, useCompactMeasurementFormat, usePayloadCompression);
                            packetSize = PacketHeaderSize;

                        // Add the current measurement to the packet.
                        packetSize += binaryLength;

                // Process the remaining measurements.
                if (packet.Count > 0)
                    ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, useCompactMeasurementFormat, usePayloadCompression);


                // Update latency statistics
                m_parent.UpdateLatencyStatistics(measurements.Select(m => (long)(m_lastPublishTime - m.Timestamp)));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = string.Format("Error processing measurements: {0}", ex.Message);
                OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException(message, ex));
Пример #5
        private void ProcessServerResponse(byte[] buffer, int length)
            // Currently this work is done on the async socket completion thread, make sure work to be done is timely and if the response processing
            // is coming in via the command channel and needs to send a command back to the server, it should be done on a separate thread...
            if (buffer != null && length > 0)
                    Dictionary<Guid, DeviceStatisticsHelper<SubscribedDevice>> subscribedDevicesLookup;
                    DeviceStatisticsHelper<SubscribedDevice> statisticsHelper;

                    ServerResponse responseCode = (ServerResponse)buffer[0];
                    ServerCommand commandCode = (ServerCommand)buffer[1];
                    int responseLength = BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, 2);
                    int responseIndex = DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize;
                    bool solicited = false;
                    byte[][][] keyIVs;

                    // See if this was a solicited response to a requested server command
                    if (responseCode.IsSolicited())
                        lock (m_requests)
                            int index = m_requests.BinarySearch(commandCode);

                            if (index >= 0)
                                solicited = true;

                        // Disconnect any established UDP data channel upon successful unsubscribe
                        if (solicited && commandCode == ServerCommand.Unsubscribe && responseCode == ServerResponse.Succeeded)
                            DataChannel = null;

                    OnReceivedServerResponse(responseCode, commandCode);

                    switch (responseCode)
                        case ServerResponse.Succeeded:
                            if (solicited)
                                switch (commandCode)
                                    case ServerCommand.Authenticate:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_authenticated = true;
                                    case ServerCommand.Subscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_subscribed = true;
                                    case ServerCommand.Unsubscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_subscribed = false;
                                        if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null)
                                            m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = false;
                                    case ServerCommand.RotateCipherKeys:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                    case ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": latest meta-data received.", commandCode);
                                        OnMetaDataReceived(DeserializeMetadata(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength)));
                                        m_metadataRefreshPending = false;
                                switch (commandCode)
                                    case ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh:
                                        // Meta-data refresh may be unsolicited
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received server confirmation for unsolicited request to \"{0}\" command: latest meta-data received.", commandCode);
                                        OnMetaDataReceived(DeserializeMetadata(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength)));
                                        m_metadataRefreshPending = false;
                                    case ServerCommand.RotateCipherKeys:
                                        // Key rotation may be unsolicited
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received server confirmation for unsolicited request to \"{0}\" command: {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                    case ServerCommand.Subscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received unsolicited response to \"{0}\" command: {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Publisher sent a success code for an unsolicited server command: " + commandCode));
                        case ServerResponse.Failed:
                            if (solicited)
                                OnStatusMessage("Failure code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Publisher sent a failed code for an unsolicited server command: " + commandCode));

                            if (commandCode == ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh)
                                m_metadataRefreshPending = false;
                        case ServerResponse.DataPacket:
                            long now = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                            // Deserialize data packet
                            List<IMeasurement> measurements = new List<IMeasurement>();
                            DataPacketFlags flags;
                            Ticks timestamp = 0;
                            int count;

                            if (m_totalBytesReceived == 0)
                                // At the point when data is being received, data monitor should be enabled
                                if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null && !m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled)
                                    m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = true;

                                // Establish run-time log for subscriber
                                if (m_autoConnect || m_dataGapRecoveryEnabled)
                                    if ((object)m_runTimeLog == null)
                                        m_runTimeLog = new RunTimeLog();
                                        m_runTimeLog.FileName = GetLoggingPath(Name + "_RunTimeLog.txt");
                                        m_runTimeLog.ProcessException += m_runTimeLog_ProcessException;
                                        // Mark the start of any data transmissions
                                        m_runTimeLog.StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
                                        m_runTimeLog.Enabled = true;

                                // The duration between last disconnection and start of data transmissions
                                // represents a gap in data - if data gap recovery is enabled, we log
                                // this as a gap for recovery:
                                if (m_dataGapRecoveryEnabled && (object)m_dataGapRecoverer != null)
                                    m_dataGapRecoverer.LogDataGap(m_runTimeLog.StopTime, DateTime.UtcNow);

                            // Track total data packet bytes received from any channel
                            m_totalBytesReceived += m_lastBytesReceived;
                            m_monitoredBytesReceived += m_lastBytesReceived;

                            // Get data packet flags
                            flags = (DataPacketFlags)buffer[responseIndex];

                            bool synchronizedMeasurements = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Synchronized) > 0);
                            bool compactMeasurementFormat = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Compact) > 0);
                            bool compressedPayload = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Compressed) > 0);
                            int cipherIndex = (flags & DataPacketFlags.CipherIndex) > 0 ? 1 : 0;

                            // Decrypt data packet payload if keys are available
                            if ((object)m_keyIVs != null)
                                // Get a local copy of volatile keyIVs reference since this can change at any time
                                keyIVs = m_keyIVs;

                                // Decrypt payload portion of data packet
                                buffer = Common.SymmetricAlgorithm.Decrypt(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - 1, keyIVs[cipherIndex][0], keyIVs[cipherIndex][1]);
                                responseIndex = 0;
                                responseLength = buffer.Length;

                            // Synchronized packets contain a frame level timestamp
                            if (synchronizedMeasurements)
                                timestamp = BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex);
                                responseIndex += 8;

                            // Deserialize number of measurements that follow
                            count = BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            responseIndex += 4;

                            if (compressedPayload)
                                if ((object)m_signalIndexCache == null && m_lastMissingCacheWarning + MissingCacheWarningInterval < now)
                                    if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning != 0L)
                                        // Warning message for missing signal index cache
                                        OnStatusMessage("WARNING: Signal index cache has not arrived. No compact measurements can be parsed.");

                                    m_lastMissingCacheWarning = now;
                                        if (CompressionModes.HasFlag(CompressionModes.TSSC))
                                            // Use TSSC compression to decompress measurements                                            
                                            if ((object)m_decompressionBlock == null)
                                                m_decompressionBlock = new MeasurementDecompressionBlock();

                                            MemoryStream bufferStream = new MemoryStream(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex + DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize);
                                            bool eos = false;

                                            while (!eos)
                                                Measurement measurement;
                                                Tuple<Guid, string, uint> tuple;
                                                ushort id;
                                                long time;
                                                uint quality;
                                                float value;
                                                byte command;

                                                switch (m_decompressionBlock.GetMeasurement(out id, out time, out quality, out value, out command))
                                                    case DecompressionExitCode.EndOfStreamOccured:
                                                        if (bufferStream.Position != bufferStream.Length)
                                                            eos = true;
                                                    case DecompressionExitCode.CommandRead:
                                                    case DecompressionExitCode.MeasurementRead:                                                        
                                                        // Attempt to restore signal identification
                                                        if (m_signalIndexCache.Reference.TryGetValue(id, out tuple))
                                                            measurement = new Measurement();
                                                            measurement.Key = MeasurementKey.LookUpOrCreate(tuple.Item1, tuple.Item2, tuple.Item3);
                                                            measurement.Timestamp = time;
                                                            measurement.StateFlags = (MeasurementStateFlags)quality;
                                                            measurement.Value = value;
                                            // Decompress compact measurements from payload
                                            measurements.AddRange(buffer.DecompressPayload(m_signalIndexCache, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex + DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize, count, m_includeTime, flags));
                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("WARNING: Decompression failure: " + ex.Message, ex));
                                // Deserialize measurements
                                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                    if (!compactMeasurementFormat)
                                        // Deserialize full measurement format
                                        SerializableMeasurement measurement = new SerializableMeasurement(m_encoding);
                                        responseIndex += measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex);
                                    else if ((object)m_signalIndexCache != null)
                                        // Deserialize compact measurement format
                                        CompactMeasurement measurement = new CompactMeasurement(m_signalIndexCache, m_includeTime, m_baseTimeOffsets, m_timeIndex, m_useMillisecondResolution);
                                        responseIndex += measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex);

                                        // Apply timestamp from frame if not included in transmission
                                        if (!measurement.IncludeTime)
                                            measurement.Timestamp = timestamp;

                                    else if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning + MissingCacheWarningInterval < now)
                                        if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning != 0L)
                                            // Warning message for missing signal index cache
                                            OnStatusMessage("WARNING: Signal index cache has not arrived. No compact measurements can be parsed.");

                                        m_lastMissingCacheWarning = now;

                            // Calculate statistics
                            subscribedDevicesLookup = m_subscribedDevicesLookup;
                            statisticsHelper = null;

                            if ((object)subscribedDevicesLookup != null)
                                IEnumerable<IGrouping<DeviceStatisticsHelper<SubscribedDevice>, IMeasurement>> deviceGroups = measurements
                                    .Where(measurement => subscribedDevicesLookup.TryGetValue(measurement.ID, out statisticsHelper))
                                    .Select(measurement => Tuple.Create(statisticsHelper, measurement))
                                    .GroupBy(tuple => tuple.Item1, tuple => tuple.Item2);

                                foreach (IGrouping<DeviceStatisticsHelper<SubscribedDevice>, IMeasurement> deviceGroup in deviceGroups)
                                    statisticsHelper = deviceGroup.Key;

                                    foreach (IGrouping<Ticks, IMeasurement> frame in deviceGroup.GroupBy(measurement => measurement.Timestamp))
                                        // Determine the number of measurements received with valid values
                                        int measurementsReceived = frame.Count(measurement => !double.IsNaN(measurement.Value));

                                        IMeasurement statusFlags = null;
                                        IMeasurement frequency = null;
                                        IMeasurement deltaFrequency = null;

                                        // Attempt to update real-time
                                        if (!m_useLocalClockAsRealTime && frame.Key > m_realTime)
                                            m_realTime = frame.Key;

                                        // Search the frame for status flags, frequency, and delta frequency
                                        foreach (IMeasurement measurement in frame)
                                            if (measurement.ID == statisticsHelper.Device.StatusFlagsID)
                                                statusFlags = measurement;
                                            else if (measurement.ID == statisticsHelper.Device.FrequencyID)
                                                frequency = measurement;
                                            else if (measurement.ID == statisticsHelper.Device.DeltaFrequencyID)
                                                deltaFrequency = measurement;

                                        // If we are receiving status flags for this device,
                                        // count the data quality, time quality, and device errors
                                        if ((object)statusFlags != null)
                                            uint commonStatusFlags = (uint)statusFlags.Value;

                                            if ((commonStatusFlags & (uint)Bits.Bit19) > 0)

                                            if ((commonStatusFlags & (uint)Bits.Bit18) > 0)

                                            if ((commonStatusFlags & (uint)Bits.Bit16) > 0)


                                        // Zero is not a valid value for frequency.
                                        // If frequency is zero, invalidate both frequency and delta frequency
                                        if ((object)frequency != null && frequency.Value == 0.0D)
                                            if ((object)deltaFrequency != null)
                                                measurementsReceived -= 2;

                                        // Track the number of measurements received

                            // Provide new measurements to local concentrator, if defined, otherwise directly expose them to the consumer
                            if ((object)m_localConcentrator != null)

                            // Gather statistics on received data
                            DateTime timeReceived = RealTime;

                            if (!m_useLocalClockAsRealTime && timeReceived.Ticks - m_lastStatisticsHelperUpdate > Ticks.PerSecond)
                                m_lastStatisticsHelperUpdate = m_realTime;

                            m_lifetimeMeasurements += measurements.Count;
                            UpdateMeasurementsPerSecond(timeReceived, measurements.Count);

                            for (int x = 0; x < measurements.Count; x++)
                                long latency = timeReceived.Ticks - (long)measurements[x].Timestamp;

                                // Throw out latencies that exceed one hour as invalid
                                if (Math.Abs(latency) > Time.SecondsPerHour * Ticks.PerSecond)

                                if (m_lifetimeMinimumLatency > latency || m_lifetimeMinimumLatency == 0)
                                    m_lifetimeMinimumLatency = latency;

                                if (m_lifetimeMaximumLatency < latency || m_lifetimeMaximumLatency == 0)
                                    m_lifetimeMaximumLatency = latency;

                                m_lifetimeTotalLatency += latency;
                        case ServerResponse.BufferBlock:
                            // Buffer block received - wrap as a buffer block measurement and expose back to consumer
                            uint sequenceNumber = BigEndian.ToUInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            int cacheIndex = (int)(sequenceNumber - m_expectedBufferBlockSequenceNumber);
                            BufferBlockMeasurement bufferBlockMeasurement;
                            Tuple<Guid, string, uint> measurementKey;
                            ushort signalIndex;

                            // Check if this buffer block has already been processed (e.g., mistaken retransmission due to timeout)
                            if (cacheIndex >= 0 && (cacheIndex >= m_bufferBlockCache.Count || (object)m_bufferBlockCache[cacheIndex] == null))
                                // Send confirmation that buffer block is received
                                SendServerCommand(ServerCommand.ConfirmBufferBlock, buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, 4));

                                // Get measurement key from signal index cache
                                signalIndex = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, responseIndex + 4);

                                if (!m_signalIndexCache.Reference.TryGetValue(signalIndex, out measurementKey))
                                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to find associated signal identification for runtime ID " + signalIndex);

                                // Skip the sequence number and signal index when creating the buffer block measurement
                                bufferBlockMeasurement = new BufferBlockMeasurement(buffer, responseIndex + 6, responseLength - 6)
                                    Key = MeasurementKey.LookUpOrCreate(measurementKey.Item1, measurementKey.Item2, measurementKey.Item3)

                                // Determine if this is the next buffer block in the sequence
                                if (sequenceNumber == m_expectedBufferBlockSequenceNumber)
                                    List<IMeasurement> bufferBlockMeasurements = new List<IMeasurement>();
                                    int i;

                                    // Add the buffer block measurement to the list of measurements to be published

                                    // Add cached buffer block measurements to the list of measurements to be published
                                    for (i = 1; i < m_bufferBlockCache.Count; i++)
                                        if ((object)m_bufferBlockCache[i] == null)


                                    // Remove published measurements from the buffer block queue
                                    if (m_bufferBlockCache.Count > 0)
                                        m_bufferBlockCache.RemoveRange(0, i);

                                    // Publish measurements
                                    // Ensure that the list has at least as many
                                    // elements as it needs to cache this measurement
                                    for (int i = m_bufferBlockCache.Count; i <= cacheIndex; i++)

                                    // Insert this buffer block into the proper location in the list
                                    m_bufferBlockCache[cacheIndex] = bufferBlockMeasurement;

                            m_lifetimeMeasurements += 1;
                            UpdateMeasurementsPerSecond(DateTime.UtcNow, 1);
                        case ServerResponse.DataStartTime:
                            // Raise data start time event
                            OnDataStartTime(BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex));
                        case ServerResponse.ProcessingComplete:
                            // Raise input processing completed event
                            OnProcessingComplete(InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateSignalIndexCache:
                            // Deserialize new signal index cache
                            m_remoteSignalIndexCache = DeserializeSignalIndexCache(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength));
                            m_signalIndexCache = new SignalIndexCache(DataSource, m_remoteSignalIndexCache);
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateBaseTimes:
                            // Get active time index
                            m_timeIndex = BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            responseIndex += 4;

                            // Deserialize new base time offsets
                            m_baseTimeOffsets = new[] { BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex), BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex + 8) };
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateCipherKeys:
                            // Move past active cipher index (not currently used anywhere else)

                            // Extract remaining response
                            byte[] bytes = buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength - 1);

                            // Decrypt response payload if subscription is authenticated
                            if (m_authenticated)
                                bytes = bytes.Decrypt(m_sharedSecret, CipherStrength.Aes256);

                            // Deserialize new cipher keys
                            keyIVs = new byte[2][][];
                            keyIVs[EvenKey] = new byte[2][];
                            keyIVs[OddKey] = new byte[2][];

                            int index = 0;
                            int bufferLen;

                            // Read even key size
                            bufferLen = BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read even key
                            keyIVs[EvenKey][KeyIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[EvenKey][KeyIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read even initialization vector size
                            bufferLen = BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read even initialization vector
                            keyIVs[EvenKey][IVIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[EvenKey][IVIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read odd key size
                            bufferLen = BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read odd key
                            keyIVs[OddKey][KeyIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[OddKey][KeyIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read odd initialization vector size
                            bufferLen = BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read odd initialization vector
                            keyIVs[OddKey][IVIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[OddKey][IVIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            //index += bufferLen;

                            // Exchange keys
                            m_keyIVs = keyIVs;

                            OnStatusMessage("Successfully established new cipher keys for data packet transmissions.");
                        case ServerResponse.Notify:
                            // Skip the 4-byte hash
                            string message = m_encoding.GetString(buffer, responseIndex + 4, responseLength - 4);

                            // Display notification
                            OnStatusMessage("NOTIFICATION: {0}", message);

                            // Send confirmation of receipt of the notification
                            SendServerCommand(ServerCommand.ConfirmNotification, buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, 4));
                        case ServerResponse.ConfigurationChanged:
                            OnStatusMessage("Received notification from publisher that configuration has changed.");

                            // Initiate meta-data refresh when publisher configuration has changed - we only do this
                            // for automatic connections since API style connections have to manually initiate a
                            // meta-data refresh. API style connection should attach to server configuration changed
                            // event and request meta-data refresh to complete automated cycle.
                            if (m_autoConnect && m_autoSynchronizeMetadata)
                                SendServerCommand(ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh, m_metadataFilters);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Failed to process publisher response packet due to exception: " + ex.Message, ex));
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish <see cref="IFrame"/> of time-aligned collection of <see cref="IMeasurement"/> values that arrived within the
        /// concentrator's defined <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"><see cref="IFrame"/> of measurements with the same timestamp that arrived within <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/> that are ready for processing.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index of <see cref="IFrame"/> within a second ranging from zero to <c><see cref="ConcentratorBase.FramesPerSecond"/> - 1</c>.</param>
        protected override void PublishFrame(IFrame frame, int index)
            if (!m_disposed)
                List<ISupportBinaryImage> packet = new List<ISupportBinaryImage>();
                bool useCompactMeasurementFormat = m_useCompactMeasurementFormat;
                long frameLevelTimestamp = frame.Timestamp;
                int packetSize = 13;

                foreach (IMeasurement measurement in frame.Measurements.Values)
                    ISupportBinaryImage binaryMeasurement;
                    int binaryLength;

                    // Serialize the current measurement.
                    if (useCompactMeasurementFormat)
                        binaryMeasurement = new CompactMeasurement(measurement, m_signalIndexCache, false, null, 0, false);
                        binaryMeasurement = new SerializableMeasurement(measurement, m_parent.GetClientEncoding(ClientID));

                    // Determine the size of the measurement in bytes.
                    binaryLength = binaryMeasurement.BinaryLength;

                    // If the current measurement will not fit in the packet based on
                    // the max packet size, process the packet and start a new one.
                    if (packetSize + binaryLength > DataPublisher.MaxPacketSize)
                        ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, frameLevelTimestamp, useCompactMeasurementFormat);
                        packetSize = 13;

                    // Add the measurement to the packet.
                    packetSize += binaryLength;

                // Process the remaining measurements.
                ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, frameLevelTimestamp, useCompactMeasurementFormat);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish <see cref="IFrame"/> of time-aligned collection of <see cref="IMeasurement"/> values that arrived within the
        /// concentrator's defined <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="frame"><see cref="IFrame"/> of measurements with the same timestamp that arrived within <see cref="ConcentratorBase.LagTime"/> that are ready for processing.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index of <see cref="IFrame"/> within a second ranging from zero to <c><see cref="ConcentratorBase.FramesPerSecond"/> - 1</c>.</param>
        protected override void PublishFrame(IFrame frame, int index)
            if ((object)m_parent == null || m_disposed)

            if (m_usePayloadCompression && m_compressionModes.HasFlag(CompressionModes.TSSC))

            // Includes data packet flags, frame level timestamp and measurement count
            const int PacketHeaderSize = DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize + 13;

            List <IBinaryMeasurement> packet = new List <IBinaryMeasurement>();
            bool usePayloadCompression       = m_usePayloadCompression;
            bool useCompactMeasurementFormat = m_useCompactMeasurementFormat || usePayloadCompression;
            long frameLevelTimestamp         = frame.Timestamp;
            BufferBlockMeasurement bufferBlockMeasurement;
            IBinaryMeasurement     binaryMeasurement;

            byte[] bufferBlock;
            int    binaryLength;
            int    packetSize = PacketHeaderSize;

            long publishTime;

            foreach (IMeasurement measurement in frame.Measurements.Values)
                bufferBlockMeasurement = measurement as BufferBlockMeasurement;

                if ((object)bufferBlockMeasurement != null)
                    // Still sending buffer block measurements to client; we are expecting
                    // confirmations which will indicate whether retransmission is necessary,
                    // so we will restart the retransmission timer

                    // Handle buffer block measurements as a special case - this can be any kind of data,
                    // measurement subscriber will need to know how to interpret buffer
                    bufferBlock = new byte[4 + bufferBlockMeasurement.Length];

                    // Prepend sequence number
                    BigEndian.CopyBytes(m_bufferBlockSequenceNumber, bufferBlock, 0);

                    // Append measurement data and send
                    Buffer.BlockCopy(bufferBlockMeasurement.Buffer, 0, bufferBlock, 4, bufferBlockMeasurement.Length);
                    m_parent.SendClientResponse(m_clientID, ServerResponse.BufferBlock, ServerCommand.Subscribe, bufferBlock);

                    lock (m_bufferBlockCacheLock)
                        // Cache buffer block for retransmission

                    // Start the retransmission timer in case we never receive a confirmation
                    // Serialize the current measurement.
                    if (useCompactMeasurementFormat)
                        binaryMeasurement = new CompactMeasurement(measurement, m_signalIndexCache, false);
                        binaryMeasurement = new SerializableMeasurement(measurement, m_parent.GetClientEncoding(ClientID));

                    // Determine the size of the measurement in bytes.
                    binaryLength = binaryMeasurement.BinaryLength;

                    // If the current measurement will not fit in the packet based on
                    // the max packet size, process the packet and start a new one.
                    if (packetSize + binaryLength > DataPublisher.MaxPacketSize)
                        ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, frameLevelTimestamp, useCompactMeasurementFormat, usePayloadCompression);
                        packetSize = PacketHeaderSize;

                    // Add the measurement to the packet.
                    packetSize += binaryLength;

            // Process the remaining measurements.
            if (packet.Count > 0)
                ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, frameLevelTimestamp, useCompactMeasurementFormat, usePayloadCompression);

            // Update latency statistics
            publishTime = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
            m_parent.UpdateLatencyStatistics(frame.Measurements.Values.Select(m => (long)(publishTime - m.Timestamp)));
        private void ProcessMeasurements(IEnumerable<IMeasurement> measurements)
            if (m_usePayloadCompression && m_compressionModes.HasFlag(CompressionModes.TSSC))

            // Includes data packet flags and measurement count
            const int PacketHeaderSize = DataPublisher.ClientResponseHeaderSize + 5;

            List<IBinaryMeasurement> packet;
            int packetSize;

            bool usePayloadCompression;
            bool useCompactMeasurementFormat;

            BufferBlockMeasurement bufferBlockMeasurement;
            byte[] bufferBlock;
            ushort bufferBlockSignalIndex;

            IBinaryMeasurement binaryMeasurement;
            int binaryLength;

                if (!Enabled)

                packet = new List<IBinaryMeasurement>();
                packetSize = PacketHeaderSize;

                usePayloadCompression = m_usePayloadCompression;
                useCompactMeasurementFormat = m_useCompactMeasurementFormat || usePayloadCompression;

                foreach (IMeasurement measurement in measurements)
                    bufferBlockMeasurement = measurement as BufferBlockMeasurement;

                    if ((object)bufferBlockMeasurement != null)
                        // Still sending buffer block measurements to client; we are expecting
                        // confirmations which will indicate whether retransmission is necessary,
                        // so we will restart the retransmission timer

                        // Handle buffer block measurements as a special case - this can be any kind of data,
                        // measurement subscriber will need to know how to interpret buffer
                        bufferBlock = new byte[6 + bufferBlockMeasurement.Length];

                        // Prepend sequence number
                        BigEndian.CopyBytes(m_bufferBlockSequenceNumber, bufferBlock, 0);

                        // Copy signal index into buffer
                        bufferBlockSignalIndex = m_signalIndexCache.GetSignalIndex(bufferBlockMeasurement.Key);
                        BigEndian.CopyBytes(bufferBlockSignalIndex, bufferBlock, 4);

                        // Append measurement data and send
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(bufferBlockMeasurement.Buffer, 0, bufferBlock, 6, bufferBlockMeasurement.Length);
                        m_parent.SendClientResponse(m_clientID, ServerResponse.BufferBlock, ServerCommand.Subscribe, bufferBlock);

                        lock (m_bufferBlockCacheLock)
                            // Cache buffer block for retransmission

                        // Start the retransmission timer in case we never receive a confirmation
                        // Serialize the current measurement.
                        if (useCompactMeasurementFormat)
                            binaryMeasurement = new CompactMeasurement(measurement, m_signalIndexCache, m_includeTime, m_baseTimeOffsets, m_timeIndex, m_useMillisecondResolution);
                            binaryMeasurement = new SerializableMeasurement(measurement, m_parent.GetClientEncoding(m_clientID));

                        // Determine the size of the measurement in bytes.
                        binaryLength = binaryMeasurement.BinaryLength;

                        // If the current measurement will not fit in the packet based on the max
                        // packet size, process the current packet and start a new packet.
                        if (packetSize + binaryLength > DataPublisher.MaxPacketSize)
                            ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, useCompactMeasurementFormat, usePayloadCompression);
                            packetSize = PacketHeaderSize;

                        // Add the current measurement to the packet.
                        packetSize += binaryLength;

                // Process the remaining measurements.
                if (packet.Count > 0)
                    ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, useCompactMeasurementFormat, usePayloadCompression);


                // Update latency statistics
                m_parent.UpdateLatencyStatistics(measurements.Select(m => (long)(m_lastPublishTime - m.Timestamp)));
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = $"Error processing measurements: {ex.Message}";
                OnProcessException(MessageLevel.Info, new InvalidOperationException(message, ex));
Пример #9
        private void ProcessMeasurements(IEnumerable<IMeasurement> measurements)
            List<ISupportBinaryImage> packet = new List<ISupportBinaryImage>();
            bool useCompactMeasurementFormat = m_useCompactMeasurementFormat;
            int packetSize = 5;

            // Wait for any external events, if needed

            // If a set of base times has not yet been initialized, initialize a set by rotating
            if (!m_initializedBaseTimeOffsets)
                if (m_parent.UseBaseTimeOffsets)

                m_initializedBaseTimeOffsets = true;

            foreach (IMeasurement measurement in measurements)
                ISupportBinaryImage binaryMeasurement;
                int binaryLength;

                // Serialize the current measurement.
                if (useCompactMeasurementFormat)
                    binaryMeasurement = new CompactMeasurement(measurement, m_signalIndexCache, m_includeTime, m_baseTimeOffsets, m_timeIndex, m_useMillisecondResolution);
                    binaryMeasurement = new SerializableMeasurement(measurement, m_parent.GetClientEncoding(m_clientID));

                // Determine the size of the measurement in bytes.
                binaryLength = binaryMeasurement.BinaryLength;

                // If the current measurement will not fit in the packet based on the max
                // packet size, process the current packet and start a new packet.
                if (packetSize + binaryLength > DataPublisher.MaxPacketSize)
                    ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, useCompactMeasurementFormat);
                    packetSize = 5;

                // Add the current measurement to the packet.
                packetSize += binaryLength;

            // Process the remaining measurements.
            ProcessBinaryMeasurements(packet, useCompactMeasurementFormat);
Пример #10
        private void ProcessServerResponse(byte[] buffer, int length)
            // Currently this work is done on the async socket completion thread, make sure work to be done is timely and if the response processing
            // is coming in via the command channel and needs to send a command back to the server, it should be done on a separate thread...
            if (buffer != null && length > 0)
                    ServerResponse responseCode = (ServerResponse)buffer[0];
                    ServerCommand commandCode = (ServerCommand)buffer[1];
                    int responseLength = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, 2);
                    int responseIndex = 6;
                    bool solicited = false;
                    byte[][][] keyIVs;

                    // See if this was a solicited response to a requested server command
                    if (responseCode.IsSolicited())
                        lock (m_requests)
                            int index = m_requests.BinarySearch(commandCode);

                            if (index >= 0)
                                solicited = true;

                        // Disconnect any established UDP data channel upon successful unsubscribe
                        if (solicited && commandCode == ServerCommand.Unsubscribe && responseCode == ServerResponse.Succeeded)
                            DataChannel = null;

                    switch (responseCode)
                        case ServerResponse.Succeeded:
                            if (solicited)
                                switch (commandCode)
                                    case ServerCommand.Authenticate:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_authenticated = true;
                                    case ServerCommand.Subscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_subscribed = true;
                                        if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null)
                                            m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = true;
                                    case ServerCommand.Unsubscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        m_subscribed = false;
                                        if ((object)m_dataStreamMonitor != null)
                                            m_dataStreamMonitor.Enabled = false;
                                    case ServerCommand.RotateCipherKeys:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                    case ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Success code received in response to server command \"{0}\": latest meta-data received.", commandCode);
                                        OnMetaDataReceived(DeserializeMetadata(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength)));
                                switch (commandCode)
                                    case ServerCommand.MetaDataRefresh:
                                        // Meta-data refresh may be unsolicited
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received server confirmation for unsolicited request to \"{0}\" command: latest meta-data received.", commandCode);
                                        OnMetaDataReceived(DeserializeMetadata(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength)));
                                    case ServerCommand.RotateCipherKeys:
                                        // Key rotation may be unsolicited
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received server confirmation for unsolicited request to \"{0}\" command: {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                    case ServerCommand.Subscribe:
                                        OnStatusMessage("Received unsolicited response to \"{0}\" command: {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                        OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Publisher sent a success code for an unsolicited server command: " + commandCode));
                        case ServerResponse.Failed:
                            if (solicited)
                                OnStatusMessage("Failure code received in response to server command \"{0}\": {1}", commandCode, InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                                OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Publisher sent a failed code for an unsolicited server command: " + commandCode));
                        case ServerResponse.DataPacket:
                            long now = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;

                            // Deserialize data packet
                            List<IMeasurement> measurements = new List<IMeasurement>();
                            DataPacketFlags flags;
                            Ticks timestamp = 0;
                            int count;

                            // Track total data packet bytes received from any channel
                            m_totalBytesReceived += m_lastBytesReceived;
                            m_monitoredBytesReceived += m_lastBytesReceived;

                            // Get data packet flags
                            flags = (DataPacketFlags)buffer[responseIndex];

                            bool synchronizedMeasurements = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Synchronized) > 0);
                            bool compactMeasurementFormat = ((byte)(flags & DataPacketFlags.Compact) > 0);
                            int cipherIndex = (flags & DataPacketFlags.CipherIndex) > 0 ? 1 : 0;

                            // Decrypt data packet payload if keys are available
//                            if (m_keyIVs != null)
//                            {
//                                // Get a local copy of volatile keyIVs reference since this can change at any time
//                                keyIVs = m_keyIVs;
//                                // Decrypt payload portion of data packet
//                                buffer = Common.SymmetricAlgorithm.Decrypt(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - 1, keyIVs[cipherIndex][0], keyIVs[cipherIndex][1]);
//                                responseIndex = 0;
//                                responseLength = buffer.Length;
//                            }

                            // Synchronized packets contain a frame level timestamp
                            if (synchronizedMeasurements)
                                timestamp = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex);
                                responseIndex += 8;

                            // Deserialize number of measurements that follow
                            count = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            responseIndex += 4;

                            // Deserialize measurements
                            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                if (!compactMeasurementFormat)
                                    // Deserialize full measurement format
                                    SerializableMeasurement measurement = new SerializableMeasurement(m_encoding);
                                    responseIndex += measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex);
                                else if ((object)m_signalIndexCache != null)
                                    // Deserialize compact measurement format
                                    CompactMeasurement measurement = new CompactMeasurement(m_signalIndexCache, m_includeTime, m_baseTimeOffsets, m_timeIndex, m_useMillisecondResolution);
                                    responseIndex += measurement.ParseBinaryImage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength - responseIndex);

                                    // Apply timestamp from frame if not included in transmission
                                    if (!measurement.IncludeTime)
                                        measurement.Timestamp = timestamp;

                                else if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning + MissingCacheWarningInterval < now)
                                    if (m_lastMissingCacheWarning != 0L)
                                        // Warning message for missing signal index cache
                                        OnStatusMessage("WARNING: Signal index cache has not arrived. No compact measurements can be parsed.");

                                    m_lastMissingCacheWarning = now;

                            // Provide new measurements to local concentrator, if defined, otherwise directly expose them to the consumer
                            if ((object)m_localConcentrator != null)
                        case ServerResponse.DataStartTime:
                            // Raise data start time event
                            OnDataStartTime(EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex));
                        case ServerResponse.ProcessingComplete:
                            // Raise input processing completed event
                            OnProcessingComplete(InterpretResponseMessage(buffer, responseIndex, responseLength));
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateSignalIndexCache:
                            // Deserialize new signal index cache
                            m_remoteSignalIndexCache = DeserializeSignalIndexCache(buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength));
                            m_signalIndexCache = new SignalIndexCache(DataSource, m_remoteSignalIndexCache);
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateBaseTimes:
                            // Get active time index
                            m_timeIndex = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(buffer, responseIndex);
                            responseIndex += 4;

                            // Deserialize new base time offsets
                            m_baseTimeOffsets = new long[] { EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex), EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt64(buffer, responseIndex + 8) };
                        case ServerResponse.UpdateCipherKeys:
                            // Get active cipher index
                            m_cipherIndex = buffer[responseIndex++];

                            // Extract remaining response
                            byte[] bytes = buffer.BlockCopy(responseIndex, responseLength - 1);

//                            // Decrypt response payload if subscription is authenticated
//                            if (m_authenticated)
//                                bytes = bytes.Decrypt(m_sharedSecret, CipherStrength.Aes256);

                            // Deserialize new cipher keys
                            keyIVs = new byte[2][][];
                            keyIVs[EvenKey] = new byte[2][];
                            keyIVs[OddKey] = new byte[2][];

                            int index = 0;
                            int bufferLen;

                            // Read even key size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read even key
                            keyIVs[EvenKey][KeyIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[EvenKey][KeyIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read even initialization vector size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read even initialization vector
                            keyIVs[EvenKey][IVIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[EvenKey][IVIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read odd key size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read odd key
                            keyIVs[OddKey][KeyIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[OddKey][KeyIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Read odd initialization vector size
                            bufferLen = EndianOrder.BigEndian.ToInt32(bytes, index);
                            index += 4;

                            // Read odd initialization vector
                            keyIVs[OddKey][IVIndex] = new byte[bufferLen];
                            Buffer.BlockCopy(bytes, index, keyIVs[OddKey][IVIndex], 0, bufferLen);
                            index += bufferLen;

                            // Exchange keys
                            m_keyIVs = keyIVs;

                            OnStatusMessage("Successfully established new cipher keys for data packet transmissions.");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    OnProcessException(new InvalidOperationException("Failed to process publisher response packet due to exception: " + ex.Message, ex));