Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="FrequencyDefinition"/> from the specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The <see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> parent of this <see cref="FrequencyDefinition"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="entryValue">The entry value from the INI based configuration file.</param>
        public FrequencyDefinition(ConfigurationCell parent, string entryValue)
            : base(parent)
            string[] entry = entryValue.Split(',');
            int      index = 0;

            FrequencyDefinition defaultFrequency = parent is null ? new FrequencyDefinition(null) : parent.Parent.DefaultFrequency;

            // If initial entry is an F - we just ignore this
            if (string.Compare(entry[index].Trim(), "F", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)

            ScalingValue = entry.Length > index?uint.Parse(entry[index++].Trim()) : defaultFrequency.ScalingValue;

            Offset = entry.Length > index?double.Parse(entry[index++].Trim()) : defaultFrequency.Offset;

            DfDtScalingValue = entry.Length > index?uint.Parse(entry[index++].Trim()) : defaultFrequency.DfDtScalingValue;

            DfDtOffset = entry.Length > index?double.Parse(entry[index++].Trim()) : defaultFrequency.DfDtOffset;

            m_dummy = entry.Length > index?int.Parse(entry[index++].Trim()) : defaultFrequency.m_dummy;

            Label = entry.Length > index ? entry[index].Trim() : defaultFrequency.Label;
Пример #2
        // Attempts to cast given frame into a Macrodyne configuration frame - theoretically this will
        // allow the same configuration frame to be used for any protocol implementation
        internal static ConfigurationFrame CastToDerivedConfigurationFrame(IConfigurationFrame sourceFrame, string configurationFileName, string deviceLabel)
            // See if frame is already a Macrodyne frame (if so, we don't need to do any work)
            ConfigurationFrame derivedFrame = sourceFrame as ConfigurationFrame;

            if (derivedFrame == null)
                // Create a new Macrodyne configuration frame converted from equivalent configuration information; Macrodyne only supports one device
                if (sourceFrame.Cells.Count > 0)
                    IConfigurationCell sourceCell  = sourceFrame.Cells[0];
                    string             stationName = sourceCell.StationName;

                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(stationName))
                        stationName = "Unit " + sourceCell.IDCode.ToString();

                    stationName         = stationName.TruncateLeft(8);
                    derivedFrame        = new ConfigurationFrame(Common.GetFormatFlagsFromPhasorCount(sourceFrame.Cells[0].PhasorDefinitions.Count), stationName, configurationFileName, deviceLabel);
                    derivedFrame.IDCode = sourceFrame.IDCode;

                    // Create new derived configuration cell
                    ConfigurationCell    derivedCell = new ConfigurationCell(derivedFrame);
                    IFrequencyDefinition sourceFrequency;

                    // Create equivalent derived phasor definitions
                    foreach (IPhasorDefinition sourcePhasor in sourceCell.PhasorDefinitions)
                        derivedCell.PhasorDefinitions.Add(new PhasorDefinition(derivedCell, sourcePhasor.Label, sourcePhasor.PhasorType, null));

                    // Create equivalent derived frequency definition
                    sourceFrequency = sourceCell.FrequencyDefinition;

                    if (sourceFrequency != null)
                        derivedCell.FrequencyDefinition = new FrequencyDefinition(derivedCell)
                            Label = sourceFrequency.Label

                    // Create equivalent derived digital definitions
                    foreach (IDigitalDefinition sourceDigital in sourceCell.DigitalDefinitions)
                        derivedCell.DigitalDefinitions.Add(new DigitalDefinition(derivedCell, sourceDigital.Label));

                    // Add cell to frame

        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="PhasorDefinition"/> from specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The <see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> parent of this <see cref="PhasorDefinition"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index of phasor within INI based configuration file.</param>
        /// <param name="entryValue">The entry value from the INI based configuration file.</param>
        public PhasorDefinition(ConfigurationCell parent, int index, string entryValue)
            : base(parent)
            string[]         entry     = entryValue.Split(',');
            string           entryType = entry[0].Trim().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
            PhasorDefinition defaultPhasor;

            if (parent is null)
                defaultPhasor = new PhasorDefinition(null);
                ConfigurationFrame configFile = Parent.Parent;

                switch (entryType)
                case "V":
                    PhasorType    = PhasorType.Voltage;
                    defaultPhasor = configFile.DefaultPhasorV;

                case "I":
                    PhasorType    = PhasorType.Current;
                    defaultPhasor = configFile.DefaultPhasorI;

                    PhasorType    = PhasorType.Voltage;
                    defaultPhasor = configFile.DefaultPhasorV;

            Ratio = entry.Length > 1 ? double.Parse(entry[1].Trim()) : defaultPhasor.Ratio;

            if (entry.Length > 2)
                CalFactor = double.Parse(entry[2].Trim());
                ConversionFactor = defaultPhasor.ConversionFactor;

            Offset = entry.Length > 3 ? double.Parse(entry[3].Trim()) : defaultPhasor.Offset;
            Shunt  = entry.Length > 4 ? double.Parse(entry[4].Trim()) : defaultPhasor.Shunt;
            VoltageReferenceIndex = entry.Length > 5 ? (int)double.Parse(entry[5].Trim()) : defaultPhasor.VoltageReferenceIndex;
            Label = entry.Length > 6 ? entry[6].Trim() : defaultPhasor.Label;
            Index = index;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Attempts to retrieve a <see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> from this <see cref="ConfigurationCellCollection"/> with the specified <paramref name="sectionEntry"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sectionEntry"><see cref="ConfigurationCell.SectionEntry"/> value to try to find.</param>
        /// <param name="configurationCell"><see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> with the specified <paramref name="sectionEntry"/> if found; otherwise <c>null</c>.</param>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if <see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> with the specified <paramref name="sectionEntry"/> is found; otherwise <c>false</c>.</returns>
        public bool TryGetBySectionEntry(string sectionEntry, ref ConfigurationCell configurationCell)
            for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
                configurationCell = this[i];
                if (string.Compare(configurationCell.SectionEntry, sectionEntry, true) == 0)

            configurationCell = null;
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="DataCell"/> from specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The reference to parent <see cref="DataFrame"/> of this <see cref="DataCell"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="configurationCell">The <see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> associated with this <see cref="DataCell"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="addEmptyValues">If <c>true</c>, adds empty values for each defined configuration cell definition.</param>
        public DataCell(DataFrame parent, ConfigurationCell configurationCell, bool addEmptyValues)
            : this(parent, configurationCell)
            if (addEmptyValues)
                int x;

                // Define needed phasor values
                for (x = 0; x < configurationCell.PhasorDefinitions.Count; x++)
                    PhasorValues.Add(new PhasorValue(this, configurationCell.PhasorDefinitions[x]));

                // Define a frequency and df/dt
                FrequencyValue = new FrequencyValue(this, configurationCell.FrequencyDefinition);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="ConfigurationFrame"/>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="onlineDataFormatFlags">Online data format flags to use in this Macrodyne <see cref="ConfigurationFrame"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="unitID">8 character unit ID to use in this Macrodyne <see cref="ConfigurationFrame"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="configurationFileName">INI configuration file name, if specified.</param>
        /// <param name="deviceLabel">INI section name.</param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This constructor is used by a consumer to generate a Macrodyne configuration frame.
        /// </remarks>
        public ConfigurationFrame(OnlineDataFormatFlags onlineDataFormatFlags, string unitID, string configurationFileName = null, string deviceLabel = null)
            : base(0, new ConfigurationCellCollection(), 0, 0)
            m_onlineDataFormatFlags = onlineDataFormatFlags;
            m_stationName           = unitID;

            ConfigurationCell configCell = new ConfigurationCell(this, deviceLabel);

            // Macrodyne protocol sends data for one device

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(configurationFileName))
                m_iniFile = new IniFile(configurationFileName);

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> from serialization parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info">The <see cref="SerializationInfo"/> with populated with data.</param>
        /// <param name="context">The source <see cref="StreamingContext"/> for this deserialization.</param>
        protected ConfigurationCell(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
            : base(info, context)
            // Deserialize configuration cell
                m_sectionEntry = info.GetString("sectionEntry");
            catch (SerializationException)
                m_sectionEntry = null;

                m_configurationFileCell = info.GetValue("configurationFileCell", typeof(ConfigurationCell)) as ConfigurationCell;
            catch (SerializationException)
                m_configurationFileCell = null;
Пример #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="DigitalDefinition"/> from specified parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">The <see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> parent of this <see cref="DigitalDefinition"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="label">The label of this <see cref="DigitalDefinition"/>.</param>
 public DigitalDefinition(ConfigurationCell parent, string label)
     : base(parent, label)
Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the binary body image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buffer">Binary image to parse.</param>
        /// <param name="startIndex">Start index into <paramref name="buffer"/> to begin parsing.</param>
        /// <param name="length">Length of valid data within <paramref name="buffer"/>.</param>
        /// <returns>The length of the data that was parsed.</returns>
        protected override int ParseBodyImage(byte[] buffer, int startIndex, int length)
            ConfigurationCell  configCell      = ConfigurationCell;
            ConfigurationFrame configFrame     = configCell.Parent;
            ProtocolVersion    protocolVersion = configFrame.CommonHeader.ProtocolVersion;
            IPhasorValue       phasorValue;
            IDigitalValue      digitalValue;
            int parsedLength, index = startIndex;

            if (protocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.M)
                // Parse out optional STATUS2 flags
                if (configFrame.Status2Included)
                    m_status2Flags = buffer[index];
                    m_status2Flags = 0;

                // We interpret status bytes together as one word (matches other protocols this way)
                base.StatusFlags = Word.MakeWord((byte)Status1Flags, m_status2Flags);
                // Read sample number for G protocol
                m_sampleNumber = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, index);
                index         += 2;

            // Parse out time tag
            if (configFrame.TimestampIncluded)
                m_clockStatusFlags = (ClockStatusFlags)buffer[index];
                index += 1;

                ushort day      = BinaryCodedDecimal.Decode(BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, index));
                byte   hours    = BinaryCodedDecimal.Decode(buffer[index + 2]);
                byte   minutes  = BinaryCodedDecimal.Decode(buffer[index + 3]);
                byte   seconds  = BinaryCodedDecimal.Decode(buffer[index + 4]);
                double timebase = 2880.0D;
                index += 5;

                // Read sample number for M protocol
                if (protocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.M)
                    m_sampleNumber = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, index + 5);
                    timebase       = 719.0D;
                    index         += 2;

                // TODO: Think about how to handle year change with floating clock...
                // Calculate timestamp
                Parent.Timestamp = new DateTime(DateTime.UtcNow.Year, 1, 1).AddDays(day - 1).AddHours(hours).AddMinutes(minutes).AddSeconds(seconds + m_sampleNumber / timebase);
                Parent.Timestamp       = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks;
                SynchronizationIsValid = false;
                m_sampleNumber         = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, index);
                index += 2;

            // Parse out first five phasor values (1 - 5)
            int phasorIndex = 0;

            // Phasor 1 (always present)
            phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
            index += parsedLength;

            if ((configFrame.OnlineDataFormatFlags & OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor2Enabled) == OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor2Enabled)
                // Phasor 2
                phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index += parsedLength;

            if ((configFrame.OnlineDataFormatFlags & OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor3Enabled) == OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor3Enabled)
                // Phasor 3
                phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index += parsedLength;

            if ((configFrame.OnlineDataFormatFlags & OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor4Enabled) == OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor4Enabled)
                // Phasor 4
                phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index += parsedLength;

            if ((configFrame.OnlineDataFormatFlags & OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor5Enabled) == OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor5Enabled)
                // Phasor 5
                phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index += parsedLength;

            // For 1690M format the frequency, reference phasor, dF/dt and first digital follow phasors 1-5
            if (protocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.M)
                // Parse out frequency value
                FrequencyValue = Macrodyne.FrequencyValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.FrequencyDefinition, buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index         += parsedLength;

                // Parse reference phasor information
                if (configFrame.ReferenceIncluded)
                    m_referenceSampleNumber = BigEndian.ToUInt16(buffer, index);
                    m_referencePhasor       = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, new PhasorDefinition(null, "Reference Phasor", PhasorType.Voltage, null), buffer, index, out parsedLength) as PhasorValue;
                    index += 6;

                // Parse first digital value
                if (configFrame.Digital1Included)
                    digitalValue = DigitalValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.DigitalDefinitions[0], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                    index += parsedLength;

            // Parse out next five phasor values (6 - 10)
            if ((configFrame.OnlineDataFormatFlags & OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor6Enabled) == OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor6Enabled)
                // Phasor 6
                phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index += parsedLength;

            if ((configFrame.OnlineDataFormatFlags & OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor7Enabled) == OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor7Enabled)
                // Phasor 7
                phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index += parsedLength;

            if ((configFrame.OnlineDataFormatFlags & OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor8Enabled) == OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor8Enabled)
                // Phasor 8
                phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index += parsedLength;

            if ((configFrame.OnlineDataFormatFlags & OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor9Enabled) == OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor9Enabled)
                // Phasor 9
                phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index += parsedLength;

            if ((configFrame.OnlineDataFormatFlags & OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor10Enabled) == OnlineDataFormatFlags.Phasor10Enabled)
                // Phasor 10
                phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index += parsedLength;

            // For 1690G format the channel phasors, reference phasor, frequency, dF/dt and digitals follow phasors 1-10
            if (protocolVersion == ProtocolVersion.G)
                // Technically 30 more possible channel phasors can be defined
                for (int i = phasorIndex; i < ConfigurationCell.PhasorDefinitions.Count; i++)
                    phasorValue = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.PhasorDefinitions[phasorIndex++], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                    index += parsedLength;

                // Parse reference phasor information
                if (configFrame.ReferenceIncluded)
                    m_referencePhasor = PhasorValue.CreateNewValue(this, new PhasorDefinition(null, "Reference Phasor", PhasorType.Voltage, null), buffer, index, out parsedLength) as PhasorValue;
                    index            += parsedLength;

                // Parse out frequency value
                FrequencyValue = Macrodyne.FrequencyValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.FrequencyDefinition, buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index         += parsedLength;

                // Parse first digital value
                if (configFrame.Digital1Included)
                    digitalValue = DigitalValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.DigitalDefinitions[0], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                    index += parsedLength;

            // Parse second digital value
            if (configFrame.Digital2Included)
                digitalValue = DigitalValue.CreateNewValue(this, configCell.DigitalDefinitions[configCell.DigitalDefinitions.Count - 1], buffer, index, out parsedLength);
                index += parsedLength;

            // Return total parsed length
            return(index - startIndex);
Пример #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="PhasorDefinition"/> from specified parameters.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="parent">The <see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> parent of this <see cref="PhasorDefinition"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="label">The label of this <see cref="PhasorDefinition"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The <see cref="PhasorType"/> of this <see cref="PhasorDefinition"/>.</param>
 /// <param name="voltageReference">The associated <see cref="IPhasorDefinition"/> that represents the voltage reference (if any).</param>
 public PhasorDefinition(ConfigurationCell parent, string label, PhasorType type, PhasorDefinition voltageReference)
     : base(parent, label, 1, 0.0D, type, voltageReference)
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Reload Macrodyne INI based configuration file.
        /// </summary>
        public void Refresh()
            if ((object)m_iniFile == null)

            // The only time we need an access lock is when we reload the config file...
            lock (m_iniFile)
                if (File.Exists(m_iniFile.FileName))
                    ConfigurationCell pmuCell;
                    int phasorCount, pmuCount, x, y;

                    m_defaultPhasorV   = new PhasorDefinition(null, 0, m_iniFile["DEFAULT", "PhasorV", DefaultVoltagePhasorEntry]);
                    m_defaultPhasorI   = new PhasorDefinition(null, 0, m_iniFile["DEFAULT", "PhasorI", DefaultCurrentPhasorEntry]);
                    m_defaultFrequency = new FrequencyDefinition(null, m_iniFile["DEFAULT", "Frequency", DefaultFrequencyEntry]);
                    FrameRate          = ushort.Parse(m_iniFile["CONFIG", "SampleRate", "30"]);

                    // We read all cells in the config file into their own configuration cell collection - cells parsed
                    // from the configuration frame will be mapped to their associated config file cell by ID label
                    // when the configuration cell is parsed from the configuration frame
                    if (m_configurationFileCells == null)
                        m_configurationFileCells = new ConfigurationCellCollection(int.MaxValue);


                    // Load phasor data for each section in config file...
                    foreach (string section in m_iniFile.GetSectionNames())
                        if (section.Length > 0)
                            // Make sure this is not a special section
                            if (string.Compare(section, "DEFAULT", true) != 0 && string.Compare(section, "CONFIG", true) != 0)
                                // Create new PMU entry structure from config file settings...
                                phasorCount = int.Parse(m_iniFile[section, "NumberPhasors", "0"]);

                                // Check for PDC code
                                int pdcID = int.Parse(m_iniFile[section, "PDC", "-1"]);

                                if (pdcID == -1)
                                    // No PDC entry exists, assume this is a PMU
                                    pmuCell              = new ConfigurationCell(this);
                                    pmuCell.IDCode       = ushort.Parse(m_iniFile[section, "PMU", Cells.Count.ToString()]);
                                    pmuCell.SectionEntry = section; // This will automatically assign ID label as first 4 digits of section
                                    pmuCell.StationName  = m_iniFile[section, "Name", section];


                                    for (x = 0; x < phasorCount; x++)
                                        pmuCell.PhasorDefinitions.Add(new PhasorDefinition(pmuCell, x + 1, m_iniFile[section, "Phasor" + (x + 1), DefaultVoltagePhasorEntry]));

                                    pmuCell.FrequencyDefinition = new FrequencyDefinition(pmuCell, m_iniFile[section, "Frequency", DefaultFrequencyEntry]);
                                    // This is a PDC, need to define one virtual entry for each PMU
                                    pmuCount = int.Parse(m_iniFile[section, "NumberPMUs", "0"]);

                                    for (x = 0; x < pmuCount; x++)
                                        // Create a new PMU cell for each PDC entry that exists
                                        pmuCell = new ConfigurationCell(this);

                                        // For BPA INI files, PMUs tradionally have an ID number indexed starting at zero or one - so we multiply
                                        // ID by 1000 and add index to attempt to create a fairly unique ID to help optimize downstream parsing
                                        pmuCell.IDCode       = unchecked ((ushort)(pdcID * 1000 + x));
                                        pmuCell.SectionEntry = string.Format("{0}pmu{1}", section, x); // This will automatically assign ID label as first 4 digits of section
                                        pmuCell.StationName  = string.Format("{0} - Device {1}", m_iniFile[section, "Name", section], (x + 1));


                                        for (y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                                            pmuCell.PhasorDefinitions.Add(new PhasorDefinition(pmuCell, y + 1, m_iniFile[section, "Phasor" + ((x * 2) + (y + 1)), DefaultVoltagePhasorEntry]));

                                        pmuCell.FrequencyDefinition = new FrequencyDefinition(pmuCell, m_iniFile[section, "Frequency", DefaultFrequencyEntry]);

                    // Associate single Macrodyne cell with its associated cell hopefully defined in INI file
                    if (m_configurationFileCells.Count > 0 && (object)Cells != null && Cells.Count > 0)
                        ConfigurationCell configurationFileCell = null;

                        // Assign INI file cell associating by section entry
                        ConfigurationCell cell = Cells[0];

                        // Attempt to associate this configuration cell with information read from external INI based configuration file
                        m_configurationFileCells.TryGetBySectionEntry(cell.SectionEntry, ref configurationFileCell);
                        cell.ConfigurationFileCell = configurationFileCell;
                        m_onlineDataFormatFlags    = Common.GetFormatFlagsFromPhasorCount(cell.PhasorDefinitions.Count);
                        m_stationName = cell.StationName;
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Macrodyne config file \"" + m_iniFile.FileName + "\" does not exist.");

            // In case other classes want to know, we send out a notification that the config file has been reloaded (make sure
            // you do this after the write lock has been released to avoid possible dead-lock situations)
            if (ConfigurationFileReloaded != null)
                ConfigurationFileReloaded(this, EventArgs.Empty);
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="FrequencyDefinition"/> from the specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The <see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> parent of this <see cref="FrequencyDefinition"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="entryValue">The entry value from the INI based configuration file.</param>
        public FrequencyDefinition(ConfigurationCell parent, string entryValue)
            : base(parent)
            string[]            entry = entryValue.Split(',');
            FrequencyDefinition defaultFrequency;
            int index = 0;

            if (parent != null)
                defaultFrequency = parent.Parent.DefaultFrequency;
                defaultFrequency = new FrequencyDefinition(null as IConfigurationCell);

            // If initial entry is an F - we just ignore this
            if (string.Compare(entry[index].Trim(), "F", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) == 0)

            if (entry.Length > index)
                ScalingValue = uint.Parse(entry[index++].Trim());
                ScalingValue = defaultFrequency.ScalingValue;

            if (entry.Length > index)
                Offset = double.Parse(entry[index++].Trim());
                Offset = defaultFrequency.Offset;

            if (entry.Length > index)
                DfDtScalingValue = uint.Parse(entry[index++].Trim());
                DfDtScalingValue = defaultFrequency.DfDtScalingValue;

            if (entry.Length > index)
                DfDtOffset = double.Parse(entry[index++].Trim());
                DfDtOffset = defaultFrequency.DfDtOffset;

            if (entry.Length > index)
                m_dummy = int.Parse(entry[index++].Trim());
                m_dummy = defaultFrequency.m_dummy;

            if (entry.Length > index)
                Label = entry[index++].Trim();
                Label = defaultFrequency.Label;
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new <see cref="PhasorDefinition"/> from specified parameters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parent">The <see cref="ConfigurationCell"/> parent of this <see cref="PhasorDefinition"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="index">Index of phasor within INI based configuration file.</param>
        /// <param name="entryValue">The entry value from the INI based configuration file.</param>
        public PhasorDefinition(ConfigurationCell parent, int index, string entryValue)
            : base(parent)
            string[]         entry     = entryValue.Split(',');
            string           entryType = entry[0].Trim().Substring(0, 1).ToUpper();
            PhasorDefinition defaultPhasor;

            if (parent != null)
                ConfigurationFrame configFile = this.Parent.Parent;

                if (entryType == "V")
                    PhasorType    = PhasorType.Voltage;
                    defaultPhasor = configFile.DefaultPhasorV;
                else if (entryType == "I")
                    PhasorType    = PhasorType.Current;
                    defaultPhasor = configFile.DefaultPhasorI;
                    PhasorType    = PhasorType.Voltage;
                    defaultPhasor = configFile.DefaultPhasorV;
                defaultPhasor = new PhasorDefinition(null as ConfigurationCell);

            if (entry.Length > 1)
                Ratio = double.Parse(entry[1].Trim());
                Ratio = defaultPhasor.Ratio;

            if (entry.Length > 2)
                CalFactor = double.Parse(entry[2].Trim());
                ConversionFactor = defaultPhasor.ConversionFactor;

            if (entry.Length > 3)
                Offset = double.Parse(entry[3].Trim());
                Offset = defaultPhasor.Offset;

            if (entry.Length > 4)
                Shunt = double.Parse(entry[4].Trim());
                Shunt = defaultPhasor.Shunt;

            if (entry.Length > 5)
                VoltageReferenceIndex = (int)double.Parse(entry[5].Trim());
                VoltageReferenceIndex = defaultPhasor.VoltageReferenceIndex;

            if (entry.Length > 6)
                Label = entry[6].Trim();
                Label = defaultPhasor.Label;

            this.Index = index;