Пример #1
 private static void calcOffsetLine(ref xyPoint[] offset, xyArcPoint P0, xyArcPoint P1, double angle, double radius)
     offset[0].X = P0.X + Math.Cos(angle) * radius;   // 1st point of 1st line
     offset[0].Y = P0.Y + Math.Sin(angle) * radius;
     offset[1].X = P1.X + Math.Cos(angle) * radius;   // 2nd point of 1st line
     offset[1].Y = P1.Y + Math.Sin(angle) * radius;
Пример #2
        private static bool calcIntersectionLineArc(ref xyPoint[] resultOffset, xyPoint[] linePoint, xyArcPoint arc, double radius) // return success
        {                                                                                                                           // circular equation: r^2 = (x-xm)^2 + (y - ym)^2 = r^2    =>    y = ym ± √(r2 - (x-xm)2)
            // linear equation: y = m*x + n
            double x = 0, x1 = 0, x2 = 0, y = 0, y1 = 0, y2 = 0;
            double dx = (linePoint[1].X - linePoint[0].X);
            double dy = (linePoint[1].Y - linePoint[0].Y);

#if (debuginfo)
            log.Add(string.Format("   calcIntersectionLineArc 0x {0:0.00} 0y {1:0.00} 1x {2:0.00} 1y {3:0.00} Arcx {4:0.00} Arcy {5:0.00} ArcCx {6:0.00} ArcCy {7:0.00}", linePoint[0].X, linePoint[0].Y, linePoint[1].X, linePoint[1].Y, arc.X, arc.Y, arc.CX, arc.CY));
            log.Add(string.Format("   dx {0:0.00} dy {1:0.00} ", dx, dy));
            if (dx == 0)        // vertical line, x is known
                double a2minusb2 = getA2minusB2(radius, (linePoint[0].X - arc.CX));
                if (a2minusb2 >= 0)
                    double tmpRoot = Math.Sqrt(a2minusb2); //  getRoot(radius, (linePoint[0].X - arc.CX));
                    y1 = arc.CY + tmpRoot;                 // y = ym ± √(r2 - (x-xm)2)
                    y2 = arc.CY - tmpRoot;
                    y  = y1;
                    if (Math.Abs(linePoint[1].Y - y2) < Math.Abs(linePoint[1].Y - y1))  // find closer point
                        y = y2;
                    resultOffset[1].X = linePoint[0].X;
                    resultOffset[1].Y = y;
                    resultOffset[2]   = resultOffset[1];
#if (debuginfo)
                    log.Add(string.Format("   intersection at x{0:0.000} y{1:0.000}", resultOffset[1].X, resultOffset[1].Y));
                    resultOffset[1].X = linePoint[0].X;
                    resultOffset[1].Y = resultOffset[3].Y;// arc.Y-radius;
                    resultOffset[2]   = resultOffset[1];
#if (debuginfo)
                    log.Add("   no intersection! ");

            else if (dy == 0)   // horizontal line, y is known
                double a2minusb2 = getA2minusB2(radius, (linePoint[0].Y - arc.CY));
                if (a2minusb2 >= 0)
                    double tmpRoot = Math.Sqrt(a2minusb2);
                    x1 = arc.CX + tmpRoot; // getRoot(radius, (linePoint[0].Y - arc.CY));   // y = ym ± √(r2 - (x-xm)2)
                    x2 = arc.CX - tmpRoot; // getRoot(radius, (linePoint[0].Y - arc.CY));
                    x  = x1;
                    if (Math.Abs(linePoint[1].X - x2) < Math.Abs(linePoint[1].X - x1))
                        x = x2;
                    resultOffset[1].X = x;
                    resultOffset[1].Y = linePoint[0].Y;
                    resultOffset[2]   = resultOffset[1];
#if (debuginfo)
                    log.Add(string.Format("   intersection at x{0:0.000} y{1:0.000}", resultOffset[1].X, resultOffset[1].Y));
                    resultOffset[1].X = resultOffset[2].X;// arc.X - radius;
                    resultOffset[1].Y = linePoint[0].Y;
                    resultOffset[2]   = resultOffset[1];
#if (debuginfo)
                    log.Add("   no intersection! ");
            {   // intersection line-arc
                // circular equation: r^2 = (x-xm)^2 + (y - ym)^2 = r^2    =>    y = ym ± √(r2 - (x-xm)2)
                // linear equation: y = m*x + n     =>   n = y - m*x
                resultOffset[2] = resultOffset[1] = resultOffset[0];
                double m         = dy / dx;                             // y=m*x+n
                double n         = linePoint[1].Y - m * linePoint[1].X; // n=y-m*x
                double a         = 1 + m * m;                           // r²=(x-cx)² + (y-cy)²
                double b         = 2 * (m * n - arc.CX - arc.CY * m);   // 0=x²-2*x*cx+cx² + y²-2*y*cy+cy²
                double c         = arc.CX * arc.CX + arc.CY * arc.CY + n * n - radius * radius - 2 * arc.CY * n;
                double a2minusb2 = getA2minusB2((b * b), (4 * a * c));
                if (a2minusb2 >= 0)
                    double root = Math.Sqrt((b * b) - (4 * a * c));

                    x1 = (-b + root) / (2 * a);           // ax²+bx+c=0
                    x2 = (-b - root) / (2 * a);           // x=(-b±√b²-4ac)/(2a)
                    x  = x1;

                    if (Math.Abs(linePoint[1].X - x2) < Math.Abs(linePoint[1].X - x1))
                        x = x2;
#if (debuginfo)
                    log.Add(string.Format("   x1 {0:0.00} x2 {1:0.00} lp1x {2:0.00} x {3:0.00}", x1, x2, linePoint[1].X, x));
                    y = m * x + n;
                    resultOffset[1].X = x; resultOffset[1].Y = y;
                    resultOffset[2]   = resultOffset[1];
Пример #3
    {                       // http://www.hinterseher.de/Diplomarbeit/GeometrischeFunktionen.html
        // get two lines and calc offsetted points
        public static int getPointOffsets(ref xyPoint[] offset, xyArcPoint P0, xyArcPoint P1, xyArcPoint P2, double distance, bool isEnd)
            xyPoint[] S1off = new xyPoint[2];
            xyPoint[] S2off = new xyPoint[2];

            double a0 = 0, a1 = 0, a2 = 0, a3 = 0, adelta;
            double newRadius1 = distance;
            double newRadius2 = distance;

            if (P1.mode <= 1)   // is a line
                a1 = getAlphaLine(P0, P1);
                a0 = a1;
                calcOffsetLine(ref S1off, P0, P1, a1 + Math.PI / 2, distance); // offset by 90°
                a0 = getAlphaCenterToPoint(P1, P0);    // from center to start
                a1 = getAlphaCenterToPoint(P1, P1);    // from center to end

                double usea0 = a0, usea1 = a1;
                a0 -= Math.PI / 2; a1 -= Math.PI / 2;   // tangente

                if (P1.mode == 3)
                    usea0 += Math.PI; usea1 += Math.PI; // add 180°
                    a0    += Math.PI; a1 += Math.PI;    // tangente reverse

                S1off[0]   = calcOffsetPoint(P0, usea0, distance); // extend radius
                S1off[1]   = calcOffsetPoint(P1, usea1, distance); // extend radius
                newRadius1 = Math.Sqrt((P1.CX - S1off[0].X) * (P1.CX - S1off[0].X) + (P1.CY - S1off[0].Y) * (P1.CY - S1off[0].Y));
            offset[0] = S1off[0];
            offset[1] = S1off[1];

#if (debuginfo)
            log.Add(string.Format(" getPointOffsets P0-P1: P1mode: {0} S1offX {1:0.000} S1offX {2:0.000} S1offX {3:0.000} S1offX {4:0.000}", P1.mode, S1off[0].X, S1off[0].Y, S1off[1].X, S1off[1].Y));

            if (P2.mode <= 1)   // is a line
                a2 = getAlphaLine(P1, P2);
                a3 = a2;
                calcOffsetLine(ref S2off, P1, P2, a2 + Math.PI / 2, distance); // offset by 90°
                a2 = getAlphaCenterToPoint(P2, P1);   // from center to start
                a3 = getAlphaCenterToPoint(P2, P2);   // from center to end
                double usea2 = a2, usea3 = a3;
                a2 -= Math.PI / 2; a3 -= Math.PI / 2; // tangente

                if (P2.mode == 3)
                    usea2 += Math.PI; usea3 += Math.PI;  // add 180°
                    a2    += Math.PI; a3 += Math.PI;     // tangente reverse

                S2off[0]   = calcOffsetPoint(P1, usea2, distance); // extend radius
                S2off[1]   = calcOffsetPoint(P2, usea3, distance); // extend radius
                newRadius2 = Math.Sqrt((P2.CX - S2off[0].X) * (P2.CX - S2off[0].X) + (P2.CY - S2off[0].Y) * (P2.CY - S2off[0].Y));
            offset[2] = S2off[0];
            offset[3] = S2off[1];
#if (debuginfo)
            log.Add(string.Format(" getPointOffsets P1-P2: P2mode: {0} S1offX {1:0.000} S1offX {2:0.000} S1offX {3:0.000} S1offX {4:0.000}", P2.mode, S2off[0].X, S2off[0].Y, S2off[1].X, S2off[1].Y));
            if ((P1.mode == P2.mode) && (P1.X == P2.X) && (P1.Y == P2.Y))
                a2 = a0; a3 = a1;

            // compare angle of both lines P0-P1 and P1-P2
            adelta = a2 - a1;
            double dist = offset[1].DistanceTo(offset[2]);

#if (debuginfo)
            log.Add(string.Format(" getPointOffsets Angles: a1 {0:0.000} a2 {1:0.000} delta {2:0.000}", (a1 * 180 / Math.PI), (a2 * 180 / Math.PI), (adelta * 180 / Math.PI)));
            if (adelta >= (Math.PI))
                adelta -= 2 * Math.PI;
            if (adelta <= -(Math.PI))
                adelta += 2 * Math.PI;

#if (debuginfo)
            log.Add(string.Format(" getPointOffsets adelta corrected {0:0.000}", (adelta * 180 / Math.PI)));
            log.Add(string.Format(" getPointOffsets offset [0]x{0:0.000} [0]y{1:0.000} [1]x{2:0.000} [1]y{3:0.000} [2]x{4:0.000} [2]y{5:0.000}", offset[0].X, offset[0].Y, offset[1].X, offset[1].Y, offset[2].X, offset[2].Y));
            if (isEnd || (Math.Abs(adelta) <= 0.2) || (dist < 0.2))
                return(0);           // S1-angle == S2-angle, no correction needed
            if (Math.Abs(Math.Abs(adelta) - Math.PI) <= 0.2)
                return(1);           // 180°
            if ((adelta > 0) && (distance < 0))
                return(1);           // connect lines with additional arc
            if ((adelta < 0) && (distance > 0))
                return(1);           // connect lines with additional arc
#if (debuginfo)
            log.Add(string.Format(" getPointOffsets Find intersection {0} {1}", P1.mode, P2.mode));

            bool result = false;
            // find common intersection
            if ((P1.mode <= 1) && (P2.mode <= 1)) // line to line
            {                                     // https://www.java-forum.org/thema/algorithmus-fuer-pruefung-auf-ueberschneidende-linien.117102/
                double d = (S1off[1].X - S1off[0].X) * (S2off[0].Y - S2off[1].Y) - (S2off[0].X - S2off[1].X) * (S1off[1].Y - S1off[0].Y);
                if (d == 0)
                    offset[2] = offset[1] = offset[3];
                    double m = ((S2off[0].X - S1off[0].X) * (S2off[0].Y - S2off[1].Y) - (S2off[0].X - S2off[1].X) * (S2off[0].Y - S1off[0].Y)) / d;
                    double n = ((S1off[1].X - S1off[0].X) * (S2off[0].X - S1off[0].X) - (S2off[0].Y - S1off[0].Y) * (S1off[1].Y - S1off[0].Y)) / d;
                    offset[1].X = S1off[0].X + m * (S1off[1].X - S1off[0].X);
                    offset[1].Y = S1off[0].Y + m * (S1off[1].Y - S1off[0].Y);
                    offset[2]   = offset[1];
            else if ((P1.mode <= 1) && (P2.mode >= 2))    // 1st line then arc
                result = calcIntersectionLineArc(ref offset, S1off, P2, newRadius2);
            else if ((P1.mode >= 2) && (P2.mode <= 1))      // 1st arc then line
                xyPoint tmp = S2off[0];
                S2off[0] = S2off[1]; S2off[1] = tmp; // switch points, p[1] should be connection to arc
                result   = calcIntersectionLineArc(ref offset, S2off, P1, newRadius1);
            {   // 1st arc 2nd arc, transfer one arc to line to use available function calcIntersectionLineArc
                // http://www2.math.uni-wuppertal.de/~volkert/Das%20Apollonische%20Beruehrproblem,%202007.pdf
                double dy = P2.CY - P1.CY;
                double dx = P2.CX - P1.CX;
                if (dy == 0)        // center points of arcs on same y -> chordale = vertical line
                    double a  = (newRadius2 * newRadius2 - newRadius1 * newRadius1 - dx * dx) / (-2 * dx);
                    double px = P1.CX + a;  // vertical line
                    S1off[0].X = S1off[1].X = px;
                    S1off[0].Y = -P1.Y;
                    S1off[1].Y = P1.Y;
                    result     = calcIntersectionLineArc(ref offset, S1off, P2, newRadius2);
                else if (dx == 0)   // center points of arcs on same x -> chordale = horizontal line
                    double a  = (newRadius2 * newRadius2 - newRadius1 * newRadius1 - dy * dy) / (-2 * dy);
                    double py = P1.CY + a;  // horizontal line
                    S1off[0].Y = S1off[1].Y = py;
                    S1off[0].X = -P1.X;
                    S1off[1].X = P1.X;
                    result     = calcIntersectionLineArc(ref offset, S1off, P2, newRadius2);
                    double  c     = Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
                    double  a     = (newRadius2 * newRadius2 - newRadius1 * newRadius1 - c * c) / (-2 * c);
                    double  m     = dy / dx;
                    double  angle = getAlphaCenterToCenter(P1, P2);
                    xyPoint aP    = new xyPoint();
                    aP     = calcOffsetPoint(new xyPoint(P1.CX, P1.CY), angle, a);
                    angle += Math.PI / 2;

                    S1off[0] = calcOffsetPoint(aP, angle, newRadius1);  // create line from point
                    S1off[1] = calcOffsetPoint(aP, angle, -newRadius1); // create line from point
                    double d0 = S1off[0].DistanceTo((xyPoint)P1);
                    double d1 = S1off[1].DistanceTo((xyPoint)P1);

                    if (d1 > d0)                                            // index 1 should be closer to final pos
                        S1off[1] = calcOffsetPoint(aP, angle, newRadius1);  // create line from point
                        S1off[0] = calcOffsetPoint(aP, angle, -newRadius1); // create line from point
                    result = calcIntersectionLineArc(ref offset, S1off, P2, newRadius2);

                if ((double.IsNaN(offset[1].X)) || double.IsNaN(offset[1].Y))
                    offset[1].X = 0; offset[1].Y = 0;
                    offset[2]   = offset[1];
            if (result == true) // intersection successful
Пример #4
        // calculate and apply offset for given coordinates in gcodeList[prev,act,next] (which should have xy moves)
        public static int createOffsetedPath(bool isFirst, bool isEnd, int iInitial, int prev, int act, int next, double radius, ref xyPoint[] offset)
            xyArcPoint p1 = fillPointData(prev, prev);
            xyArcPoint p2 = fillPointData(prev, act);
            xyArcPoint p3 = fillPointData(act, next);

            bool isArc        = (gcodeList[act].motionMode > 1);
            bool isFullCircle = ((p1.X == p2.X) && (p1.Y == p2.Y));
            int  offsetType   = crc.getPointOffsets(ref offset, p1, p2, p3, radius, isEnd);

#if (debuginfo)
            log.Add(string.Format(" offset typ{0} x{1:0.000} y{2:0.000}", offsetType, offset[1].X, offset[1].Y));

            /*       if (offsetType == -2)   // intersection not successfull
             *     {
             *         gcodeList[act].motionMode = 1; gcodeList[act].x = null; gcodeList[act].y = null;    // clear move
             *         p2 = p3; p3 = fillPointData(next, next+1);      // next+1 not save
             *         offsetType = crc.getPointOffsets(ref offset, p1, p2, p3, radius, isEnd);
             #if (debuginfo)
             *         log.Add(string.Format(" redo offset x{0:0.000} y{1:0.000}", offset[1].X, offset[1].Y));
             *     }*/

            if (isArc && !isFullCircle)   // replace arc by line, if start and end-point are too close
                double dist = offset[0].DistanceTo(offset[1]);
                double a1   = offset[0].AngleTo(offset[1]);
                double a2   = ((xyPoint)p1).AngleTo((xyPoint)p2);
                if (dist < 0.1)
                    gcodeList[act].motionMode = 1;
                    gcodeList[act].i          = null;
                    gcodeList[act].j          = null;

            if (isFirst)                                                                  // offset 1st point
                gcodeList[iInitial].x = offset[0].X; gcodeList[iInitial].y = offset[0].Y; // offset 1st point

            gcodeList[act].x = offset[1].X; gcodeList[act].y = offset[1].Y;         // offset point
#if (debuginfo)
            log.Add(string.Format(" createOffsetedPath Offset x{0:0.000} y{1:0.000}", gcodeList[act].x, gcodeList[act].y));
            if (isArc)                                                              // offset radius
                double iNew = p2.CX - (double)gcodeList[prev].x;
                double jNew = p2.CY - (double)gcodeList[prev].y;;
                gcodeList[act].i = iNew; gcodeList[act].j = jNew;                           // offset radius

                if (!sameSign(gcodeList[act].i, iNew) || !sameSign(gcodeList[act].j, jNew)) // radius now negative

                //            if ((gcodeList[act].i == 0) && (gcodeList[act].j == 0)) // radius = 0, command not needed
                //             {   gcodeList[act].motionMode = 1; gcodeList[act].i = null; gcodeList[act].j = null;}

            if (offsetType >= 1)     // insert arc to connect lines
                int insert = act + 1;
                gcodeList.Insert(insert, new gcodeByLine(gcodeList[act]));            // insert a copy of actual move
                gcodeList[insert].x = offset[2].X; gcodeList[insert].y = offset[2].Y; // set end-pos.

                double dist = offset[1].DistanceTo(offset[2]);                        // if distance great enough use arc
                if (dist > 0.1)                                                       // make arc, if start and end-point are not too close
                    gcodeList[insert].motionMode = (byte)((radius > 0) ? 2 : 3);
                    gcodeList[insert].i          = gcodeList[insert].actualPos.X - offset[1].X;
                    gcodeList[insert].j          = gcodeList[insert].actualPos.Y - offset[1].Y;
                    gcodeList[insert].motionMode = 1;
#if (debuginfo)
                log.Add(string.Format(" createOffsetedPath Insert G{0} x{1:0.000} y{2:0.000}", gcodeList[insert].motionMode, gcodeList[insert].x, gcodeList[insert].y));
Пример #5
        public static string transformGCodeRadiusCorrection(double radius)
            Logger.Debug("Radius correction r: {0}", radius);
#if (debuginfo)
            log.Add("### GCodeVisu radius correction ###");
            if (gcodeList == null)

            if (lastFigureNumber > 0)
                pathBackground  = (GraphicsPath)pathMarkSelection.Clone();
                origWCOLandMark = (xyPoint)grbl.posWCO;
                pathBackground  = (GraphicsPath)pathPenDown.Clone();
                origWCOLandMark = (xyPoint)grbl.posWCO;

            xyPoint[] offset = new xyPoint[4];
            int       i, figureStart, figure2nd, prev, act, next;
            int       counter = 0, isFirst = 0;
            bool      figureProcessed = false;
            bool      closeFigure     = false;
            bool      endFigure       = false;

            figure2nd = figureStart = prev = act = next = 0;
            int offType = 0;

            for (i = 1; i < gcodeList.Count; i++)
                if ((i == (gcodeList.Count - 1)) || ((lastFigureNumber > 0) && (gcodeList[i].figureNumber != lastFigureNumber))) // if wrong selection, nothing to do
                    if (figureProcessed)                                                                                         // correct last point
                        figureProcessed = false;
                        goto ProcessesPath;

                if (gcodeList[i].ismachineCoordG53)     // machine coordinates, do not change

                if (!xyMove(gcodeList[i]))              // no xy moves, nothing to do - except G0 Z

                while ((gcodeList[i].codeLine == gcodeList[i + 1].codeLine) && (i < gcodeList.Count))  // remove double lines (lff font)
                    gcodeList.RemoveAt(i + 1);

                while (sameXYPos(gcodeList[i], gcodeList[i + 1]) && (i < (gcodeList.Count - 1)))  // remove double coordinates
                    gcodeList.RemoveAt(i + 1);

#if (debuginfo)
                log.Add("----- " + i.ToString() + " -----");
                if (gcodeList[i].motionMode > 1)
                    double tmpR       = Math.Sqrt((double)gcodeList[i].i * (double)gcodeList[i].i + (double)gcodeList[i].j * (double)gcodeList[i].j);
                    bool   remove     = false;
                    double abs_radius = Math.Abs(radius);
                    if (gcodeList[i].motionMode == 2)
                        if ((radius < 0) && (tmpR < abs_radius))
                            remove = true;
                    if (gcodeList[i].motionMode == 3)
                        if ((radius > 0) && (tmpR < abs_radius))
                            remove = true;
                    if (remove)
                        gcodeList[i].i          = null; gcodeList[i].j = null;
                        gcodeList[i].motionMode = 1;
#if (debuginfo)
                        log.Add("Radius too small, do G1 " + gcodeList[act].codeLine + " ##############################");
                figureProcessed = true;                 // must stay before jump label
                next            = i;
                endFigure       = false;

                //               gcodeList[i].info += " "+i.ToString()+" "+ figureProcessed.ToString()+" "+lastFigureNumber.ToString();
                if (counter == 0)
                    figureStart = prev = act = next;
                }                                                                          // preset indices

                if ((gcodeList[prev].motionMode == 0) && (gcodeList[act].motionMode >= 1)) // find start of figure
                    figureStart = prev; figure2nd = act; isFirst = 0;
                }                                                                          //gcodeList[prev].info += " #start "; }

                if ((gcodeList[act].motionMode >= 1) && (gcodeList[next].motionMode == 0)) // find end of figure
                    endFigure = true; figureProcessed = false;
                }                                             // gcodeList[act].info += " #end ";            }

                closeFigure = false;
                if (act != prev)
                    xyArcPoint p1 = fillPointData(prev, prev);
                    xyArcPoint p2 = fillPointData(prev, act);

                    if ((gcodeList[act].actualPos.X == gcodeList[figureStart].actualPos.X) && (gcodeList[act].actualPos.Y == gcodeList[figureStart].actualPos.Y))
                        next = figure2nd; closeFigure = true;
                    }                                        //                    gcodeList[act].info += " closefig "; }

#if (debuginfo)
                    offType = createOffsetedPath((isFirst++ == 0), (endFigure && !closeFigure), figureStart, prev, act, next, radius, ref offset);
#if (debuginfo)
                    log.Add(string.Format(" typ {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} ", offType, endFigure, figureStart, prev, act, next));
                    if (closeFigure)// && !endFigure)
#if (debuginfo)
                        log.Add(string.Format(" close Figure {0:0.00} {1:0.00}  ", offset[2].X, offset[2].Y));
                        gcodeList[figureStart].x = offset[2].X; gcodeList[figureStart].y = offset[2].Y; // close figure
                        if (gcodeList[figure2nd].motionMode > 1)                                        // act
                            bool isFullCircle = ((p1.X == p2.X) && (p1.Y == p2.Y));
                            if (!isFullCircle)
                                xyArcPoint p3 = fillPointData(prev, act);     //fillPointData(act, next);
                                gcodeList[figure2nd].i = p3.CX - offset[2].X;
                                gcodeList[figure2nd].j = p3.CY - offset[2].Y; // offset radius
#if (debuginfo)
                                log.Add(string.Format(" correct Arc center of f2nd {0} origX {1:0.00} origY {2:0.00}  ", figure2nd, p3.CX, p3.CY));
                    next = i;         // restore next
                    if (offType >= 1) // arc or line was inserted to connect points
                        act++; next++; counter++; i++;
                    }                                       // inc. counters

                prev = act; act = next; counter++;

                if (endFigure)
                    prev = act; figureStart = act = i;
                }                                         // preset indices

                if (closeFigure)
                    isFirst = 0;
Пример #6
 private static double getAlphaCenterToCenter(xyArcPoint P1, xyArcPoint P2)
     return(getAlpha(P1.CX, P1.CY, P2.CX, P2.CY));
Пример #7
 private static double getAlphaLine(xyArcPoint P1, xyArcPoint P2)
     return(getAlpha(P1.X, P1.Y, P2.X, P2.Y));
Пример #8
 private static xyPoint calcOffsetPoint(xyArcPoint P, double angle, double radius)
     return(calcOffsetPoint(new xyPoint(P.X, P.Y), angle, radius));