/// <summary> /// The main entry point for the application. /// </summary> static void Main(string[] args) { using (Game1 game = new Game1()) { game.Run(); } }
public HelpScreen(Game1 game) : base(game) { }
public AboutScreen(Game1 game) : base(game) { }
/// <summary> /// This constructor uses the default x and y grid resolutions, and /// the midpoint as the player position. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">The containing game.</param> /// <param name="topLeft">Top left of the bounding rectangle.</param> /// <param name="bottomRight">Bottom right of the bounding rectangle.</param> public Level(Game1 game, Vector2 topLeft, Vector2 bottomRight) : this(game, topLeft, bottomRight, defaultXGridResolution, defaultYGridResolution) { }
/// <summary> /// The full constructor. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">The containing game.</param> /// <param name="topLeft">Top left of the bounding rectangle.</param> /// <param name="bottomRight">Bottom right of the bounding rectangle.</param> /// <param name="playerPosition">The player's location.</param> /// <param name="xgr">X Grid Resolution</param> /// <param name="ygr">Y Grid Resolution</param> public Level(Game1 game, Vector2 topLeft, Vector2 bottomRight, Vector2 playerPosition, int xgr, int ygr) { this.game = game; this.Batch = game.spriteBatch; this.graphicsDevice = game.GraphicsDevice; Grid = new GridPosition[xgr, ygr]; GridSize = new Vector2((bottomRight.X - topLeft.X) / xgr, (bottomRight.Y - topLeft.Y) / ygr); numRoadSquares = 0; this.TopLeft = topLeft; this.BottomRight = bottomRight; this.XGridResolution = xgr; this.YGridResolution = ygr; this.PlayerPosition = playerPosition; NewSpawners = new LinkedList<SpawnPoint>(); ReadySpawners = new LinkedList<SpawnPoint>(); updateBuffer = true; Towers = new List<Tower>(); Creeps = new LinkedList<Creep>(); }
/// <summary> /// This constructor defaults the player position to the level's mid-point. /// </summary> /// <param name="game">The containing game.</param> /// <param name="topLeft">Top left of the bounding rectangle.</param> /// <param name="bottomRight">Bottom right of the bounding rectangle.</param> /// <param name="xgr">X Grid Resolution</param> /// <param name="ygr">Y Grid Resolution</param> public Level(Game1 game, Vector2 topLeft, Vector2 bottomRight, int xgr, int ygr) : this(game, topLeft, bottomRight, (topLeft + bottomRight) / 2.0f, xgr, ygr) { }
public BlackScreen(Game1 game) : base(game) { }
public AchievementsScreen(Game1 game) : base(game) { }
public StartScreen(Game1 game) : base(game) { }
public SpawnPoint(Game1 game, Vector2 startPosition, Vector2 finalPosition) : base(game) { this.game = game; this.Position = startPosition; this.ObjectTexture = GraphicsPool.Spawner; this.graphicsDevice = game.GraphicsDevice; this.ready = false; this.started = false; this.hasBeenChecked = false; WayPoints = new LinkedList<Link>(); FinalPosition = finalPosition; //TODO: Does this comply with the new co-ordinate system...? Vector2 centerXY = TileSystem.LatLongToPixelXY(game.startingCoordinate, game.bingMapsViewer.ZoomLevel); GeoPosition = TileSystem.PixelXYToLatLong(centerXY + startPosition - finalPosition, game.bingMapsViewer.ZoomLevel); FinalGeoPosition = TileSystem.PixelXYToLatLong(centerXY, game.bingMapsViewer.ZoomLevel); effect = new BasicEffect(graphicsDevice); effect.VertexColorEnabled = true; effect.Alpha = 1f; effect.View = Matrix.Identity; effect.World = Matrix.Identity; effect.Projection = Matrix.CreateOrthographicOffCenter(0f, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Width, graphicsDevice.Viewport.Height, 0f, 0f, -1.0F); }
public SplashScreen(Game1 game) : base(game) { }
public ScoresScreen(Game1 game) : base(game) { }
public Screen(Game1 game) { this.theGame = game; }
public NewGameScreen(Game1 game) : base(game) { }
public MainScreen(Game1 game) : base(game) { }
public PlayingScreen(Game1 game) : base(game) { }