Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Return true if the anti-commutator product of the given euclidean basis blades ids is always zero
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id1"></param>
 /// <param name="id2"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsZeroEuclideanAcp(int id1, int id2)
     return(FrameUtils.IsNegativeEGp(id1, id2) == !FrameUtils.IsNegativeEGp(id2, id1));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Compute and fill all GA lookup tables
        /// </summary>
        private static void ComputeGaLookupTables()
            const int c          = 1;
            const int d          = 1;
            var       gaSpaceDim = (c << FrameUtils.MaxVSpaceDimension);
            var       maxId      = gaSpaceDim - 1;
            var       gradeCount = new int[FrameUtils.MaxVSpaceDimension + 1];

            //Initialize all tables
            IdToGradeTable          = new int[gaSpaceDim];
            IdToIndexTable          = new int[gaSpaceDim];
            IsNegativeReverseTable  = new BitArray(gaSpaceDim);
            IsNegativeGradeInvTable = new BitArray(gaSpaceDim);
            IsNegativeClifConjTable = new BitArray(gaSpaceDim);
            IsNegativeEGpTable      = new BitArray(d << (2 * FrameUtils.MaxVSpaceDimension));
            GradeIndexToIdTable     = new List <int[]>(FrameUtils.MaxVSpaceDimension);

            //var stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
            //long ticks = 0;

            for (var id = 0; id <= maxId; id++)
                var grade = id.CountOnes();

                IdToGradeTable[id] = grade;

                //Calculate grade inversion sign
                if (grade.GradeHasNegativeGradeInv())
                    IsNegativeGradeInvTable.Set(id, true);

                //Calculate reversion sign
                if (grade.GradeHasNegativeReverse())
                    IsNegativeReverseTable.Set(id, true);

                //Calculate Clifford conjugate sign
                if (grade.GradeHasNegativeClifConj())
                    IsNegativeClifConjTable.Set(id, true);

                //Calculate index of basis blade ID
                IdToIndexTable[id] = gradeCount[grade];

                gradeCount[grade] += 1;


                //Calculate the sign of the geometric product of basis blades
                var id1 = id;

                for (var id2 = 0; id2 <= maxId; id2++)
                    if (FrameUtils.ComputeIsNegativeEGp(id1, id2))
                        IsNegativeEGpTable.Set(FrameUtils.JoinIDs(id1, id2), true);

                //ticks += stopWatch.ElapsedTicks;


            //Calculate inverse index table: (grade, index) to ID table
            gradeCount = new int[gaSpaceDim];

            for (var id = 0; id <= maxId; id++)
                var grade = IdToGradeTable[id];
                var index = gradeCount[grade];

                gradeCount[grade] += 1;

                if (gradeCount[grade] == 1)
                    GradeIndexToIdTable.Add(new int[Choose(FrameUtils.MaxVSpaceDimension, grade)]);

                GradeIndexToIdTable[grade][index] = id;