Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Parse an XML sum formula and returns a SumFormulaObject
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Only sums in the format =SUM(R[-1]C:R[-1]C) is currently match to lock down the system
        /// </remarks>
        private ExcelSumFormula ParseSumFormula(string formula, int FormulaRow)
            //this patter will match e.g. =SUM(R[-1]C:R[-1]C) and return 2 groups, one for the first row reference and one for the second, without sign
            string pattern = @"=SUM\(R\[-(\d+)\]C:R\[-(\d+)\]C\)";

            Regex           r  = new Regex(pattern, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
            MatchCollection mc = r.Matches(formula);

            //return null if formula doesnt match
            if (mc.Count != 1)

            //parse FromRow and ToRow
            Match  m        = mc[0]; //We've alread checked that the MatchCollection only contains one match, so this is safe
            string sFromRow = m.Groups[1].Value;
            int    iFromRow = int.Parse(sFromRow);
            string sToRow   = m.Groups[2].Value;
            int    iToRow   = int.Parse(sToRow);

            ExcelSumFormula oExcelSumFormula = new ExcelSumFormula();

            oExcelSumFormula.FormulaRow      = FormulaRow;
            oExcelSumFormula.FromRelativeRow = iFromRow;
            oExcelSumFormula.ToRelativeRow   = iToRow;

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Update sum formulas
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="InsertRowNumber"></param>
        private void UpdateSumFormulaRange(int InsertRowNumber)
            //first, find all rows, the loop through all rows to find formulas
            //we need to do it this way to know what the row number is

            XmlNodeList AllRows;

            AllRows = xmlDoc.SelectNodes(".//ss:Row", nsmgr); // gets the cell with the named cell name

            for (int RowIndex = 0; RowIndex < AllRows.Count; RowIndex++)
                //get row
                XmlNode CurrentRow = AllRows[RowIndex];

                //select cells with formulas
                XmlNodeList CellsWithFormulas = CurrentRow.SelectNodes(".//ss:Cell[@ss:Formula]", nsmgr);

                //for each formula, check if it contains a relative reference, pattern "=R[-5]C[-4]/R[-10]C10", e.g. R[-5]C[-4]
                foreach (XmlNode currentCell in CellsWithFormulas)
                    //get formula
                    string          formula       = currentCell.Attributes["ss:Formula"].Value;
                    int             FormulaRow    = RowIndex + 1; //RowIndex is zero based, Excel Rows are one-based
                    ExcelSumFormula oExcelFormula = ParseSumFormula(formula, FormulaRow);

                    //if formula is a sum formula, updates if necessary
                    if (oExcelFormula != null)
                        ExcelSumFormula oUpdatedExcelFormula = UpdateSumFormula(oExcelFormula, InsertRowNumber);
                        currentCell.Attributes["ss:Formula"].Value = oUpdatedExcelFormula.GetFormula();
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the sum formula range if a new row is added just below the range or inside the range
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oExcelSumFormula"></param>
        /// <param name="InsertRow"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private ExcelSumFormula UpdateSumFormula(ExcelSumFormula oExcelSumFormula, int InsertRow)
            Boolean ExpandRange = false;

            //if new row is inserted just below range, expand range
            //Example a. Range is from 5:5, new row inserted at row 5, range exanded to 4:5
            //Example a. Range is from 2:3, new row inserted at row 4, range exanded to 2:4
            if (InsertRow == oExcelSumFormula.ToAbsoluteRow)
                ExpandRange = true;

            if (ExpandRange)
                oExcelSumFormula.FromRelativeRow = oExcelSumFormula.FromRelativeRow + 1;
