public void Update(GameTime gameTime) { elapsedTime += (float)gameTime.ElapsedGameTime.TotalSeconds; for (int i = 0; i < missionCooldowns.Length; i++) { ExtendedTimer timer = missionCooldowns[i]; if (timer.IsCounting) { timer.Update(gameTime); } else if (timer.IsDoneCounting) { while (missions[i] == null) { missions[i] = MissionManager.LoadMission(MissionManager.GetRandomMissionId()); } missions[i].Contractor = this; //There is an error here when you close the game. Could be handles with a save and load function //Though note that this error doesn't happen all the time missions[i].State = Mission.EState.Offered; timer.Reset(Game1.random.Next(minMissionCooldown, maxMissionCooldown), false); } else { /* Do nothing */ } } HandleInteractions(); }
public Planet(string name, int maxNrOfMissions, Sprite highlightedSprite, Sprite sprite, Vector2 position) { = name; this.maxNrOfMissions = maxNrOfMissions; this.highlightedSprite = highlightedSprite; this.sprite = sprite; this.position = position; font = AssetManager.FontAsset("default_font"); isHighlighted = false; missions = new Mission[maxNrOfMissions]; missionCooldowns = new ExtendedTimer[maxNrOfMissions]; minMissionCooldown = 20000; /* ms */ maxMissionCooldown = 30000; /* ms */ scale = Vector2.One; origin = new Vector2(sprite.Width * 0.5f, sprite.Height * 0.5f); radius = (sprite.Width * 0.5f) - 1f; EventManager.Register(this); if (scale.X == scale.Y) { radius = (float)Math.Floor((decimal)sprite.Width / 2); } else { throw new NotImplementedException(); } highlightedSpriteOrigin = new Vector2(highlightedSprite.Width * 0.5f, highlightedSprite.Height * 0.5f); highlightedSpriteOffset = new Vector2((highlightedSprite.Width - sprite.Width) * 0.5f, (highlightedSprite.Height - sprite.Height) * 0.5f); for (int i = 0; i < missionCooldowns.Length; i++) { if (missionCooldowns[i] == null) { missionCooldowns[i] = new ExtendedTimer(Game1.random.Next(minMissionCooldown, maxMissionCooldown), false); } } for (int i = 0; i < missions.Length; i++) { int rand = MissionManager.GetRandomMissionId(); missions[i] = MissionManager.LoadMission(rand); if (missions[i] == null) { continue; } missions[i].Contractor = this; missions[i].State = Mission.EState.Offered; } }
public MissionInterfaceButton(Rectangle bounds, Texture2D backgroundAvailable, Texture2D backgroundSelected, Texture2D backgroundUnavailable, Mission mission, ExtendedTimer timer, string text, SpriteFont font) { this.backgroundSelected = backgroundSelected; this.backgroundAvailable = backgroundAvailable; this.backgroundUnavailable = backgroundUnavailable; Mission = mission; Timer = timer; Button = new UIButton(bounds, backgroundAvailable, text, font, () => { IsSelected = true; }); Button.HoveredTexture = backgroundSelected; }
public MissionInterfaceButton(UIButton button, Mission mission, ExtendedTimer timer) { Button = button; Mission = mission; Timer = timer; }