/// <summary>
        /// Fetches the dropdown metadata instance that should be used. This performs any necessary initialization.
        /// </summary>
        private static fiDropdownMetadata GetDropdownMetadata(IPropertyEditor editor, fiGraphMetadata metadata)
            bool wasCreated;
            var  dropdown = metadata.GetPersistentMetadata <fiDropdownMetadata>(out wasCreated);

            if (wasCreated && editor is IPropertyEditorDefaultFoldoutState)

                if (((IPropertyEditorDefaultFoldoutState)editor).DefaultFoldoutState == false)

        private static T DoEdit2 <T>(IPropertyEditorEditAPI api, Rect region, GUIContent label, T element, fiGraphMetadata metadata)
            var dropdown = metadata.GetPersistentMetadata <fiDropdownMetadata>();

            // Activate the foldout if we're above the minimum foldout height
            if (dropdown.ShouldDisplayDropdownArrow == false)
                dropdown.ShouldDisplayDropdownArrow = region.height > fiSettings.MinimumFoldoutHeight;

            // We're rendering dropdown logic
            if (dropdown.ShouldDisplayDropdownArrow)
                // The foldout is hidden. Just draw the collapsed arrow and return.
                if (dropdown.IsActive == false)
                    // Some editors don't always supply a label (for example, the collection editors),
                    // so instead of showing nothing we'll show a handy "Collapsed value" instead
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.text))
                        label = new GUIContent("Collapsed value");
                    label = api.GetFoldoutHeader(label, element);

                    region.width  = EditorStyles.foldout.CalcSize(label).x;
                    region.height = FoldoutHeight;

                    // note: we don't use dropdown.IsActive = ... because we can be animating, and doing
                    // that direct-assign toggle will cause the animation to flip-flop infinitely
                    if (EditorGUI.Foldout(region, false, label, /*toggleOnLabelClick:*/ true) == true)
                        dropdown.IsActive = true;


                // Okay, we're going to be rendering the content of the body. We want to figure out how to
                // actually render the dropdown arrow. We do it in one of two ways:
                //  1. Draw using EditorGUI.Foldout with the full label
                //  2. Draw just the foldout and indent the rect if we're not in hierarchy mode

                // We have a couple of special cases to handle:
                //  1. We don't have a label
                //  2. The editor has non-standard label rendering
                // In these scenarioes, we will just draw the foldout arrow by itself and indent the contents of
                // the region.
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(label.text) || api.DisplaysStandardLabel == false)
                    Rect foldoutRegion = region;
                    foldoutRegion.width  = EditorStyles.foldout.CalcSize(GUIContent.none).x;
                    foldoutRegion.height = FoldoutHeight;

                    // note: We don't use dropdown.IsActive = ... because we can be animating, and doing
                    // that direct-assign toggle will cause the animation to flip-flop infinitely
                    if (EditorGUI.Foldout(foldoutRegion, true, label, /*toggleOnLabelClick:*/ true) == false)
                        dropdown.IsActive = false;

                    // Indent the body if we're not in hierarchy mode
                    if (EditorGUIUtility.hierarchyMode == false)
                        region.x     += foldoutRegion.width;
                        region.width -= foldoutRegion.width;

                // We will render the foldout including the label
                    Rect foldoutRegion = region;
                    foldoutRegion.width  = EditorStyles.foldout.CalcSize(label).x;
                    foldoutRegion.height = FoldoutHeight;

                    // note: We don't use dropdown.IsActive = ... because we can be animating, and doing
                    // that direct-assign toggle will cause the animation to flip-flop infinitely
                    if (EditorGUI.Foldout(foldoutRegion, true, label, /*toggleOnLabelClick:*/ true) == false)
                        dropdown.IsActive = false;
                    label = new GUIContent(" ");

            // Draw the actual edited content
            if (dropdown.IsAnimating)
                fiEditorGUI.BeginFadeGroup(FoldoutHeight, ref region, dropdown.AnimPercentage);
            var result = (T)api.Edit(region, label, element, metadata);

            if (dropdown.IsAnimating)

            // End the cull zone. This should have been started inside of GetElementHeight, but if
            // for some reason GetElementHeight was never called, this will be harmless if not
            // currently in a cull-zone.
