Пример #1
        public bool SetProps(PathMarkerInstanceTemplate newProps)
            if (newProps != null && (newProps == mProps))

            if (HasPathMarkerProps)
                //tell the props we have now that it no longer has an instance
                mProps.HasInstance = false;

            mProps = newProps;
            if (mProps == null)
                //Debug.Log ("props were null in set props");
                name = "(Empty)";
                mProps.Owner = this;
                name         = mProps.PathName + "-" + mProps.IndexInParentPath.ToString();
Пример #2
        public void CreatePathMarkerProps()
            if (HasPathMarkerProps)

            mProps = new PathMarkerInstanceTemplate();
            switch (worlditem.State)
            case "PathMarker":
                mProps.Type = PathMarkerType.PathMarker;

            case "CrossMarker":
                mProps.Type = PathMarkerType.CrossMarker;
            mProps.Position = worlditem.tr.position;
            mProps.Rotation = worlditem.tr.rotation.eulerAngles;
            mProps.Owner    = this;

            Visitable visitable = worlditem.Get <Visitable>();

            mProps.Visitable = visitable.State;

            Revealable revealable = worlditem.Get <Revealable>();

            mProps.Revealable = revealable.State;
Пример #3
        protected void FollowPath()
            if (LastMarker == null)
                //if we don't have a 'last marker'
                //get one by finding the closest marker
                LastMarker = Paths.GetMarkerClosestTo(mActivePath, worlditem.Position);
            if (NextMarker == null)
                //if we don't find a marker in this direction
                if (!Paths.GetNextMarkerInDirection(mActivePath, State.Direction, LastMarker, out NextMarker))
                    //try another direction
                    State.Direction = Paths.ReverseDirection(State.Direction);
                    if (!Paths.GetNextMarkerInDirection(mActivePath, State.Direction, LastMarker, out NextMarker))
                        Debug.Log("Still failed to get next marker, how is that possible?");
                        //kill the script

            if (!mFollowingPathOverTime)
                mFollowingPathOverTime = true;

            //TODO use an animation override in the motile action
            //this is strictly temporary
            character.Body.Animator.animator.SetBool("Walking", true);
Пример #4
        protected IEnumerator UpdateFollowPath()
            //check if we're still supposed to be doing this
            if (!HasActivePath)                                      //whoops stuff is gone
                State.PathMode = FollowPathMode.None;
                yield break;
                switch (State.PathMode)
                case FollowPathMode.ReachedEndOfPath:
                    //TODO instead of ping-ponging, make it possible for pilgrims
                    //to choose another path to use
                    //Paths.GetNextMarkerInDirection(ActivePath, State.Direction, LastMarker, out NextMarker);
                    State.PathMode = FollowPathMode.FollowingPath;

                case FollowPathMode.ReachedPilgrimStop:
//												PilgrimStop pilgrimStop = null;
//												if (LastLocationReached.worlditem.Is <PilgrimStop>(out pilgrimStop)
//												&&	LastLocationReached != StartLocationTarget
//												&&	State.TookDirection) {	//if we've hit a pilgrim stop AND we're not at the start location AND we took direction
//														//move to the pilgrim stop after which we'll wait for directions
//														State.PathMode = FollowPathMode.MovingToPilgrimStop;
//														PathFollower.transform.position = LastLocationReached.RandomPilgrimPosition + Vector3.up;
//												} else if (CurrentPath.GetNeighbor(LastLocationReached, State.Direction, new List <string>(), out NextLocationTarget)) {	//if we've reached the pilgrim stop and we can still get a neighbor
//														//set the follower to the next node
//														////Debug.Log ("Reached location " + LastLocationReached.name + ", got next in line, going to " + NextLocationTarget.name);
//														State.PathMode = FollowPathMode.FollowingPath;
//														PathFollower.transform.position = NextLocationTarget.transform.position + Vector3.up;
//												} else {	//otherwise we've reached the end of the path
//														////Debug.Log ("Reached end of path after hitting pilgrim stop");
//														State.PathMode = FollowPathMode.ReachedEndOfPath;
//												}

                case FollowPathMode.MovingToPilgrimStop:
                    //move next to the pilgrim stop
//												if (Vector3Extensions.Distance2D(transform.position, PathFollower.transform.position) < 1.0f) {	//if we're really close then we've reached end of path
//														State.PathMode = FollowPathMode.ReachedEndOfPath;
//												}

                case FollowPathMode.WaitingForObstruction:
                    //if the obstruction is null or no longer obstructs the path
//												if (CurrentObstruction == null || !CurrentObstruction.ObstructedPaths.Contains(State.LastPathUsed)) {	//continue walking along the path
//														State.PathMode = FollowPathMode.FollowingPath;
//												}

                case FollowPathMode.FollowingPath:
//												State.CurrentMeters = CurrentPath.MetersFromPosition(transform.position);
//												see if we're ready to move to next point along meters
//												Vector3 pathPoint       = PathFollower.position;
//												Vector3 normal			= Vector3.zero;
//												bool hitWater			= false;
//												bool hitTerrainMesh		= false;
//												if (WorldItems.IsInActiveRange (NextLocationTarget.worlditem, transform.position, gMaxPilgrimStopRange)) {	//if we've gotten to the location
//													////Debug.Log ("Reached location target " + NextLocationTarget.name);
//													State.PathMode = FollowPathMode.ReachedPilgrimStop;
//													LastLocationReached = NextLocationTarget;
//													//wait a tad
//													yield return new WaitForSeconds (0.5f);
//												}
//												if (Vector3.Distance (pathPoint, transform.position) < gPathFollowGoalRange)
//												{	////Debug.Log ("Moved goal object");
//													//we're ready to move the goal farther along the path
//													else if (Vector3.Distance (transform.position, EndLocationTarget.transform.position) < gPathFollowGoalRange)
//													{	//if this returns false, that means we've reached the goal meters
//														//Debug.Log ("Reached end of path at " + State.CurrentMeters + " due to proximity");
//														State.PathMode = FollowPathMode.ReachedEndOfPath;
//													}
//													pathPoint   = CurrentPath.PositionFromMeters (State.CurrentMeters);
//													pathPoint.y = GameWorld.Get.TerrainHeightAtInGamePosition (pathPoint, true, ref hitWater, ref hitTerrainMesh, ref normal) + 0.5f;
//												}
                    if (mFollowPathAction.IsInRange)
                        //get the next marker after the current marker
                        PathMarkerInstanceTemplate newGoal = null;
                        if (Paths.GetNextMarkerInDirection(mActivePath, State.Direction, NextMarker, out newGoal))
                            LastMarker = NextMarker;
                            NextMarker = newGoal;
                            //reverse direction!
                            State.Direction = Paths.ReverseDirection(State.Direction);
                            //go to the last marker instead
                            newGoal    = LastMarker;
                            LastMarker = NextMarker;
                //wait for a tick
                yield return(null);
            yield break;