Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Parse any direct tag input values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="data">The input tag data.</param>
 public override string Handle(TagData data)
     if (data.Input.Count == 0)
         return ToString();
     switch (data.Input[0])
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.size
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType TextTag
         // @Returns the number of entries in the list.
         // @Example "one|two|three" .size returns "3".
         // -->
         case "size":
             return new TextTag(ListEntries.Count.ToString()).Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.comma_separated
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType TextTag
         // @Returns the list in a user-friendly comma-separated format.
         // @Example "one|two|three" .comma_separated returns "one, two, three".
         // -->
         case "comma_separated":
             return new TextTag(ToCSString()).Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.space_separated
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType TextTag
         // @Returns the list in a space-separated format.
         // @Example "one|two|three" .space_separated returns "one two three".
         // -->
         case "space_separated":
             return new TextTag(ToSpaceString()).Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.unseparated
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType TextTag
         // @Returns the list as an unseparated string.
         // @Example "one|two|three" .unseparated returns "onetwothree".
         // -->
         case "unseparated":
             return new TextTag(ToFlatString()).Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.formatted
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType TextTag
         // @Returns the list in a user-friendly format.
         // @Example "one|two|three" .formatted returns "one, two, and three",
         // @Example "one|two" .formatted returns "one and two".
         // -->
         case "formatted":
             return new TextTag(Formatted()).Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.reversed
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType ListTag
         // @Returns the list entirely backwards.
         // @Example "one|two|three" .reversed returns "three|two|one".
         // -->
         case "reversed":
                 ListTag newlist = new ListTag(ListEntries);
                 return newlist.Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.first
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType Dynamic
         // @Returns the first entry in the list.
         // @Example "one|two|three" .first returns "one".
         // -->
         case "first":
             if (ListEntries.Count == 0)
                 return new TextTag("&null").Handle(data.Shrink());
             return ListEntries[0].Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.random
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType Dynamic
         // @Returns a random entry from the list
         // @Example "one|two|three" .random returns "one", "two", or "three".
         // -->
         case "random":
             if (ListEntries.Count == 0)
                 return new TextTag("&null").Handle(data.Shrink());
             return ListEntries[data.TagSystem.CommandSystem.random.Next(ListEntries.Count)].Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.last
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType Dynamic
         // @Returns the last entry in the list.
         // @Example "one|two|three" .last returns "three".
         // -->
         case "last":
             if (ListEntries.Count == 0)
                 return new TextTag("&null").Handle(data.Shrink());
             return ListEntries[ListEntries.Count - 1].Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.get[<TextTag>]
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType Dynamic
         // @Returns the specified entry in the list.
         // @Other note that indices are one-based.
         // @Example "one|two|three" .get[2] returns "two".
         // -->
         case "get":
                 int number = FreneticUtilities.StringToInt(data.GetModifier(0)) - 1;
                 if (ListEntries.Count == 0)
                     return new TextTag("&null").Handle(data.Shrink());
                 if (number < 0)
                     number = 0;
                 if (number >= ListEntries.Count)
                     number = ListEntries.Count - 1;
                 return ListEntries[number].Handle(data.Shrink());
         // <--[tag]
         // @Name ListTag.range[<TextTag>,<TextTag>]
         // @Group List Attributes
         // @ReturnType ListTag<Dynamic>
         // @Returns the specified set of entries in the list.
         // @Other note that indices are one-based.
         // @Example "one|two|three|four" .range[2,3] returns "two|three".
         // @Example "one|two|three" .range[2,1] returns an empty list.
         // @Example "one|two|three" .range[2,2] returns "two".
         // -->
         case "range":
                 string[] split = data.GetModifier(0).Split(',');
                 if (split.Length != 2)
                     return new TextTag("&null").Handle(data.Shrink());
                 if (ListEntries.Count == 0)
                     return new TextTag("&null").Handle(data.Shrink());
                 int number = FreneticUtilities.StringToInt(split[0]) - 1;
                 int number2 = FreneticUtilities.StringToInt(split[1]) - 1;
                 if (number < 0)
                     number = 0;
                 if (number2 < 0)
                     number2 = 0;
                 if (number >= ListEntries.Count)
                     number = ListEntries.Count - 1;
                 if (number2 >= ListEntries.Count)
                     number2 = ListEntries.Count - 1;
                 if (number2 < number)
                     return new ListTag("").Handle(data.Shrink());
                 List<TemplateObject> Entries = new List<TemplateObject>();
                 for (int i = number; i <= number2; i++)
                 return new ListTag(Entries).Handle(data.Shrink());
             return new TextTag(ToString()).Handle(data);