Пример #1
        public ClimbInfo CheckWallsClimbability()
            var ret = new ClimbInfo();
            ret.CanHang = false;
            ret.WallHit = ClimbType.None;
            ret.EdgeHit = false;
            ret.EdgeObject = null;
            ret.FloorLimit = HeightInfo.FloorHit ? HeightInfo.FloorPoint.Z : -9e10f;
            ret.CeilingLimit = HeightInfo.CeilingHit ? HeightInfo.CeilingPoint.Z : 9e10f;
            ret.Point = Climb.Point;

            if (!HeightInfo.WallsClimb)
                return ret;

            ret.Up = Vector3.UnitZ;

            var pos = Transform.Origin;
            var from = pos + Transform.Basis.Column2 * Bf.BBMax.Z - Transform.Basis.Column1 * ClimbR;
            var to = from;
            var t = ForwardSize + Bf.BBMax.Y;
            to += Transform.Basis.Column1 * t;

            var ccb = ConvexCb;
            ccb.ClosestHitFraction = 1.0f;
            ccb.HitCollisionObject = null;

            var tr1 = new Transform();
            tr1.Origin = from;

            var tr2 = new Transform();
            tr2.Origin = to;

            BtEngineDynamicsWorld.ConvexSweepTest(ClimbSensor, ((Matrix4) tr1).ToBullet(), ((Matrix4) tr2).ToBullet(), ccb);
            if (!ccb.HasHit)
                return ret;

            ret.Point = ccb.HitPointWorld.ToOpenTK();
            ret.N = ccb.HitNormalWorld.ToOpenTK();
            var wn2 = new[] {ret.N.X, ret.N.Y};
            t = (float) Math.Sqrt(wn2[0] * wn2[0] + wn2[1] * wn2[1]);
            wn2[0] /= t;
            wn2[1] /= t;

            ret.Right.X = -wn2[1];
            ret.Right.Y = wn2[0];
            ret.Right.Z = 0.0f;

            // now we have wall normale in XOY plane. Let us check all flags
            if (HeightInfo.WallsClimbDir.HasFlagSig(SectorFlag.ClimbNorth) && wn2[1] < -0.7f
                || HeightInfo.WallsClimbDir.HasFlagSig(SectorFlag.ClimbEast) && wn2[0] < -0.7f
                || HeightInfo.WallsClimbDir.HasFlagSig(SectorFlag.ClimbSouth) && wn2[1] > 0.7f
                || HeightInfo.WallsClimbDir.HasFlagSig(SectorFlag.ClimbWest) && wn2[0] > 0.7f)
                ret.WallHit = ClimbType.HandsOnly;

            if (ret.WallHit != ClimbType.None)
                t = 0.67f * Height;
                from -= Transform.Basis.Column2 * t;
                to = from;
                t = ForwardSize + Bf.BBMax.Y;
                to += Transform.Basis.Column1 * t;

                ccb.ClosestHitFraction = 1.0f;
                ccb.HitCollisionObject = null;
                tr1.Origin = from;
                tr2.Origin = to;
                BtEngineDynamicsWorld.ConvexSweepTest(ClimbSensor, ((Matrix4) tr1).ToBullet(), ((Matrix4) tr2).ToBullet(), ccb);
                if (ccb.HasHit)
                    ret.WallHit = ClimbType.FullBody;

            return ret;
Пример #2
        public ClimbInfo CheckClimbability(Vector3 offset, HeightInfo nfc, float testHeight)
            Vector3 from, to;
            float d;
            var pos = Transform.Origin;
            var t1 = new Transform();
            var t2 = new Transform();
            byte upFounded;
            var castRay = new float[6];

            // init callbacks functions
            nfc.Cb = RayCb;
            nfc.Ccb = ConvexCb;
            var tmp = pos + offset;

            var ret = new ClimbInfo();
            ret.HeightInfo = CheckNextStep(offset + new Vector3(0, 0, 128), nfc);
            ret.CanHang = false;
            ret.EdgeHit = false;
            ret.EdgeObject = null;
            ret.FloorLimit = HeightInfo.FloorHit ? HeightInfo.FloorPoint.Z : -9e10f;
            ret.CeilingLimit = HeightInfo.CeilingHit ? HeightInfo.CeilingPoint.Z : 9e10f;
            if (nfc.CeilingHit && nfc.CeilingPoint.Z < ret.CeilingLimit)
                ret.CeilingLimit = nfc.CeilingPoint.Z;
            ret.Point = Climb.Point;

            // check max height
            if (HeightInfo.CeilingHit && tmp.Z > HeightInfo.CeilingPoint.Z - ClimbR - 1.0f)
                tmp.Z = HeightInfo.CeilingPoint.Z - ClimbR - 1.0f;

            // let's calculate edge
            from.X = pos.X - Transform.Basis.Column1.X * ClimbR * 2.0f;
            from.Y = pos.Y - Transform.Basis.Column1.Y * ClimbR * 2.0f;
            from.Z = pos.Z;
            to = tmp;

            upFounded = 0;
            testHeight = Math.Max(testHeight, MaxStepUpHeight);
            d = pos.Z + Bf.BBMax.Z - testHeight;
            to.CopyToArray(castRay, 0);
            to.CopyToArray(castRay, 3);
            castRay[5] -= d;
            var n0 = Vector3.Zero;
            var n1 = Vector3.Zero;
            var n0d = 0.0f;
            var n1d = 0.0f;
                t1.Origin = from;
                t2.Origin = to;
                nfc.Ccb.ClosestHitFraction = 1.0f;
                nfc.Ccb.HitCollisionObject = null;
                BtEngineDynamicsWorld.ConvexSweepTest(ClimbSensor, ((Matrix4) t1).ToBullet(), ((Matrix4) t2).ToBullet(), nfc.Ccb);
                if (nfc.Ccb.HasHit)
                    if (nfc.Ccb.HitNormalWorld.Z >= 0.1f)
                        upFounded = 1;
                        n0 = nfc.Ccb.HitNormalWorld.ToOpenTK();
                        n0d = -n0.Dot(nfc.Ccb.HitPointWorld.ToOpenTK());
                    if (upFounded != 0 && nfc.Ccb.HitNormalWorld.Z < 0.001f)
                        n1 = nfc.Ccb.HitNormalWorld.ToOpenTK();
                        n1d = -n1.Dot(nfc.Ccb.HitPointWorld.ToOpenTK());
                        Climb.EdgeObject = nfc.Ccb.HitCollisionObject;
                        upFounded = 2;
                    tmp.X = to.X;
                    tmp.Y = to.Y;
                    tmp.Z = d;
                    t1.Origin = to;
                    t2.Origin = tmp;
                    t1.Origin = from;
                    t2.Origin = to;
                    nfc.Ccb.ClosestHitFraction = 1.0f;
                    nfc.Ccb.HitCollisionObject = null;
                    BtEngineDynamicsWorld.ConvexSweepTest(ClimbSensor, ((Matrix4) t1).ToBullet(), ((Matrix4) t2).ToBullet(), nfc.Ccb);
                    if (nfc.Ccb.HasHit)
                        upFounded = 1;
                        n0 = nfc.Ccb.HitNormalWorld.ToOpenTK();
                        n0d = -n0.Dot(nfc.Ccb.HitPointWorld.ToOpenTK());
                        return ret;

                // mult 0.66 is magic, but it must be less than 1.0 and greater than 0.0;
                // close to 1.0 - bad precision, good speed;
                // close to 0.0 - bad speed, bad precision;
                // close to 0.5 - middle speed, good precision
                from.Z -= 0.66f * ClimbR;
                to.Z -= 0.66f * ClimbR;
            } while (to.Z >= d); // we can't climb under floor!

            if (upFounded != 2)
                return ret;

            // get the character plane equation
            var n2 = Transform.Basis.Column0;
            var n2d = -n2.Dot(pos);


             * Solve system of the linear equations by Kramer method!
             * I know - It may be slow, but it has a good precision!
             * The root is point of 3 planes intersection.
            d = -n0[0] * (n1[1] * n2[2] - n1[2] * n2[1]) +
                n1[0] * (n0[1] * n2[2] - n0[2] * n2[1]) -
                n2[0] * (n0[1] * n1[2] - n0[2] * n1[1]);

            if (Math.Abs(d) < 0.005f)
                return ret;

            ret.EdgePoint[0] = n0d * (n1[1] * n2[2] - n1[2] * n2[1]) -
                               n1d * (n0[1] * n2[2] - n0[2] * n2[1]) +
                               n2d * (n0[1] * n1[2] - n0[2] * n1[1]);
            ret.EdgePoint[0] /= d;

            ret.EdgePoint[1] = n0[0] * (n1d * n2[2] - n1[2] * n2d) -
                               n1[0] * (n0d * n2[2] - n0[2] * n2d) +
                               n2[0] * (n0d * n1[2] - n0[2] * n1d);
            ret.EdgePoint[1] /= d;

            ret.EdgePoint[2] = n0[0] * (n1[1] * n2d - n1d * n2[1]) -
                               n1[0] * (n0[1] * n2d - n0d * n2[1]) +
                               n2[0] * (n0[1] * n1d - n0d * n1[1]);
            ret.EdgePoint[2] /= d;
            ret.Point = ret.EdgePoint;
            ret.Point.CopyToArray(castRay, 3);
             * unclimbable edge slant %)
            n2 = n0.Cross(n1);
            d = CriticalSlantZComponent;
            d *= d * (n2[0] * n2[0] + n2[1] * n2[1] + n2[2] * n2[2]);
            if (n2[2] * n2[2] > d)
                return ret;

             * Now, let us calculate z_angle
            ret.EdgeHit = true;

            n2.Z = n2.X;
            n2.X = n2.Y;
            n2.Y = -n2.Z;
            n2.Z = 0.0f;
            if (n2.X * Transform.Basis.Column1.X + n2.Y * Transform.Basis.Column1.Y > 0) // direction fixing
                n2.X = -n2.X;
                n2.Y = -n2.Y;

            ret.N = n2;
            ret.Up.X = 0.0f;
            ret.Up.Y = 0.0f;
            ret.Up.Z = 1.0f;
            ret.EdgeZAngle = Helper.Atan2(n2.X, -n2.Y) * DegPerRad;
            ret.EdgeTanXY.X = -n2.Y;
            ret.EdgeTanXY.Y = n2.X;
            ret.EdgeTanXY.Z = 0.0f;
            ret.EdgeTanXY /= (float) Math.Sqrt(n2.X * n2.X + n2.Y * n2.Y);
            ret.Right = ret.EdgeTanXY;

            if (!HeightInfo.FloorHit || ret.EdgePoint.Z - HeightInfo.FloorPoint.Z >= Height)
                ret.CanHang = true;

            ret.NextZSpace = 2.0f * Height;
            if (nfc.FloorHit && nfc.CeilingHit)
                ret.NextZSpace = nfc.CeilingPoint.Z - nfc.FloorPoint.Z;

            return ret;