Пример #1
        private LabelingPositionList RedoAV()
            LabelingPositionList lps_local = new LabelingPositionList(this.LabelingPositions.Count);


            AVEngine         av = new AVEngine(mt, this.ProjectDataCopy.AVGlobalParameters);
            LabelingPosition l;
            Vector3          rmp;
            int natom, nmol;

            for (Int32 i = 0; i < lps_local.Count; i++)
                l = lps_local[i];
                if (l.AVData.AVType == AVSimlationType.None)
                nmol  = sr.Molecules.FindIndex(l.Molecule);
                natom = Array.BinarySearch <Int32>(mt.OriginalAtomID, molstart[nmol], molnatoms[nmol], l.AVData.AtomID);
                if (l.AVData.AVType == AVSimlationType.SingleDyeR)
                    av.Calculate1R(l.AVData.L, l.AVData.W, l.AVData.R, natom);
                else if (l.AVData.AVType == AVSimlationType.ThreeDyeR)
                    av.Calculate3R(l.AVData.L, l.AVData.W, l.AVData.R1, l.AVData.R2, l.AVData.R3, natom);
                rmp = Matrix3.Transpose(sr.Rotation[nmol]) * (av.Rmp - sr.Translation[nmol]
                                                              + sr.Molecules[0].CM - sr.Molecules[nmol].CM) + sr.Molecules[nmol].CM;
                l.X          = rmp.X; l.Y = rmp.Y; l.Z = rmp.Z;
                lps_local[i] = l;
Пример #2
 private void calculatebutton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     savebutton.Enabled = false;
     addbutton.Enabled  = false;
     ave = _standalone ? new AVEngine(_molecules[moleculescomboBox.SelectedIndex]) :
           new AVEngine(_molecules[moleculescomboBox.SelectedIndex], _avpar);
     _lastcalculated = _molecules[moleculescomboBox.SelectedIndex];
     if (simcombobox.SelectedIndex == 0) // simple AV
         _lastparams = "molecule " + _lastcalculated.Name + " (" + _lastcalculated.FullFileName + "); atom "
                       + atomIDnumericBoxInt32.Value.ToString() + " (" + atomnametextBox.Text + "); linker length = "
                       + LnumericBoxDouble.Value.ToString() + " width = " + WnumericBoxDouble.Value.ToString()
                       + " dye radius = " + R1numericBoxDouble.Value.ToString();
         ave.Calculate1R(LnumericBoxDouble.Value, WnumericBoxDouble.Value, R1numericBoxDouble.Value, _natom);
     else if (simcombobox.SelectedIndex == 1) // 3 radii
         _lastparams = "molecule " + _lastcalculated.Name + " (" + _lastcalculated.FullFileName + "); atom "
                       + atomIDnumericBoxInt32.Value.ToString() + " (" + atomnametextBox.Text + "); linker length = "
                       + LnumericBoxDouble.Value.ToString() + " width = " + WnumericBoxDouble.Value.ToString()
                       + " dye radii = " + R1numericBoxDouble.Value.ToString() + " / " + R2numericBoxDouble.Value.ToString()
                       + " / " + R3numericBoxDouble.Value.ToString();
         ave.Calculate3R(LnumericBoxDouble.Value, WnumericBoxDouble.Value,
                         R1numericBoxDouble.Value, R2numericBoxDouble.Value, R3numericBoxDouble.Value, _natom);
     rmptextBox.Text    = "Rmp = (" + ave.Rmp.ToString() + ")";
     addbutton.Enabled  = !_standalone;
     savebutton.Enabled = true;
Пример #3
        // process a structure
        public double CalculateChi2(ref FilteringResult fr)
            Molecule m;

            if (fr.MoleculeWeakReference == null || !fr.MoleculeWeakReference.TryGetTarget(out m))
                m = new Molecule(fr.FullFileName);
            fr.MoleculeWeakReference = new WeakReference <Molecule>(m);
            if (m.Error.Length > 0)
                System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Error reading file " + fr.FullFileName + ": " + m.Error, "Error",
                                                     System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxButtons.OK, System.Windows.Forms.MessageBoxIcon.Error);
            AVEngine         av = new AVEngine(m, avparam);
            Int32            natom, ilp = 0, ilp1, ilp2, iref, nref_total = 0;
            List <Vector3[]> avcache = new List <Vector3[]>(labelingpos.Count);

            Vector3[]     t;
            Vector3[]     rmp = new Vector3[labelingpos.Count];
            Vector3       cr, cm; Matrix3 U;
            ReferenceAtom rr;
            Double        R06 = _filterParameters.R0 * _filterParameters.R0 * _filterParameters.R0 *
                                _filterParameters.R0 * _filterParameters.R0 * _filterParameters.R0,
                          dr, refrmsd_t = 0.0;

            fr.E        = 0.0;
            fr.InvalidR = 0;
            fr.RefRMSD  = 0.0;
            fr.Sigma1   = 0;
            fr.Sigma2   = 0;
            fr.Sigma3   = 0;

            foreach (LabelingPosition l in this.labelingpos)
                // calculate AVs and mean positions
                if (l.AVData.AVType == AVSimlationType.SingleDyeR)
                    natom = Array.BinarySearch <Int32>(m.OriginalAtomID, l.AVData.AtomID);
                    av.Calculate1R(l.AVData.L, l.AVData.W, l.AVData.R, natom);
                    t = new Vector3[av.R.Length];
                    Array.Copy(av.R, t, av.R.Length);
                    rmp[ilp++] = av.Rmp;
                else if (l.AVData.AVType == AVSimlationType.ThreeDyeR)
                    natom = Array.BinarySearch <Int32>(m.OriginalAtomID, l.AVData.AtomID);
                    av.Calculate3R(l.AVData.L, l.AVData.W, l.AVData.R1, l.AVData.R2, l.AVData.R3, natom);
                    t = new Vector3[av.R.Length];
                    Array.Copy(av.R, t, av.R.Length);
                    rmp[ilp++] = av.Rmp;
                else if (l.AVData.AVType == AVSimlationType.None && referenceAtoms[ilp].Length > 0)
                    // align reference atoms with the structure
                    // translation
                    cr = new Vector3();
                    cm = new Vector3();
                    for (iref = 0; iref < referenceAtoms[ilp].Length; iref++)
                        rr    = referenceAtoms[ilp][iref];
                        natom = rr.ConvertedN;
                        cr   += rr;
                        cm   += new Vector3(m.XLocal[natom] + m.CM.X, m.YLocal[natom] + m.CM.Y, m.ZLocal[natom] + m.CM.Z);
                    cr *= -1.0 / ((Double)referenceAtoms[ilp].Length);
                    cm *= -1.0 / ((Double)referenceAtoms[ilp].Length);

                    // rotation: see also SimulationResult.CalculateBestFitRotation
                    Mapack.Matrix Rxt = new Mapack.Matrix(referenceAtoms[ilp].Length, 3);
                    Mapack.Matrix Ry  = new Mapack.Matrix(3, referenceAtoms[ilp].Length);

                    for (iref = 0; iref < referenceAtoms[ilp].Length; iref++)
                        rr           = referenceAtoms[ilp][iref];
                        natom        = rr.ConvertedN;
                        Rxt[iref, 0] = rr.X + cr.X; Rxt[iref, 1] = rr.Y + cr.Y; Rxt[iref, 2] = rr.Z + cr.Z;
                        Ry[0, iref]  = m.XLocal[natom] + m.CM.X + cm.X;
                        Ry[1, iref]  = m.YLocal[natom] + m.CM.Y + cm.Y;
                        Ry[2, iref]  = m.ZLocal[natom] + m.CM.Z + cm.Z;

                    // Kabsch solution
                    Mapack.Matrix R = Ry * Rxt;
                    Mapack.SingularValueDecomposition svdR = new Mapack.SingularValueDecomposition(R);
                    Mapack.Matrix V  = svdR.VMatrix;
                    Mapack.Matrix rS = new Mapack.Matrix(3, 3);
                    rS[0, 0] = 1.0 / svdR.Diagonal[0];
                    rS[1, 1] = 1.0 / svdR.Diagonal[1];
                    rS[2, 2] = (R.Determinant > 0.0) ? 1.0 / svdR.Diagonal[2] : -1.0 / svdR.Diagonal[2];
                    Mapack.Matrix Um = R * V * rS * V.Transpose();
                    U = new Matrix3(Um[0, 0], Um[0, 1], Um[0, 2],
                                    Um[1, 0], Um[1, 1], Um[1, 2], Um[2, 0], Um[2, 1], Um[2, 2]);
                    U = Matrix3.RepairRotation(U);

                    // reference rmsd
                    for (iref = 0; iref < referenceAtoms[ilp].Length; iref++)
                        rr         = referenceAtoms[ilp][iref];
                        natom      = rr.ConvertedN;
                        refrmsd_t += Vector3.SquareNormDiff(U * (rr + cr),
                                                            new Vector3(m.XLocal[natom], m.YLocal[natom], m.ZLocal[natom]) + m.CM + cm);

                    rmp[ilp++] = U * (l + cr) - cm;
                    avcache.Add(new Vector3[0]);
                    rmp[ilp++] = l;
                    avcache.Add(new Vector3[0]);

            // calculate mp and FRET distances
            Distance d, dmp;
            Int32    activeR = 0;

            fr.RModel            = new DistanceList(dist.Count);
            fr.RmpModel          = new DistanceList(dist.Count);
            fr.RmpModel.DataType = dist.DataType;
            for (Int32 i = 0; i < dist.Count; i++)
                dmp           = new Distance();
                d             = new Distance();
                dmp.Position1 = dist[i].Position1;
                dmp.Position2 = dist[i].Position2;
                d.Position1   = dist[i].Position1;
                d.Position2   = dist[i].Position2;
                ilp1          = labelingpos.FindIndex(d.Position1);
                ilp2          = labelingpos.FindIndex(d.Position2);
                dmp.R         = Vector3.Abs(rmp[ilp1] - rmp[ilp2]);
                if (dist.DataType == DistanceDataType.Rmp ||
                    labelingpos[ilp1].AVData.AVType == AVSimlationType.None || labelingpos[ilp2].AVData.AVType == AVSimlationType.None)
                    d.R = dmp.R; // i.e. no clouds -> Rmp
                else if (dist.DataType == DistanceDataType.RDAMeanE)
                    if (avcache[ilp1].Length == 0 || avcache[ilp2].Length == 0)
                        d.R = Double.NaN;
                        d.R = FpsNativeWrapper.RdaMeanEFromAv(avcache[ilp1], avcache[ilp1].Length, avcache[ilp2], avcache[ilp2].Length,
                                                              avparam.ESamples, rnd.Next(), this._filterParameters.R0);
                else if (dist.DataType == DistanceDataType.RDAMean)
                    if (avcache[ilp1].Length == 0 || avcache[ilp2].Length == 0)
                        d.R = Double.NaN;
                        d.R = FpsNativeWrapper.RdaMeanFromAv(avcache[ilp1], avcache[ilp1].Length, avcache[ilp2], avcache[ilp2].Length,
                                                             avparam.ESamples, rnd.Next());


                dr = d.R - dist[i].R;
                if (Double.IsNaN(d.R))
                else if (!this._filterParameters.OptimizeSelected || dist[i].IsSelected)
                    fr.E += dr > 0.0 ? dr * dr / dist[i].ErrPlus / dist[i].ErrPlus :
                            dr * dr / dist[i].ErrMinus / dist[i].ErrMinus;
                    if (dr > dist[i].ErrPlus)
                    if (dr > 2.0 * dist[i].ErrPlus)
                    if (dr > 3.0 * dist[i].ErrPlus)
                    if (dr < -dist[i].ErrMinus)
                    if (dr < -2.0 * dist[i].ErrMinus)
                    if (dr < -3.0 * dist[i].ErrMinus)

            fr.E       = fr.E / (Double)activeR;
            fr.RefRMSD = nref_total == 0 ? 0.0 : Math.Sqrt(refrmsd_t / (Double)nref_total);