Пример #1
        public static IEnumerable<GeocoderResult> TryGeocode(Address addressToGeocode)
            //Do not take addresses without an AddressLineOne, the result will be high confidence but not correct
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressToGeocode.AddressLineOne))
                return new List<GeocoderResult>();

            var parameters = new[]

            //remove . , : +
            parameters = parameters.Select(p => p.Replace(".", "").Replace(",", "").Replace(":", "").Replace("+", "")).ToArray();

            var query = String.Format("{0}?CountryRegion=US", ApiUrl);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[0]))
                query += "&adminDistrict=" + parameters[0];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[1]))
                query += "&postalCode=" + parameters[1];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[2]))
                query += "&locality=" + parameters[2];

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(parameters[3]))
                query += "&addressLine=" + parameters[3];

            return TryGeocodeUrl(query);
Пример #2
        public static IEnumerable<GeocoderResult> TryGeocode(Address addressToGeocode)
            string parameters = "";

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressToGeocode.AddressLineOne))
                parameters += String.Format("&street={0}", addressToGeocode.AddressLineOne.Replace(" ", "+"));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressToGeocode.City))
                parameters += String.Format("&city={0}", addressToGeocode.City.Replace(" ", "+"));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressToGeocode.State))
                parameters += String.Format("&state={0}", addressToGeocode.State.Replace(" ", "+"));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(addressToGeocode.ZipCode))
                parameters += String.Format("&zip={0}", addressToGeocode.ZipCode.Replace(" ", "+"));

            string restQueryUrl = GeocodeUrl + parameters;
            return TryGeocodeUrl(restQueryUrl);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Manipulates the input strings to existing or new entities.
        /// Then it passes those entities to SuggestEntities to generate suggestions.
        /// <note>This method is only used for the initial step of the Import. Once entites are generated; use SuggestEntities</note>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rowsWithHeaders">List of string[]. The first string[] is the headers, the rest are data to be imported</param>
        /// <returns>Entites with suggestions</returns>
        public Suggestions ValidateThenSuggestEntities(List<string[]> rowsWithHeaders)
            var headers = rowsWithHeaders[0];
            var rows = rowsWithHeaders;

            #region Assign Column placement

            var clientNameCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Client Name");

            var addressLineOneCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Address Line One");
            var addressLineTwoCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Address Line Two");
            var cityCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "AdminDistrictTwo");
            var stateCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "AdminDistrictOne");
            var zipCodeCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "PostalCode");
            var countryCodeCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Country Code");
            var regionNameCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Region Name");
            var latitudeCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Latitude");
            var longitudeCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Longitude");

            var frequencyCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Frequency");
            var repeatEveryCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Repeat Every");
            var startDateCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Start Date");
            var endDateCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "End Date");
            var endAfterCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "End After Times");
            var frequencyDetailCol = Array.IndexOf(headers, "Frequency Detail");

            //Contact Info
            var phoneNumberValueCols = headers.Where(h => h.Contains("Phone Value")).ToArray();
            var phoneNumberLabelCols = headers.Where(h => h.Contains("Phone Label")).ToArray();

            var emailValueCols = headers.Where(h => h.Contains("Email Value")).ToArray();
            var emailLabelCols = headers.Where(h => h.Contains("Email Label")).ToArray();

            var websiteValueCols = headers.Where(h => h.Contains("Website Value")).ToArray();
            var websiteLabelCols = headers.Where(h => h.Contains("Website Label")).ToArray();

            var otherValueCols = headers.Where(h => h.Contains("Other Value")).ToArray();
            var otherLabelCols = headers.Where(h => h.Contains("Other Label")).ToArray();


            var importRowsConcurrentDictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<int, ImportRow>();

            var rowCount = rows.Count();
            Parallel.For((long)0, rowCount, rowIndex =>
                var row = rows[(int)rowIndex];

                var importRow = new ImportRow();

                #region Location

                var importedLocation = new Api.Models.Location();

                string clientName;

                //Checks if at least one location column is passed
                if (new[] { addressLineOneCol, addressLineTwoCol, cityCol, stateCol, countryCodeCol, zipCodeCol, latitudeCol, longitudeCol }.Any(col => col != -1))
                    var latitude = latitudeCol != -1 ? row[latitudeCol] : null;
                    var longitude = longitudeCol != -1 ? row[longitudeCol] : null;
                    var addressLineOne = addressLineOneCol != -1 ? row[addressLineOneCol] : null;
                    var addressLineTwo = addressLineTwoCol != -1 ? row[addressLineTwoCol] : null;
                    var adminDistrictTwo = cityCol != -1 ? row[cityCol] : null;
                    var adminDistrictOne = stateCol != -1 ? row[stateCol] : null;
                    var postalCode = zipCodeCol != -1 ? row[zipCodeCol] : null;
                    var regionName = regionNameCol != -1 ? row[regionNameCol] : null;

                    //If lat/lon dont have values, try to Geocode
                    if (latitude == null && longitude == null)
                        var address = new Address
                            AddressLineOne = addressLineOne,
                            City = adminDistrictTwo,
                            State = adminDistrictOne,
                            ZipCode = postalCode

                        //Attempt to Geocode the address
                        var geocodeResult = BingLocationServices.TryGeocode(address).FirstOrDefault(gc => gc != null);

                        latitude = geocodeResult != null ? geocodeResult.Latitude : null;
                        longitude = geocodeResult != null ? geocodeResult.Longitude : null;

                        //If they still do not have values, throw error on the location
                        if (latitude == null && longitude == null)
                            importedLocation.StatusInt = (int)ImportStatus.Error;

                        //Matched the entire address to a location (AddressLineOne, AddressLineTwo, City, State and ZipCode)
                        var matchedLocation = _locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Value.AddressLineOne == addressLineOne && l.Value.AddressLineTwo == addressLineTwo
                                                            && l.Value.AdminDistrictTwo == adminDistrictTwo && l.Value.AdminDistrictOne == adminDistrictOne && l.Value.PostalCode == postalCode);

                        if (matchedLocation.Key != Guid.Empty)
                            importedLocation = ConvertLocationSetRegionAndStatus(matchedLocation.Value, regionName, ImportStatus.Linked);
                            clientName = clientNameCol != -1 ? row[clientNameCol] : null;

                            //Matched the address entered and client name to a location
                            matchedLocation = _locations.FirstOrDefault(l => clientName != null && l.Value.ClientId != null &&
                                   (addressLineTwo != null && (l.Value.AddressLineOne == addressLineOne && l.Value.AddressLineTwo == addressLineTwo
                                        && _clients.First(c => c.Key == l.Value.ClientId).Value.Name == clientName)));

                            if (matchedLocation.Key != Guid.Empty)
                                importedLocation = ConvertLocationSetRegionAndStatus(matchedLocation.Value, regionName, ImportStatus.Linked);

                    //If lat/lon exist, try and match based on that
                    if (latitude != null && longitude != null && importedLocation.StatusInt != (int)ImportStatus.Error)
                        var setError = false;

                        //check for invalid deciamls
                        Decimal convertedLatitude = 0;
                        Decimal convertedLongitude = 0;
                        Decimal tempdeciaml;
                        if (Decimal.TryParse(latitude, out tempdeciaml))
                            convertedLatitude = tempdeciaml;
                            setError = true;

                        if (Decimal.TryParse(longitude, out tempdeciaml))
                            convertedLongitude = tempdeciaml;
                            setError = true;

                        if (!setError)
                            var roundedLatitude = Math.Round(convertedLatitude, 6);
                            var roundedLongitude = Math.Round(convertedLongitude, 6);

                            //Try and match a location to one in the FoundOPS system
                            var matchedLocation = addressLineTwo != null
                                //Use this statement if Address Line Two is not null
                            ? _locations.FirstOrDefault(l => l.Value.AddressLineTwo == addressLineTwo && (l.Value.Latitude != null && l.Value.Longitude != null)
                                && (decimal.Round(l.Value.Latitude.Value, 6) == roundedLatitude
                                && decimal.Round(l.Value.Longitude.Value, 6) == roundedLongitude))
                                //Use this statement if Address Line Two is null
                            : _locations.FirstOrDefault(l => (l.Value.Latitude != null && l.Value.Longitude != null)
                                && (decimal.Round(l.Value.Latitude.Value, 6) == roundedLatitude
                                && decimal.Round(l.Value.Longitude.Value, 6) == roundedLongitude));

                            //If a match is found, assign Linked status to all cells
                            if (matchedLocation.Key != Guid.Empty)
                                importedLocation = ConvertLocationSetRegionAndStatus(matchedLocation.Value, regionName, ImportStatus.Linked);
                            importedLocation.StatusInt = (int) ImportStatus.Error;

                    //If no linked location is found, it means that the location is new
                    if (importedLocation.StatusInt != (int)ImportStatus.Linked)
                        var status = (int) ImportStatus.New;

                        if (importedLocation.StatusInt == (int) ImportStatus.Error)
                            status = (int) ImportStatus.Error;
                        importedLocation = new Api.Models.Location
                            Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            AddressLineOne = addressLineOne,
                            AddressLineTwo = addressLineTwo ?? null,
                            AdminDistrictTwo = adminDistrictTwo,
                            AdminDistrictOne = adminDistrictOne,
                            PostalCode = postalCode,
                            CountryCode = "US",
                            ContactInfoSet = new List<ContactInfo>(),
                            Latitude = latitude,
                            Longitude = longitude,
                            StatusInt = status,
                            Region = SetRegion(regionName)

                        //Since the location is new, we add it to the list of locations to be searched next time we try and match
                        _locations.GetOrAdd(importedLocation.Id, FoundOps.Api.Models.Location.ConvertBack(importedLocation));
                    importRow.Location = importedLocation;


                #region Client

                clientName = clientNameCol != -1 ? row[clientNameCol] : null;

                //Make sure a Client is being Imported
                if (clientName != null)
                    //Find an existing Client based on the Name
                    var existingClient = _clients.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Value.Name == clientName);

                    Models.Client importedClient;

                    //If a Client was found, set it to be imported with a Linked Status
                    if (existingClient.Key != Guid.Empty)
                        importedClient = FoundOps.Api.Models.Client.ConvertModel(existingClient.Value);
                        importedClient.StatusInt = (int)ImportStatus.Linked;
                    //If not, create a new Client and add it to _clients for matching later 
                        importedClient = new FoundOps.Api.Models.Client
                            Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            Name = clientName,
                            ContactInfoSet = new List<ContactInfo>(),
                            StatusInt = (int)ImportStatus.New

                        //Since the client is new, we add it to the list of clients to be searched next time we try and match
                        _clients.GetOrAdd(importedClient.Id, FoundOps.Api.Models.Client.ConvertBack(importedClient));

                    importRow.Client = importedClient;


                #region Repeat

                if (new[] { startDateCol, endDateCol, endAfterCol, repeatEveryCol, frequencyCol, frequencyDetailCol }.Any(col => col != -1))
                    var setError = false;

                    //check for invalid DateTime's
                    DateTime startDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
                    DateTime? endDate = null;
                    DateTime tempDate;

                    if (startDateCol != -1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row[startDateCol]))
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(row[startDateCol], out tempDate))
                            startDate = tempDate;
                            startDate = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
                            setError = true;

                    if (endDateCol != -1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row[endDateCol]))
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(row[endDateCol], out tempDate))
                            endDate = tempDate;
                            endDate = null;
                            setError = true;

                    //Check for invalid Int's
                    int? endAfterTimes = null;
                    int? repeatEveryTimes = null;
                    int tempInt;

                    if (endAfterCol != -1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row[endAfterCol]))
                        if (Int32.TryParse(row[endAfterCol], out tempInt))
                            endAfterTimes = tempInt;
                            endAfterTimes = null;
                            setError = true;
                    if (repeatEveryCol != -1 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(row[repeatEveryCol]))
                        if (Int32.TryParse(row[repeatEveryCol], out tempInt))
                            repeatEveryTimes = tempInt;
                            repeatEveryTimes = null;
                            setError = true;

                    //Create the Repeat object
                    var repeat = new Repeat
                        Id = Guid.NewGuid(),
                        StartDate = startDate,
                        EndDate = endDate,
                        EndAfterTimes = endAfterTimes,
                        RepeatEveryTimes = repeatEveryTimes

                    #region Frequency

                    var val = frequencyCol != -1 ? row[frequencyCol].ToLower() : String.Empty;
                    switch (val)
                        case "o":
                        case "once":
                            repeat.FrequencyInt = (int)Frequency.Once;
                        case "d":
                        case "daily":
                            repeat.FrequencyInt = (int)Frequency.Daily;
                        case "w":
                        case "weekly":
                            repeat.FrequencyInt = (int)Frequency.Weekly;
                        case "m":
                        case "monthly":
                            repeat.FrequencyInt = (int)Frequency.Monthly;
                        case "y":
                        case "yearly":
                            repeat.FrequencyInt = (int)Frequency.Yearly;
                            repeat.FrequencyInt = null;


                    #region Frequency Detail

                    val = frequencyDetailCol != -1 ? row[frequencyDetailCol].ToLower() : String.Empty;
                    val = val.Replace(" ", "");
                    if (repeat.Frequency == Frequency.Weekly)
                        var startDayOfWeek = repeat.StartDate.DayOfWeek;

                        //If it is empty assume the Start Date
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val))
                            repeat.FrequencyDetailAsWeeklyFrequencyDetail = new[] { startDayOfWeek };
                            var dayStrings = val.Split(',');
                            var daysOfWeek = new List<DayOfWeek>();

                            if (dayStrings.Any(s => s == "s" || s == "su" || s == "sun" || s == "sunday"))

                            if (dayStrings.Any(s => s == "m" || s == "mo" || s == "mon" || s == "monday"))

                            if (dayStrings.Any(s => s == "t" || s == "tu" || s == "tue" || s == "tues" || s == "tuesday"))

                            if (dayStrings.Any(s => s == "w" || s == "we" || s == "wed" || s == "wednesday"))

                            if (dayStrings.Any(s => s == "r" || s == "th" || s == "tr" || s == "thur" || s == "thurs" || s == "thursday"))

                            if (dayStrings.Any(s => s == "f" || s == "fr" || s == "fri" || s == "friday"))

                            if (dayStrings.Any(s => s == "s" || s == "sa" || s == "sat" || s == "saturday"))

                            //Make sure the days include the startdate
                            if (!daysOfWeek.Contains(startDayOfWeek))

                            repeat.FrequencyDetailAsWeeklyFrequencyDetail = daysOfWeek.OrderBy(e => (int)e).ToArray();

                    if (repeat.Frequency == Frequency.Monthly)
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(val) || val == "date")
                            repeat.FrequencyDetailAsMonthlyFrequencyDetail = MonthlyFrequencyDetail.OnDayInMonth;
                        else if (val == "day")
                            var detailsAvailable = repeat.AvailableMonthlyFrequencyDetailTypes.ToList();
                            if (detailsAvailable.Count() > 1)
                            repeat.FrequencyDetailAsMonthlyFrequencyDetail = detailsAvailable.First();


                    repeat.StatusInt = repeat.RepeatEveryTimes == null || repeat.FrequencyInt == null || setError
                                           ? (int)ImportStatus.Error
                                           : (int)ImportStatus.New;

                    importRow.Repeat = repeat;


                #region Contact Info

                //Create label and value dictionaries for Phone Number contact information
                var phoneValueDictionary = phoneNumberValueCols.ToDictionary(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.Split(' ').ElementAt(2)), p => row[Array.IndexOf(headers, p)]);
                var phoneLabelDictionary = phoneNumberLabelCols.ToDictionary(p => Convert.ToInt32(p.Split(' ').ElementAt(2)), p => row[Array.IndexOf(headers, p)]);

                //Create label and value dictionaries for Email Address contact information
                var emailValueDictionary = emailValueCols.ToDictionary(e => Convert.ToInt32(e.Split(' ').ElementAt(2)), e => row[Array.IndexOf(headers, e)]);
                var emailLabelDictionary = emailLabelCols.ToDictionary(e => Convert.ToInt32(e.Split(' ').ElementAt(2)), e => row[Array.IndexOf(headers, e)]);

                //Create label and value dictionaries for Website contact information
                var websiteValueDictionary = websiteValueCols.ToDictionary(w => Convert.ToInt32(w.Split(' ').ElementAt(2)), w => row[Array.IndexOf(headers, w)]);
                var websiteLabelDictionary = websiteLabelCols.ToDictionary(w => Convert.ToInt32(w.Split(' ').ElementAt(2)), w => row[Array.IndexOf(headers, w)]);

                //Create label and value dictionaries for any other types of contact information
                var otherValueDictionary = otherValueCols.ToDictionary(o => Convert.ToInt32(o.Split(' ').ElementAt(2)), o => row[Array.IndexOf(headers, o)]);
                var otherLabelDictionary = otherLabelCols.ToDictionary(o => Convert.ToInt32(o.Split(' ').ElementAt(2)), o => row[Array.IndexOf(headers, o)]);

                //Find which type of contact info is being imported the most
                //This way we only have one loop
                var maxLabel = Math.Max(Math.Max(phoneLabelDictionary.Count, emailLabelDictionary.Count), Math.Max(websiteLabelDictionary.Count, otherLabelDictionary.Count));
                var maxValue = Math.Max(Math.Max(phoneValueDictionary.Count, emailValueDictionary.Count), Math.Max(websiteValueDictionary.Count, otherValueDictionary.Count));

                var max = Math.Max(maxLabel, maxValue);

                //Dictionary of Cantact Information to be imported for the row
                var concurrentContactInfoDictionary = new ConcurrentDictionary<Guid, ContactInfo>();

                Parallel.For((long)1, max + 1, contactIndex =>
                    if (phoneLabelDictionary.Count >= contactIndex || phoneValueDictionary.Count >= contactIndex)
                        MatchContactInfo(phoneLabelDictionary, phoneValueDictionary, contactIndex, concurrentContactInfoDictionary, "Phone Number");

                    if (emailLabelDictionary.Count >= contactIndex || emailValueDictionary.Count >= contactIndex)
                        MatchContactInfo(emailLabelDictionary, emailValueDictionary, contactIndex, concurrentContactInfoDictionary, "Email Address");

                    if (websiteLabelDictionary.Count >= contactIndex || websiteValueDictionary.Count >= contactIndex)
                        MatchContactInfo(websiteLabelDictionary, websiteValueDictionary, contactIndex, concurrentContactInfoDictionary, "Website");

                    if (otherLabelDictionary.Count >= contactIndex || otherValueDictionary.Count >= contactIndex)
                        MatchContactInfo(otherLabelDictionary, otherValueDictionary, contactIndex, concurrentContactInfoDictionary, "Other");

                //Once all the contact info sets are made or matched, add them to the ImportRow
                importRow.ContactInfoSet.AddRange(concurrentContactInfoDictionary.Select(ci => ci.Value));


                //Add the ImportRow to the concurrent dictionary of ImportRows
                importRowsConcurrentDictionary.GetOrAdd((int)rowIndex, importRow);

            //Order the ImportRows by rowIndex
            var importRows = importRowsConcurrentDictionary.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key).Select(kvp => kvp.Value).ToArray();

            //Send the validated ImportRows to get suggestions and return
            return SuggestEntites(importRows);