public static void OnEntityDestroyed(DestroyEvent de) { if (de.Attacker != null && de.Entity != null && !de.IsDecay) { if (((Fougerite.Player)de.Attacker).UID == de.Entity.UOwnerID) { return; } if ((de.WeaponName.ToLower().Contains("explosive") || de.WeaponName.ToLower().Contains("grenade") || de.WeaponName.ToLower().Contains("hatchet") || de.WeaponName.ToLower().Contains("axe") || de.WeaponName.ToLower().Contains("rock")) && (de.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains("wall") || de.Entity.Name.ToLower().Contains("door"))) { Fougerite.Entity entity = de.Entity; OwnerTimeData[entity.UOwnerID] = TimeSpan.FromTicks(DateTime.Now.Ticks).TotalSeconds; //DataStore.GetInstance().Add("LegitRaidA", ((Fougerite.Player)de.Attacker).UID, true); if (RaiderTime.ContainsKey(entity.UOwnerID)) { if (MaxRaidTime < RaiderTime[entity.UOwnerID] + RaidTime) { RaiderTime[entity.UOwnerID] = MaxRaidTime; return; } RaiderTime[entity.UOwnerID] = RaiderTime[entity.UOwnerID] + RaidTime; } else { RaiderTime[entity.UOwnerID] = RaidTime; } } } }
public void OnEntityDeployed(Fougerite.Player pl, Fougerite.Entity e, Fougerite.Player actualplacer) { if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("camp") || e.Name.ToLower().Contains("furnace") || e.Name.ToLower().Contains("storage") || e.Name.ToLower().Contains("box") || e.Name.ToLower().Contains("bench") || e.Name.ToLower().Contains("sleeping") || e.Name.ToLower().Contains("stash") || e.Name.ToLower().Contains("ceiling") || e.Name.ToLower().Contains("foundation")) { var location = new Vector3(e.Location.x, e.Location.y, e.Location.z); if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("foundation")) { location = new Vector3(e.Location.x, e.Location.y + 6f, e.Location.z); } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("bench")) { location = new Vector3(e.Location.x, e.Location.y + 1f, e.Location.z); } if (SearchForRock(location)) { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name + Version, red + "Not allowed to build so close/inside a Rock " + white + " Your " + e.Name + " has been destroyed"); if (!actualplacer.Admin) { e.Destroy(); } else { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name + Version, green + "Admin Bypass "); } } } }
public static void OnEntityHurt(HurtEvent he) { if (he.AttackerIsPlayer && he.VictimIsEntity) { if (he.Attacker != null && he.Entity != null) { Fougerite.Entity entity = he.Entity; Fougerite.Player player = (Fougerite.Player)he.Attacker; Data.Entities.User user = Data.Globals.GetInternalUser(player); if (user.SpectingOwner) { string OwnerName = Data.Globals.GetUserNameBySteamid(entity.OwnerID); player.SendClientMessage($"Dueño: {entity.OwnerName} - {GetHouseOwner(entity.Location).ToString()}"); SetMaterialOfHouse(entity.Location); user.SpectingOwner = false; } if (entity.Name.ToLower().Contains("box") || entity.Name.ToLower().Contains("stash")) { if (entity.IsStorage()) { if (entity.hasInventory) { if (entity.Inventory.FreeSlots < entity.Inventory.Items.Length) { he.DamageAmount = 0f; player.Notice("No puedes destruir cofres con cosas adentro."); } } } } } } }
public void OnEntityDeployedWithPlacer(Fougerite.Player pl, Fougerite.Entity e, Fougerite.Player actualplacer) { if (IsShopAround(e.Location)) { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, red + "You cant place Storages closed to the Shop!!"); e.Destroy(); } }
public bool IsNotEligible(Fougerite.Entity en) { if (en.IsDeployableObject()) { return(false); } StructureComponent comp = (StructureComponent)en.GetObject <StructureComponent>(); return(comp._master.ComponentCarryingWeight((StructureComponent)en.Object)); }
public void OnEntityDeployed(Fougerite.Player pl, Fougerite.Entity e, Fougerite.Player actualplacer) { if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("Wood shelter")) { e.Destroy(); { pl.MessageFrom("ShelterBlocker", "You cannot place shelters on this server"); pl.Notice("✘", "Shelters are forbidden"); return; } } }
public void OnEntityHurt(HurtEvent he) { if (he.AttackerIsPlayer && he.VictimIsEntity) { if (he.Attacker != null && he.Entity != null) { Fougerite.Entity entity = he.Entity; if (entity.Name.ToLower().Contains("box") || entity.Name.ToLower().Contains("stash")) { if (!he.WeaponName.Contains("explosive") && !he.WeaponName.Contains("grenade") && !Guns.Contains(he.WeaponName) && !OwnerTimeData.ContainsKey(entity.UOwnerID)) { he.DamageAmount = 0f; } } } } }
public void CallBack(TimedEvent e) { var dict = e.Args; e.Kill(); Fougerite.Player pl = (Fougerite.Player)dict["player"]; Fougerite.Entity ent = (Fougerite.Entity)dict["entity"]; try { ent.Destroy(); } catch (Exception exc) { Logger.Log(Name + " ERROR: Failed to destroy " + ent.Name + " at position " + ent.Location.ToString()); Logger.Log(Name + exc.ToString()); } if (pl.IsAlive && !pl.IsDisconnecting) { pl.Message("Your " + green + ent.Name + white + " has been removed for exceeding the maximum time allowed"); } }
public void EntityDeployed(Fougerite.Player Player, Fougerite.Entity Entity, Fougerite.Player actualplacer) { try { if (Entity != null) { if (Entity.Name.Contains("Foundation") || Entity.Name.Contains("Ramp") || Entity.Name.Contains("Pillar") || Entity.Name == "WoodDoor" || Entity.Name == "MetalDoor") { string name = Entity.Name; var location = Entity.Location; if (Ramp && name.Contains("Ramp")) { RaycastHit cachedRaycast; bool cachedBoolean; Facepunch.MeshBatch.MeshBatchInstance cachedhitInstance; if (Facepunch.MeshBatch.MeshBatchPhysics.Raycast(location + new Vector3(0f, 0.1f, 0f), Vector3Down, out cachedRaycast, out cachedBoolean, out cachedhitInstance)) { if (cachedhitInstance != null) { var cachedComponent = cachedhitInstance.physicalColliderReferenceOnly.GetComponent <StructureComponent>(); if (cachedComponent.type == StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Foundation || cachedComponent.type == StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Ceiling) { var weight = cachedComponent._master._weightOnMe; int ramps = 0; if (weight != null && weight.ContainsKey(cachedComponent)) { ramps += weight[cachedComponent].Count(structure => structure.type == StructureComponent.StructureComponentType.Ramp); } if (ramps > 1) { Entity.Destroy(); if (GiveBack && actualplacer.IsOnline) { switch (name) { case "WoodFoundation": name = "Wood Foundation"; break; case "MetalFoundation": name = "Metal Foundation"; break; case "WoodRamp": name = "Wood Ramp"; break; case "MetalRamp": name = "Metal Ramp"; break; case "WoodPillar": name = "Wood Pillar"; break; case "MetalPillar": name = "Metal Pillar"; break; } actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } return; } } } } } if (Struct) { bool isdoor = false; float d = 4.5f; if (name.Contains("Pillar")) { d = 0.40f; } else if (name.Contains("Door")) { isdoor = true; d = 0.40f; } else if (name.ToLower().Contains("smallstash")) { d = 0.40f; } else if (name.Contains("Foundation")) { d = 4.5f; } else if (name.Contains("Ramp")) { if (!CheckForRampLoot) { return; } d = 3.5f; } var x = Physics.OverlapSphere(location, d); if ( x.Any( l =>"woodbox") ||"smallstash") || ("door") && !isdoor))) { Entity.Destroy(); if (actualplacer.IsOnline && GiveBack) { switch (name) { case "WoodFoundation": name = "Wood Foundation"; break; case "MetalFoundation": name = "Metal Foundation"; break; case "WoodRamp": name = "Wood Ramp"; break; case "MetalRamp": name = "Metal Ramp"; break; case "WoodPillar": name = "Wood Pillar"; break; case "MetalPillar": name = "Metal Pillar"; break; case "WoodDoor": name = "Wood Door"; break; case "MetalDoor": name = "Metal Door"; break; } actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } return; } } if (BarricadePillar) { if (name.Contains("Pillar")) { if (Physics.OverlapSphere(location, 0.34f).Where(collider => collider.GetComponent <DeployableObject>() != null).Any(collider => collider.GetComponent <DeployableObject>().name.Contains("Barricade_Fence"))) { actualplacer.Message("Pillar Barricade glitching no esta permitido!"); Entity.Destroy(); if (actualplacer.IsOnline && GiveBack) { switch (name) { case "WoodPillar": name = "Wood Pillar"; break; case "MetalPillar": name = "Metal Pillar"; break; } actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogDebug("[GlitchFix] Some error showed up. Report this. " + ex); } }
public HurtEvent(ref DamageEvent d) { //Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("[DamageEvent] {0}", d.ToString())); try { this._sleeper = false; this.DamageEvent = d; this.WeaponData = null; this.IsDecay = false; this._status = d.status; string weaponName = "Unknown"; if (d.victim.idMain is DeployableObject) { if ("sleeping")) { this._sleeper = true; DeployableObject sleeper = (DeployableObject)d.victim.idMain; this.Victim = new Sleeper(sleeper); } else { this.Victim = new Entity(d.victim.idMain.GetComponent <DeployableObject>()); this._ent = new Entity(d.victim.idMain.GetComponent <DeployableObject>()); this._entityvictim = true; } this._playervictim = false; } else if (d.victim.idMain is StructureComponent) { this.Victim = new Entity(d.victim.idMain.GetComponent <StructureComponent>()); this._ent = new Entity(d.victim.idMain.GetComponent <StructureComponent>()); this._playervictim = false; this._entityvictim = true; } else if ( is SpikeWall) { this._playerattacker = false; this.Victim = new Entity(d.victim.idMain.GetComponent <DeployableObject>()); this._ent = new Entity(d.victim.idMain.GetComponent <DeployableObject>()); this._entityvictim = true; } else if (d.victim.client != null) { this.Victim = !Fougerite.Server.Cache.ContainsKey(d.victim.client.userID) ? Fougerite.Player.FindByPlayerClient(d.attacker.client) : Fougerite.Server.Cache[d.victim.client.userID]; this._playervictim = true; } else if (d.victim.character != null) { this.Victim = new NPC(d.victim.character); this._npcvictim = true; this._playervictim = false; } if (!(bool) { if (d.victim.client != null) { weaponName = this.DamageType; this._playerattacker = false; this.Attacker = null; } } else if ( is SpikeWall) { this._playerattacker = false; this.Attacker = new Entity(d.attacker.idMain.GetComponent <DeployableObject>()); this._entityattacker = true; weaponName ="Large") ? "Large Spike Wall" : "Spike Wall"; } else if ( is SupplyCrate) { this._playerattacker = false; this.Attacker = new Entity(d.attacker.idMain.gameObject); this._entityattacker = true; weaponName = "Supply Crate"; } else if ( is Metabolism && is Metabolism) { this.Attacker = !Fougerite.Server.Cache.ContainsKey(d.attacker.client.userID) ? Fougerite.Player.FindByPlayerClient(d.attacker.client) : Fougerite.Server.Cache[d.attacker.client.userID]; this._playerattacker = false; this._metabolismattacker = true; this.Victim = this.Attacker; ICollection <string> list = new List <string>(); Fougerite.Player vic = this.Victim as Fougerite.Player; if (vic.IsStarving) { list.Add("Starvation"); } if (vic.IsRadPoisoned) { list.Add("Radiation"); } if (vic.IsPoisoned) { list.Add("Poison"); } if (vic.IsBleeding) { list.Add("Bleeding"); } if (list.Contains("Bleeding")) { if (this.DamageType != "Unknown" && !list.Contains(this.DamageType)) { list.Add(this.DamageType); } } weaponName = list.Count > 0 ? string.Format("Self ({0})", string.Join(",", list.ToArray())) : this.DamageType; } else if (d.attacker.client != null) { if (!Fougerite.Server.Cache.ContainsKey(d.attacker.client.userID)) { this.Attacker = Fougerite.Player.FindByPlayerClient(d.attacker.client); } else { this.Attacker = Fougerite.Server.Cache[d.attacker.client.userID]; } this._playerattacker = true; if (d.extraData != null) { WeaponImpact extraData = d.extraData as WeaponImpact; this.WeaponData = extraData; if (extraData != null && extraData.dataBlock != null) { weaponName =; } } else { if ( is TimedExplosive) { weaponName = "Explosive Charge"; } else if ( is TimedGrenade) { weaponName = "F1 Grenade"; } else { weaponName = "Hunting Bow"; } if (d.victim.client != null) { if (!d.attacker.IsDifferentPlayer(d.victim.client) && !(this.Victim is Entity)) { weaponName = "Fall Damage"; } else if (!d.attacker.IsDifferentPlayer(d.victim.client) && (this.Victim is Entity)) { weaponName = "Hunting Bow"; } } } } else if (d.attacker.character != null) { this.Attacker = new NPC(d.attacker.character); this._playerattacker = false; this._npcattacker = true; weaponName = string.Format("{0} Claw", (this.Attacker as NPC).Name); } this.WeaponName = weaponName; } catch (Exception ex) { Logger.LogDebug(string.Format("[HurtEvent] Error. " + ex.ToString())); } }
public DecayEvent(Fougerite.Entity en, ref float dmg) { this.Entity = en; this.DamageAmount = dmg; }
public void OnEntityDeployed(Fougerite.Player pl, Fougerite.Entity e, Fougerite.Player actualplacer) { /* * //Informacion extra (solo devs) * if (actualplacer.Admin) * { * actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, "Name: " + e.Name); * actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, "Dis: " + Convert.ToDouble(World.GetWorld().GetGroundDist(e.Location))); * } * // *********************** */ if (e.Name == "Wood_Shelter" || e.Name == "Campfire" || e.Name == "Wood Barricade" || e.Name == "Workbench") { var dict = new Dictionary <string, object>(); dict["entity"] = e; dict["player"] = actualplacer; if (e.Name == "Wood_Shelter" && DecayShelter) { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, "This " + orange + e.Name + white + " will be removed automatically in " + TimeDecayShelter + " minutes"); Timer1(TimeDecayShelter * 60000, dict).Start(); } else if (e.Name == "Campfire" && DecayCampFire) { if (DeleteOnlyCampFireOnGround) { var distance = World.GetWorld().GetGroundDist(e.Location); var dis = Convert.ToDouble(distance); if (dis < 0.20) { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, "This " + orange + e.Name + white + " will be removed automatically in " + TimeDecayCampFire + " minutes"); Timer1(TimeDecayCampFire * 60000, dict).Start(); } } else { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, "This " + orange + e.Name + white + " will be removed automatically in " + TimeDecayCampFire + " minutes"); Timer1(TimeDecayCampFire * 60000, dict).Start(); } } else if (e.Name == "Wood Barricade" && DecayBarricade) { if (DeleteOnlyBarricadeOnGround) { var distance = World.GetWorld().GetGroundDist(e.Location); var dis = Convert.ToDouble(distance); if (dis < 0.20) { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, "This " + orange + e.Name + white + " will be removed automatically in " + TimeDecayBarricade + " minutes"); Timer1(TimeDecayBarricade * 60000, dict).Start(); } } else { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, "This " + orange + e.Name + white + " will be removed automatically in " + TimeDecayBarricade + " minutes"); Timer1(TimeDecayBarricade * 60000, dict).Start(); } } else if (e.Name == "Workbench" && DecayWorkBench) { if (DeleteOnlyWorkBenchOnGround) { var distance = World.GetWorld().GetGroundDist(e.Location); var dis = Convert.ToDouble(distance); if (dis < 0.20) { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, "This " + orange + e.Name + white + " will be removed automatically in " + TimeDecayBarricade + " minutes"); Timer1(TimeDecayWorkBench * 60000, dict).Start(); } } else { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, "This " + orange + e.Name + white + " will be removed automatically in " + TimeDecayBarricade + " minutes"); Timer1(TimeDecayWorkBench * 60000, dict).Start(); } } } }
public void OnEntityDeployed(Fougerite.Player pl, Fougerite.Entity e, Fougerite.Player actualplacer) { HasRustPP = true; if (HasRustPP == true) { foreach (Fougerite.Entity xx in Util.GetUtil().FindEntitiesAround(e.Location, 25f)) { if (e.Name == "WoodFoundation") { if (xx.Name == "WoodFoundation") { if (xx.OwnerID == actualplacer.SteamID) { } else { var friendc = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().GetFriendsCommand.GetFriendsLists(); if (friendc.ContainsKey(xx.UOwnerID)) { var fs = (RustPP.Social.FriendList)friendc[xx.UOwnerID]; bool isfriend = fs.Cast <FriendList.Friend>().Any(friend => friend.GetUserID() == actualplacer.UID); if (isfriend) { } else { e.Destroy(); { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, orange + "You are to close to someone else his structure cant build here"); actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(e.Name, 1); actualplacer.SendConsoleMessage(aqua + "[ToolCubBoard]" + orange + "You are not allowed to build near this structure"); } } } } } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("bench")) { if (xx.OwnerID == actualplacer.SteamID) { break; } else { var friendc = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().GetFriendsCommand.GetFriendsLists(); if (friendc.ContainsKey(xx.UOwnerID)) { var fs = (RustPP.Social.FriendList)friendc[xx.UOwnerID]; bool isfriend = fs.Cast <FriendList.Friend>().Any(friend => friend.GetUserID() == actualplacer.UID); if (isfriend) { break; } else { e.Destroy(); { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, orange + "You are to close to someone else his structure cant build here"); actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(e.Name, 1); actualplacer.SendConsoleMessage(aqua + "[ToolCubBoard]" + orange + "You are not allowed to build near this structure"); } } } } } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("spike")) { if (xx.OwnerID == actualplacer.SteamID) { break; } else { var friendc = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().GetFriendsCommand.GetFriendsLists(); if (friendc.ContainsKey(xx.UOwnerID)) { var fs = (RustPP.Social.FriendList)friendc[xx.UOwnerID]; bool isfriend = fs.Cast <FriendList.Friend>().Any(friend => friend.GetUserID() == actualplacer.UID); if (isfriend) { break; } else { e.Destroy(); { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, orange + "You are to close to someone else his structure cant build here"); actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(e.Name, 1); actualplacer.SendConsoleMessage(aqua + "[ToolCubBoard]" + orange + "You are not allowed to build near this structure"); } } } } } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("sleepingbaga")) { if (!AllowSleepingBags) { if (xx.OwnerID == actualplacer.SteamID) { break; } else { var friendc = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().GetFriendsCommand.GetFriendsLists(); if (friendc.ContainsKey(xx.UOwnerID)) { var fs = (RustPP.Social.FriendList)friendc[xx.UOwnerID]; bool isfriend = fs.Cast <FriendList.Friend>().Any(friend => friend.GetUserID() == actualplacer.UID); if (isfriend) { break; } else { e.Destroy(); { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, orange + "You are to close to someone else his structure cant build here"); actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(e.Name, 1); actualplacer.SendConsoleMessage(aqua + "[ToolCubBoard]" + orange + "You are not allowed to build near this structure"); } } } } } } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("bed")) { if (!AllowBeds) { if (xx.OwnerID == actualplacer.SteamID) { break; } else { var friendc = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().GetFriendsCommand.GetFriendsLists(); if (friendc.ContainsKey(xx.UOwnerID)) { var fs = (RustPP.Social.FriendList)friendc[xx.UOwnerID]; bool isfriend = fs.Cast <FriendList.Friend>().Any(friend => friend.GetUserID() == actualplacer.UID); if (isfriend) { break; } else { e.Destroy(); { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, orange + "You are to close to someone else his structure cant build here"); actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(e.Name, 1); actualplacer.SendConsoleMessage(aqua + "[ToolCubBoard]" + orange + "You are not allowed to build near this structure"); } } } } } } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("barricade")) { if (!AllowBarricade) { if (xx.OwnerID == actualplacer.SteamID) { break; } else { var friendc = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().GetFriendsCommand.GetFriendsLists(); if (friendc.ContainsKey(xx.UOwnerID)) { var fs = (RustPP.Social.FriendList)friendc[xx.UOwnerID]; bool isfriend = fs.Cast <FriendList.Friend>().Any(friend => friend.GetUserID() == actualplacer.UID); if (isfriend) { break; } else { e.Destroy(); { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, orange + "You are to close to someone else his structure cant build here"); actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(e.Name, 1); actualplacer.SendConsoleMessage(aqua + "[ToolCubBoard]" + orange + "You are not allowed to build near this structure"); } } } } } } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("storage")) { if (!AllowBoxes) { if (xx.OwnerID == actualplacer.SteamID) { break; } else { var friendc = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().GetFriendsCommand.GetFriendsLists(); if (friendc.ContainsKey(xx.UOwnerID)) { var fs = (RustPP.Social.FriendList)friendc[xx.UOwnerID]; bool isfriend = fs.Cast <FriendList.Friend>().Any(friend => friend.GetUserID() == actualplacer.UID); if (isfriend) { break; } else { e.Destroy(); { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, orange + "You are to close to someone else his structure cant build here"); actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(e.Name, 1); actualplacer.SendConsoleMessage(aqua + "[ToolCubBoard]" + orange + "You are not allowed to build near this structure"); } } } } } } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("gate")) { if (xx.OwnerID == actualplacer.SteamID) { break; } else { var friendc = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().GetFriendsCommand.GetFriendsLists(); if (friendc.ContainsKey(xx.UOwnerID)) { var fs = (RustPP.Social.FriendList)friendc[xx.UOwnerID]; bool isfriend = fs.Cast <FriendList.Friend>().Any(friend => friend.GetUserID() == actualplacer.UID); if (isfriend) { break; } else { e.Destroy(); { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, orange + "You are to close to someone else his structure cant build here"); actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(e.Name, 1); actualplacer.SendConsoleMessage(aqua + "[ToolCubBoard]" + orange + "You are not allowed to build near this structure"); } } } } } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("ramp")) { if (!AllowRamps) { if (xx.OwnerID == actualplacer.SteamID) { break; } else { var friendc = Fougerite.Server.GetServer().GetRustPPAPI().GetFriendsCommand.GetFriendsLists(); if (friendc.ContainsKey(xx.UOwnerID)) { var fs = (RustPP.Social.FriendList)friendc[xx.UOwnerID]; bool isfriend = fs.Cast <FriendList.Friend>().Any(friend => friend.GetUserID() == actualplacer.UID); if (isfriend) { break; } else { e.Destroy(); { actualplacer.MessageFrom(Name, orange + "You are to close to someone else his structure cant build here"); actualplacer.Inventory.AddItem(e.Name, 1); actualplacer.SendConsoleMessage(aqua + "[ToolCubBoard]" + orange + "You are not allowed to build near this structure"); } } } } } } } } } }
public DoorEvent(Fougerite.Entity e) { this.Open = false; this.Entity = e; }
public void EntityDeployed(Fougerite.Player Player, Fougerite.Entity Entity) { if (Entity != null) { if (Entity.Name.Contains("Foundation") || Entity.Name.Contains("Ramp") || Entity.Name.Contains("Pillar")) { string name = Entity.Name; var location = Entity.Location; DeployableObject[] deploylist = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(DeployableObject)) as DeployableObject[]; if (deploylist != null && deploylist.Where(ent =>"WoodBox") ||"Stash")).Any(ent => !(Util.GetUtil().GetVectorsDistance(location, ent.gameObject.transform.position) > 3.7))) { if (Player.IsOnline && GiveBack) { switch (name) { case "WoodFoundation": name = "Wood Foundation"; break; case "MetalFoundation": name = "Metal Foundation"; break; case "WoodRamp": name = "Wood Ramp"; break; case "MetalRamp": name = "Metal Ramp"; break; case "WoodPillar": name = "Wood Pillar"; break; case "MetalPillar": name = "Metal Pillar"; break; } Player.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } Entity.Destroy(); return; } StructureComponent[] structurelist = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType(typeof(StructureComponent)) as StructureComponent[]; if (structurelist != null && structurelist.Where(structure =>"Ramp") && Entity.InstanceID != structure.GetInstanceID()).Any(structure => Util.GetUtil().GetVectorsDistance(location, structure.gameObject.transform.position) == 0)) { if (GiveBack && Player.IsOnline) { switch (name) { case "WoodFoundation": name = "Wood Foundation"; break; case "MetalFoundation": name = "Metal Foundation"; break; case "WoodRamp": name = "Wood Ramp"; break; case "MetalRamp": name = "Metal Ramp"; break; case "WoodPillar": name = "Wood Pillar"; break; case "MetalPillar": name = "Metal Pillar"; break; } Player.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } Entity.Destroy(); return; } } } }
void EntityDeployed(Fougerite.Player Player, Fougerite.Entity Entity) { if (Config.GetSetting("Settings", "enabled").ToLower() == "true" && Entity != null) { if (Entity.Name == "WoodFoundation" || Entity.Name == "MetalFoundation" || Entity.Name == "WoodRamp" || Entity.Name == "MetalRamp") { var name = Entity.Name; bool GiveBack = Config.GetSetting("Settings", "giveback").ToLower() == "true"; var two = Util.GetUtil().CreateVector(Entity.X, Entity.Y, Entity.Z); foreach (Entity ent in World.GetWorld().Entities) { var one = Util.GetUtil().CreateVector(ent.X, ent.Y, ent.Z); var dist = Util.GetUtil().GetVectorsDistance(one, two); if (ent.Name == "WoodRamp" || ent.Name == "MetalRamp") { if (Entity != ent && Entity.InstanceID != ent.InstanceID && dist == 0) { if (GiveBack && Player != null) { if (name == "WoodRamp") { name = "Wood Ramp"; } else if (name == "MetalRamp") { name = "Metal Ramp"; } Player.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } Entity.Destroy(); return; } } else if (ent.Name != "WoodRamp" && ent.Name != "MetalRamp" && ent.Name != "WoodFoundation" && ent.Name != "WoodDoorFrame" && ent.Name != "WoodWall" && ent.Name != "WoodPillar" && ent.Name != "WoodCeiling" && ent.Name != "MetalDoor" && ent.Name != "WoodStairs" && ent.Name != "WoodWindowFrame" && ent.Name != "MetalFoundation" && ent.Name != "MetalDoorFrame" && ent.Name != "MetalWall" && ent.Name != "MetalPillar" && ent.Name != "MetalCeiling" && ent.Name != "MetalStairs" && ent.Name != "MetalWindowFrame" && ent.Name != "Wood_Shelter" && ent.Name != "Barricade_Fence_Deployable" && ent.Name != "Wood Box" && ent.Name != "Metal Bars Window" && ent.Name != "CampFire" && ent.Name != "Wood Spike Wall" && ent.Name != "Large Wood Spike Wall") { if (Entity != ent && Entity.InstanceID != ent.InstanceID && dist <= 2.5) { if (Player != null) { Player.Notice("Ya can't place chest under foundation bitch!"); if (GiveBack) { if (name == "WoodFoundation") { name = "Wood Foundation"; } else if (name == "MetalFoundation") { name = "Metal Foundation"; } Player.Inventory.AddItem(name, 1); } } Entity.Destroy(); return; } } } } } }
public HurtEvent(ref DamageEvent d, Fougerite.Entity en) : this(ref d) { this.Entity = en; }
public void OnEntityDeployed(Fougerite.Player pl, Fougerite.Entity e, Fougerite.Player actualplacer) { if (e.Name == "Wood_Shelter") { if (BlockShelterCloseToDoor) { foreach (Fougerite.Entity xx in Util.GetUtil().FindEntitiesAround(e.Location, 5f)) { if (xx.Name == "WoodDoorFrame") { e.Destroy(); pl.MessageFrom(sys, orange + "You cannot place Wood Shelter so close to DoorWays"); } else if (xx.Name == "MetalDoorFrame") { e.Destroy(); pl.MessageFrom(sys, orange + "You cannot place Wood Shelter so close to DoorWays"); } } } } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("spike")) { if (BlockSpikeCloseToDoor) { foreach (Fougerite.Entity xx in Util.GetUtil().FindEntitiesAround(e.Location, 5f)) { if (xx.Name == "WoodDoorFrame") { if (xx.OwnerID == pl.SteamID) { return; } else { e.Destroy(); pl.MessageFrom(sys, orange + "You cannot place " + e.Name + " so close to doorways"); } } else if (xx.Name == "MetalDoorFrame") { if (xx.OwnerID == pl.SteamID) { return; } else { e.Destroy(); pl.MessageFrom(sys, orange + "You cannot place " + e.Name + " so close to doorways"); } } } } } else if (e.Name.ToLower().Contains("barricade")) { if (BlockBarricadeCloseToDoor) { foreach (Fougerite.Entity xx in Util.GetUtil().FindEntitiesAround(e.Location, 5f)) { if (xx.Name == "WoodDoorFrame") { if (xx.OwnerID == pl.SteamID) { return; } else { e.Destroy(); pl.MessageFrom(sys, orange + "You cannot place " + e.Name + " so close to doorways"); } } else if (xx.Name == "MetalDoorFrame") { if (xx.OwnerID == pl.SteamID) { return; } else { e.Destroy(); pl.MessageFrom(sys, orange + "You cannot place " + e.Name + " so close to doorways"); } } } } else if (e.Name == "WoodGate") { if (AntiGatewayStag) { foreach (Fougerite.Entity xx in Util.GetUtil().FindEntitiesAround(e.Location, 3f)) { if (xx.Name == "WoodGate") { e.Destroy(); { pl.MessageFrom(sys, orange + "You cannot double the Gates on this server :)"); } } } } } } }