Пример #1
        private void button_processFile_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)   //open&Read a text file line by line, matchs regex and loads all present info into program state
            StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(textBox_filepath.Text);

            output.AppendText($"Processing file: {textBox_filepath.Text} ...");

            Days  = new List <DayEntry>();      //reinit to get rid of old state
            Foods = new List <FoodItem>();

            Stopwatch timer = Stopwatch.StartNew();          //test performance

            String line;                                     //current line
            Match  m;                                        //current regex match for line

            List <FoodEntry> lfe   = new List <FoodEntry>(); //list of Food entries to be init for next MealEntry
            List <MealEntry> lme   = new List <MealEntry>(); //list of Meal entries to be init for next DatEntry
            FoodEntry        fe    = null;                   //current FoodEntry found
            String           activ = "";                     //helps set activity for current DayEntry

            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)       //go through all lines in text file
                //line = prepLine(line);

                if ((m = regexEntry.Match(line)).Success)   //matches (1st line)of a Food Entry format: 11g name brand 11/11/11
                    fe = new FoodEntry(m);

                    //output.AppendText(line + " <----- ENTRY\n");
                else if ((m = regexEntryResult.Match(line)).Success)    //matches (2nd line)result macro values of a Food Entry format: =11/11/11

                    //output.AppendText(line + " <----- ERESULT\n");
                else if ((m = regexMealResult.Match(line)).Success)     //matches MealEntry values after the Food list format: ===1==111//11//11 +-(desc)
                    lme.Add(new MealEntry(lfe, m));
                    lfe = new List <FoodEntry>();

                    //output.AppendText(line + " <----- MEAL\n");
                else if ((m = regexDayResult.Match(line)).Success)      //matches DayEntry values after the Meal list format: 22/11/2020--->111||111||111 +-(desc)
                    Days.Add(new DayEntry(lme, m));
                    Days[Days.Count - 1].setActiv(activ);
                    lme   = new List <MealEntry>();
                    activ = "";

                    //output.AppendText(line + " <----- DAY\n");
                else if ((m = regexDayActiv.Match(line)).Success)       //matches activity for current format: +SALA or +EXS
                    activ = m.Groups["Activ"].Value;

                    //output.AppendText(line + " <----- ACTIV\n");
                else if ((m = regexDishResult.Match(line)).Success)        //matches Dish definition values after the food list format: >===1 Pizza @eu 11/11/11
                    FoodItem dtemp = new Dish(lfe, m);
                    insertOrRefFood(ref dtemp);
                    lfe = new List <FoodEntry>();

                    //output.AppendText(line + " <----- DISH\n");

            Foods.Sort((x, y) => (x._name + x._brand).CompareTo(y._name + y._brand));       //sorts the Foods list alphabetically by Name and Brand

            output.AppendText($"\n...DONE! ({timer.Elapsed})\n");   //prints time required to do to output
            button_intoDB.Enabled = true;                           //enables loading data to Database
Пример #2
        }                                                                                                                                           //init with string to be matched


        #region Add/Set
        public void addFoodEntry(FoodEntry foodEntry)