Пример #1
        public override bool Update(string connectionString, BasicInfo info)
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (info == null) return false;
            if (info.GameStates == "X") return false;

            string Sql = "UPDATE [IceHockeySchedules] WITH(ROWLOCK)" + "\r\n"
                           + "   SET [RunsA] = @RunsA" + "\r\n"
                           + "      ,[RunsB] = @RunsB" + "\r\n"
                           + "      ,[StatusText] = @StatusText" + "\r\n"
                           + "      ,[GameStates] = @GameStates" + "\r\n"
                           + "      ,[ChangeCount] = [ChangeCount] + 1" + "\r\n"
                           + " WHERE ([GameType] = @GameType)" + "\r\n"
                           + "   AND ([WebID] = @WebID)"
                           + "   AND ([CtrlStates] = 2)" + "\r\n"
                           + "   AND ([IsDeleted] = 0)";
            SqlConnection conn = null;
            SqlCommand cmd = null;
            bool result = false;
            // 錯誤處理
                conn = new SqlConnection(connectionString);
                cmd = new SqlCommand(Sql, conn);
                // 參數
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@GameType", info.GameType));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@GameStates", info.GameStates));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@WebID", info.WebID));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RunsA", DBNull.Value));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@RunsB", DBNull.Value));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@StatusText", DBNull.Value));
                cmd.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Record", DBNull.Value));
                // 分數 (主客交換)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.AwayPoint) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.HomePoint))
                    cmd.Parameters["@RunsA"].Value = BasicInfo.ConvertBoard((info.AcH) ? (info.HomeBoard) : (info.AwayBoard));
                    cmd.Parameters["@RunsB"].Value = BasicInfo.ConvertBoard((info.AcH) ? (info.AwayBoard) : (info.HomeBoard));
                // 狀態
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Status))
                    cmd.Parameters["@StatusText"].Value = info.Status;
                // 開啟
                // 執行
                result = (cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() > 0);
            catch { }
            // 沒有關閉資料庫連接就關閉連接
            if (conn != null && conn.State == ConnectionState.Open)
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #2
        public override bool Update(string connectionString, BasicInfo info)
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (info == null)
                return false;
            if (info.Status == null)
                return false;

            bool result = UpdateData(connectionString, info);

            // 記錄: 有更新資料才寫紀錄
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.Record) && info.Record.Length > 20)
                this.Logs.Update("\r\n" + info.Record);

            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #3
 public override bool Update(string connectionString, BasicInfo info)
     // 以隊伍名稱當作更新的依據
     //return this.Update2(connectionString, info);
     return this.Update3(connectionString, info);//昨天跟今天的隊伍比對
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得資料。(Asiascore)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">資料</param>
        /// <param name="playMinute">比賽的時間長度</param>
        protected Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> GetDataByAsiaScore(IHDownload download, int playMinute)
            string html = download.Data;
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                return null;
            Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> result = new Dictionary<string, BasicInfo>();
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            // 判斷資料
            string[] all = html.Split(new string[] { "¬~ZA÷" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // 聯盟 (第一筆是多餘的)
            int orderBy = 1;
            for (int allianceIndex = 1; allianceIndex < all.Length; allianceIndex++)
                // 比賽集合
                string[] games = ("ZA÷" + all[allianceIndex]).Split(new string[] { "~" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string allianceName = null;
                string trackerText = null;
                // 聯盟資料
                // 比賽資料
                for (int gameIndex = 0; gameIndex < games.Length; gameIndex++)
                    Dictionary<string, string> info = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                    #region 取出資料
                    string[] data = games[gameIndex].Split(new string[] { "¬" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    // 資料
                    foreach (string d in data)
                        string[] txt = d.Split(new string[] { "÷" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        // 記錄
                        info[txt[0]] = txt[1];
                    #region 第一筆是聯盟
                    if (gameIndex == 0)
                        allianceName = info["ZA"];
                        if (info["ZF"] == "2")
                            trackerText = "只顯示最終比分";
                        // 沒有編號就往下處理
                        if (!info.ContainsKey("AA"))

                    // 沒有隊伍就往下處理
                    if (!info.ContainsKey("AE") || !info.ContainsKey("AF"))

                    // 時間是 1970 年加上 Ti
                    DateTime gameTime = DateTime.Parse("1970/1/1 00:00:00").AddTicks(long.Parse(info["AD"]) * 10000000);
                    // 轉成台灣時間 UTC+8
                    gameTime = gameTime.AddHours(8);

                    // 建立比賽資料
                    gameInfo = null;
                    gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, info["AA"]);
                    gameInfo.OverDayGame = false;
                    gameInfo.Home = info["AE"].Replace("GOAL", "").Replace("'", "''");
                    gameInfo.Away = info["AF"].Replace("GOAL", "").Replace("'", "''");
                    // 2014/04/18, 新增聯盟(含賽別)
                    gameInfo.AllianceName = allianceName.Replace("'", "''");
                    gameInfo.AwayPoint = "0";
                    gameInfo.HomePoint = "0";
                    gameInfo.TrackerText = "";
                    #region 分數
                    if (info.ContainsKey("AG"))
                        string[] nums = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" };
                        for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i += 2)
                            // 沒有資料就離開
                            if (!info.ContainsKey("B" + nums[i]))
                            // 分數
                            gameInfo.HomeBoard.Add(info["B" + nums[i]]);
                            gameInfo.AwayBoard.Add(info["B" + nums[i + 1]]);
                        gameInfo.AwayPoint = info["AH"];
                        gameInfo.HomePoint = info["AG"];
                    #region 比賽狀態
                    switch (info["AB"])
                        case "2":
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            // 狀態
                            if (info.ContainsKey("AC") &&
                                (info["AC"] == "38" ||
                                 info["AC"] == "46"))
                                gameInfo.Status = "中場休息";
                            if (info.ContainsKey("BX"))
                                // 剩餘時間
                                gameInfo.Status = (playMinute - int.Parse(info["BX"])).ToString();

                        case "3":
                            if (info.ContainsKey("AC"))
                                switch (info["AC"])
                                    case "4":
                                    case "5":
                                    case "36":
                                        gameInfo.GameStates = "P";
                                        gameInfo.Status = "中止";
                                        gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                        gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                    if (trackerText != null && info["AB"] != "3" && info["AC"] != "3")
                        gameInfo.TrackerText = trackerText;
                    //if (gameInfo.GameStates == "S")
                    //    int num = 0;
                    //    // 加時
                    //    if (gameInfo.Quarter == 4)
                    //    {
                    //        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.Status) &&
                    //            int.TryParse(gameInfo.Status, out num))
                    //        {
                    //            num = 20 - num;                             // 還原時間
                    //            gameInfo.Status = (5 - num).ToString();   // 經過時間
                    //        }
                    //    }
                    // 加入
                    #region 排序
                    gameInfo.OrderBy = orderBy;
                    gameInfo.Display = 1;
                    result[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
            // 傳回
            if (result.Count > 0)
                DateTime maxGameTime = result.Values.Max(p => p.GameTime);//取最大开赛时间 作为比赛日期
                download.GameDate = maxGameTime.Date;
                List<BasicInfo> overDayGames = result.Values.Where(p => p.GameTime.Date < maxGameTime.Date).ToList();//比赛日期小于最大开赛时间的日期的为跨天赛事
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("OverDayGame:\r\n");
                overDayGames.ForEach(p =>
                    p.OverDayGame = true;
                    sb.Append(p.ToString() + "\r\n");
                if (overDayGames.Count > 0)
                PrintGame(result, download.GameDate.ToString(DATE_STRING_FORMAT), "DownGame",true);
            return result;
Пример #5
        public override int Follow()
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownHome.Data)) return 0;

            int result = 0;
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            string xPath = "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/table[1]";
            // 載入資料
            // 資料位置
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode nodeGames = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
            // 判斷資料
            if (nodeGames != null && nodeGames.ChildNodes != null)
                DateTime gameDate = this.GameDate;
                DateTime gameTime = this.GameDate;
                // 資料
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode game in nodeGames.ChildNodes)
                    // 不是資料就往下處理
                    if (game.Name != "tr") continue;

                    string webID = game.ChildNodes[3].Id;
                    string doc = game.ChildNodes[1].InnerText;
                    string[] data = null;
                    string[] team = null;

                    #region 跟盤 ID
                    // 取代文字
                    doc = doc.Replace("\r", "");
                    doc = doc.Replace("\n", "");
                    doc = doc.Replace("\t", "");
                    // 分割字串
                    data = doc.Split(new string[] { " " }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    // 資料是錯的就往下處理
                    if (data.Length != 4)
                    team = data[2].Split(new string[] { "vs." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    // 資料是錯的就往下處理
                    if (team.Length != 2)
                    // 刪除無用資料
                    if (data[0].IndexOf("(") != -1)
                        data[0] = data[0].Substring(0, data[0].IndexOf("(")).Trim();
                    data[0].Replace("月", "/");
                    data[0].Replace("日", "/");
                    // 日期是錯的就往下處理
                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(data[0] + " " + data[1], out gameTime))

                    // 不是今天就往下處理
                    if (gameTime.Date != this.GameDate.Date) continue;

                    // 建立比賽資料
                    gameInfo = null;
                    gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, webID);
                    gameInfo.AcH = true; // 第一個資料是 home 的,所以要交換隊伍資料。
                    gameInfo.Away = team[1].Trim();
                    gameInfo.Home = team[0].Trim();

                    #region 下載比賽資料,比賽時間 10 分鐘前就開始處理
                    if (!this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webID) &&
                        GetUtcJp(DateTime.Now) >= gameTime.AddMinutes(-10))
                        this.DownReal.Add(webID, new string[] { DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), null });
                    #region 處理比賽資料
                    if (this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webID) &&
                        // 錯誤處理
                            JObject json = JObject.Parse(this.DownReal[webID][1]);
                            // 總分
                            gameInfo.AwayPoint = json["game_score"]["away_point"].ToString();
                            gameInfo.HomePoint = json["game_score"]["home_point"].ToString();
                            // 分數
                            if (json["game_score"]["point"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(json["game_score"]["point"].ToString().Trim()))
                                JArray board = JArray.Parse(json["game_score"]["point"].ToString());
                                // 資料
                                for (int i = 0; i < board.Count; i++)
                            // 判斷比賽狀態 0 = 比賽未開始
                            if (json["game_score"]["quarter"].ToString() != "0")
                                // Status
                                if (json["game_score"]["game_status"].ToString() == "end")
                                    gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                    gameInfo.Status = null;
                                    gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                                    gameInfo.Status = json["game_score"]["quarter_remaining_minutes"].ToString() + ":"
                                                    + json["game_score"]["quarter_remaining_seconds"].ToString();
                                    // 判斷
                                    if (gameInfo.Status == "00:00")
                                        gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                        catch { }

                    // 加入
                    this.GameData[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
                    // 累計
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #6
 public override bool Update(string connectionString, BasicInfo info)
     // 以隊伍名稱當作更新的依據
     //return this.Update2(connectionString, info);
     // 改用多來源跟分
     return this.Update4(connectionString, info);
Пример #7
        public override int Follow()
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownHome.Data)) return 0;

            int result = 0;
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            string xPath = "/html[1]/body[1]/center[1]/table[2]/tr[1]/td[2]/div[1]/table[3]/tbody[1]"; // table[3] 改 p[1] 就是年月
            // 載入資料
            // 資料位置
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode nodeGames = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
            // 判斷資料
            if (nodeGames == null)
                xPath = "/html[1]/body[1]/center[1]/table[2]/tr[1]/td[1]/td[1]/div[1]/table[3]/tbody[1]"; // table[3] 改 p[1] 就是年月
                nodeGames = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
            if (nodeGames != null && nodeGames.ChildNodes != null)
                DateTime gameDate = this.GameDate;
                DateTime gameTime = this.GameDate;
                string gameDateStr = null;
                // 資料
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode game in nodeGames.ChildNodes)
                    // 不是資料就往下處理
                    if (game.Name != "tr") continue;

                    string webID = null;
                    string webUrl = null;
                    int index = 0;

                    #region 取得日期
                    if (game.ChildNodes.Count == 9)
                        gameDateStr = game.ChildNodes[1].InnerText.Replace("월", "/").Replace("일", "").Replace(" ", "");
                        // 截斷日期
                        if (gameDateStr.IndexOf("(") != -1)
                            gameDateStr = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + "/" + gameDateStr.Substring(0, gameDateStr.IndexOf("(")).Trim();
                        // 判斷日期,失敗就往下處理
                        if (!DateTime.TryParse(gameDateStr, out gameDate))
                            gameDateStr = null;
                        index = 2;
                    // 沒有日期就往下處理
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameDateStr)) continue;
                    #region 取得時間
                    // 判斷日期,錯誤就離開
                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(gameDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " " + game.ChildNodes[index + 3].InnerText, out gameTime)) continue;
                    // 判斷是否為今天,不是今天就往下處理
                    if (this.GameDate.Date != gameTime.Date)
                        gameDateStr = null;
                    #region 跟盤 ID
                    webID = game.ChildNodes[index + 5].ChildNodes[1].GetAttributeValue("href", "");
                    Uri uri = null;
                    HttpRequest req = null;
                    // 錯誤處理
                        uri = new Uri(@"http://www.a.com" + webID);
                        // 判斷是否有資料
                        if (uri.Query != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.Query))
                            req = new HttpRequest("", uri.AbsoluteUri, uri.Query.Substring(1));
                            // 判斷資料
                            if (req["gameid"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req["gameid"].Trim()))
                                webID = req["gameid"];
                                webUrl = @"http://sportsdata.naver.com/data//kbl_game/"
                                       + webID.Substring(0, 4) + "/" + webID.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + webID + ".nsd";
                    catch { webID = null; } // 錯誤,清除跟盤 ID
                    // 沒有跟盤 ID 就往下處理
                    if (webID == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(webID.Trim()))
                        gameDateStr = null;

                    // 建立比賽資料
                    gameInfo = null;
                    gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, webID);
                    gameInfo.AcH = true;

                    string[] teamName = game.ChildNodes[index + 1].InnerText.Split(new string[] { "vs" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    // 隊伍名稱
                    if (teamName.Length == 2)
                        gameInfo.Away = teamName[0].Trim();
                        gameInfo.Home = teamName[1].Trim();

                    #region 下載比賽資料,比賽時間 10 分鐘前就開始處理
                    if (!this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webID) &&
                        GetUtcKr(DateTime.Now) >= gameTime.AddMinutes(-10))
                        this.DownReal[webID] = new BasicDownload(this.Sport, webUrl, Encoding.GetEncoding(949), webID);
                    #region 處理比賽資料
                    if (this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webID) &&
                        string[] data = this.DownReal[webID].Data.Split(new string[] { "\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        // 判斷數量
                        if (data != null && data.Length == 7 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(data[3]))
                            string strJson = (data[3].IndexOf("{") != -1) ? (data[3].Substring(data[3].IndexOf("{"))) : (data[3]);
                            // 錯誤處理
                                JObject json = JObject.Parse(strJson);
                                string home_team = json["home_team"].ToString();
                                string away_team = json["away_team"].ToString();

                                // 隊伍名稱
                                gameInfo.Away = json["team_avg_rec"][away_team]["short_name"].ToString();
                                gameInfo.Home = json["team_avg_rec"][home_team]["short_name"].ToString();
                                gameInfo.Status = json["live_text"]["time"].ToString().Replace("경기전", "賽前");

                                #region 分數
                                for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                                    if (json["quarter_score"][home_team].SelectToken("Q" + i.ToString()) != null)
                                        gameInfo.AwayBoard.Add(json["quarter_score"][away_team]["Q" + i.ToString()].ToString());
                                        gameInfo.HomeBoard.Add(json["quarter_score"][home_team]["Q" + i.ToString()].ToString());
                                #region 延長賽
                                bool hasOT = false;
                                int home_OT = 0;
                                int away_OT = 0;
                                // 延長賽分數
                                for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++)
                                    if (json["quarter_score"][home_team].SelectToken("X" + i.ToString()) != null)
                                        hasOT = true;
                                        away_OT += int.Parse(json["quarter_score"][away_team]["X" + i.ToString()].ToString());
                                        home_OT += int.Parse(json["quarter_score"][home_team]["X" + i.ToString()].ToString());
                                // 判斷
                                if (hasOT)
                                // 總分
                                gameInfo.AwayPoint = json["quarter_score"][away_team]["total_score"].ToString();
                                gameInfo.HomePoint = json["quarter_score"][home_team]["total_score"].ToString();
                                #region  取得比賽中的時間
                                if (json["live_text"][json["live_text"]["quarter"].ToString()] != null)
                                    string time = null;
                                    // 錯誤處理
                                        // 取到最後的時間
                                        foreach (JProperty obj in json["live_text"][json["live_text"]["quarter"].ToString()])
                                            time = obj.Name;
                                    catch { time = null; }
                                    // 加入狀態
                                    if (time != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(time))
                                        // 轉換
                                        DateTime oldTime = DateTime.Parse("00:" + time);
                                        DateTime newTime = DateTime.Parse("00:" + "10:00").AddSeconds(0 - (oldTime.Second + 60 * oldTime.Minute));
                                        // 設定
                                        gameInfo.Status = newTime.ToString("mm:ss");
                                    if (gameInfo.Status != "賽前")
                                        gameInfo.Status = null;
                                #region 比賽結束
                                if (json["live_text"]["quarter"].ToString().ToLower() == "end")
                                    gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                    gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                                    // 有分數才是比賽開始
                                    if (gameInfo.Quarter > 0)
                                        gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            catch { }

                    // 加入
                    this.GameData[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
                    // 累計
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #8
        private BasicInfo ProcessGameData(HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode game, DateTime gameDate, string webID)
            // 建立比賽資料,時間以台灣為主
            BasicInfo gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameDate, webID);
            gameInfo.Away = game.SelectSingleNode("div/div[@class='team visitor']/div[@class='team-capsule']/p[@class='team-name']/span/a").InnerText;
            gameInfo.Home = game.SelectSingleNode("div/div[@class='team home']/div[@class='team-capsule']/p[@class='team-name']/span/a").InnerText;
            gameInfo.Status = game.SelectSingleNode("div/div[@class='game-header']/div/p").InnerText;
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.ToLower();
            // 取代文字
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("halftime", "中場休息");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("half", "中場休息");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("qtr", "");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("1st", "");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("2nd", "");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("3rd", "");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("4th", "");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("ot", "");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("2ot", "");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("of", "");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("end", "結束");
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("&nbsp;", "");//移除空白字元
            gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Trim();

            if (gameInfo.Status == "00:00") gameInfo.Status = "結束";


            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode scoreHeader = game.SelectSingleNode("div/div[@class='game-header']/ul[@class='score header']");
            if (scoreHeader != null)//是否已經有比分
                string linescoreHeader = game.SelectSingleNode("div/div[@class='game-header']/ul[@class='score header']").InnerText;
                if (linescoreHeader.Length > 7)//資料不完整,缺乏前面局數比分     2 3 4 OT OT T
                    int lossInning = 1;
                    int.TryParse(linescoreHeader.Substring(0, 1), out lossInning);
                    if (lossInning > 1)
                        GetGameScore(gameInfo, lossInning);//無暫存取得遺漏比分

                List<int> FullAwayBoard = new List<int>();//完整比分
                List<int> FullHomeBoard = new List<int>();//完整比分
                if (this.DownScore.ContainsKey(webID) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownScore[webID].Data))
                    HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

                    HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection HomeAway = doc.GetElementbyId("gamepackageTop").SelectNodes("div[@class='line-score clear']/div[@class='line-score-container']/table/tr");
                    if (HomeAway != null && HomeAway.Count == 3)
                        foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode scores in HomeAway)
                            if (scores.Attributes["class"] != null)//忽略periods

                            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection score = scores.SelectNodes("td");
                            if (score != null)
                                bool isAway = false;
                                if (FullAwayBoard.Count == 0)
                                    isAway = true;

                                int period = score.Count - 1;
                                for (int i = 1; i < period; i++)//第0個值為隊名
                                    string tmpNum = score[i].InnerHtml.Replace("\n", "").Replace("\t", "").Trim();
                                    int tryInt = 0;
                                    int.TryParse(tmpNum, out tryInt);

                                    if (isAway)

                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode numDoc in game.SelectNodes("div/div[@class='team visitor']/ul[@class='score']/li"))
                    int num = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(numDoc.InnerText, out num))
                        if (gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count < 4)//沒有OT
                            int otDiff = FullAwayBoard.Count - gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count;//OT數差別
                            if (FullAwayBoard.Count == 0 || otDiff == 0)
                                int sum = 0;
                                for (int i = 0; i < otDiff - 1; i++)
                                    sum += FullAwayBoard[4 + i];//最後一個OT不累加
                                    gameInfo.AwayBoard.Add(FullAwayBoard[4 + i].ToString());//OT1 OT2 OT3 ...

                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.Add((num - sum).ToString());//剩下的OT分數

                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode numDoc in game.SelectNodes("div/div[@class='team home']/ul[@class='score']/li"))
                    int num = 0;
                    if (int.TryParse(numDoc.InnerText, out num))
                        if (gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count < 4)//沒有OT
                            int otDiff = FullHomeBoard.Count - gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count;//OT數差別
                            if (FullHomeBoard.Count == 0 || otDiff == 0)//尚未取得完整比分資料 或者是最後一個比分則為總分
                                int sum = 0;
                                for (int i = 0; i < otDiff - 1; i++)
                                    sum += FullHomeBoard[4 + i];//最後一個OT不累加
                                    gameInfo.HomeBoard.Add(FullHomeBoard[4 + i].ToString());//OT1 OT2 OT3 ...

                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.Add((num - sum).ToString());//剩下的OT分數
                // 總分
                if (gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count > 0)
                    gameInfo.AwayPoint = gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1];
                    gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);
                    gameInfo.HomePoint = gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1];
                    gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);

            if (gameInfo.Status.IndexOf("final") != -1)
                gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
            else if (gameInfo.Quarter > 0)
                gameInfo.GameStates = "S";

            return gameInfo;
Пример #9
 /// <summary>
 /// 更新資料。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">比賽資料</param>
 public virtual bool Update(string connectionString, BasicInfo info)
     return false;
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得資料。(Milb)(賽程資料)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">資料</param>
        protected Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> GetDataByMilbForSchedules(string html)
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                return null;

            Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> result = new Dictionary<string, BasicInfo>();
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            DateTime gameTime = DateTime.Now;
            JObject jsonSchedules = JObject.Parse(html);
            // 判斷資料
            if (jsonSchedules["schedule_vw_complete"] != null &&
                jsonSchedules["schedule_vw_complete"]["queryResults"] != null &&
                jsonSchedules["schedule_vw_complete"]["queryResults"]["row"] != null)
                JArray games = new JArray();
                // 判斷是 Arraj OR Object
                if (jsonSchedules["schedule_vw_complete"]["queryResults"]["row"] is JArray)
                    games = (JArray)jsonSchedules["schedule_vw_complete"]["queryResults"]["row"];
                // 資料
                for (int index = 0; index < games.Count; index++)
                    JObject game = (JObject)games[index];
                    // 判斷時間
                    if (DateTime.TryParse(game["game_time_local"].ToString(), out gameTime))
                        string webID = "gid_" + game["game_id"].ToString().Replace("/", "_").Replace("-", "_");

                        // 建立比賽資料
                        gameInfo = null;
                        gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, webID);
                        gameInfo.IsBall = true;
                        gameInfo.Away = game["away_team_short"].ToString();
                        gameInfo.Home = game["home_team_short"].ToString();

                        // 加入
                        result[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得資料。(Milb)(比賽資料)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">資料</param>
        protected BasicInfo GetDataByMilbForGame(string html, string webID)
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                return null;

            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            JObject json = JObject.Parse(html);
            // 判斷資料
            if (json["data"] != null &&
                json["data"]["game"] != null)
                json = (JObject)json["data"]["game"];
                gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, this.GameDate, webID);
                gameInfo.Status = json["status"].ToString();
                // 熱身賽或賽前就離開不處理
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.Status) &&
                    (gameInfo.Status.ToLower() == "warmup" ||
                     gameInfo.Status.ToLower() == "pre-game"))
                    return null;

                #region 分數
                if (json["linescore"] != null)
                    if (json["linescore"] is JObject)
                        if (json["linescore"]["away_inning_runs"] != null)
                        if (json["linescore"]["home_inning_runs"] != null)
                        foreach (JObject board in (JArray)json["linescore"])
                            if (board["away_inning_runs"] != null)
                            if (board["home_inning_runs"] != null)
                #region RHE
                if (json["away_team_runs"] != null &&
                    json["home_team_runs"] != null)
                    gameInfo.AwayPoint = json["away_team_runs"].ToString();
                    gameInfo.AwayH = json["away_team_hits"].ToString();
                    gameInfo.AwayE = json["away_team_errors"].ToString();
                    gameInfo.HomePoint = json["home_team_runs"].ToString();
                    gameInfo.HomeH = json["home_team_hits"].ToString();
                    gameInfo.HomeE = json["home_team_errors"].ToString();
                #region BSOB
                int bsob = 0;
                // Bases
                //if (json["runner_on_base_status"] != null && int.TryParse(json["runner_on_base_status"].ToString(), out bsob)) gameInfo.Bases = bsob;
                if (json["runner_on_1b"] != null)
                    bsob += 1;
                if (json["runner_on_2b"] != null)
                    bsob += 2;
                if (json["runner_on_3b"] != null)
                    bsob += 4;
                gameInfo.Bases = bsob;
                // BSO
                if (json["balls"] != null && int.TryParse(json["balls"].ToString(), out bsob))
                    gameInfo.BallB = bsob;
                if (json["strikes"] != null && int.TryParse(json["strikes"].ToString(), out bsob))
                    gameInfo.BallS = bsob;
                if (json["outs"] != null && int.TryParse(json["outs"].ToString(), out bsob))
                    gameInfo.BallO = bsob;
                #region 比賽狀態
                switch (json["status"].ToString().ToLower())
                    case "final":
                    case "game over":
                    case "completed early": // 結束
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                        gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                        // 補上 X
                        if (gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count > gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count)
                        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1]))
                            gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1] = "X";
                        // 抓取訊息顯示
                        if (json["reason"] != null)
                            gameInfo.TrackerText = json["reason"].ToString();
                    case "postponed": // 中止
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "P";
                        gameInfo.Status = "中止";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                        // 抓取訊息顯示
                        if (json["reason"] != null)
                            gameInfo.TrackerText = json["reason"].ToString();
                    case "cancelled": // 取消
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "C";
                        gameInfo.Status = "取消";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                        // 抓取訊息顯示
                        if (json["reason"] != null)
                            gameInfo.TrackerText = json["reason"].ToString();
                    case "suspended": // 暫停
                    case "delayed": // 延遲
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "D";
                        gameInfo.Status = "延遲";
                        // 抓取訊息顯示
                        if (json["reason"] != null)
                            gameInfo.TrackerText = json["reason"].ToString();
                    case "delayed start": // 延遲
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "D";
                        gameInfo.Status = "延遲";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                        // 抓取訊息顯示
                        if (json["reason"] != null)
                            gameInfo.TrackerText = json["reason"].ToString();
                    case "warmup": //熱身
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "W";
                        gameInfo.Status = "準備開賽";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                        // 抓取訊息顯示
                        if (json["reason"] != null)
                            gameInfo.TrackerText = json["reason"].ToString();
                        // 有分數才是比賽開始
                        if (gameInfo.Quarter > 0)
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            // 分數判斷
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1]))
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1] = "0";
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1]))
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1] = "0";
                            // 移除下半局
                            if (json["inning_state"] != null &&
                                json["inning_state"].ToString().ToLower() == "top")
                                if (gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count == gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count)
                                    gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                            // 其它判斷
                            if (gameInfo.BallB > 3)
                                gameInfo.BallB = 3;
                            if (gameInfo.BallS > 2)
                                gameInfo.BallS = 2;
                            if (gameInfo.BallO > 2)
                                gameInfo.BallO = 2;
            // 傳回
            return gameInfo;
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得資料。(奧訊)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html">下載的內容</param>
        /// <param name="find1">關鍵字1</param>
        /// <param name="find2">關鍵字2</param>
        /// <param name="isAcH">是否主客互換</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> GetDataByBet007Basketball(string html, string find1 = null, string find2 = null, bool isAcH = false, string url = null)
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html)) { return null; }

            Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> result = new Dictionary<string, BasicInfo>();
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            DateTime gameDate = this.GameDate;

            XmlAdapter xmlAdapter = null;

                xmlAdapter = new XmlAdapter(html, false);
                string msg = String.Format("解析網頁資料錯誤。{0}Url: {1}{0}Content: {2}{0}", Environment.NewLine, (url ?? String.Empty), html);
                //throw new Exception(msg, e);
                return null;

            if (xmlAdapter == null) { return null; }


            // 所有比賽集合
            List<string> gameRecord = xmlAdapter.GetAllSubColumns("h");

            // 目標比賽集合
            List<string> targetGames = new List<string>();
            foreach (string gameRow in gameRecord)
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(find1) || !String.IsNullOrEmpty(find2))
                    if (gameRow.IndexOf(find1) >= 0 || gameRow.IndexOf(find2) >= 0)
                    // 沒有關鍵字 取全部資料

            // 有找到目標比賽才繼續執行
            if (targetGames.Count > 0)
                foreach (string game in targetGames)
                    #region 取出資料

                    // 0:賽事ID/3:聯盟(簡,繁)/4:分幾節進行/6:開賽時間/7:狀態/8:小節剩餘時間/10:主隊名(簡,繁,英)/12:客隊名(簡,繁,英)/15:主隊總分/16:客隊總分
                    // 17:主隊1節得分/18:客隊1節得分/19:主隊2節得分/20:客隊2節得分/21:主隊3節得分/22:客隊3節得分/23:主隊4節得分/24:客隊4節得分
                    // 26:主隊ot1得分/27:客隊ot1得分/28:主隊ot2得分/29:客隊ot2得分/30:主隊ot3得分/31:客隊ot3得分
                    string[] data = game.Split('^');


                    DateTime gameTime = DateTime.Parse(data[6].Replace("<br>", " "));

                    gameInfo = null;
                    gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, data[0], true);
                    gameInfo.AllianceName = data[3].Split(',')[1];
                    gameInfo.Away = GetBet007Team(data[12]);
                    gameInfo.Home = GetBet007Team(data[10]);
                    gameInfo.AcH = isAcH;

                    #region 比賽狀態
                    // 局數
                    int innings = 0;
                    // 比賽狀態
                    string state = data[7];
                    // 剩餘時間
                    string remainingTime = data[8].Trim();
                    // 分節數 ( 2: 上下半場, 4: 4 小節 )
                    int classType = Int32.Parse(data[4]);

                    switch (state)
                        case "1":
                        case "2":
                        case "3":
                        case "4":
                        case "5":
                        case "6":
                        case "7":
                            innings = Int32.Parse(state);
                            innings = (innings > 4) ? 4 : innings; // 超過4局, 表示 OT, 取4局
                            gameInfo.Status = "0".Equals(remainingTime) ? "結束" : remainingTime; // 剩餘時間
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            gameInfo.StateValue = Convert.ToInt32(state);
                        case "50":
                            // 中場 (上下半場: 1局, 4小節: 2局)
                            innings = (classType == 2) ? 1 : 2;
                            gameInfo.Status = "中場休息";
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                        case "-1":
                            innings = 4;
                            gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                            gameInfo.StateValue = 8;
                        case "-2": // 待定
                            gameInfo.Status = "";
                            gameInfo.TrackerText = "只顯示最終比分";
                            gameInfo.Record = "只顯示最終比分";
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "X";
                        case "-3":
                            innings = 4;
                            gameInfo.Status = "中止";
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "P";
                        case "-4":
                            innings = 4;
                            gameInfo.Status = "取消";
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "C";
                        case "-5":
                            innings = 4;
                            gameInfo.Status = "延遲";
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "D";

                    #region 分數

                    // 算四小節分數
                    for (int i = 0; i < innings; i++)
                        string ptHome = data[17 + 2 * i].Trim();
                        string ptAway = data[18 + 2 * i].Trim();

                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptAway) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptHome))

                    // 取得 OT 數
                    string otCount = data[25].Trim();
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(otCount))
                        // 取得 OT 比分
                        int inningOT = Int32.Parse(otCount);
                        for (int i = 0; i < inningOT; i++)
                            string otHome = StringHelper.IsNullOrEmptyToZero(data[26 + 2 * i]);
                            string otAway = StringHelper.IsNullOrEmptyToZero(data[27 + 2 * i]);


                    // 總分
                    gameInfo.AwayPoint = StringHelper.IsNullOrEmptyToZero(data[16]);
                    gameInfo.HomePoint = StringHelper.IsNullOrEmptyToZero(data[15]);

                    gameInfo.Display = 1;
                    // 加入
                    result[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
                return null;

            return result;
Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// 轉換 Json 資料
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> JsonToGameList(string data)
            Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> infoList = new Dictionary<string, BasicInfo>();

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(data))
                JObject json = JObject.Parse(data);
                foreach (JProperty prop in json.Children())
                    // 聯盟
                    string alliance = prop.Name;

                    foreach (JProperty game in prop.Values())
                        string webID = game.Name;
                        JObject detail = game.Value as JObject;
                        DateTime gameTime = Convert.ToDateTime(String.Format("{0} {1}", detail["GameDate"], detail["GameTime"]));
                        string state = detail["GameStates"].ToString();
                        string statusText = (detail["StatusText"] ?? String.Empty).ToString();
                        string trackerText = (detail["trackerText"] ?? String.Empty).ToString();
                        string record = (detail["Record"] ?? String.Empty).ToString();

                        string teamA = detail["TeamA"].ToString();
                        string teamB = detail["TeamB"].ToString();

                        string[] runsA = detail["RunsA"].ToString().Trim().Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        string[] runsB = detail["RunsB"].ToString().Trim().Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        string ptAway = detail["RA"].ToString();
                        string ptHome = detail["RB"].ToString();

                        BasicInfo info = new BasicInfo(AllianceID, GameType, gameTime, webID);
                        info.AllianceName = alliance;
                        info.GameStates = state;
                        info.Status = statusText;
                        info.TrackerText = trackerText;
                        info.Record = record;
                        info.AcH = AcH;

                        // 主隊互換
                        if (!AcH)
                            //info.Away = teamB;
                            //info.Home = teamA;
                            //info.AwayPoint = ptHome;
                            //info.HomePoint = ptAway;
                            info.Away = teamA;
                            info.Home = teamB;
                            info.AwayPoint = ptAway;
                            info.HomePoint = ptHome;

                        infoList[info.WebID] = info;

            return infoList;
Пример #14
        //private bool CheckGame(BasicInfo oldInfo, BasicInfo newInfo)
        //    bool isLegal = true;
        //    //先检查新旧资料是否相同,不相同再比较比赛状态、分数
        //    if (!newInfo.ToString().Equals(oldInfo.ToString()))
        //    {
        //        //旧资料是未开赛,还没有比分,数据合法
        //        if (oldInfo.GameStates == "X")// && newInfo.GameStates == "X")
        //        {
        //            isLegal = true;
        //        }
        //        //旧资料是未开赛,还没有比分,数据合法
        //        //else if (newInfo.GameStates != "X")
        //        //{
        //        //    isLegal = false;
        //        //}
        //        else
        //        {
        //            if (int.Parse(oldInfo.AwayPoint) > int.Parse(newInfo.AwayPoint))
        //            {
        //                isLegal = false;
        //            }
        //            else
        //            {
        //                if (int.Parse(oldInfo.HomePoint) > int.Parse(newInfo.HomePoint))
        //                {
        //                    isLegal = false;
        //                }
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    return isLegal;
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否正常比分 
        /// 如果新的分数小于旧的分  就返回false (不正常的分数)并且把旧的分数赋值给新的
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldInfo">旧的资料</param>
        /// <param name="newInfo">新的资料</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private bool IsNormalScore(BasicInfo oldInfo, BasicInfo newInfo)
            bool ret = true;
            if (!newInfo.ToString().Equals(oldInfo.ToString()))
                if (oldInfo.HomeBoard != null && oldInfo.AwayBoard != null && newInfo.AwayBoard != null && newInfo.HomeBoard != null)
                    int oldHomeCount = 0, oldAwayCount = 0, newHomeCount = 0, newAwayCount = 0;
                    oldHomeCount = oldInfo.HomeBoard.Select<string, int>(q => Convert.ToInt32(q)).Sum();
                    oldAwayCount = oldInfo.AwayBoard.Select<string, int>(q => Convert.ToInt32(q)).Sum();
                    newHomeCount = newInfo.HomeBoard.Select<string, int>(q => Convert.ToInt32(q)).Sum();
                    newAwayCount = newInfo.AwayBoard.Select<string, int>(q => Convert.ToInt32(q)).Sum();
                    //foreach (string item in oldInfo.HomeBoard)
                    //    int o=0;
                    //    int.TryParse(item, out o);
                    //    oldHomeCount += o;
                    if (newHomeCount < oldHomeCount || newAwayCount < oldAwayCount)
                        newInfo.HomeBoard = oldInfo.HomeBoard;
                        newInfo.AwayBoard = oldInfo.AwayBoard;
                        ret = false;

                ret = false;
            return ret;
Пример #15
 private void GetOldGames()
     DateTime gameDate = this.GameDate;
     BasicInfo info = new BasicInfo(AllianceID, GameType, gameDate, gameDate.ToString(DATE_STRING_FORMAT));
     info.Away = "BF篮球";
     info.Home = "跟盤";
     info.Status = this.GetData(frmMain.ConnectionString, info);
     this.GameData[info.WebID] = info;
Пример #16
 public override bool Update(string connectionString, BasicInfo info)
     // 多來源跟分
     return this.Update4(connectionString, info);
Пример #17
        private void GetGameScore(BasicInfo game, int inning)
            List<string> AwayBoard = new List<string>();
            List<string> HomeBoard = new List<string>();
            if (this.GameData.ContainsKey(game.WebID))
                AwayBoard = this.GameData[game.WebID].AwayBoard;
                HomeBoard = this.GameData[game.WebID].HomeBoard;
                DataTable dt = GetGameDBInfo(game.WebID);//從資料庫取得舊資料
                if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                    if (dt.Rows[0]["RunsA"] != null && dt.Rows[0]["RunsB"] != null)
                        string RunsA = dt.Rows[0]["RunsA"].ToString();
                        AwayBoard = new List<string>(RunsA.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

                        string RunsB = dt.Rows[0]["RunsB"].ToString();
                        HomeBoard = new List<string>(RunsB.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries));

            if (AwayBoard.Count > 0 && HomeBoard.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < inning; i++)
                    string oldscore = AwayBoard[i];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldscore))

                    oldscore = HomeBoard[i];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(oldscore))
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得即時比分資料。(奧訊)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="html">下載的內容</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> GetChangeByBet007Basketball(string html, string url = null)
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                return null;

            Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> result = new Dictionary<string, BasicInfo>();
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            DateTime gameDate = this.GameDate;

            XmlAdapter xmlAdapter = null;

                xmlAdapter = new XmlAdapter(html, false);
            catch (Exception e)
                string msg = String.Format("解析網頁資料錯誤。{0}Url: {1}{0}Content: {2}{0}", Environment.NewLine, (url ?? String.Empty), html);
                throw new Exception(msg, e);

            if (xmlAdapter == null) { return null; }


            // 所有比賽集合
            List<string> gameRecord = xmlAdapter.GetAllSubColumns("h");

            foreach (string game in gameRecord)
                #region 取出資料

                // 0:賽事ID/1:狀態/2:小節剩餘時間/3:主隊總分/4:客隊總分
                // 5:主隊1節得分/6:客隊1節得分/7:主隊2節得分/8:客隊2節得分/9:主隊3節得分/10:客隊3節得分/11:主隊4節得分/12:客隊4節得分/13:加時數
                // 15:分節數/16:主隊ot1得分/17:客隊ot1得分/18:主隊ot2得分/19:客隊ot2得分/20:主隊ot3得分/21:客隊ot3得分
                string[] data = game.Split('^');


                gameInfo = null;
                gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameDate, data[0], true);

                #region 比賽狀態
                // 局數
                int innings = 0;
                // 比賽狀態
                string state = data[1];
                // 剩餘時間
                string remainingTime = data[2].Trim();
                // 分節數 ( 2: 上下半場, 4: 4 小節 )
                int classType = Int32.Parse(data[15]);
                switch (state)

                    case "1":
                    case "2":
                    case "3":
                    case "4":
                    case "5":
                    case "6":
                    case "7":
                        innings = Int32.Parse(state);
                        innings = (innings > 4) ? 4 : innings; // 超過4局, 表示 OT, 取4局
                        gameInfo.Status = "0".Equals(remainingTime) ? "結束" : remainingTime; // 剩餘時間
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                    case "50":
                        // 中場 (上下半場: 1局, 4小節: 2局)
                        innings = (classType == 2) ? 1 : 2;
                        gameInfo.Status = "中場休息";
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                    case "-1":
                        innings = 4;
                        gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                    case "-2": // 待定
                        gameInfo.Status = "";
                        gameInfo.TrackerText = "只顯示最終比分";
                        gameInfo.Record = "只顯示最終比分";
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "X";
                    case "-3":
                        innings = 4;
                        gameInfo.Status = "中止";
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "P";
                    case "-4":
                        innings = 4;
                        gameInfo.Status = "取消";
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "C";
                    case "-5":
                        innings = 4;
                        gameInfo.Status = "延遲";
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "D";

                #region 分數

                // 算四小節分數
                for (int i = 0; i < innings; i++)
                    string ptHome = data[5 + 2 * i].Trim();
                    string ptAway = data[6 + 2 * i].Trim();

                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptAway) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(ptHome))

                // 取得 OT 數
                string otCount = data[13].Trim();
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(otCount))
                    // 取得 OT 比分
                    int inningOT = Int32.Parse(otCount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < inningOT; i++)
                        string otHome = StringHelper.IsNullOrEmptyToZero(data[16 + 2 * i]);
                        string otAway = StringHelper.IsNullOrEmptyToZero(data[17 + 2 * i]);


                // 總分
                gameInfo.AwayPoint = StringHelper.IsNullOrEmptyToZero(data[4]);
                gameInfo.HomePoint = StringHelper.IsNullOrEmptyToZero(data[3]);


                gameInfo.Display = 1;
                // 加入
                result[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;

            return result;
Пример #19
        public override int Follow()
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (this.DownWeb.Document == null ||
                this.DownWeb.Document.Body == null) return 0;
            // 不是 Live 就離開
            if (!this.FollowByWebIsLive) return 0;

            int result = 0;
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            HtmlElementCollection divDoc = this.DownWeb.Document.Body.GetElementsByTagName("span");
            // 資料
            foreach (HtmlElement div in divDoc)
                if (div.Id != null && div.Id.IndexOf("board") == 0)
                    // 跟盤 ID
                    string webID = div.Id.Replace("board", "").Trim();
                    List<List<string>> teamBoard = this.FollowByWebTeamBoard(webID);

                    // 判斷分數
                    if (teamBoard != null && teamBoard.Count > 0 && teamBoard[1].Count > 0)
                        // 建立比賽資料
                        gameInfo = null;
                        gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, this.GameDate, webID);
                        gameInfo.Away = "Away";
                        gameInfo.Home = "Home";

                        #region 分數
                        // 客隊
                        for (int i = 0; i < teamBoard[1].Count; i++)
                        // 總分
                        gameInfo.AwayPoint = teamBoard[1][teamBoard[1].Count - 1];
                        gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);

                        // 主隊
                        for (int i = 0; i < teamBoard[2].Count; i++)
                        // 總分
                        gameInfo.HomePoint = teamBoard[2][teamBoard[2].Count - 1];
                        gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                        #region 比賽狀態
                        if (teamBoard[0][0].ToLower().IndexOf("final") != -1)
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                            gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                        /* else if (teamBoard[0][0].ToLower().IndexOf("postponed") != -1)
                             gameInfo.GameStates = "P";
                             gameInfo.Status = "中止";
                         else if (teamBoard[0][0].ToLower().IndexOf("delay") != -1)
                             gameInfo.GameStates = "D";
                             gameInfo.Status = "DELAY";
                         else if (gameInfo.Quarter > 0)
                             DateTime dtTimer = DateTime.Now;
                             // 轉換成時間
                             if (DateTime.TryParse(teamBoard[0][0], out dtTimer))
                                 gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                                 gameInfo.Status = teamBoard[0][0];
                                 // 比賽未開始
                                 gameInfo.AwayPoint = "";
                                 gameInfo.HomePoint = "";

                            gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            gameInfo.Status = teamBoard[0][0];

                        // 加入
                        this.GameData[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
                        // 累計
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #20
        protected Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> GetDataBKBF(string html, ref DateTime dateTime, bool AcH = false)
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                return null;

            Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> result = new Dictionary<string, BasicInfo>();
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            // 判斷資料
            string[] all = html.Split(new string[] { "¬~ZA÷" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // 聯盟 (第一筆是多餘的)
            for (int allianceIndex = 1; allianceIndex < all.Length; allianceIndex++)
                // 比賽集合
                string[] games = ("ZA÷" + all[allianceIndex]).Split(new string[] { "~" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string allianceName = null;
                // 聯盟資料
                // 比賽資料
                for (int gameIndex = 0; gameIndex < games.Length; gameIndex++)
                    Dictionary<string, string> info = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                    #region 取出資料
                    string[] data = games[gameIndex].Split(new string[] { "¬" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    // 資料
                    foreach (string d in data)
                        string[] txt = d.Split(new string[] { "÷" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        // 記錄
                        info[txt[0]] = txt[1];
                    #region 第一筆是聯盟
                    if (gameIndex == 0)
                        allianceName = info["ZA"];
                        // 沒有編號就往下處理
                        if (!info.ContainsKey("AA"))

                    // 不是正確的聯盟就離開
                    //if (allianceName.ToLower().IndexOf(find1) == -1 ||
                    //    allianceName.ToLower().IndexOf(find2) == -1)
                    //    break;

                    // 沒有隊伍就往下處理
                    if (!info.ContainsKey("AE") || !info.ContainsKey("AF"))

                    // 時間是 1970 年加上 Ti
                    DateTime gameTime = DateTime.Parse("1970/1/1 00:00:00").AddTicks(long.Parse(info["AD"]) * 10000000);
                    // 轉成台灣時間 UTC+8
                    gameTime = gameTime.AddHours(8);
                    dateTime = gameTime.Date;
                    // 建立比賽資料
                    gameInfo = null;
                    gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, info["AA"]);
                    gameInfo.Away = info["AE"].Replace("GOAL", "");
                    gameInfo.Home = info["AF"].Replace("GOAL", "");
                    // 2014/04/18, 新增聯盟(含賽別)
                    gameInfo.AllianceName = allianceName;

                    #region 分數
                    if (info.ContainsKey("AG"))
                        string[] nums = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" };
                        for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i += 2)
                            // 沒有資料就離開
                            if (!info.ContainsKey("B" + nums[i]))
                            // 分數
                            gameInfo.AwayBoard.Add(info["B" + nums[i]]);
                            gameInfo.HomeBoard.Add(info["B" + nums[i + 1]]);
                        //if (gameInfo.Away == "Houston Rockets" || gameInfo.Home == "Houston Rockets")
                        //    string str = "gameInfo";
                        gameInfo.AwayPoint = info["AG"];
                        gameInfo.HomePoint = info["AH"];
                    #region 比賽狀態
                    switch (info["AB"])
                        case "1":
                            if (DateTime.Compare(gameTime, DateTime.Now) <= 0)//比賽時間到了才顯示已結束
                                gameInfo.TrackerText = "只顯示最終比分";
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                        case "2":
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            // 狀態
                            if (info.ContainsKey("AC") &&
                                (info["AC"] == "38" ||
                                 info["AC"] == "46"))
                                gameInfo.Status = "中場休息";
                            if (info.ContainsKey("BX"))
                                // 剩餘時間
                                int playMinute = 10;
                                //NBA、CBA、NBA發展聯盟、Philippine Cup比賽12分鐘,WCBA10分鐘
                                if (gameInfo.AllianceName.IndexOf("NBA") >= 0 || (gameInfo.AllianceName.IndexOf("CBA") >= 0 && gameInfo.AllianceName.IndexOf("WCBA") == -1) || gameInfo.AllianceName.IndexOf("Philippine Cup") >= 0)
                                    playMinute = 12;
                                gameInfo.Status = (playMinute - int.Parse(info["BX"])).ToString();

                        case "3":
                            if (info.ContainsKey("AC"))
                                switch (info["AC"])
                                    case "4":
                                    case "5":
                                        gameInfo.GameStates = "P";
                                        gameInfo.Status = "中止";
                                        gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                        gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                    if (info["AB"] != "1")//防止一开始没有确定有没有比分源,所以备注fro,开赛前确定后就把备注去掉了的情况发生
                        gameInfo.TrackerText = "";
                    if (gameInfo.GameStates == "X")
                        gameInfo.HomePoint = "0";
                        gameInfo.AwayPoint = "0";
                    gameInfo.AcH = AcH;

                    // 加入
                    result[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #21
        public override int Follow()
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownHome.Data)) return 0;
            if (!this.DownHome.HasChanged) return 0;

            int result = 0;
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            string[] javasctript = this.DownHome.Data.Replace("\r\n", "").Split(new string[] { ";" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            string[] data = null;
            string webID = null;
            DateTime gameTime = DateTime.Now;

            for (int index = 1; index < javasctript.Length; index++)
                // 找到正確的比賽
                if (javasctript[index].IndexOf("韓甲") == -1) continue;
                // 取出資料
                webID = javasctript[index].Substring(0, javasctript[index].IndexOf("="));
                data = javasctript[index].Substring(javasctript[index].IndexOf("=") + 2).Replace("'", "").Split(',');
                // 正確的跟盤 ID
                webID = webID.Replace("bDt", "").Replace("[", "").Replace("]", "");
                // 取出時間
                if (DateTime.TryParse(data[1] + "/" + data[2] + "/" + data[3] + " " + data[4] + ":" + data[5] + ":" + data[6], out gameTime))
                    // 建立比賽資料
                    gameInfo = null;
                    gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, webID);
                    //gameInfo.AcH = true;
                    gameInfo.Away = data[11];
                    gameInfo.Home = data[13];
                    // 比賽狀態
                    if (data[0] != "0")
                        // 分數
                        // Away
                        for (var i = 15; i < 20; i++)
                        gameInfo.AwayPoint = data[21];
                        // Home
                        for (var i = 22; i < 27; i++)
                        gameInfo.HomePoint = data[28];
                        // 判斷狀態
                        switch (data[0])
                            case "9": // 比賽結束
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                // 移除其它分數
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                                gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                            case "11": // 比賽結束(加時)
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                            case "12": // 中斷
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "P";
                            case "13": // 取消
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "C";
                            case "10": // 加時
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            case "1": // 第一節
                            case "2":
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                                // 移除其它分數
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveRange(1, gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveRange(1, gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                                gameInfo.Status = data[0] == "2" ? "結束" : "";
                            case "3": // 第二節
                            case "4":
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                                // 移除其它分數
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveRange(2, gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 2);
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveRange(2, gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 2);
                                gameInfo.Status = data[0] == "4" ? "結束" : "";
                            case "5": // 第三節
                            case "6":
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                                // 移除其它分數
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveRange(3, gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 3);
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveRange(3, gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 3);
                                gameInfo.Status = data[0] == "6" ? "結束" : "";
                            case "7": // 第四節
                            case "8":
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                                // 移除其它分數
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveRange(4, gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 4);
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveRange(4, gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 4);
                                gameInfo.Status = data[0] == "8" ? "結束" : "";

                    // 加入
                    this.GameData[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
                    // 累計
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #22
        /// <summary>
        /// 取到资料 ABL 澳洲棒球
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xml">下載的內容</param>
        protected Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> GetDataByABLGame(string xml, string url = null)
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(xml))
                return null;

            Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> result = new Dictionary<string, BasicInfo>();
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();

            catch (Exception e)
                string msg = String.Format("解析網頁資料錯誤。{0}Url: {1}{0}Content: {2}{0}", Environment.NewLine, (url ?? String.Empty), xml);
                throw new Exception(msg, e);
            XmlElement rootElem = doc.DocumentElement;
            XmlNodeList personNodes = rootElem.SelectNodes("//game[@league='ABL']");
            if (personNodes == null && personNodes.Count == 0) { return null; }
            foreach (XmlNode node in personNodes)
                //node 为game节点
                XmlElement game = (XmlElement)node;
                string webID = game.GetAttribute("id").Trim();
                gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, this.GameDate, webID);
                //status 节点元素
                XmlElement status = (XmlElement)game.SelectSingleNode("./status");
                //linescore 节点
                XmlNode linescore = game.SelectSingleNode("./linescore");

                //队伍名称 【城市 队名】中间空格
                gameInfo.Home = string.Format("{0} {1}", game.GetAttribute("home_team_city"), game.GetAttribute("home_team_name"));
                gameInfo.Away = string.Format("{0} {1}", game.GetAttribute("away_team_city"), game.GetAttribute("away_team_name"));
                if (linescore != null)
                    #region 分數
                    foreach (XmlNode item in linescore.SelectNodes("./inning"))
                        XmlElement linning = (XmlElement)item;
                        string tempA = linning.GetAttribute("away");
                        string tempH = linning.GetAttribute("home");
                    #region  RHE
                    XmlElement r = (XmlElement)linescore.SelectSingleNode("./r");
                    XmlElement h = (XmlElement)linescore.SelectSingleNode("./h");
                    XmlElement e = (XmlElement)linescore.SelectSingleNode("./e");
                    if (r != null)
                        gameInfo.AwayPoint = r.GetAttribute("away");
                        gameInfo.HomePoint = r.GetAttribute("home");
                    if (h != null)
                        gameInfo.AwayH = h.GetAttribute("away");
                        gameInfo.HomeH = h.GetAttribute("home");
                    if (e != null)
                        gameInfo.AwayE = e.GetAttribute("away");
                        gameInfo.HomeE = e.GetAttribute("home");
                #region BSOB
                XmlNode runners_on_base = game.SelectSingleNode("./runners_on_base");
                int iBase = 0;
                if (runners_on_base != null)
                    if (runners_on_base.SelectSingleNode("runner_on_1b") != null)
                        iBase += 1;
                    if (runners_on_base.SelectSingleNode("runner_on_2b") != null)
                        iBase += 2;
                    if (runners_on_base.SelectSingleNode("runner_on_3b") != null)
                        iBase += 4;
                gameInfo.Bases = iBase;
                int o = 0, s = 0, b = 0;
                if (status.GetAttribute("o") != null && int.TryParse(status.GetAttribute("o").Trim(), out o))
                    gameInfo.BallO = o;
                if (status.GetAttribute("s") != null && int.TryParse(status.GetAttribute("s").Trim(), out s))
                    gameInfo.BallS = s;
                if (status.GetAttribute("b") != null && int.TryParse(status.GetAttribute("b").Trim(), out b))
                    gameInfo.BallB = b;

                #region 状态
                switch (status.GetAttribute("status").ToLower().Trim())
                    case "final":
                    case "game over":
                    case "gameover":
                    case "completed early":
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                        gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                        // 補上 X
                        if (gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count > gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count)
                        else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1]))
                            gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1] = "X";
                    case "postponed": // 中止
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "P";
                        gameInfo.Status = "中止";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                    case "cancelled": // 取消
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "C";
                        gameInfo.Status = "取消";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                    case "suspended": // 暫停
                    case "delayed": // 延遲
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "D";
                        gameInfo.Status = "延遲";
                    case "delayed start": // 延遲
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "D";
                        gameInfo.Status = "延遲";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                    case "warmup": //熱身
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "W";
                        gameInfo.Status = "準備開賽";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                    case "pre-game":
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "W";
                        gameInfo.Status = "賽前";
                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                        gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                    //case "In Progress"://比賽中
                    //    break;
                        // 有分數才是比賽開始
                        if (gameInfo.Quarter > 0)
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            // 分數判斷
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1]))
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1] = "0";
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1]))
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1] = "0";
                            // 移除下半局
                            if (status.GetAttribute("inning_state") != null &&
                                status.GetAttribute("inning_state").ToString().ToLower() == "top")
                                if (gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count == gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count)
                                    gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                            // 其它判斷
                            if (gameInfo.BallB > 3)
                            { gameInfo.BallB = 3; }
                            if (gameInfo.BallS > 2)
                            { gameInfo.BallS = 2; }
                            if (gameInfo.BallO > 2)
                            { gameInfo.BallO = 2; }
                gameInfo.TrackerText = status.GetAttribute("reason").ToLower();

                result[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
            return result;
Пример #23
        private int FollowByWeb()
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownHome.Data)) return 0;

            int result = 0;
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            //string xPath = "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]/div[8]/table[1]";
            // 載入資料
            // 資料位置
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode contentNode = document.GetElementbyId("contents");
            if (contentNode == null) { return 0; }

            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode nodeGames = contentNode.SelectSingleNode("//div[contains(@class,'NpbSchedule')]/table");

            // 判斷資料
            if (nodeGames != null && nodeGames.ChildNodes != null)
                DateTime gameDate = this.GameDate;
                DateTime gameTime = this.GameDate;
                string gameDateStr = null;

                // 資料
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode game in nodeGames.ChildNodes)
                    // 不是資料就往下處理
                    if (game.Name != "tr") continue;

                    string webID = null;
                    string webUrl = null;
                    string webStatus = null;
                    int timeIndex = 8;
                    int idIndex = 6;
                    int awayIndex = 0;
                    int homeIndex = 4;

                    #region 取得日期
                    if (game.ChildNodes.Count == 15)
                        gameDateStr = game.ChildNodes[1].InnerText.Replace("月", "/").Replace("日", "").Trim();
                        // 截斷日期
                        if (gameDateStr.IndexOf("(") != -1)
                            gameDateStr = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy") + "/" + gameDateStr.Substring(0, gameDateStr.IndexOf("(")).Trim();
                        // 判斷日期,失敗就往下處理
                        if (!DateTime.TryParse(gameDateStr, out gameDate))
                            gameDateStr = null;
                        timeIndex = 11;
                        idIndex = 9;
                        awayIndex = 3;
                        homeIndex = 7;
                    // 沒有日期就往下處理
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameDateStr)) continue;
                    // 錯誤的陣列就往下處理
                    if (timeIndex >= game.ChildNodes.Count) continue;
                    #region 取得時間
                    // 判斷日期,錯誤就離開
                    string timeStr = game.ChildNodes[timeIndex].InnerText;
                    // 取出資料
                    timeStr = timeStr.Substring(0, timeStr.IndexOf(" "));
                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(gameDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd") + " " + timeStr, out gameTime)) continue;
                    // 判斷是否為今天,不是今天就往下處理
                    if (this.GameDate.Date != gameTime.Date)
                        gameDateStr = null;
                    #region 跟盤 ID
                    webID = game.ChildNodes[idIndex].ChildNodes[0].GetAttributeValue("href", "");
                    webStatus = game.ChildNodes[idIndex].ChildNodes[0].InnerText;
                    Uri uri = null;
                    // 錯誤處理
                        uri = new Uri(@"http://www.a.com" + webID);
                        // 判斷是否有資料
                        if (uri.Segments.Length == 4)
                            webID = uri.Segments[3].Replace("/", "");
                            if (webStatus == "中止")
                                webUrl = string.Format(sWebUrl5, webID);
                                webUrl = string.Format(sWebUrl6, webID);
                    catch { webID = null; } // 錯誤,清除跟盤 ID
                    // 沒有跟盤 ID 就往下處理
                    if (webID == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(webID.Trim()))
                        gameDateStr = null;

                    // 建立比賽資料
                    gameInfo = null;
                    gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, webID);
                    gameInfo.IsBall = true; // 賽程的主客隊與資料是相反的
                    gameInfo.Away = game.ChildNodes[homeIndex].InnerText;
                    gameInfo.AwayPoint = "";
                    gameInfo.Home = game.ChildNodes[awayIndex].InnerText;
                    gameInfo.HomePoint = "";
                    gameInfo.GameStates = (webStatus == "中止") ? ("P") : ("X");

                    #region 下載比賽資料,比賽時間 10 分鐘前就開始處理
                    if (!this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webID) &&
                        GetUtcKr(DateTime.Now) >= gameTime.AddMinutes(-10))
                        this.DownReal[webID] = new BasicDownload(this.Sport, webUrl, webID);
                    #region 處理比賽資料
                    if (this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webID) &&
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
                        HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode node = null;

                        // 讀取資料

                        // 判斷是中止
                        if (gameInfo.GameStates == "P")
                            string findxpath = FindXPath(doc.DocumentNode, "yjSNLiveBattlereview");
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(findxpath))
                                node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(findxpath);
                                if (node != null && node.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                                    // 原因
                                    gameInfo.TrackerText = node.ChildNodes[node.ChildNodes.Count - 2].InnerText;
                            #region 分數
                            node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(FindXPath(doc.DocumentNode, "scoreboard"));
                            if (node != null && node.ChildNodes.Count >= 1)
                                // Away
                                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode data in node.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes)
                                    // 不是資料就往下處理
                                    if (data.Name != "td")
                                    // 分數
                                    gameInfo.AwayBoard.Add(data.InnerText.Replace("&nbsp;", ""));
                                gameInfo.AwayPoint = gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 3];
                                gameInfo.AwayH = gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 2];
                                gameInfo.AwayE = gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1];
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);
                                // Home
                                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode data in node.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[4].ChildNodes)
                                    // 不是資料就往下處理
                                    if (data.Name != "td")
                                    gameInfo.HomeBoard.Add(data.InnerText.Replace("&nbsp;", ""));
                                gameInfo.HomePoint = gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 3];
                                gameInfo.HomeH = gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 2];
                                gameInfo.HomeE = gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1];
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                            // 移除無用的分數
                            if (gameInfo.Quarter > 0)
                                int index = gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1;
                                while (index >= 0)
                                    if (gameInfo.AwayBoard[index] == "-")
                                        gameInfo.AwayBoard[index] = "0";

                                    if (gameInfo.HomeBoard[index] == "-")
                                        gameInfo.HomeBoard[index] = "0";

                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.AwayBoard[index]))
                                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.HomeBoard[index]))
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            #region BSO
                            node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(FindXPath(doc.DocumentNode, "sbo"));
                            if (node != null && node.ChildNodes.Count >= 1)
                                string txt = null;
                                int bStart = 0;
                                int bEnd = 0;
                                // B
                                txt = node.ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[1].InnerHtml.Replace("\n", "");
                                bStart = txt.IndexOf("<b>");
                                bEnd = txt.IndexOf("</b>");
                                if (bStart != -1 && bEnd != -1)
                                    gameInfo.BallB = txt.Substring(bStart + 3, bEnd - bStart - 3).Length;
                                    if (gameInfo.BallB > 3)
                                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                                // S
                                txt = node.ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[3].InnerHtml.Replace("\n", "");
                                bStart = txt.IndexOf("<b>");
                                bEnd = txt.IndexOf("</b>");
                                if (bStart != -1 && bEnd != -1)
                                    gameInfo.BallS = txt.Substring(bStart + 3, bEnd - bStart - 3).Length;
                                    if (gameInfo.BallS > 2)
                                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                                // O
                                txt = node.ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[5].InnerHtml.Replace("\n", "");
                                bStart = txt.IndexOf("<b>");
                                bEnd = txt.IndexOf("</b>");
                                if (bStart != -1 && bEnd != -1)
                                    gameInfo.BallO = txt.Substring(bStart + 3, bEnd - bStart - 3).Length;
                                    if (gameInfo.BallO > 2)
                                        gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                                        gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                                        gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                            #region Bases
                            node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(FindXPath(doc.DocumentNode, "base"));
                            if (node != null && node.ChildNodes.Count >= 1)
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FindXPath(doc.DocumentNode, "base1")))
                                    gameInfo.Bases += 1;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FindXPath(doc.DocumentNode, "base2")))
                                    gameInfo.Bases += 2;
                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(FindXPath(doc.DocumentNode, "base3")))
                                    gameInfo.Bases += 4;
                            #region 狀態
                            node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(FindXPath(doc.DocumentNode, "livenavi"));
                            if (node != null)
                                if (node.InnerText.IndexOf("試合前") != -1)
                                    gameInfo.GameStates = "X";
                                    gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                                    gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                                    gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                                    gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                                    gameInfo.AwayPoint = "";
                                    gameInfo.AwayH = null;
                                    gameInfo.AwayE = null;
                                    gameInfo.HomePoint = "";
                                    gameInfo.HomeH = null;
                                    gameInfo.HomeE = null;
                                if (node.InnerText.IndexOf("試合終了") != -1)
                                    gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                    gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                                    gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                                    gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                                    gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                            // 比賽結束
                            node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(FindXPath(doc.DocumentNode, "afterdata"));
                            if (node != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.InnerText))
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                                gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                                gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                                gameInfo.Bases = 0;

                    if (base.CheckGame(gameInfo))//檢查比分是否合法
                        this.GameData[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;// 加入
                        result++;// 累計
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #24
        /// <summary>
        /// 取得資料。(Asiascore)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="data">資料</param>
        /// <param name="find1">搜尋條件</param>
        /// <param name="find2">搜尋條件</param>
        /// <param name="playMinute">比賽的時間長度</param>
        protected Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> GetDataByAsiaScore(string html, string find1, string find2, int playMinute)
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(html))
                return null;

            Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> result = new Dictionary<string, BasicInfo>();
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            DateTime gameDate = this.GameDate;
            // 判斷資料
            string[] all = html.Split(new string[] { "¬~ZA÷" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            // 聯盟 (第一筆是多餘的)
            for (int allianceIndex = 1; allianceIndex < all.Length; allianceIndex++)
                // 比賽集合
                string[] games = ("ZA÷" + all[allianceIndex]).Split(new string[] { "~" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                string allianceName = null;
                // 聯盟資料
                // 比賽資料
                for (int gameIndex = 0; gameIndex < games.Length; gameIndex++)
                    Dictionary<string, string> info = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                    #region 取出資料
                    string[] data = games[gameIndex].Split(new string[] { "¬" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    // 資料
                    foreach (string d in data)
                        string[] txt = d.Split(new string[] { "÷" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        // 記錄
                        info[txt[0]] = txt[1];
                    #region 第一筆是聯盟
                    if (gameIndex == 0)
                        allianceName = info["ZA"];
                        // 沒有編號就往下處理
                        if (!info.ContainsKey("AA"))

                    // 不是正確的聯盟就離開
                    if (allianceName.ToLower().IndexOf(find1) == -1 ||
                        allianceName.ToLower().IndexOf(find2) == -1)

                    // 沒有隊伍就往下處理
                    if (!info.ContainsKey("AE") || !info.ContainsKey("AF"))

                    // 時間是 1970 年加上 Ti
                    DateTime gameTime = DateTime.Parse("1970/1/1 00:00:00").AddTicks(long.Parse(info["AD"]) * 10000000);
                    // 轉成台灣時間 UTC+8
                    gameTime = gameTime.AddHours(8);

                    // 建立比賽資料
                    gameInfo = null;
                    gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameDate, info["AA"]);
                    gameInfo.Away = info["AE"].Replace("GOAL", "");
                    gameInfo.Home = info["AF"].Replace("GOAL", "");
                    // 2014/04/18, 新增聯盟(含賽別)
                    gameInfo.AllianceName = allianceName;

                    #region 分數
                    if (info.ContainsKey("AG"))
                        string[] nums = new string[] { "A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "J" };
                        for (int i = 0; i < nums.Length; i += 2)
                            // 沒有資料就離開
                            if (!info.ContainsKey("B" + nums[i]))
                            // 分數
                            gameInfo.AwayBoard.Add(info["B" + nums[i]]);
                            gameInfo.HomeBoard.Add(info["B" + nums[i + 1]]);
                        gameInfo.AwayPoint = info["AG"];
                        gameInfo.HomePoint = info["AH"];
                    #region 比賽狀態
                    switch (info["AB"])
                        case "2":
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            // 狀態
                            if (info.ContainsKey("AC") &&
                                (info["AC"] == "38" ||
                                 info["AC"] == "46"))
                                gameInfo.Status = "中場休息";
                            if (info.ContainsKey("BX"))
                                // 剩餘時間
                                gameInfo.Status = (playMinute - int.Parse(info["BX"])).ToString();

                        case "3":
                            if (info.ContainsKey("AC"))
                                switch (info["AC"])
                                    case "4":
                                    case "5":
                                    case "36":
                                        gameInfo.GameStates = "P";
                                        gameInfo.Status = "中止";
                                        gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                        gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                gameInfo.Status = "結束";

                    // 加入
                    result[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #25
        public override int Follow()
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownHome.Data)) return 0;

            int result = 0;
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            string xPath = "/html[1]/body[1]/center[1]/table[1]/tr[3]/td[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[2]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[1]/td[1]/font[1]/select[1]";
            // 載入資料
            // 資料位置 (年度)
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode nodeGames = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
            // 判斷資料
            if (nodeGames != null && nodeGames.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                string gameYear = null;
                string gameMonth = null;
                DateTime gameDate = this.GameDate;
                DateTime gameTime = this.GameDate;
                Dictionary<string, string> box = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                #region 取出年度
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode year in nodeGames.ChildNodes)
                    // 找出選擇
                    if (year.GetAttributeValue("selected", "") == "selected")
                        gameYear = year.GetAttributeValue("value", "");
                #region 取出月份
                xPath = "/html[1]/body[1]/center[1]/table[1]/tr[3]/td[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[2]/td[1]/table[2]/tr[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[1]/td[1]";
                nodeGames = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
                // 沒有資料就離開
                if (nodeGames == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeGames.InnerText) ||
                    nodeGames.InnerText.LastIndexOf("月") == -1)
                    // 失敗就離開
                    return 0;
                    gameMonth = nodeGames.InnerText.Substring(0, nodeGames.InnerText.LastIndexOf("月")).Trim();
                    // 轉成正確的月份
                    if (gameMonth == "一") gameMonth = "1";
                    if (gameMonth == "二") gameMonth = "2";
                    if (gameMonth == "三") gameMonth = "3";
                    if (gameMonth == "四") gameMonth = "4";
                    if (gameMonth == "五") gameMonth = "5";
                    if (gameMonth == "六") gameMonth = "6";
                    if (gameMonth == "七") gameMonth = "7";
                    if (gameMonth == "八") gameMonth = "8";
                    if (gameMonth == "九") gameMonth = "9";
                    if (gameMonth == "十") gameMonth = "10";
                    if (gameMonth == "十一") gameMonth = "11";
                    if (gameMonth == "十二") gameMonth = "12";
                // 轉成日期
                if (!DateTime.TryParse(gameYear + "/" + gameMonth + "/1", out gameDate)) return 0;
                #region 取出狀態
                xPath = FindXPath(document.DocumentNode, "lblG2");
                // 判斷資料
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(xPath))
                    nodeGames = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
                    // 資料
                    foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode gameRow in nodeGames.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes)
                        // 不是資料就往下處理
                        if (gameRow.Name != "tr") continue;
                        if (gameRow.ChildNodes.Count < 2) continue;

                        // 判斷比賽中
                        if (gameRow.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[0].Name == "font")
                            box[gameRow.ChildNodes[0].InnerText] = gameRow.ChildNodes[2].InnerText.Trim();
                        if (gameRow.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[0].Name == "a" &&
                            gameRow.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes.Count < 5)
                            box[gameRow.ChildNodes[0].InnerText] = "E";

                xPath = "/html[1]/body[1]/center[1]/table[1]/tr[3]/td[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[2]/td[1]/table[2]/tr[1]/td[1]/table[1]/tr[2]/td[1]/table[1]";
                nodeGames = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
                // 沒有資料就離開
                if (nodeGames == null || nodeGames.ChildNodes.Count == 0) return 0;
                // 資料
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode gameRow in nodeGames.ChildNodes)
                    // 不是資料就往下處理
                    if (gameRow.Name != "tr") continue;
                    // 資料
                    foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode td in gameRow.ChildNodes)
                        // 不是資料就往下處理
                        if (td.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes.Count != 2) continue;
                        // 不是日期就往下處理
                        if (!DateTime.TryParse(gameDate.ToString("yyyy-MM") + "-" + td.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].InnerText, out gameTime)) continue;

                        string webID = null;
                        string webUrl1 = null;
                        string webUrl2 = null;
                        string webUrl3 = null;
                        string[] info = new string[] { "", "", "", "", "", "", "" };
                        int index = 0;
                        // 資料
                        foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode data in td.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes)
                            // 資料是分隔就清空
                            if (data.Name == "img")
                                index = 0;
                            // 不是資料就往下處理
                            if (data.Name != "#text" || string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.InnerText.Trim())) continue;
                            // 放入資料
                            info[index] = data.InnerText.Trim();
                            // 位置累計
                            // 判斷數量與時間
                            if (index >= 5)
                                string[] team = new string[] { "", "" };
                                if (info[1].ToLower().IndexOf("vs.") != -1)
                                    // 判斷時間
                                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(gameTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + info[3], out gameTime)) continue;
                                    team = info[1].ToLower().Split(new string[] { "vs." }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                                    // 判斷時間
                                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(gameTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + info[4], out gameTime)) continue;
                                    team[0] = info[1];
                                    team[1] = info[2];

                                // 不是今天就往下處理
                                if (gameTime.Date != this.GameDate.Date) continue;
                                //if (gameTime.Date != DateTime.Parse("2013-4-6")) continue;

                                webID = info[0];
                                // 建立比賽資料
                                gameInfo = null;
                                gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, webID);
                                gameInfo.IsBall = true;
                                gameInfo.Away = team[0].Trim();
                                gameInfo.Home = team[1].Trim();

                                #region 下載比賽資料,比賽時間 10 分鐘前就開始處理
                                // 比賽分數
                                webUrl1 = string.Format(sWebUrl1, gameTime.ToString("yyyy"), webID);
                                if (!this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webUrl1) &&
                                    GetUtcKr(DateTime.Now) >= gameTime.AddMinutes(-10))
                                    this.DownReal[webUrl1] = new BasicDownload(this.Sport, webUrl1);
                                // 單局內容
                                webUrl2 = string.Format(sWebUrl2, gameTime.ToString("yyyy"), webID);
                                if (!this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webUrl2) &&
                                    GetUtcKr(DateTime.Now) >= gameTime.AddMinutes(-10))
                                    this.DownReal[webUrl2] = new BasicDownload(this.Sport, webUrl2);
                                // 全局內容
                                webUrl3 = string.Format(sWebUrl3, gameTime.ToString("yyyy"), webID);
                                if (!this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webUrl3) &&
                                    GetUtcKr(DateTime.Now) >= gameTime.AddMinutes(-10))
                                    this.DownReal[webUrl3] = new BasicDownload(this.Sport, webUrl3);
                                #region 處理比賽資料
                                if (this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webUrl1) &&
                                    this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webUrl2) &&
                                    this.DownReal.ContainsKey(webUrl3) &&
                                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownReal[webUrl1].Data) &&
                                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownReal[webUrl2].Data) &&
                                    HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
                                    int round1 = 0;
                                    int round2 = 0;

                                    #region 單局內容
                                    // 判斷資料
                                    if (doc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes.Count == 7)
                                        // 轉成局數
                                        int.TryParse(doc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes[0].InnerText, out round1);
                                        // 判斷比賽結束
                                        if (gameInfo.GameStates == "X")
                                            //gameInfo.GameStates = (this.DownReal[webUrl2].Data.IndexOf("比賽結束") != -1) ? ("E") : ("S");
                                    #region 全局內容
                                    // 資料
                                    foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode table in doc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes)
                                        // 不是資料就往下處理
                                        if (table.Name != "table") continue;
                                        if (table.ChildNodes.Count <= 5) continue;
                                        // 資料
                                        foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode tr in table.ChildNodes)
                                            // 不是資料就往下處理
                                            if (tr.Name != "tr") continue;
                                            // 累計
                                    round2 = (round2 - 1) / 3;
                                    // 判斷局數
                                    if (round1 == 0 && round2 > 0) round1 = round2;
                                    #region 比賽分數
                                    // 判斷資料
                                    if (doc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes.Count == 7)
                                        // Away
                                        foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode d in doc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[3].ChildNodes)
                                            // 不是資料就往下處理
                                            if (d.Name != "td") continue;
                                            // 加入分數
                                            gameInfo.AwayBoard.Add((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(d.InnerText.Trim())) ? (d.InnerText.Trim()) : (""));
                                        // RHE
                                        gameInfo.AwayPoint = gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 3];
                                        gameInfo.AwayH = gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 2];
                                        gameInfo.AwayE = gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1];
                                        // 移除 RHE
                                        gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);
                                        gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);
                                        gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);
                                        // Home
                                        foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode d in doc.DocumentNode.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[5].ChildNodes)
                                            // 不是資料就往下處理
                                            if (d.Name != "td") continue;
                                            // 加入分數
                                            gameInfo.HomeBoard.Add((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(d.InnerText.Trim())) ? (d.InnerText.Trim()) : (""));
                                        // RHE
                                        gameInfo.HomePoint = gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 3];
                                        gameInfo.HomeH = gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 2];
                                        gameInfo.HomeE = gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1];
                                        // 移除 RHE
                                        gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                                        gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                                        gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                                    // 移除多餘的分數 測試
                                    round1 = gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count;
                                    if (round1 < gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count) round1 = gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count;
                                    while (round1 > 0)
                                        if (round1 < gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count &&
                                        if (round1 < gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count &&
                                        if (gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count == 0 ||
                                            gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count == 0)
                                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1]) ||
                                            !string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1]))
                                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.AwayBoard[gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1]))
                                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count - 1);
                                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameInfo.HomeBoard[gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1]))
                                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.RemoveAt(gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count - 1);
                                    #region 比賽狀態
                                    if (gameInfo.Quarter == 0)
                                        gameInfo.GameStates = "X";
                                        // 判斷比賽結束
                                        if (gameInfo.GameStates == "S" ||
                                            gameInfo.GameStates == "X")
                                            gameInfo.GameStates = (this.DownReal[webUrl3].Data.IndexOf("再見") != -1) ? ("E") : ("S");
                                    if (gameInfo.GameStates == "S" &&
                                        box.ContainsKey(gameInfo.Away + gameInfo.Home))
                                        // 比賽結束
                                        if (box[gameInfo.Away + gameInfo.Home] == "E")
                                            gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                            if (gameInfo.Quarter == 0)
                                                gameInfo.GameStates = "X";
                                                gameInfo.AwayPoint = "";
                                                gameInfo.AwayH = "0";
                                                gameInfo.AwayE = "0";
                                                gameInfo.HomePoint = "";
                                                gameInfo.HomeH = "0";
                                                gameInfo.HomeE = "0";
                                                gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                                                gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                                                gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                                                gameInfo.Bases = 0;

                                // 加入
                                this.GameData[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
                                // 累計

            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #26
        private int FollowByBasicToCBS()
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownHome.Data)) return 0;

            int result = 0;
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();
            string xPath = "/html[1]/body[1]/div[3]/div[3]/div[1]/div[2]/div[1]";
            // 載入資料
            // 資料位置
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode nodeGames = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xPath);
            // 判斷資料
            if (nodeGames != null && nodeGames.ChildNodes != null)
                DateTime gameDate = this.GameDate;
                DateTime gameTime = this.GameDate;
                // 資料
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode gameCol in nodeGames.ChildNodes)
                    // 不是資料就往下處理
                    if (gameCol.Name != "div") continue;
                    if (gameCol.GetAttributeValue("class", "").IndexOf("scoreBox") == -1) continue;
                    // 資料
                    foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode game in gameCol.ChildNodes)
                        #region span 隊伍與分數
                        if (game.Name == "span" &&
                            game.Id.IndexOf("board") != -1)
                            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode table = game.ChildNodes[1];
                            // 跟盤 ID
                            string webID = game.Id.Replace("board", "").Trim();

                            // 建立比賽資料
                            gameInfo = null;
                            gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, webID);
                            gameInfo.IsBall = true;

                            #region 客隊
                            gameInfo.Away = table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[0].InnerText;
                            // 截取
                            if (gameInfo.Away.IndexOf("(") != -1)
                                gameInfo.Away = gameInfo.Away.Substring(0, gameInfo.Away.IndexOf("(")).Trim();
                            // 分數
                            if (table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Count > 3)
                                for (int i = 1; i < table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Count - 3; i++)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[i].InnerText.Replace("&nbsp;", "")))
                                // 總分
                                gameInfo.AwayPoint = table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Count - 3].InnerText;
                                gameInfo.AwayH = table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Count - 2].InnerText;
                                gameInfo.AwayE = table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Count - 1].InnerText;
                            #region 主隊
                            gameInfo.Home = table.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[0].InnerText;
                            // 截取
                            if (gameInfo.Home.IndexOf("(") != -1)
                                gameInfo.Home = gameInfo.Home.Substring(0, gameInfo.Home.IndexOf("(")).Trim();
                            // 分數
                            if (table.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes.Count > 3)
                                for (int i = 1; i < table.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes.Count - 3; i++)
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[i].InnerText.Replace("&nbsp;", "")))
                                // 總分
                                gameInfo.HomePoint = table.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Count - 3].InnerText;
                                gameInfo.HomeH = table.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Count - 2].InnerText;
                                gameInfo.HomeE = table.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Count - 1].InnerText;
                            #region 比賽狀態
                            if (table.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].InnerText.IndexOf("Final") != -1)
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                                gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                                gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                                gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                                gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                                gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                            else if (gameInfo.Quarter > 0)
                                gameInfo.GameStates = "S";

                            // 加入
                            this.GameData[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
                            // 累計
                        #region div BSO Bases
                        if (gameInfo != null &&
                            gameInfo.GameStates == "S" &&
                            game.Name == "div" && game.Id == "alerts" + gameInfo.WebID &&
                            game.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes.Count > 0)
                            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode table = game.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[0];
                            // 判斷資料
                            if (table != null && table.ChildNodes.Count == 3)
                                // B
                                if (table.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[1].GetAttributeValue("class", "") != "none") gameInfo.BallB = 1;
                                if (table.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[3].GetAttributeValue("class", "") != "none") gameInfo.BallB = 2;
                                if (table.ChildNodes[0].ChildNodes[5].GetAttributeValue("class", "") != "none") gameInfo.BallB = 3;
                                // S
                                if (table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[0].GetAttributeValue("class", "") != "none") gameInfo.BallS = 1;
                                if (table.ChildNodes[1].ChildNodes[2].GetAttributeValue("class", "") != "none") gameInfo.BallS = 2;
                                // OUT
                                if (table.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[0].GetAttributeValue("class", "") != "none") gameInfo.BallO = 1;
                                if (table.ChildNodes[2].ChildNodes[2].GetAttributeValue("class", "") != "none") gameInfo.BallO = 2;
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #27
 private void GetOldGames()
     DataTable dt = this.GetIceHockeyData(frmMain.ConnectionString, this.GameDate.AddDays(startIndex), this.GameDate.AddDays(endIndex));
     foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
         int allianceid = dr.Field<int>("AllianceID");
         string webID = dr.Field<string>("WebID");
         string gameDate = dr.Field<DateTime>("GameDate").ToString(DATE_STRING_FORMAT);
         DateTime gameTime = DateTime.Parse(gameDate + " " + dr.Field<TimeSpan>("GameTime").ToString(@"hh\:mm"));
         BasicInfo basic = new BasicInfo(allianceid, this.GameType, gameTime, webID);
         basic.AllianceName = dr.Field<string>("alliancename");
         basic.GameStates = dr.Field<string>("GameStates");
         basic.Status = dr.Field<string>("StatusText");
         basic.Home = dr.Field<string>("home");
         basic.Away = dr.Field<string>("away");
         basic.HomePoint = dr.Field<int>("RA").ToString();
         basic.AwayPoint = dr.Field<int>("RB").ToString();
         basic.HomeBoard = dr.Field<string>("RunsA") != null ? dr.Field<string>("RunsA").Split(',').ToList() : null;
         basic.AwayBoard = dr.Field<string>("RunsB") != null ? dr.Field<string>("RunsB").Split(',').ToList() : null;
         basic.TrackerText = dr.Field<string>("TrackerText");
         basic.Record = dr.Field<string>("Record");
         basic.OrderBy = dr.Field<int>("OrderBy");
         Dictionary<string, BasicInfo> dic = this.gameData.ContainsKey(gameDate) ? this.gameData[gameDate] : new Dictionary<string, BasicInfo>();
         if (!dic.ContainsKey(basic.WebID))
             dic.Add(basic.WebID, basic);
         this.gameData[gameDate] = dic;
Пример #28
        private int FollowByBasicToMLB()
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownHome.Data)) return 0;

            int result = 0;
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            JObject json = new JObject();
            // 載入資料
            json = JObject.Parse(this.DownHome.Data);
            // 判斷資料
            if (json["data"]["games"] != null &&
                json["data"]["games"]["game"] != null)
                DateTime gameTime = this.GameDate;
                string webID = null;
                int num = 0;
                // 資料
                foreach (JObject game in (JArray)json["data"]["games"]["game"])
                    // 日期時間錯誤就離開
                    if (!DateTime.TryParse(game["time_date"].ToString() + " " + game["ampm"].ToString(), out gameTime)) continue;
                    webID = game["gameday"].ToString();
                    // 建立比賽資料
                    gameInfo = null;
                    gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, gameTime, webID);
                    gameInfo.IsBall = true;
                    gameInfo.Away = game["away_team_name"].ToString();
                    gameInfo.Home = game["home_team_name"].ToString();

                    if (game["linescore"] != null &&
                        game["status"] != null)
                        // 分數
                        if (game["linescore"]["inning"] is JObject)
                            if (game["linescore"]["inning"]["away"] != null) gameInfo.AwayBoard.Add((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(game["linescore"]["inning"]["away"].ToString())) ? (game["linescore"]["inning"]["away"].ToString()) : ("0"));
                            if (game["linescore"]["inning"]["home"] != null) gameInfo.HomeBoard.Add((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(game["linescore"]["inning"]["home"].ToString())) ? (game["linescore"]["inning"]["home"].ToString()) : ("0"));
                            foreach (JObject board in (JArray)game["linescore"]["inning"])
                                if (board["away"] != null) gameInfo.AwayBoard.Add((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(board["away"].ToString())) ? (board["away"].ToString()) : ("0"));
                                if (board["home"] != null) gameInfo.HomeBoard.Add((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(board["home"].ToString())) ? (board["home"].ToString()) : ("0"));
                        // R、H、E
                        gameInfo.AwayPoint = game["linescore"]["r"]["away"].ToString();
                        gameInfo.AwayH = game["linescore"]["h"]["away"].ToString();
                        gameInfo.AwayE = game["linescore"]["e"]["away"].ToString();
                        gameInfo.HomePoint = game["linescore"]["r"]["home"].ToString();
                        gameInfo.HomeH = game["linescore"]["h"]["home"].ToString();
                        gameInfo.HomeE = game["linescore"]["e"]["home"].ToString();
                        // 比賽狀態
                        if (game["status"]["status"].ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("final") != -1 ||
                            game["status"]["status"].ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("game over") != -1)
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                            // 比賽結束補 X
                            if (gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count != gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count)
                        else if (game["status"]["status"].ToString().ToLower().IndexOf("pre-game") == -1)
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                            // BSO
                            if (int.TryParse(game["status"]["b"].ToString(), out num)) gameInfo.BallB = num;
                            if (int.TryParse(game["status"]["s"].ToString(), out num)) gameInfo.BallS = num;
                            if (int.TryParse(game["status"]["o"].ToString(), out num)) gameInfo.BallO = num;
                            if (game["runners_on_base"] != null &&
                                game["runners_on_base"]["status"] != null &&
                                int.TryParse(game["runners_on_base"]["status"].ToString(), out num))
                                gameInfo.Bases = num;

                    // 加入
                    this.GameData[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
                    // 累計
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #29
        public override int Follow()
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.DownHome.Data)) return 0;

            int result = 0;
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument document = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

            // 載入資料
            // 資料位置
            //string xPath = "/html[1]/body[1]/div[1]/div[3]/div[1]/div[1]/div[2]/div[3]";
            //HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode nodeGames = document.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(xPath);

            HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode nodeGames = document.GetElementbyId("AHLscoreBox");
            // 判斷資料
            if (nodeGames != null && nodeGames.ChildNodes != null)
                DateTime gameDate = this.GameDate;
                DateTime gameTime = this.GameDate;
                //string gameDateStr = null;
                int gameQuarter = 0;
                // 資料
                foreach (HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode game in nodeGames.ChildNodes)

                    string webID = null;
                    #region 跟盤 ID
                    HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNodeCollection GameDateInfo = game.SelectNodes("div[@class='final-hd-link']/a");
                    if (GameDateInfo != null && GameDateInfo.Count > 0)

                        var href = GameDateInfo[0].GetAttributeValue("href", "");
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(href))//取到空值

                            if (!href.Contains("http"))
                                href = "http://" + href;

                            Uri uri = new Uri(href);
                            // 判斷是否有資料
                            if (uri.Query != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri.Query))
                                HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest("", uri.AbsoluteUri, uri.Query.Substring(1));
                                // 判斷資料
                                if (req["game_id"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req["game_id"].Trim()))//已開賽
                                    webID = req["game_id"];
                                else if (req["file_path"] != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(req["file_path"].Trim()))//未開賽
                                    webID = req["file_path"];
                                    if (webID.IndexOf("/") != -1)
                                        webID = webID.Substring(webID.IndexOf("/") + 1).Trim();
                                    if (webID.IndexOf("-") != -1)
                                        webID = webID.Substring(0, webID.IndexOf("-")).Trim();
                        catch { }


                    // 沒有跟盤 ID 就往下處理
                    if (webID == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(webID.Trim())) continue;

                    // 建立比賽資料,時間以台灣為主
                    DateTime GameTime;
                    if (diffTime > 0)
                        GameTime = this.GameDate.AddHours(diffTime);
                        TimeSpan ts = DateTime.Now - this.GameDate;
                        GameTime = this.GameDate.AddHours(ts.TotalHours);

                    gameInfo = null;
                    gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, GameTime, webID);
                    gameQuarter = 0;

                    #region 處理比賽資料
                    #region 狀態
                    gameInfo.Status = game.ChildNodes[1].InnerText.ToLower().Trim();
                    gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.ToLower().Trim();
                    // 判斷目前局數
                    if (gameInfo.Status.IndexOf("1st") != -1) gameQuarter = 1;
                    if (gameInfo.Status.IndexOf("2nd") != -1) gameQuarter = 2;
                    if (gameInfo.Status.IndexOf("3rd") != -1) gameQuarter = 3;
                    if (gameInfo.Status.IndexOf("ot") != -1) gameQuarter = 4;
                    // 判斷
                    if (gameInfo.Status.IndexOf("final") != -1)
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                        gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                        gameQuarter = 10;
                    else if (gameQuarter > 0) // 有局數才有比賽
                        // 取代文字
                        gameInfo.GameStates = "S";
                        // 取代文字
                        gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("half", "");
                        gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("halftime", "");
                        gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("qtr", "");
                        gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("1st", "");
                        gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("2nd", "");
                        gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("3rd", "");
                        gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("4th", "");
                        gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("ot", "");
                        gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Replace("2ot", "");
                        gameInfo.Status = gameInfo.Status.Trim();
                        if (gameInfo.Status == "00:00")
                            gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                    HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlNode info = null;
                    // 判斷資料格式
                    if (game.ChildNodes[5].ChildNodes.Count == 5)
                        #region 比賽未開始,只有隊伍名稱
                        // Away
                        info = game.ChildNodes[5].ChildNodes[1];
                        gameInfo.Away = info.ChildNodes[1].InnerText;
                        // Home
                        info = game.ChildNodes[5].ChildNodes[3];
                        gameInfo.Home = info.ChildNodes[1].InnerText;
                        #region Away
                        info = game.ChildNodes[5].ChildNodes[3];
                        gameInfo.Away = info.ChildNodes[1].InnerText;
                        gameInfo.AwayPoint = info.ChildNodes[info.ChildNodes.Count - 10].InnerText;
                        // 分數
                        for (int i = 3; i < info.ChildNodes.Count - 10; i += 2)
                            if (info.ChildNodes[i].InnerText != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.ChildNodes[i].InnerText.Trim()) &&
                                gameInfo.AwayBoard.Count < gameQuarter)
                        #region Home
                        info = game.ChildNodes[5].ChildNodes[5];
                        gameInfo.Home = info.ChildNodes[1].InnerText;
                        gameInfo.HomePoint = info.ChildNodes[info.ChildNodes.Count - 8].InnerText;
                        // 分數
                        for (int i = 3; i < info.ChildNodes.Count - 8; i += 2)
                            if (info.ChildNodes[i].InnerText != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(info.ChildNodes[i].InnerText.Trim()) &&
                                gameInfo.HomeBoard.Count < gameQuarter)
                    #region 處理隊伍名稱
                    Dictionary<string, string> webName = this.GetWebName();
                    // Away
                    gameInfo.Away = gameInfo.Away.Replace("\n", "");
                    gameInfo.Away = gameInfo.Away.Replace("\t", "");
                    gameInfo.Away = gameInfo.Away.Trim();
                    // 刪除無用資料
                    if (gameInfo.Away.IndexOf("(") != -1)
                        gameInfo.Away = gameInfo.Away.Substring(0, gameInfo.Away.IndexOf("(")).Trim();
                    // 變更名稱
                    if (webName.ContainsKey(gameInfo.Away))
                        gameInfo.Away = webName[gameInfo.Away];
                    // Home
                    gameInfo.Home = info.ChildNodes[1].InnerText;
                    gameInfo.Home = gameInfo.Home.Replace("\n", "");
                    gameInfo.Home = gameInfo.Home.Replace("\t", "");
                    gameInfo.Home = gameInfo.Home.Trim();
                    // 刪除無用資料
                    if (gameInfo.Home.IndexOf("(") != -1)
                        gameInfo.Home = gameInfo.Home.Substring(0, gameInfo.Home.IndexOf("(")).Trim();
                    // 變更名稱
                    if (webName.ContainsKey(gameInfo.Home))
                        gameInfo.Home = webName[gameInfo.Home];

                    // 加入
                    this.GameData[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
                    // 累計
            // 傳回
            return result;
Пример #30
        private int FollowByWeb()
            // 沒有資料就離開
            if (this.DownWeb.Document == null ||
                this.DownWeb.Document.Body == null)
                return 0;
            // 不是 Live 就離開
            //HtmlElementCollection CLOSEdiv =this.DownWeb.Document.Body.GetElementsByTagName("div");
            //foreach (HtmlElement item in CLOSEdiv)
            //    if (item.InnerHtml == "CLOSE") {
            //        item.InvokeMember("Click");
            //    }
            if (!this.FollowByWebIsLive) return 0;

            int result = 0;
            BasicInfo gameInfo = null;
            HtmlElementCollection divDoc = this.DownWeb.Document.Body.GetElementsByTagName("span");
            // 資料
            foreach (HtmlElement div in divDoc)
                if (div.InnerHtml == "MLB Pre-Season Power Rankings")
                    HtmlElementCollection close = div.Parent.NextSibling.Children;
                    if (close.Count > 1 && close[1].InnerHtml == "CLOSE")
                if (div.Id != null && div.Id.IndexOf("board") == 0)
                    // 跟盤 ID
                    string webID = div.Id.Replace("board", "").Trim();
                    List<List<string>> teamBoard = this.FollowByWebTeamBoard(webID);
                    List<string> bsoBases = this.FollowByWebBSOBases(webID);
                    //Logs.UpdateJson(this.DownWeb.Document.Body.InnerHtml + "/////=====///" + getTest("c_" + webID + "test") + "//" + getTest("g_" + webID + "_Status") + "//" + getTest("g_" + webID + "_AwayBoard") + "//" + getTest("g_" + webID + "_HomeBoard") + "//" + getTest("g_" + webID + "_BSOBases") + "//" + (this.DownWeb.Url == null).ToString());
                    // 判斷分數
                    if (teamBoard != null && teamBoard.Count > 0 && teamBoard[1].Count > 0)
                        // 建立比賽資料
                        gameInfo = null;
                        gameInfo = new BasicInfo(this.AllianceID, this.GameType, this.GameDate, webID);
                        gameInfo.IsBall = true;

                        #region 客隊
                        gameInfo.Away = "Away";
                        // 分數
                        if (teamBoard[1].Count > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < teamBoard[1].Count - 3; i++)
                            // 總分
                            gameInfo.AwayPoint = teamBoard[1][teamBoard[1].Count - 3];
                            gameInfo.AwayH = teamBoard[1][teamBoard[1].Count - 2];
                            gameInfo.AwayE = teamBoard[1][teamBoard[1].Count - 1];
                        #region 主隊
                        gameInfo.Home = "Home";
                        // 分數
                        if (teamBoard[2].Count > 0)
                            for (int i = 0; i < teamBoard[2].Count - 3; i++)
                            // 總分
                            gameInfo.HomePoint = teamBoard[2][teamBoard[2].Count - 3];
                            gameInfo.HomeH = teamBoard[2][teamBoard[2].Count - 2];
                            gameInfo.HomeE = teamBoard[2][teamBoard[2].Count - 1];
                        #region BSO Bases
                        if (bsoBases != null && bsoBases.Count == 6)
                            // BSO
                            gameInfo.BallB = int.Parse(bsoBases[0]);
                            gameInfo.BallS = int.Parse(bsoBases[1]);
                            gameInfo.BallO = int.Parse(bsoBases[2]);

                            int bases = 0;
                            // Bases
                            if (int.Parse(bsoBases[3]) > 0) bases = 1;
                            if (int.Parse(bsoBases[4]) > 0) bases ^= 2;
                            if (int.Parse(bsoBases[5]) > 0) bases ^= 4;
                            gameInfo.Bases = bases;
                        #region 比賽狀態
                        if (teamBoard[0][0].ToLower().IndexOf("final") != -1)
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "E";
                            gameInfo.Status = "結束";
                            gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                            gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                            gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                            gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                        else if (teamBoard[0][0].ToLower().IndexOf("postponed") != -1)
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "P";
                            gameInfo.Status = "中止";
                            gameInfo.TrackerText = "因雨延賽";
                            gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                            gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                            gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                            gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                        else if (teamBoard[0][0].ToLower().IndexOf("delay") != -1)
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "D";
                            gameInfo.Status = "DELAY";
                            gameInfo.BallB = 0;
                            gameInfo.BallS = 0;
                            gameInfo.BallO = 0;
                            gameInfo.Bases = 0;
                        else if (gameInfo.Quarter > 0)
                            gameInfo.GameStates = "S";

                        // 加入
                        this.GameData[gameInfo.WebID] = gameInfo;
                        cnm = 0;
                        // 累計
            // 傳回
            return result;