private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (data[0] == null || data[1] == null || data[2] == null) { //MessageBox.Show("Some information is missing..\n please provide all information..."); string message = "Some information is missing !\nPlease provide all information"; string title = "Folder Locker"; MessageBox.Show(message, title); data[0] = null; data[1] = null; data[2] = null; data[3] = null; this.Close(); } if (data[0] != null && data[1] != null && data[2] != null) { try { ch = new DirectoryInfo(data[1]); // ch.Attributes = FileAttributes.Hidden; // File.SetAttributes(ofd.SelectedPath, FileAttributes.Hidden); // File.SetAttributes(ofd.SelectedPath, FileAttributes.System); client = new FireSharp.FirebaseClient(ifc); if (client == null) { MessageBox.Show("there was some internet error"); } // string temp = @"C:\Users\Nikunj\Desktop\test1.aes"; zipFolder(); FileEncrypt(data[1], data[2]); // FileDecrypt(temp, @"C:\Users\Nikunj\Desktop\", data[2]); // data store in database fileData fd1 = new fileData() { DeviceAddress = data[0], FolderPath = data[1], Password = data[2], DeviceName = data[3] }; var set = client.Set(@"fileData/" + data[0], fd1); MessageBox.Show("Folder encrypted successfully!"); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error occur due to " + ex); } this.Close(); } }
public void listBox1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { deviceInfo = devices.ElementAt(listBox1.SelectedIndex); updateUI(deviceInfo.DeviceName + " was selected."); data[0] = deviceInfo.DeviceAddress.ToString(); // data[1] = zipFolderPath; // data[2] = password_result; // data[3] = deviceInfo.DeviceName; client = new FireSharp.FirebaseClient(ifc); if (client == null) { MessageBox.Show("there was some internet error"); } var res = client.Get(@"fileData/" + data[0]); // var set = client.Set(@"fileData/" + data[key, 0], fd); fileData fd = res.ResultAs<fileData>(); if(fd == null) { MessageBox.Show("Selected Device is not registered!"); } else { data[1] = fd.FolderPath; data[2] = fd.Password; data[3] = fd.DeviceName; // button1.Enabled = true; using (Form_password f_password = new Form_password()) { f_password.ShowDialog(); password_result = f_password.returnValue(); if (password_result.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("This Field cannot left empty!"); return; // return because we don't want to run normal code of buton click } // MessageBox.Show(password_result); } if(password_result == data[2]) { updateUI2("Device Address : "+data[0]); updateUI2("Encrypted Folder : " + data[1].Remove(data[1].Length - 4, 4)); updateUI2("Password : "******"Device Name : "+ data[3]); button1.Enabled = true; updateUI("Press OK to decrypt folder."); } else { MessageBox.Show("Please Enter Correct password!"); return; } } }
public void listBox1_DoubleClick(object sender, EventArgs e) { deviceInfo = devices.ElementAt(listBox1.SelectedIndex); updateUI(deviceInfo.DeviceName + " was selected."); client = new FireSharp.FirebaseClient(ifc); if (client == null) { MessageBox.Show("there was some internet error"); } var res = client.Get(@"fileData/" + deviceInfo.DeviceAddress.ToString()); fileData fd = res.ResultAs <fileData>(); if (fd != null) { MessageBox.Show("You have already resisterd one folder for this device!\n\nplease " + "decrypt first then use this device for encryption of another folder."); return; } //OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); FolderBrowserDialog ofd = new FolderBrowserDialog(); ofd.Description = "Select your folder"; if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { updateUI(ofd.SelectedPath + " Folder selected."); FolderPathToZip = ofd.SelectedPath.Trim(); //to store the value of folderapth } //String path = ofd.SelectedPath; /*String path = @"C:\Users\Nikunj\Desktop\test1"; * Thread thread = new Thread(t => * { * using (Ionic.Zip.ZipFile zip = new Ionic.Zip.ZipFile()) * { * zip.AddDirectory(path); * System.IO.DirectoryInfo di = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(path); * // zip.SaveProgress += Zip_SaveProgress; * zip.Save(string.Format("{0}{1}.zip", di.Parent.FullName, di.Name)); * * } * }) * { IsBackground = true }; * thread.Start(); */ /* f_password.ShowDialog(); * * string deviceName = deviceInfo.DeviceName; * string folderName =ofd.SelectedPath ; * * * Form_password f_p = new Form_password(); * string Final_password = null; * Final_password= f_p.returnValue(); * updateUI(Final_password + " Set Sucessfully"); * textBox1.Text = folderName; * MessageBox.Show(Final_password); */ using (Form_password f_password = new Form_password()) { f_password.ShowDialog(); password_result = f_password.returnValue(); if (password_result.Trim() == string.Empty) { MessageBox.Show("This Field cannot left empty!"); return; // return because we don't want to run normal code of buton click } // MessageBox.Show(password_result); updateUI(password_result + " Set Sucessfully"); } for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { data[j] = null; } data[0] = deviceInfo.DeviceAddress.ToString(); // data[1, key] = ofd.SelectedPath; //data[1] = ofd.SelectedPath; data[1] = FolderPathToZip + ".zip"; data[2] = password_result; data[3] = deviceInfo.DeviceName; updateUI2("Device Address : " + data[0]); updateUI2("Folder path : " + data[1].Remove(data[1].Length - 4, 4)); updateUI2("Password : "******"Device name : " + data[3]); button1.Enabled = true; updateUI("Press OK to Encrypt Selected folder."); }