protected XtraReport GetReport()
            string dataINI = string.Empty;
            string dataFIM = string.Empty;
            var report = new rel_SaldosContasBancos();

            if (txtData.Value != null)
                report.Parameters["DATASEL"].Value = Convert.ToDateTime(txtData.Value).ToShortDateString().Replace("/", ".");
                report.Parameters["DATASEL"].Value = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", ".");

            if (chbMostrarContasComSaldo.Checked)
                report.Parameters["MOSTRARCONTASCOMSALDO"].Value = true;
                report.FilterString += " [SALDO] <> 0 ";


            if (chbRelatorioSintetico.Checked)
                report.Parameters["RELATORIOSINTETICO"].Value = true;

            if (ASPxTokenBox1.Value != null && ASPxTokenBox1.Text.ToString() != string.Empty)
                if (report.FilterString == string.Empty || report.FilterString == "")
                    string undOrc = ASPxTokenBox1.Value.ToString();
                    //report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                    report.FilterString += "[UNDUNIFICADO] In ('" + undOrc.Replace(",", "','") + "')";
                    string undOrc = ASPxTokenBox1.Value.ToString();
                    //report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                    report.FilterString += " And [UNDUNIFICADO] In ('" + undOrc.Replace(",", "','") + "')";

                if (ASPxTokenBox2.Value != null && ASPxTokenBox2.Text.ToString() != string.Empty)
                    if (report.FilterString == string.Empty || report.FilterString == "")
                        string fonte = ASPxTokenBox2.Value.ToString();
                        //report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                        report.FilterString += " [FONCOD] In ('" + fonte.Replace(",", "','") + "')";
                    else {
                        string fonte = ASPxTokenBox2.Value.ToString();
                        //report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                        report.FilterString += " And [FONCOD] In ('" + fonte.Replace(",", "','") + "')";
                string idUsu = "";
                string idUndFunc = "";
                //string undOrc = "";
                bool consultageral = false;

                var usuarioCtrl = new UsuariosControle();
                var usuarioInfo = usuarioCtrl.getSessionUsuarioInfo();
                idUsu = usuarioInfo.Item2;
                idUndFunc = usuarioInfo.Item3;
                //undOrc = usuarioInfo.Item4;
                consultageral = Convert.ToBoolean(usuarioInfo.Item6);

                string sql = "select undunificado, undnome from unidadeorcamentaria UO ";

                if (!consultageral)
                    sql += "where ";
                    sql += "uo.undunificado in (select UNDUNIFICADO from SCI_USUARIOS_UNDORC where usu_codigo = " + idUsu;
                    sql += " union ";
                    sql += "Select UNDUNIFICADO from unidadeorcamentaria uo join webunidadefuncional uf on (uf.unidorcorg||uf.unidorccod) = uo.undunificado ";
                    sql += "join sci_usuarios usu on usu.USU_IDUNDFUNCIONAL = uf.UNIDFUNCID ";
                    sql += "where usu_codigo =" + idUsu + ")";


                FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbDataReader dr = AcessoDados.AcessoDados.DataReader(sql);
                string und = string.Empty;
                while (dr.Read())
                    if (und == string.Empty)
                        und = "'" + dr["UNDUNIFICADO"].ToString() + "'";
                        und += ",'" + dr["UNDUNIFICADO"].ToString() + "'";


                if (report.FilterString == string.Empty || report.FilterString == "")
                    string undOrc = ASPxTokenBox1.Value.ToString();
                    report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                    report.FilterString += "[UNDUNIFICADO] In (" + und + ")";
                    string undOrc = ASPxTokenBox1.Value.ToString();
                    report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                    report.FilterString += " And [UNDUNIFICADO] In (" + und + ")";

                if (ASPxTokenBox2.Value != null && ASPxTokenBox2.Text.ToString() != string.Empty)
                    if (report.FilterString == string.Empty || report.FilterString == "")
                        string fonte = ASPxTokenBox2.Value.ToString();
                        //report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                        report.FilterString += " [FONCOD] In ('" + fonte.Replace(",", "','") + "')";
                        string fonte = ASPxTokenBox2.Value.ToString();
                        //report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                        report.FilterString += " And [FONCOD] In ('" + fonte.Replace(",", "','") + "')";

            return report;
        protected XtraReport GetReport()
            string dataINI = string.Empty;
            string dataFIM = string.Empty;
            var report = new rel_SaldosContasBancos();

            if (ASPxTokenBox1.Value != null && ASPxTokenBox1.Text.ToString() != string.Empty)
                if (report.FilterString == string.Empty || report.FilterString == "")
                    string undOrc = ASPxTokenBox1.Value.ToString();
                    report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                    report.FilterString += "[UNDUNIFICADO] In ('" + undOrc.Replace(",", "','") + "')";
                    string undOrc = ASPxTokenBox1.Value.ToString();
                    report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                    report.FilterString += " And [UNDUNIFICADO] In ('" + undOrc.Replace(",", "','") + "')";
                Control.UsuariosControle ctrlUsu = new UsuariosControle();
                bool parametro = Control.Configuracoes.Dados.getParametroGradeDIDComplementar();

                string idUsu = ctrlUsu.GetUsuarioByLogin(HttpContext.Current.Session["pUId"].ToString()).UsuarioID.ToString();
                string idUndFunc = Control.UndFuncionalCtrl.getUndFuncByUsuID(idUsu).ToString();
                string unidOrcDefault = Control.UnidadeOrcamentariaCtrl.GetUnidadeOrcamentriaByUnidadeFuncional(idUndFunc).undUnificado;

                string sql = "select undunificado, undnome from unidadeorcamentaria UO where ";

                if (parametro == false)
                    sql = string.Concat(sql, "uo.undunificado IN ( " +
                                    "    SELECT UO.undunificado " +
                                    "    FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " +
                                    "    JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " +
                                    "    WHERE " +
                                    "    uog.uogunidadegestora = " +
                                    "    (SELECT UOG.uogunidadegestora " +
                                    "        FROM unidadeorcamentaria UO " +
                                    "        JOIN und_orc_und_ges UOG ON UOG.uogorgao = UO.undcodorgao AND UOG.uogunidade = UO.undcodigo " +
                                    "        where uo.undunificado = '" + unidOrcDefault + "' " +
                                    "    ) " +
                                    ") ");
                    sql += "uo.undunificado in (select UNDUNIFICADO from SCI_USUARIOS_UNDORC where usu_codigo = " + idUsu + " )";


                FirebirdSql.Data.FirebirdClient.FbDataReader dr = AcessoDados.AcessoDados.DataReader(sql);
                string und = string.Empty;
                while (dr.Read())
                    if (und == string.Empty)
                        und = "'" + dr["UNDUNIFICADO"].ToString() + "'";
                        und += ",'" + dr["UNDUNIFICADO"].ToString() + "'";


                if (report.FilterString == string.Empty || report.FilterString == "")
                    string undOrc = ASPxTokenBox1.Value.ToString();
                    report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                    report.FilterString += "[UNDUNIFICADO] In (" + und + ")";
                    string undOrc = ASPxTokenBox1.Value.ToString();
                    report.Parameters.Add(new DevExpress.XtraReports.Parameters.Parameter() { Name = "UNDORCAMENTARIA", Value = undOrc, Type = typeof(string), Visible = false });
                    report.FilterString += " And [UNDUNIFICADO] In (" + und + ")";

            return report;