Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles changes to the content of a ColumnDefinition in a ReportColumnCollection controls.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The object that originated the event.</param>
        /// <param name="collectionChangedEventArgs">The event arguments.</param>
        private void HandleColumnChanged(object sender, ColumnChangedEventArgs columnChangedEventArgs)
            // The object that generated this event is a ReportColumnCollection.  The main idea here is to store the action on the proper stack so that it
            // can be undone or redone if the need arises.  Note that it is critical to tag the command with the state of Undoing or Redoing.
            ReportGrid reportGrid = sender as ReportGrid;

            // Two stacks maintain the state of undoing and redoing all actions within its scope.  This will determine which commands will need to execute to
            // undo a given action.  The actual act of undoing an operation will happen when the commands that are placed on the stacks here are executed.
            switch (columnChangedEventArgs.UndoAction)
            case UndoAction.Create:

                // The act of creating an 'Undo' operation (as opposed to simply playing it back) will clear the Redo stack.  That is, once a user udpates the
                // user interface, it is no longer possible to replay the stack forward.
                this.undoManager.UndoStack.Push(new CommandArgumentPair(UndoColumn, reportGrid, columnChangedEventArgs, UndoAction.Undo));


            case UndoAction.Redo:

                // If the actions are being played forward, a command needs to be put back on the Undo stack in order to play it backwards.
                this.undoManager.UndoStack.Push(new CommandArgumentPair(UndoColumn, reportGrid, columnChangedEventArgs, UndoAction.Undo));


            case UndoAction.Undo:

                // When playing a set of actions backwards, those actions are popped off the Undo stack.  This, in turn, will push those same actions onto the
                // Redo stack so the operations can be played forward.
                this.undoManager.RedoStack.Push(new CommandArgumentPair(UndoColumn, reportGrid, columnChangedEventArgs, UndoAction.Redo));

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Undoes the most recent undo command on the stack.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dependencyObject">The target of the undo operation.</param>
        private void UndoColumn(object sender, GenericEventArgs genericEventArgs)
            // Extract the specific arguments from the generic arguments
            ReportGrid             reportGrid             = (ReportGrid)genericEventArgs.Arguments[0];
            ColumnChangedEventArgs columnChangedEventArgs = (ColumnChangedEventArgs)genericEventArgs.Arguments[1];
            UndoAction             undoAction             = (UndoAction)genericEventArgs.Arguments[2];

            // This will undo a change to the width of a column.
            if (columnChangedEventArgs.DependencyProperty == ReportColumn.WidthProperty)
                reportGrid.reportColumnCollection.SetColumnWidth(columnChangedEventArgs.ColumnDefinition, (Double)columnChangedEventArgs.OldValue, undoAction);