public void CreatePlot(InteractivePlotSurface2D plotSurface) { plotSurface.Clear(); double[] y = new double[1] { 1.0f }; foreach (object i in Enum.GetValues(typeof(Marker.MarkerType))) { Marker m = new Marker((Marker.MarkerType)Enum.Parse(typeof(Marker.MarkerType), i.ToString()), 8); double[] x = new double[1]; x[0] = (double)m.Type; PointPlot pp = new PointPlot(); pp.OrdinateData = y; pp.AbscissaData = x; pp.Marker = m; pp.Label = m.Type.ToString(); plotSurface.Add(pp); } plotSurface.Title = "Markers"; plotSurface.YAxis1.Label = "Index"; plotSurface.XAxis1.Label = "Marker"; plotSurface.YAxis1.WorldMin = 0.0f; plotSurface.YAxis1.WorldMax = 2.0f; plotSurface.XAxis1.WorldMin -= 1.0f; plotSurface.XAxis1.WorldMax += 1.0f; Legend legend = new Legend(); legend.AttachTo(PlotSurface2D.XAxisPosition.Top, PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Right); legend.VerticalEdgePlacement = Legend.Placement.Outside; legend.HorizontalEdgePlacement = Legend.Placement.Inside; legend.XOffset = 5; // note that these numbers can be negative. legend.YOffset = 0; plotSurface.Legend = legend; plotSurface.Refresh(); }
public void CreatePlot() { costPS.Clear(); //costPS.DateTimeToolTip = true; // obtain stock information from xml file DataSet ds = new DataSet(); System.IO.Stream file = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("DemoLib.Resources.asx_jbh.xml"); ds.ReadXml(file, System.Data.XmlReadMode.ReadSchema); DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0]; DataView dv = new DataView(dt); // create CandlePlot. CandlePlot cp = new CandlePlot(); cp.DataSource = dt; cp.AbscissaData = "Date"; cp.OpenData = "Open"; cp.LowData = "Low"; cp.HighData = "High"; cp.CloseData = "Close"; cp.BearishColor = Color.Red; cp.BullishColor = Color.Green; cp.Style = CandlePlot.Styles.Filled; costPS.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias; costPS.Add(new Grid()); costPS.Add(cp); costPS.Title = "AU:JBH"; costPS.YAxis1.Label = "Price [$]"; costPS.YAxis1.LabelOffset = 40; costPS.YAxis1.LabelOffsetAbsolute = true; costPS.XAxis1.HideTickText = true; costPS.SurfacePadding = 5; costPS.AddInteraction(new PlotDrag(true, true)); costPS.AddInteraction(new AxisDrag()); costPS.InteractionOccurred += costPS_InteractionOccured; costPS.AddAxesConstraint(new AxesConstraint.AxisPosition(PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Left, 60)); PointPlot pp = new PointPlot(); pp.Marker = new Marker(Marker.MarkerType.Square, 0); pp.Marker.Pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 5.0f); pp.Marker.DropLine = true; pp.DataSource = dt; pp.AbscissaData = "Date"; pp.OrdinateData = "Volume"; volumePS.Add(pp); volumePS.YAxis1.Label = "Volume"; volumePS.YAxis1.LabelOffsetAbsolute = true; volumePS.YAxis1.LabelOffset = 40; volumePS.SurfacePadding = 5; volumePS.AddAxesConstraint(new AxesConstraint.AxisPosition(PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Left, 60)); volumePS.AddInteraction(new AxisDrag()); volumePS.AddInteraction(new PlotDrag(true, false)); volumePS.InteractionOccurred += volumePS_InteractionOccured; volumePS.PreRefresh += volumePS_PreRefresh; //this.costPS.RightMenu = new ReducedContextMenu(); }
public void CreatePlot(InteractivePlotSurface2D plotSurface) { plotSurface.Clear(); // clear everything. reset fonts. remove plot components etc. System.Random r = new Random(); double[] a = new double[100]; double[] b = new double[100]; double mult = 0.00001f; for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { a[i] = ((double)r.Next(1000) / 5000.0f - 0.1f) * mult; if (i == 50) { b[i] = 1.0f * mult; } else { b[i] = (double)Math.Sin((((double)i - 50.0f) / 4.0f)) / (((double)i - 50.0f) / 4.0f); b[i] *= mult; } a[i] += b[i]; } Marker m = new Marker(Marker.MarkerType.Cross1, 6, new Pen(Color.Blue, 2.0F)); PointPlot pp = new PointPlot(m); pp.OrdinateData = a; pp.AbscissaData = new StartStep(-500.0, 10.0); pp.Label = "Random"; plotSurface.Add(pp); LinePlot lp = new LinePlot(); lp.OrdinateData = b; lp.AbscissaData = new StartStep(-500.0, 10.0); lp.Pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2.0f); plotSurface.Add(lp); plotSurface.Title = "Sinc Function"; plotSurface.YAxis1.Label = "Magnitude"; plotSurface.XAxis1.Label = "Position"; Legend legend = new Legend(); legend.AttachTo(PlotSurface2D.XAxisPosition.Top, PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Left); legend.VerticalEdgePlacement = Legend.Placement.Inside; legend.HorizontalEdgePlacement = Legend.Placement.Inside; legend.YOffset = 8; plotSurface.Legend = legend; plotSurface.LegendZOrder = 1; // default zorder for adding idrawables is 0, so this puts legend on top. plotSurface.Refresh(); }
public static void Run(InteractiveHost plot) { // All the toolkit specific code does is one of these lines: // InteractiveHost plot = new Florence.GtkSharp.InteractiveHost(); // InteractiveHost plot = new Florence.WinForms.InteractiveHost(); // Start the interactive host; this starts up a GUI thread // and otherwise gets the GUI ready to go. plot.Start(); // Generate some data to plot! var rand = new Random(0); var x = new double[100]; for (int ii = 0; ii < x.Length; ++ii) x[ii] = rand.NextNormal(0.0, 1.0); var y = new double[x.Length]; for (int ii = 0; ii < y.Length; ++ii) y[ii] = 2.0 + 3.0 * x[ii] + rand.NextNormal(0.0, 2.5); var t = new DateTime[15]; var s = new double[t.Length]; t[0] = new DateTime(2013,12,1); s[0] = 100.0; for (int ii = 1; ii < t.Length; ++ii) { t[ii] = t[ii-1].AddDays(1); s[ii] = s[ii - 1]*Math.Exp(rand.NextNormal(0.05 / 365.0, 0.15 / Math.Sqrt(365.0))); } // Create our first plot var plot1 = new PointPlot() { AbscissaData = x, OrdinateData = y }; plot.Add(plot1); plot.XAxis1.Label = "Love of Graphs"; plot.YAxis1.Label = "Overall Awesomeness"; plot.Title = "Effect of Graph Affinity on Overall Awesomeness"; // Pause execution. In an interactive environment, (C#/F# REPL) this would not be necessary Console.ReadLine(); // Try putting your mouse over the numbers on either the X or Y axis, // pressing the mouse button then dragging left and right (for the X) // or up and down (for the Y). // Now try clicking and dragging in the main plot area. // Now press enter, to move on to the next example plot.newFigure(); plot.Title = "A new one!"; Console.ReadLine(); plot.previous(); plot.Title = "First one again!"; Console.ReadLine();; plot.closeFigure(); var line_plot = plot.newFigure(); line_plot.Add(new LinePlot() { AbscissaData = t, OrdinateData = s }); //var plot2 = new LinePlot() { AbscissaData = x, OrdinateData = y }; //plot.Title = "Test Plot 2"; //plot.XAxis1.Label = "X2"; //plot.YAxis1.Label = "Y2"; //plot.Add(plot2); Console.ReadLine(); plot.Stop(); }
/// <summary> /// Might need Refresh () afterwards! /// </summary> /// <param name="table2D"> /// A <see cref="Table2D"/> /// </param> public void Draw(Tables.Denso.Table2D table2D) { float[] valuesY = table2D.GetValuesYasFloats (); // clear everything. reset fonts. remove plot components etc. // including Florence interactions this.plotSurface2D.Clear (); // Florence interactions, N/A in original NPlot library // guideline disadvantage: not optimized - does not use bitmap buffer, refreshes every time a line has to move plotSurface2D.AddInteraction (new VerticalGuideline (Color.Gray)); plotSurface2D.AddInteraction (new HorizontalGuideline (Color.Gray)); //plotSurface2D.AddInteraction (new PlotSelection (Color.Green)); plotSurface2D.AddInteraction (new PlotDrag (true, true)); plotSurface2D.AddInteraction (new AxisDrag ()); // PlotZoom: mouse wheel zoom plotSurface2D.AddInteraction (new PlotZoom ()); plotSurface2D.AddInteraction (new KeyActions ()); plotSurface2D.SurfacePadding = 0; plotSurface2D.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode; // y-values, x-values (!) LinePlot lp = new LinePlot (valuesY, table2D.ValuesX); lp.Pen = pen; PointPlot pp = new PointPlot (marker); pp.AbscissaData = table2D.ValuesX; pp.OrdinateData = valuesY; Grid myGrid = new Grid (); myGrid.VerticalGridType = Grid.GridType.Coarse; myGrid.HorizontalGridType = Grid.GridType.Coarse; plotSurface2D.Add (myGrid); plotSurface2D.Add (pp); plotSurface2D.Add (lp); plotSurface2D.TitleFont = titleFont; plotSurface2D.Title = table2D.Title; plotSurface2D.XAxis1.LabelFont = labelFont; plotSurface2D.XAxis1.Label = AxisText (table2D.NameX, table2D.UnitX); // could use ex: plotSurface2D.YAxis1.NumberFormat = "0.000"; plotSurface2D.XAxis1.TickTextFont = tickTextFont; plotSurface2D.YAxis1.LabelFont = labelFont; plotSurface2D.YAxis1.Label = AxisText (table2D.Title, table2D.UnitY); plotSurface2D.YAxis1.TickTextFont = tickTextFont; // Florence surface has Refresh () method vs. NPlot: Refresh () not part of surface interface plotSurface2D.Refresh (); }
public void CreatePlot(InteractivePlotSurface2D plotSurface) { this.plotSurface = plotSurface; this.Timer = new System.Timers.Timer(); this.Timer.Interval = 500; this.Timer.Elapsed += new ElapsedEventHandler(Timer_Elapsed); this.Timer.Enabled = true; plotSurface.Clear(); int len = 24; string[] s = new string[len]; PlotQEExampleValues = new double[len]; PlotQEExampleTextValues = new string[len]; Random r = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { PlotQEExampleValues[i] = 8.0f + 12.0f * (double)r.Next(10000) / 10000.0f; if (PlotQEExampleValues[i] > 18.0f) { PlotQEExampleTextValues[i] = "KCsTe"; } else { PlotQEExampleTextValues[i] = ""; } s[i] = i.ToString("00") + ".1"; } PointPlot pp = new PointPlot(); pp.DataSource = PlotQEExampleValues; pp.Marker = new Marker(Marker.MarkerType.Square, 10); pp.Marker.DropLine = true; pp.Marker.Pen = Pens.CornflowerBlue; pp.Marker.Filled = false; plotSurface.Add(pp); LabelPointPlot tp1 = new LabelPointPlot(); tp1.DataSource = PlotQEExampleValues; tp1.TextData = PlotQEExampleTextValues; tp1.LabelTextPosition = LabelPointPlot.LabelPositions.Above; tp1.Marker = new Marker(Marker.MarkerType.None, 10); plotSurface.Add(tp1); LabelAxis la = new LabelAxis(plotSurface.XAxis1); for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { la.AddLabel(s[i], i); } FontFamily ff = new FontFamily("Verdana"); la.TickTextFont = new Font(ff, 7); la.PhysicalSpacingMin = 25; plotSurface.XAxis1 = la; plotSurface.Title = "Cs2Te Photocathode QE evolution"; plotSurface.TitleFont = new Font(ff, 15); plotSurface.XAxis1.WorldMin = -1.0f; plotSurface.XAxis1.WorldMax = len; plotSurface.XAxis1.LabelFont = new Font(ff, 10); plotSurface.XAxis1.Label = "Cathode ID"; plotSurface.YAxis1.Label = "QE [%]"; plotSurface.YAxis1.LabelFont = new Font(ff, 10); plotSurface.YAxis1.TickTextFont = new Font(ff, 10); plotSurface.YAxis1.WorldMin = 0.0; plotSurface.YAxis1.WorldMax = 25.0; plotSurface.XAxis1.TicksLabelAngle = 60.0f; plotSurface.Refresh(); }
public void CreatePlot(InteractivePlotSurface2D plotSurface) { plotSurface.Clear(); Grid mygrid = new Grid(); mygrid.HorizontalGridType = Grid.GridType.Fine; mygrid.VerticalGridType = Grid.GridType.Fine; plotSurface.Add(mygrid); // in this example we synthetize a particle distribution // in the x-x' phase space and plot it, with the rms Twiss // ellipse and desnity distribution const int Particle_Number = 500; float[] x = new float[Particle_Number]; float[] y = new float[Particle_Number]; // Twiss parameters for the beam ellipse // 5 mm mrad max emittance, 1 mm beta function float alpha, beta, gamma, emit; alpha = -2.0f; beta = 1.0f; gamma = (1.0f + alpha * alpha) / beta; emit = 4.0f; float da, xmax, xpmax; da = -alpha / gamma; xmax = (float)Math.Sqrt(emit / gamma); xpmax = (float)Math.Sqrt(emit * gamma); Random rand = new Random(); // cheap randomizer on the unit circle for (int i = 0; i < Particle_Number; i++) { float r; do { x[i] = (float)(2.0f * rand.NextDouble() - 1.0f); y[i] = (float)(2.0f * rand.NextDouble() - 1.0f); r = (float)Math.Sqrt(x[i] * x[i] + y[i] * y[i]); } while (r > 1.0f); } // transform to the tilted twiss ellipse for (int i = 0; i < Particle_Number; ++i) { y[i] *= xpmax; x[i] = x[i] * xmax + y[i] * da; } plotSurface.Title = "Beam Horizontal Phase Space and Twiss ellipse"; PointPlot pp = new PointPlot(); pp.OrdinateData = y; pp.AbscissaData = x; pp.Marker = new Marker(Marker.MarkerType.FilledCircle, 4, new Pen(Color.Blue)); plotSurface.Add(pp, PlotSurface2D.XAxisPosition.Bottom, PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Left); // set axes LinearAxis lx = (LinearAxis)plotSurface.XAxis1; lx.Label = "Position - x [mm]"; lx.NumberOfSmallTicks = 2; LinearAxis ly = (LinearAxis)plotSurface.YAxis1; ly.Label = "Divergence - x' [mrad]"; ly.NumberOfSmallTicks = 2; // Draws the rms Twiss ellipse computed from the random data float[] xeli = new float[40]; float[] yeli = new float[40]; float a_rms, b_rms, g_rms, e_rms; Twiss(x, y, out a_rms, out b_rms, out g_rms, out e_rms); TwissEllipse(a_rms, b_rms, g_rms, e_rms, ref xeli, ref yeli); LinePlot lp = new LinePlot(); lp.OrdinateData = yeli; lp.AbscissaData = xeli; plotSurface.Add(lp, PlotSurface2D.XAxisPosition.Bottom, PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Left); lp.Pen = new Pen(Color.Red, 2.0f); // Draws the ellipse containing 100% of the particles // for a uniform distribution in 2D the area is 4 times the rms float[] xeli2 = new float[40]; float[] yeli2 = new float[40]; TwissEllipse(a_rms, b_rms, g_rms, 4.0F * e_rms, ref xeli2, ref yeli2); LinePlot lp2 = new LinePlot(); lp2.OrdinateData = yeli2; lp2.AbscissaData = xeli2; plotSurface.Add(lp2, PlotSurface2D.XAxisPosition.Bottom, PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Left); Pen p2 = new Pen(Color.Red, 2.0f); float[] pattern = { 5.0f, 40.0f }; p2.DashPattern = pattern; lp2.Pen = p2; // now bin the particle position to create beam density histogram float range, min, max; min = (float)lx.WorldMin; max = (float)lx.WorldMax; range = max - min; const int Nbin = 30; float dx = range / Nbin; float[] xbin = new float[Nbin + 1]; float[] xh = new float[Nbin + 1]; for (int j = 0; j <= Nbin; ++j) { xbin[j] = min + j * range; if (j < Nbin) xh[j] = 0.0F; } for (int i = 0; i < Particle_Number; ++i) { if (x[i] >= min && x[i] <= max) { int j; j = Convert.ToInt32(Nbin * (x[i] - min) / range); xh[j] += 1; } } StepPlot sp = new StepPlot(); sp.OrdinateData = xh; sp.AbscissaData = new StartStep(min, range / Nbin); sp.Center = true; plotSurface.Add(sp, PlotSurface2D.XAxisPosition.Bottom, PlotSurface2D.YAxisPosition.Right); // axis formatting LinearAxis ly2 = (LinearAxis)plotSurface.YAxis2; ly2.WorldMin = 0.0f; ly2.Label = "Beam Density [a.u.]"; ly2.NumberOfSmallTicks = 2; sp.Pen = new Pen(Color.Green, 2); // Finally, refreshes the plot plotSurface.Refresh(); }