Пример #1
        public void Draw(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, Texture2D background)
            gameScreen.Draw(spriteBatch, background);
            spriteBatch.Draw(screen, new Rectangle((game.screenWidth / 2) - 500, (game.screenHeight / 2) - 400, screenWidth, screenHeight), Color.White);
            // fix the image
            spriteBatch.Draw(title, new Rectangle(game.screenWidth / 2 - 530, (game.screenHeight / 2) - 400, 1000, 612), Color.White);
            //spriteBatch.DrawString(font1,"PAUSE", new Vector2(game.screenWidth / 2, 100),Color.Blue);

            // drawing the buttons, if selected the color changes
            if (button == 0)
                spriteBatch.Draw(continue1, new Rectangle(game.screenWidth / 2 - 220, (game.screenHeight / 2) - 150, 500, 250), Color.White);
                //spriteBatch.DrawString(font1, "Contine", new Vector2(700f, 400f), Color.Gold);
                spriteBatch.Draw(continue2, new Rectangle(game.screenWidth / 2 - 220, (game.screenHeight / 2) - 150, 500, 250), Color.Gray);
                //spriteBatch.DrawString(font1, "Contine", new Vector2(700f, 400f), Color.Black);
            if (button == 1)
                spriteBatch.Draw(options1, new Rectangle(game.screenWidth / 2 - 220, (game.screenHeight / 2) - 50, 500, 250), Color.White);
                spriteBatch.Draw(options2, new Rectangle(game.screenWidth / 2 - 220, (game.screenHeight / 2) - 50, 500, 250), Color.Gray);
            if (button == 2)
                spriteBatch.Draw(howTo1, new Rectangle(game.screenWidth / 2 - 220, (game.screenHeight / 2) + 50, 500, 250), Color.White);
                spriteBatch.Draw(howTo2, new Rectangle(game.screenWidth / 2 - 220, (game.screenHeight / 2) + 50, 500, 250), Color.Gray);
            //  if (button == 3)
            //  {
            //      spriteBatch.DrawString(font1, "Quit", new Vector2(game.screenWidth / 2, 500), Color.Yellow);
            //  }
            //  else
            //  {
            //      spriteBatch.DrawString(font1, "Quit", new Vector2(game.screenWidth / 2, 500), Color.Blue);
            //  }