Пример #1
		/// <summary>
		/// Answer the formatted text for a given topic, formatted using a given OutputFormat and possibly showing diffs with the previous revision
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">The topic</param>
		/// <param name="format">What format</param>
		/// <param name="showDiffs">true to show diffs</param>
		/// <param name="accumulator">composite cache rule in which to accumulate cache rules</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static string FormattedTopic(AbsoluteTopicName topic, OutputFormat format, bool showDiffs, Federation aFederation, LinkMaker lm, CompositeCacheRule accumulator)
			// Show the current topic (including diffs if there is a previous version)
			AbsoluteTopicName previousVersion = null;
			ContentBase relativeToBase = aFederation.ContentBaseForNamespace(topic.Namespace);

			if (showDiffs)
				previousVersion = relativeToBase.VersionPreviousTo(topic.LocalName);

			return FormattedTopicWithSpecificDiffs(topic, format, previousVersion, aFederation, lm, accumulator);
Пример #2
		/// <summary>
		/// Format a string of wiki content in a given OutputFormat with references all being relative to a given namespace
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="input">The input wiki text</param>
		/// <param name="format">The desired output format</param>
		/// <param name="relativeToContentBase">References will be relative to this namespace</param>
		/// <param name="lm">Link maker (unless no relativeTo content base is provide)</param>
		/// <param name="accumulator">composite cache rule in which to accumulate cache rules</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static string FormattedString(string input, OutputFormat format, ContentBase relativeToContentBase, LinkMaker lm, CompositeCacheRule accumulator)
			// TODO -- some of the cases in which this call happens actually *are* nested, even though the false arg
			// below says that they aren't.  This causes scripts to be emitted multiple times -- should clean up.
			WikiOutput output = WikiOutput.ForFormat(format, null);	
			Hashtable ew;
			if (relativeToContentBase != null)
				ew = relativeToContentBase.ExternalWikiHash();
				ew = new Hashtable();
			Format(null, input, output, relativeToContentBase, lm, ew, 0, accumulator);
			return output.ToString();
Пример #3
		static public IWikiToPresentation WikiToPresentation(AbsoluteTopicName topic, WikiOutput output, ContentBase contentBase, LinkMaker maker, Hashtable external, int headingLevelBase, CompositeCacheRule accumulator)
			ArrayList lines = new ArrayList();
			lines.Add(new StyledLine("", LineStyle.Unchanged));
			return new Formatter(topic, lines, output, contentBase, maker, external,  headingLevelBase, accumulator);
Пример #4
		/// <summary>
		/// Format a given input string to the given output
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source">Input wiki content as a list of StyledLines</param>
		/// <param name="output">Output object to which output is sent</param>
		/// <param name="contentBase">The ContentBase that contains the wiki string text</param>
		/// <param name="maker">A link maker </param>
		/// <param name="external">External wiki map</param>
		/// <param name="headingLevelBase">Relative heading level</param>
		/// <param name="accumulator">composite cache rule in which to accumulate cache rules</param>
		static public void Format(AbsoluteTopicName topic, IList source, WikiOutput output, ContentBase contentBase, LinkMaker maker, Hashtable external, int headingLevelBase, CompositeCacheRule accumulator)
			Formatter f = new Formatter(topic, source, output, contentBase, maker, external, headingLevelBase, accumulator);
Пример #5
    private IBELObject BorderPropertyFromTopic(AbsoluteTopicName relativeToTopic, AbsoluteTopicName abs, Border border, CompositeCacheRule rule)
      ContentBase cb = ContentBaseForTopic(abs);
      if (cb == null)
        return null;
      if (!cb.TopicExists(abs))
        return null;

      // OK, looks like the topic exist -- let's see if the property is there
      string borderPropertyName = BorderPropertyName(border);
      string prop = GetTopicProperty(abs, borderPropertyName);
      if (prop == null || prop == "")
        return null;

      // Yup, so evaluate it!
      string code = "federation.GetTopic(\"" + abs.Fullname + "\")." + borderPropertyName + "(federation.GetTopicInfo(\"" + relativeToTopic + "\"))";

      BehaviorInterpreter interpreter = new BehaviorInterpreter(code, this, this.WikiTalkVersion, null);
      if (!interpreter.Parse())
        throw new Exception("Border property expression failed to parse.");
      TopicContext topicContext = new TopicContext(this, this.ContentBaseForTopic(abs), new TopicInfo(this, abs));
      IBELObject obj = interpreter.EvaluateToObject(topicContext, null);
      if (interpreter.ErrorString != null)
        obj = new BELString(interpreter.ErrorString);

      foreach (CacheRule r in interpreter.CacheRules)
      return obj;
Пример #6
    public string GetTopicFormattedContent(AbsoluteTopicName name, AbsoluteTopicName withDiffsToThisTopic)
      string answer = null;
      if (CacheManager != null)
        answer = (string)CacheManager.GetCachedTopicFormattedContent(name, withDiffsToThisTopic);
      if (answer != null)
        return answer;
      CompositeCacheRule rule = new CompositeCacheRule();				

      // If the content is blacklisted and this is a historical version, answer dummy content
      if (name.Version != null && IsBlacklisted(GetTopicUnformattedContent(name)))
        answer = Formatter.FormattedString(name, @"%red big%This historical version of this topic contains content that has been banned by policy from appearing on this site.",
          Format, this.ContentBaseForTopic(name), LinkMaker, rule);
        answer = Formatter.FormattedTopic(name, Format, withDiffsToThisTopic,  this, LinkMaker, rule);
      if (CacheManager != null)
        CacheManager.PutCachedTopicFormattedContent(name, withDiffsToThisTopic, answer, rule);
      return answer;
Пример #7
 public string GetTopicFormattedBorder(AbsoluteTopicName name, Border border)
   string answer = null;
   if (CacheManager != null)
     answer = (string)CacheManager.GetCachedTopicFormattedBorder(name, border);
   if (answer != null)
     return answer;
   // OK, we need to figure it out.  
   CompositeCacheRule rule = new CompositeCacheRule();				
   IEnumerable borderText = BorderText(name, border, rule);
   WikiOutput output = new HTMLWikiOutput(null);
   foreach (IBELObject borderComponent in borderText)
     IOutputSequence seq = borderComponent.ToOutputSequence();
     // output sequence -> pure presentation tree
     IWikiToPresentation presenter = Formatter.WikiToPresentation(name, output, ContentBaseForTopic(name), LinkMaker, null, 0, rule);
     IPresentation pres = seq.ToPresentation(presenter);
   answer = output.ToString();
   if (CacheManager != null)
     CacheManager.PutCachedTopicFormattedBorder(name, border, answer, rule);
   return answer;
Пример #8
		/// <summary>
		/// A list of TopicChanges to a topic since a given date [sorted by date]
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">A given date</param>
		/// <param name="stamp">A non-null timestamp; changes before this time won't be included in the answer </param>
		/// <param name="rule">A composite cache rule to fill with rules that represented accumulated dependencies (or null)</param>
		/// <returns>Enumeration of TopicChanges</returns>
		public override IEnumerable AllChangesForTopicSince(LocalTopicName topic, DateTime stamp, CompositeCacheRule rule)
			ArrayList answer = new ArrayList();
			SqlInfoForTopic[] infos = SqlHelper.GetSqlTopicInfosForTopicSince(Namespace, topic.Name, stamp, ConnectionString);
			ArrayList sortable = new ArrayList();
			foreach (SqlInfoForTopic each in infos)
				sortable.Add(new SqlInfoTopicData(each, Namespace));
			BackingTopic back = GetBackingTopicNamed(topic);
			bool sortAgain = false;
			if (back != null)
				sortAgain = true;
				sortable.Add(new BackingTopicTopicData(back));
			if( sortAgain )
				sortable.Sort(new TimeSort());

			TopicsCacheRule tcr = null;
			if (rule != null)
				tcr = new TopicsCacheRule(Federation);
			foreach (TopicData each in sortable)
				if (each.LastModificationTime < stamp)
				AbsoluteTopicName name = topic.AsAbsoluteTopicName(Namespace);
				name.Version = each.Version;
				TopicChange change = TopicChangeFromName(name);
				if (tcr != null)
			return answer;

Пример #9
		/// <summary>
		/// Answer the formatted text for a given topic, formatted using a given OutputFormat and possibly showing diffs with the previous revision
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">The topic</param>
		/// <param name="format">What format</param>
		/// <param name="showDiffs">true to show diffs</param>
		/// <param name="accumulator">composite cache rule in which to accumulate cache rules</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static string FormattedTopic(AbsoluteTopicName topic, OutputFormat format, AbsoluteTopicName previousVersion, Federation aFederation, LinkMaker lm, CompositeCacheRule accumulator)
			ContentBase relativeToBase = aFederation.ContentBaseForNamespace(topic.Namespace);
			return FormattedTopicWithSpecificDiffs(topic, format, previousVersion, aFederation, lm, accumulator);
Пример #10
		/// <summary>
		/// A list of TopicChanges to a topic since a given date [sorted by date]
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">A given date</param>
		/// <param name="stamp">A non-null timestamp; changes before this time won't be included in the answer </param>
		/// <returns>Enumeration of TopicChanges</returns>
		override public IEnumerable AllChangesForTopicSince(LocalTopicName topic, DateTime stamp, CompositeCacheRule rule)
			ArrayList answer = new ArrayList();
			FileInfo[] infos = FileInfosForTopic(topic);
			ArrayList sortable = new ArrayList();
			foreach (FileInfo each in infos)
				sortable.Add(new FileInfoTopicData(each, Namespace));
			BackingTopic back = GetBackingTopicNamed(topic);
			if (back != null)
				sortable.Add(new BackingTopicTopicData(back));
			sortable.Sort(new TimeSort());
			TopicsCacheRule tcr = null;
			if (rule != null)
				tcr = new TopicsCacheRule(Federation);
			foreach (TopicData each in sortable)
				if (each.LastModificationTime < stamp)
				AbsoluteTopicName name = topic.AsAbsoluteTopicName(Namespace);
				name.Version = each.Version;
				TopicChange change = TopicChangeFromName(name);
				if (tcr != null)
			return answer;
Пример #11
		public IEnumerable AllChangesForTopic(LocalTopicName topic, CompositeCacheRule rule)
			return AllChangesForTopicSince(topic, DateTime.MinValue, rule);
Пример #12
		/// <summary>
		/// A list of TopicChanges to a topic since a given date [sorted by date]
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">A given date</param>
		/// <param name="stamp">A non-null timestamp; changes before this time won't be included in the answer </param>
		/// <param name="rule">A composite cache rule to fill with rules that represented accumulated dependencies (or null)</param>
		/// <returns>Enumeration of TopicChanges</returns>
		public abstract IEnumerable AllChangesForTopicSince(LocalTopicName topic, DateTime stamp, CompositeCacheRule rule);
Пример #13
		public CacheRule CacheRuleForAllPossibleInstancesOfTopic(TopicName aName)
			TopicsCacheRule rule = new TopicsCacheRule(Federation);
			foreach (AbsoluteTopicName possible in aName.AllAbsoluteTopicNamesFor(this))

			CompositeCacheRule answer = new CompositeCacheRule();
			answer.Add(CacheRuleForDefinition);		// Add the cache rule for the content base, too, since if that changes there might be a change in imports
			return answer;
Пример #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new formatter for a string of input content.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source">Input wiki string</param>
		/// <param name="output">Output object to which output is sent</param>
		/// <param name="contentBase">The ContentBase that contains the wiki string text</param>
		/// <param name="maker">A link maker </param>
		/// <param name="external">External wiki map</param>
		/// <param name="headingLevelBase">Relative heading level</param>
		/// <param name="accumulator">composite cache rule in which to accumulate cache rules</param>
		Formatter(AbsoluteTopicName topic, string source, WikiOutput output, ContentBase contentBase, LinkMaker maker, Hashtable external, int headingLevelBase, CompositeCacheRule accumulator)
			_Topic = topic;
			_Source = SplitStringIntoStyledLines(source, LineStyle.Unchanged);
			_LinkMaker = maker;	
			ContentBase = contentBase;
			_Output = output;
			_ExternalWikiMap = external;
			_HeadingLevelBase = headingLevelBase;
			_CacheRuleAccumulator = accumulator;
Пример #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Answer a list of the wikitext components (IBELObjects) of the given border.  If nothing specifies any border; answer the system default
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name"></param>
    /// <param name="border"></param>
    /// <param name="rule"></param> 
    /// <returns></returns>
    private IEnumerable BorderText(AbsoluteTopicName name, Border border, CompositeCacheRule rule)
      ArrayList answer = new ArrayList();
      ContentBase cb;
      string bordersTopicsProperty = "Borders";

      ArrayList borderTopics = new ArrayList();   
      // Start with whatever the namespace defines
      if (Borders != null)
        foreach (string at in ParseListPropertyValue(Borders))
          AbsoluteTopicName abs = new AbsoluteTopicName(at);
          cb = ContentBaseForTopic(abs);
          if (abs == null || cb == null)
            throw new Exception("Unknown namespace listed in border topic (" + at +") listed in federation configuration Borders property.");

      // If the namespace, specifies border topics, get them
      cb = ContentBaseForTopic(name);
      if (cb != null)
        borderTopics.AddRange(GetTopicListPropertyValue(cb.DefinitionTopicName, bordersTopicsProperty));

      // If there are no border topics specified for the federation or the namespace, add the default (_NormalBorders from the local namespace)
      if (borderTopics.Count == 0)

      // Finally, any border elements form the topic itself (skip the def topic so we don't get double borders!)
      if (cb == null || cb.DefinitionTopicName.ToString() !=  name.ToString())
        borderTopics.AddRange(GetTopicListPropertyValue(name, bordersTopicsProperty));

      Set done = new Set();
      foreach (string borderTopicName in borderTopics)
        // Figure out what the absolute topic name is that we're going to get this topic from
        RelativeTopicName rel = new RelativeTopicName(borderTopicName);
        if (rel.Namespace == null)
          rel.Namespace = name.Namespace;
        AbsoluteTopicName abs = new AbsoluteTopicName(rel.Name, rel.Namespace);
        if (done.Contains(abs))
        IBELObject s = BorderPropertyFromTopic(name, abs, border, rule);
        if (s != null)

      return answer;
Пример #16
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new formatter for an input list of StyledLines
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="source">Input wiki content as a list of StyledLines</param>
		/// <param name="output">Output object to which output is sent</param>
		/// <param name="contentBase">The ContentBase that contains the wiki string text</param>
		/// <param name="maker">A link maker </param>
		/// <param name="external">External wiki map</param>
		/// <param name="headingLevelBase">Relative heading level</param>
		/// <param name="accumulator">composite cache rule in which to accumulate cache rules</param>
		Formatter(AbsoluteTopicName topic, IList source, WikiOutput output, ContentBase contentBase, LinkMaker maker, Hashtable external, int headingLevelBase, CompositeCacheRule accumulator)
			_Topic = topic;
			_Source = source;
			_Output = output;
			_LinkMaker = maker;
			ContentBase = contentBase;
			_ExternalWikiMap = external;
			_HeadingLevelBase = headingLevelBase;
			_CacheRuleAccumulator = accumulator;
Пример #17
 private CachedTopic GetCachedTopic(AbsoluteTopicName name)
   CachedTopic answer = null;
   if (CacheManager != null)
     answer = (CachedTopic)CacheManager.GetCachedTopic(name);
   if (answer != null)
     return answer;
   ContentBase cb = ContentBaseForTopic(name);
   if (cb ==null || !cb.TopicExists(name))
     return null;
   answer = new CachedTopic(name);
   CompositeCacheRule rule = new CompositeCacheRule();
   answer.Changes = cb.AllChangesForTopic(name.LocalName, rule);
   answer.CreationTime = cb.GetTopicCreationTime(name.LocalName);
   answer.LastModified = cb.GetTopicLastWriteTime(name.LocalName);
   answer.LastModifiedBy = cb.GetTopicLastAuthor(name.LocalName);
   answer.UnformattedContent = cb.Read(name.LocalName);
   answer.Properties = ContentBase.ExtractExplicitFieldsFromTopicBody(answer.UnformattedContent);
   AddImplicitPropertiesToHash(answer.Properties, name, answer.LastModifiedBy, answer.CreationTime, answer.LastModified, answer.UnformattedContent);
   if (CacheManager != null)
     CacheManager.PutCachedTopic(name, answer, rule);
   return answer;
Пример #18
		/// <summary>
		/// Answer the formatted text for a given topic, formatted using a given OutputFormat and possibly showing diffs
		/// with a specified revision
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">The topic</param>
		/// <param name="format">What format</param>
		/// <param name="showDiffs">true to show diffs</param>
		/// <param name="accumulator">composite cache rule in which to accumulate cache rules (ignored for diffs)</param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public static string FormattedTopicWithSpecificDiffs(AbsoluteTopicName topic, OutputFormat format, AbsoluteTopicName diffWithThisVersion, Federation aFederation, LinkMaker lm, CompositeCacheRule accumulator)

			// Setup a special link maker that knows what to make the edit links return to 
			LinkMaker linker = lm.Clone();
			linker.ReturnToTopicForEditLinks = topic;
			ContentBase relativeToBase = aFederation.ContentBaseForNamespace(topic.Namespace);

			if (accumulator != null)
			WikiOutput output = WikiOutput.ForFormat(format, null);
			if (diffWithThisVersion != null)
				ArrayList styledLines = new ArrayList();
				IList leftLines;
				IList rightLines;
				using (TextReader srLeft = relativeToBase.TextReaderForTopic(topic.LocalName))
					leftLines = MergeBehaviorLines(srLeft.ReadToEnd().Replace("\r", "").Split('\n'));
				using (TextReader srRight = relativeToBase.TextReaderForTopic(diffWithThisVersion.LocalName))
					rightLines = MergeBehaviorLines(srRight.ReadToEnd().Replace("\r", "").Split('\n'));
				IEnumerable diffs = Diff.Compare(leftLines, rightLines);
				foreach (LineData ld in diffs)
					LineStyle style = LineStyle.Unchanged;
					switch (ld.Type)
						case LineType.Common:
							style = LineStyle.Unchanged;

						case LineType.LeftOnly:
							style = LineStyle.Add;

						case LineType.RightOnly:
							style = LineStyle.Delete;
					styledLines.Add(new StyledLine(ld.Text, style));
				Format(topic, styledLines, output, relativeToBase, linker, relativeToBase.ExternalWikiHash(), 0, accumulator);
				using (TextReader sr = relativeToBase.TextReaderForTopic(topic.LocalName))
					Format(topic, sr.ReadToEnd(), output, relativeToBase, linker, relativeToBase.ExternalWikiHash(), 0, accumulator);

			return output.ToString();
Пример #19
		/// <summary>
		/// A list of TopicChanges to a topic since a given date [sorted by date]
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">A given date</param>
		/// <param name="stamp">A non-null timestamp; changes before this time won't be included in the answer </param>
		/// <returns>Enumeration of TopicChanges</returns>
		public override System.Collections.IEnumerable AllChangesForTopicSince(LocalTopicName topic, DateTime stamp, CompositeCacheRule rule)
			ArrayList answer = new ArrayList();
			foreach (AbsoluteTopicName each in AllVersionsForTopic(topic))
				DateTime when = GetTopicLastWriteTime(topic);
				if (when >= stamp)
					answer.Add(new TopicChange(each, when, GetTopicLastAuthor(each.LocalName)));
			return answer;