Пример #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Create(string outputPath, object arg)
            // Load template
            var templatePath    = StringUtils.CombinePaths(Globals.EngineContentFolder, "Editor/Scripting/ScriptTemplate.cs");
            var scriptTemplate  = File.ReadAllText(templatePath);
            var scriptNamespace = Editor.Instance.GameProject.Name.Replace(" ", "") + ".Source";

            // Get directories
            var sourceDirectory = Globals.ProjectFolder.Replace('\\', '/') + "/Source/";
            var outputDirectory = new FileInfo(outputPath).DirectoryName.Replace('\\', '/');

            // Generate "sub" namespace from relative path between source root and output path
            // NOTE: Could probably use Replace instead substring, but this is faster :)
            var subNamespaceStr = outputDirectory.Substring(sourceDirectory.Length - 1).Replace(" ", "").Replace(".", "").Replace('/', '.');

            // Replace all namespace invalid characters
            // NOTE: Need to handle number sequence at the beginning since namespace which begin with numeric sequence are invalid
            string subNamespace = string.Empty;
            bool   isStart      = true;

            for (int pos = 0; pos < subNamespaceStr.Length; pos++)
                var c = subNamespaceStr[pos];

                if (isStart)
                    // Skip characters that cannot start the sub namespace
                    if (char.IsLetter(c))
                        isStart       = false;
                        subNamespace += '.';
                        subNamespace += c;
                    // Add only valid characters
                    if (char.IsLetterOrDigit(c) || c == '_')
                        subNamespace += c;
                    // Check for sub namespace start
                    else if (c == '.')
                        isStart = true;

            // Append if valid
            if (subNamespace.Length > 1)
                scriptNamespace += subNamespace;

            // Format
            var gameSettings     = GameSettings.Load();
            var scriptName       = ScriptItem.CreateScriptName(outputPath);
            var copyrightComment = string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameSettings.CopyrightNotice) ? string.Empty : string.Format("// {0}{1}{1}", gameSettings.CopyrightNotice, Environment.NewLine);

            scriptTemplate = scriptTemplate.Replace("%copyright%", copyrightComment);
            scriptTemplate = scriptTemplate.Replace("%class%", scriptName);
            scriptTemplate = scriptTemplate.Replace("%namespace%", scriptNamespace);

            // Save
            File.WriteAllText(outputPath, scriptTemplate, Encoding.UTF8);