public override void ViewDidLoad () { base.ViewDidLoad (); View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; View.AutosizesSubviews = true; // Perform any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib. var button = new FlatButton (new RectangleF (20, 20, 280, 43)); button.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth; button.SetTitle ("SHOW ALERT"); View.AddSubview (button); var progressView = new FlatProgressView(new Rectangle(20, 84, 280, 20)); progressView.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth; progressView.Progress = .66f; View.AddSubview (progressView); var slider = new FlatSlider(new Rectangle(20, 114, 280, 20)); slider.AutoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizing.FlexibleWidth; View.AddSubview (slider); }
static void SetThemeOnChildren(ViewGroup parentViewGroup, FlatTheme theme, bool includeNormalViews) { for (int i = 0; i < parentViewGroup.ChildCount; i++) { var view = parentViewGroup.GetChildAt(i); var vtype = view.GetType(); if (view is FlatButton) { (view as FlatButton).Theme = theme; } else if (view is FlatCheckBox) { (view as FlatCheckBox).Theme = theme; } else if (view is FlatEditText) { (view as FlatEditText).Theme = theme; } else if (view is FlatRadioButton) { (view as FlatRadioButton).Theme = theme; } else if (view is FlatSeekBar) { (view as FlatSeekBar).Theme = theme; } else if (view is FlatTextView) { (view as FlatTextView).Theme = theme; } else if (view is FlatToggleButton) { (view as FlatToggleButton).Theme = theme; } //TODO: Need to add code for settheme static method if (includeNormalViews) { if (vtype == typeof(CheckBox)) { FlatCheckBox.SetTheme(view as CheckBox, theme); } else if (vtype == typeof(RadioButton)) { FlatRadioButton.SetTheme(view as RadioButton, theme); } else if (vtype == typeof(ToggleButton)) { FlatToggleButton.SetTheme(view as ToggleButton, theme); } else if (vtype == typeof(EditText)) { FlatEditText.SetTheme(view as EditText, theme); } else if (vtype == typeof(TextView)) { FlatTextView.SetTheme(view as TextView, theme); } else if (vtype == typeof(SeekBar)) { FlatSeekBar.SetTheme(view as SeekBar, theme); } else if (vtype == typeof(Button)) { FlatButton.SetTheme(view as Button, theme); } } var childViewGroup = view as ViewGroup; if (childViewGroup != null) { SetThemeOnChildren(childViewGroup, theme, includeNormalViews); } } }