Наследование: FlatRedBall.PositionedObject, IDrawableBatch
Пример #1
        public static LayeredTileMap FromReducedTileMapInfo(TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedTileMapInfo rtmi, string contentManagerName, string tilbToLoad)
            var toReturn = new LayeredTileMap();

            string oldRelativeDirectory = FileManager.RelativeDirectory;

            FileManager.RelativeDirectory = FileManager.GetDirectory(tilbToLoad);

            MapDrawableBatch mdb;

            for (int i = 0; i < rtmi.Layers.Count; i++)
                var reducedLayer = rtmi.Layers[i];

                mdb = MapDrawableBatch.FromReducedLayer(reducedLayer, contentManagerName, rtmi.CellWidthInPixels, rtmi.CellHeightInPixels, rtmi.QuadWidth, rtmi.QuadHeight);

                mdb.AttachTo(toReturn, false);
                mdb.RelativeZ = reducedLayer.Z;
            FileManager.RelativeDirectory = oldRelativeDirectory;

Пример #2
        public static MapDrawableBatch FromScnx(string sceneFileName, string contentManagerName, bool verifySameTexturePerLayer)
            // TODO: This line crashes when the path is already absolute!
            string absoluteFileName = FileManager.MakeAbsolute(sceneFileName);

            // TODO: The exception doesn't make sense when the file type is wrong.
            SpriteEditorScene saveInstance = SpriteEditorScene.FromFile(absoluteFileName);

            int startingIndex = 0;

            string oldRelativeDirectory = FileManager.RelativeDirectory;

            FileManager.RelativeDirectory = FileManager.GetDirectory(absoluteFileName);

            // get the list of sprites from our map file
            List <SpriteSave> spriteSaveList = saveInstance.SpriteList;

            // we use the sprites as defined in the scnx file to create and draw the map.
            MapDrawableBatch mMapBatch = FromSpriteSaves(spriteSaveList, startingIndex, spriteSaveList.Count, contentManagerName, verifySameTexturePerLayer);

            FileManager.RelativeDirectory = oldRelativeDirectory;
            // temp
            //mMapBatch = new MapDrawableBatch(32, 32, 32f, 64, @"content/tiles");
Пример #3
        public static LayeredTileMap FromScene(string fileName, string contentManagerName, bool verifySameTexturePerLayer)
            Section.GetAndStartContextAndTime("Initial FromScene");
            LayeredTileMap toReturn = new LayeredTileMap();

            string absoluteFileName = FileManager.MakeAbsolute(fileName);

            SceneSave ses = SceneSave.FromFile(absoluteFileName);


            string oldRelativeDirectory = FileManager.RelativeDirectory;

            FileManager.RelativeDirectory = FileManager.GetDirectory(absoluteFileName);

            var breaks = GetZBreaks(ses.SpriteList);

            int valueBefore = 0;

            MapDrawableBatch mdb;
            int valueAfter;

            float zValue = 0;

            Section.GetAndStartContextAndTime("Create MDBs");

            for (int i = 0; i < breaks.Count; i++)
                valueAfter = breaks[i];

                int count = valueAfter - valueBefore;

                mdb = MapDrawableBatch.FromSpriteSaves(ses.SpriteList, valueBefore, count, contentManagerName, verifySameTexturePerLayer);
                mdb.AttachTo(toReturn, false);
                mdb.RelativeZ = zValue;
                zValue     += toReturn.mZSplit;
                valueBefore = valueAfter;

            valueAfter = ses.SpriteList.Count;
            if (valueBefore != valueAfter)
                int count = valueAfter - valueBefore;

                mdb = MapDrawableBatch.FromSpriteSaves(ses.SpriteList, valueBefore, count, contentManagerName, verifySameTexturePerLayer);
                mdb.AttachTo(toReturn, false);
                mdb.RelativeZ = zValue;

            FileManager.RelativeDirectory = oldRelativeDirectory;
Пример #4
        public static void RemoveTiles(this MapDrawableBatch layer,
                                       Func <List <NamedValue>, bool> predicate,
                                       Dictionary <string, List <NamedValue> > Properties)
            // Force execution now for performance reasons
            var filteredInfos = Properties.Values.Where(predicate).ToList();

            RemoveTilesFromLayer(filteredInfos, layer);
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates entities from a single layer for any tile with the EntityToCreate property.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="mapLayer">The layer to create entities from.</param>
        /// <param name="layeredTileMap">The map which contains the mapLayer instance.</param>
        public static void CreateEntitiesFrom(MapDrawableBatch mapLayer, LayeredTileMap layeredTileMap)
            var entitiesToRemove = new List<string>();

            CreateEntitiesFrom(entitiesToRemove, mapLayer, layeredTileMap.Properties);

            foreach (var entityToRemove in entitiesToRemove)
                string remove = entityToRemove;
                mapLayer.RemoveTiles(t => t.Any(item => item.Name == "EntityToCreate" && item.Value as string == remove), layeredTileMap.Properties);

Пример #6
        internal static MapDrawableBatch FromReducedLayer(TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedLayerInfo reducedLayerInfo, string contentManagerName, int tileDimensionWidth, int tileDimensionHeight, float quadWidth, float quadHeight)
            string textureName = reducedLayerInfo.Texture;

            Texture2D texture = FlatRedBallServices.Load <Texture2D>(textureName, contentManagerName);

            if (!MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Width) || !MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Height))
                throw new Exception("The dimensions of the texture file " + texture.Name + " are not power of 2!");
            MapDrawableBatch toReturn = new MapDrawableBatch(reducedLayerInfo.Quads.Count, tileDimensionWidth, tileDimensionHeight, texture);

            toReturn.Name = reducedLayerInfo.Name;

            Vector3 position       = new Vector3();
            Vector2 tileDimensions = new Vector2(quadWidth, quadHeight);
            foreach (var quad in reducedLayerInfo.Quads)
                position.X = quad.LeftQuadCoordinate;
                position.Y = quad.BottomQuadCorodinate;
                position.Z = reducedLayerInfo.Z;

                var textureValues = new Vector4();
                textureValues.X = (float)quad.LeftTexturePixel / (float)texture.Width;                         // Left
                textureValues.Y = (float)(quad.LeftTexturePixel + tileDimensionWidth) / (float)texture.Width;  // Right
                textureValues.Z = (float)quad.TopTexturePixel / (float)texture.Height;                         // Top
                textureValues.W = (float)(quad.TopTexturePixel + tileDimensionHeight) / (float)texture.Height; // Bottom

                const bool pad = true;
                if (pad)
                    const float amountToAdd = .0000001f;
                    textureValues.X += amountToAdd; // Left
                    textureValues.Y -= amountToAdd; // Right
                    textureValues.Z += amountToAdd; // Top
                    textureValues.W -= amountToAdd; // Bottom

                int tileIndex = toReturn.AddTile(position, tileDimensions,
                                                 //quad.LeftTexturePixel, quad.TopTexturePixel, quad.LeftTexturePixel + tileDimensionWidth, quad.TopTexturePixel + tileDimensionHeight);
                toReturn.RegisterName(quad.Name, tileIndex);

        private static void CreateEntitiesFrom(List<string> entitiesToRemove, MapDrawableBatch layer, Dictionary<string, List<NamedValue>> propertiesDictionary)
            var flatRedBallLayer = SpriteManager.Layers.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Batches.Contains(layer));

            var dictionary = layer.NamedTileOrderedIndexes;

            // layer needs its position updated:

            foreach (var propertyList in propertiesDictionary.Values)
                if (propertyList.Any(item2 => item2.Name == "EntityToCreate"))
                    var tileName = propertyList.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "name").Value as string;

                    var entityType = propertyList.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "EntityToCreate").Value as string;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityType) && dictionary.ContainsKey(tileName))
                        IEntityFactory factory = GetFactory(entityType);

                        if (factory == null)
                            string message =
                                $"The factory for entity {entityType} could not be found. To create instances of this entity, " +
                                "set its 'CreatedByOtherEntities' property to true in Glue.";
                            throw new Exception(message);
                            var indexList = dictionary[tileName];

                            foreach (var tileIndex in indexList)

                                var entity = factory.CreateNew(flatRedBallLayer) as PositionedObject;

                                ApplyPropertiesTo(entity, layer, tileIndex, propertyList);

        private static void ApplyPropertiesTo(PositionedObject entity, MapDrawableBatch layer, int tileIndex, List<NamedValue> propertiesToAssign)

            int vertexIndex = tileIndex * 4;
            var dimension = layer.Vertices[vertexIndex + 1].Position.X - layer.Vertices[vertexIndex].Position.X;

            float dimensionHalf = dimension / 2.0f;

            float left;
            float bottom;
            layer.GetBottomLeftWorldCoordinateForOrderedTile(tileIndex, out left, out bottom);

            if (entity != null)
                entity.X = left + dimensionHalf;
                entity.Y = bottom + dimensionHalf;
                entity.Z = layer.Z;

            var entityType = entity.GetType();
            var lateBinder = Instructions.Reflection.LateBinder.GetInstance(entityType);

            foreach (var property in propertiesToAssign)
                    var valueToSet = property.Value;

                    valueToSet = SetValueAccordingToType(valueToSet, property.Name, property.Type, entityType);

                    lateBinder.SetValue(entity, property.Name, valueToSet);
                catch (Exception e)
                    // Since this code indiscriminately tries to set properties, it may set properties which don't
                    // actually exist. Therefore, we tolerate failures.

Пример #9
        public static LayeredTileMap FromReducedTileMapInfo(TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedTileMapInfo rtmi, string contentManagerName, string tilbToLoad)
            var toReturn = new LayeredTileMap();

            string oldRelativeDirectory = FileManager.RelativeDirectory;

            FileManager.RelativeDirectory = FileManager.GetDirectory(tilbToLoad);

            MapDrawableBatch mdb;

            if (rtmi.NumberCellsWide != 0)
                toReturn.mNumberTilesWide = rtmi.NumberCellsWide;

            if (rtmi.NumberCellsTall != 0)
                toReturn.mNumberTilesTall = rtmi.NumberCellsTall;

            toReturn.mWidthPerTile  = rtmi.QuadWidth;
            toReturn.mHeightPerTile = rtmi.QuadHeight;

            for (int i = 0; i < rtmi.Layers.Count; i++)
                var reducedLayer = rtmi.Layers[i];

                mdb = MapDrawableBatch.FromReducedLayer(reducedLayer, rtmi, contentManagerName);

                mdb.AttachTo(toReturn, false);
                mdb.RelativeZ = reducedLayer.Z;
            FileManager.RelativeDirectory = oldRelativeDirectory;

Пример #10
        /* This creates a MapDrawableBatch (MDB) from the list of sprites provided to us by the FlatRedBall (FRB) Scene XML (scnx) file. */
        public static MapDrawableBatch FromSpriteSaves(List <SpriteSave> spriteSaveList, int startingIndex, int count, string contentManagerName, bool verifySameTexturesPerLayer)
            if (verifySameTexturesPerLayer)
                VerifySingleTexture(spriteSaveList, startingIndex, count);

            // We got it!  We are going to make some assumptions:
            // First we need the texture.  We'll assume all Sprites
            // use the same texture:

            // TODO: I (Bryan) really HATE this assumption. But it will work for now.
            SpriteSave firstSprite = spriteSaveList[startingIndex];

            // This is the file name of the texture, but the file name is relative to the .scnx location
            string textureRelativeToScene = firstSprite.Texture;
            // so we load the texture
            Texture2D texture = FlatRedBallServices.Load <Texture2D>(textureRelativeToScene, contentManagerName);

            if (!MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Width) || !MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Height))
                throw new Exception("The dimensions of the texture file " + texture.Name + " are not power of 2!");

            // Assume all the dimensions of the textures are the same. I.e. all tiles use the same texture width and height.
            // This assumption is safe for Iso and Ortho tile maps.
            int tileFileDimensionsWidth  = 0;
            int tileFileDimensionsHeight = 0;
            if (spriteSaveList.Count > startingIndex)
                SpriteSave s = spriteSaveList[startingIndex];

                // deduce the dimensionality of the tile from the texture coordinates
                tileFileDimensionsWidth  = (int)System.Math.Round((double)((s.RightTextureCoordinate - s.LeftTextureCoordinate) * texture.Width));
                tileFileDimensionsHeight = (int)System.Math.Round((double)((s.BottomTextureCoordinate - s.TopTextureCoordinate) * texture.Height));

            // alas, we create the MDB
            MapDrawableBatch mMapBatch = new MapDrawableBatch(count, tileFileDimensionsWidth, tileFileDimensionsHeight, texture);

            int lastIndexExclusive = startingIndex + count;

            for (int i = startingIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++)
                SpriteSave spriteSave = spriteSaveList[i];

                // We don't want objects within the IDB to have a different Z than the IDB itself
                // (if possible) because that makes the IDB behave differently when using sorting vs.
                // the zbuffer.
                const bool setZTo0 = true;
                mMapBatch.Paste(spriteSave, setZTo0);

Пример #11
        public static LayeredTileMap FromTiledMapSave(string tiledMapSaveFile, string contentManager, TiledMapSave tms)
            // Ultimately properties are tied to tiles by the tile name.
            // If a tile has no name but it has properties, those properties
            // will be lost in the conversion. Therefore, we have to add name properties.



            string directory = FlatRedBall.IO.FileManager.GetDirectory(tiledMapSaveFile);

            var rtmi = ReducedTileMapInfo.FromTiledMapSave(
                tms, 1, 0, directory, FileReferenceType.Absolute);

            var toReturn = FromReducedTileMapInfo(rtmi, contentManager, tiledMapSaveFile);

            AddShapeCollections(toReturn, tms);

            foreach (var layer in tms.MapLayers)
                var matchingLayer = toReturn.MapLayers.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == layer.Name);

                if (matchingLayer != null)
                    if (layer is MapLayer)
                        var mapLayer = layer as MapLayer;
                        foreach (var propertyValues in mapLayer.properties)
                            matchingLayer.Properties.Add(new NamedValue
                                Name  = propertyValues.StrippedName,
                                Value = propertyValues.value,
                                Type  = propertyValues.Type

                        matchingLayer.Visible = mapLayer.visible == 1;
                        matchingLayer.Alpha   = mapLayer.Opacity;
                    else if (layer is mapObjectgroup objectLayer)
                        matchingLayer.Visible = objectLayer.IsVisible;

            foreach (var tileset in tms.Tilesets)
                foreach (var tile in tileset.TileDictionary.Values)
                    int propertyCountFromTileset = 0;

                    if (tile.properties.Count != 0)
                        // this needs a name:
                        string name = tile.properties.FirstOrDefault(item => item.StrippedName.ToLowerInvariant() == "name")?.value;
                        // todo - eventually need to copy default values from the Tileset to the tile here
                        AddPropertiesToMap(tms, toReturn.TileProperties, tile.properties, null, name);

            foreach (var objectLayer in tms.objectgroup)
                if (objectLayer.@object != null)
                    foreach (var objectInstance in objectLayer.@object)
                        TMXGlueLib.Tileset tileset   = null;
                        int propertyCountFromTileset = 0;

                        var             objectProperties  = objectInstance.properties;
                        List <property> tilesetProperties = null;
                        if (objectInstance.gid != null)
                            var gidNoFlip = objectInstance.GidNoFlip;

                            tileset = tms.GetTilesetForGid(gidNoFlip.Value);
                            if (tileset.TileDictionary.ContainsKey(gidNoFlip.Value - tileset.Firstgid))
                                tilesetProperties        = tileset.TileDictionary[gidNoFlip.Value - tileset.Firstgid].properties;
                                propertyCountFromTileset = tilesetProperties.Count;

                        if (objectProperties.Count + propertyCountFromTileset != 0)
                            string name = objectInstance.Name;
                            // if name is null, check the properties:
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name))
                                name = objectProperties.FirstOrDefault(item => item.StrippedNameLower == "name")?.value;

                            var objectInstanceIsTile = objectInstance.gid != null;

                            if (objectInstanceIsTile)
                                AddPropertiesToMap(tms, toReturn.TileProperties, objectProperties, tilesetProperties, name);
                                AddPropertiesToMap(tms, toReturn.ShapeProperties, objectProperties, tilesetProperties, name);

            var tmxDirectory = FileManager.GetDirectory(tiledMapSaveFile);

            // add image layers
            foreach (var imageLayer in tms.ImageLayers)
                var imageLayerFile = tmxDirectory + imageLayer.ImageObject.Source;
                var texture        = FlatRedBallServices.Load <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D>(imageLayerFile);

                var newSprite = new Sprite
                    Texture = texture,
                    Width   = imageLayer.ImageObject.Width,
                    Height  = imageLayer.ImageObject.Height,
                    X       = imageLayer.ImageObject.Width / 2 + imageLayer.OffsetX,
                    Y       = -imageLayer.ImageObject.Height / 2 + imageLayer.OffsetY

                var mdb = new MapDrawableBatch(1, texture);
                mdb.Alpha = imageLayer.Opacity;
                mdb.AttachTo(toReturn, false);
                mdb.Visible = imageLayer.IsVisible;


            var animationDictionary = new Dictionary <string, AnimationChain>();

            // add animations
            foreach (var tileset in tms.Tilesets)
                string tilesetImageFile = tmxDirectory + tileset.Images[0].Source;

                if (tileset.SourceDirectory != ".")
                    tilesetImageFile = tmxDirectory + tileset.SourceDirectory + tileset.Images[0].Source;

                var texture = FlatRedBallServices.Load <Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.Texture2D>(tilesetImageFile, contentManager);

                foreach (var tile in tileset.Tiles.Where(item => item.Animation != null && item.Animation.Frames.Count != 0))
                    var animation = tile.Animation;

                    var animationChain = new AnimationChain();
                    foreach (var frame in animation.Frames)
                        var animationFrame = new AnimationFrame();
                        animationFrame.FrameLength = frame.Duration / 1000.0f;
                        animationFrame.Texture     = texture;

                        int tileIdRelative = frame.TileId;
                        int globalTileId   = (int)(tileIdRelative + tileset.Firstgid);

                        int leftPixel;
                        int rightPixel;
                        int topPixel;
                        int bottomPixel;
                        TiledMapSave.GetPixelCoordinatesFromGid((uint)globalTileId, tileset, out leftPixel, out topPixel, out rightPixel, out bottomPixel);

                        animationFrame.LeftCoordinate  = MapDrawableBatch.CoordinateAdjustment + leftPixel / (float)texture.Width;
                        animationFrame.RightCoordinate = -MapDrawableBatch.CoordinateAdjustment + rightPixel / (float)texture.Width;

                        animationFrame.TopCoordinate    = MapDrawableBatch.CoordinateAdjustment + topPixel / (float)texture.Height;
                        animationFrame.BottomCoordinate = -MapDrawableBatch.CoordinateAdjustment + bottomPixel / (float)texture.Height;


                    var property = tile.properties.FirstOrDefault(item => item.StrippedNameLower == "name");

                    if (property == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException(
                                  $"The tile with ID {tile.id} has an animation, but it doesn't have a Name property, which is required for animation.");
                        animationDictionary.Add(property.value, animationChain);

            toReturn.Animation = new LayeredTileMapAnimation(animationDictionary);

            AddTileShapeCollections(toReturn, tms, separateOnTileType: true);

            toReturn.MapProperties = tms.properties
                                     .Select(propertySave => new NamedValue
                Name = propertySave.name, Value = propertySave.value, Type = propertySave.Type

        private static void CreateEntitiesFrom(List<string> entitiesToRemove, MapDrawableBatch layer, Dictionary<string, List<NamedValue>> properties)
            float dimension = float.NaN;
            float dimensionHalf = 0;

            var flatRedBallLayer = SpriteManager.Layers.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Batches.Contains(layer));

            var dictionary = layer.NamedTileOrderedIndexes;

            foreach (var property in properties.Values.Where(item => item.Any(item2 => item2.Name == "EntityToCreate")))

                var tileName = property.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "name").Value as string;

                var entityType = property.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name == "EntityToCreate").Value as string;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entityType) && dictionary.ContainsKey(tileName))
                    var assembly = typeof(TileEntityInstantiator).GetTypeInfo().Assembly;
                    var types = assembly.DefinedTypes;

                    var filteredTypes =
                        types.Where(t => t.ImplementedInterfaces.Contains(typeof(IEntityFactory))
                                    && t.DeclaredConstructors.Any(c=>c.GetParameters().Count() == 0));
                    var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
                    var types = assembly.GetTypes();
                    var filteredTypes =
                        types.Where(t => t.GetInterfaces().Contains(typeof(IEntityFactory))
                                    && t.GetConstructor(Type.EmptyTypes) != null);

                    var factories = filteredTypes
                            t =>
                                var propertyInfo = t.DeclaredProperties.First(item => item.Name == "Self");
                                var propertyInfo = t.GetProperty("Self");
                                var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(null, null);
                                return value as IEntityFactory;

                    foreach (var factory in factories)
                        var type = factory.GetType();
                        var methodInfo = type.GetMethod("CreateNew", new[] { typeof(Layer) });
                        var returntypeString = methodInfo.ReturnType.Name;

                        if (entityType.EndsWith("\\" + returntypeString))
                            var indexList = dictionary[tileName];

                            foreach (var tileIndex in indexList)
                                float left;
                                float bottom;
                                layer.GetBottomLeftWorldCoordinateForOrderedTile(tileIndex, out left, out bottom);

                                if (float.IsNaN(dimension))
                                    int vertexIndex = tileIndex * 4;
                                    dimension = layer.Vertices[vertexIndex + 1].Position.X - layer.Vertices[vertexIndex].Position.X;
                                    dimensionHalf = dimension / 2.0f;

                                var entity = factory.CreateNew(flatRedBallLayer) as PositionedObject;

                                if (entity != null)
                                    entity.X = left + dimensionHalf;
                                    entity.Y = bottom + dimensionHalf;
Пример #13
        private static void RemoveTilesFromLayer(List<List<NamedValue>> filteredInfos, MapDrawableBatch layer)
            List<int> indexes = new List<int>();

            foreach (var itemThatPasses in filteredInfos)
                string tileName = itemThatPasses
                    .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "name")
                    .Value as string;

                if (layer.NamedTileOrderedIndexes.ContainsKey(tileName))
                    var intsOnThisLayer =


Пример #14
        private static void RemoveTilesFromLayer(List <List <NamedValue> > filteredInfos, MapDrawableBatch layer)
            List <int> indexes = new List <int>();

            foreach (var itemThatPasses in filteredInfos)
                string tileName = itemThatPasses
                                  .FirstOrDefault(item => item.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == "name")
                                  .Value as string;

                if (layer.NamedTileOrderedIndexes.ContainsKey(tileName))
                    var intsOnThisLayer =


Пример #15
        internal static MapDrawableBatch FromReducedLayer(TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedLayerInfo reducedLayerInfo, string contentManagerName, int tileDimensionWidth, int tileDimensionHeight, float quadWidth, float quadHeight)
            string textureName = reducedLayerInfo.Texture;

            Texture2D texture = FlatRedBallServices.Load<Texture2D>(textureName, contentManagerName);
            #if DEBUG
            if (!MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Width) || !MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Height))
                throw new Exception("The dimensions of the texture file " + texture.Name + " are not power of 2!");
            MapDrawableBatch toReturn = new MapDrawableBatch(reducedLayerInfo.Quads.Count, tileDimensionWidth, tileDimensionHeight, texture);
            Vector3 position = new Vector3();
            Vector2 tileDimensions = new Vector2(quadWidth, quadHeight);
            foreach (var quad in reducedLayerInfo.Quads)
                position.X = quad.LeftQuadCoordinate;
                position.Y = quad.BottomQuadCorodinate;

                var textureValues = new Vector4();
                textureValues.X = (float)quad.LeftTexturePixel / (float)texture.Width; // Left
                textureValues.Y = (float)(quad.LeftTexturePixel + tileDimensionWidth) / (float)texture.Width; // Right
                textureValues.Z = (float)quad.TopTexturePixel / (float)texture.Height; // Top
                textureValues.W = (float)(quad.TopTexturePixel + tileDimensionHeight) / (float)texture.Height; // Bottom

                const bool pad = true;
                if (pad)
                    const float amountToAdd = .0000001f;
                    textureValues.X += amountToAdd; // Left
                    textureValues.Y -= amountToAdd; // Right
                    textureValues.Z += amountToAdd; // Top
                    textureValues.W -= amountToAdd; // Bottom

                int tileIndex = toReturn.AddTile(position, tileDimensions,
                    //quad.LeftTexturePixel, quad.TopTexturePixel, quad.LeftTexturePixel + tileDimensionWidth, quad.TopTexturePixel + tileDimensionHeight);
                toReturn.RegisterName(quad.Name, tileIndex);

            return toReturn;
Пример #16
        /* This creates a MapDrawableBatch (MDB) from the list of sprites provided to us by the FlatRedBall (FRB) Scene XML (scnx) file. */
        public static MapDrawableBatch FromSpriteSaves(List<SpriteSave> spriteSaveList, int startingIndex, int count, string contentManagerName, bool verifySameTexturesPerLayer)

            if (verifySameTexturesPerLayer)
                VerifySingleTexture(spriteSaveList, startingIndex, count);

            // We got it!  We are going to make some assumptions:
            // First we need the texture.  We'll assume all Sprites
            // use the same texture:

            // TODO: I (Bryan) really HATE this assumption. But it will work for now.
            SpriteSave firstSprite = spriteSaveList[startingIndex];

            // This is the file name of the texture, but the file name is relative to the .scnx location
            string textureRelativeToScene = firstSprite.Texture;
            // so we load the texture
            Texture2D texture = FlatRedBallServices.Load<Texture2D>(textureRelativeToScene, contentManagerName);

            if (!MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Width) || !MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Height))
                throw new Exception("The dimensions of the texture file " + texture.Name + " are not power of 2!");

            // Assume all the dimensions of the textures are the same. I.e. all tiles use the same texture width and height. 
            // This assumption is safe for Iso and Ortho tile maps.
            int tileFileDimensionsWidth = 0;
            int tileFileDimensionsHeight = 0;
            if (spriteSaveList.Count > startingIndex)
                SpriteSave s = spriteSaveList[startingIndex];
                // deduce the dimensionality of the tile from the texture coordinates
                tileFileDimensionsWidth     = (int)System.Math.Round((double)((s.RightTextureCoordinate - s.LeftTextureCoordinate) * texture.Width));
                tileFileDimensionsHeight    = (int)System.Math.Round((double)((s.BottomTextureCoordinate - s.TopTextureCoordinate) * texture.Height));

            // alas, we create the MDB 
            MapDrawableBatch mMapBatch = new MapDrawableBatch(count, tileFileDimensionsWidth, tileFileDimensionsHeight, texture);

            int lastIndexExclusive = startingIndex + count;

            for (int i = startingIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++)
                SpriteSave spriteSave = spriteSaveList[i];

                // here we have the Sprite's X and Y in absolute coords as well as its texture coords
                // NOTE: I appended the Z coordinate for the sake of iso maps. This SHOULDN'T have an effect on the ortho maps since I believe the 
                // TMX->SCNX tool sets all z to zero.

                // The AddTile method expects the bottom-left corner
                float x = spriteSave.X - spriteSave.ScaleX;
                float y = spriteSave.Y - spriteSave.ScaleY;
                float z = spriteSave.Z;

                float width = 2f * spriteSave.ScaleX; // w
                float height = 2f * spriteSave.ScaleY; // z

                float topTextureCoordinate = spriteSave.TopTextureCoordinate;
                float bottomTextureCoordinate = spriteSave.BottomTextureCoordinate;
                float leftTextureCoordinate = spriteSave.LeftTextureCoordinate;
                float rightTextureCoordinate = spriteSave.RightTextureCoordinate;

                int tileIndex = mMapBatch.mCurrentNumberOfTiles;

                mMapBatch.RegisterName(spriteSave.Name, tileIndex);

                // add the textured tile to our map so that we may draw it.
                mMapBatch.AddTile(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector2(width, height), new Vector4(leftTextureCoordinate, rightTextureCoordinate, topTextureCoordinate, bottomTextureCoordinate));


            return mMapBatch;
Пример #17
        /* This creates a MapDrawableBatch (MDB) from the list of sprites provided to us by the FlatRedBall (FRB) Scene XML (scnx) file. */
        public static MapDrawableBatch FromSpriteSaves(List<SpriteSave> spriteSaveList, int startingIndex, int count, string contentManagerName, bool verifySameTexturesPerLayer)
            #if DEBUG
            if (verifySameTexturesPerLayer)
                VerifySingleTexture(spriteSaveList, startingIndex, count);

            // We got it!  We are going to make some assumptions:
            // First we need the texture.  We'll assume all Sprites
            // use the same texture:

            // TODO: I (Bryan) really HATE this assumption. But it will work for now.
            SpriteSave firstSprite = spriteSaveList[startingIndex];

            // This is the file name of the texture, but the file name is relative to the .scnx location
            string textureRelativeToScene = firstSprite.Texture;
            // so we load the texture
            Texture2D texture = FlatRedBallServices.Load<Texture2D>(textureRelativeToScene, contentManagerName);

            if (!MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Width) || !MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Height))
                throw new Exception("The dimensions of the texture file " + texture.Name + " are not power of 2!");

            // Assume all the dimensions of the textures are the same. I.e. all tiles use the same texture width and height.
            // This assumption is safe for Iso and Ortho tile maps.
            int tileFileDimensionsWidth = 0;
            int tileFileDimensionsHeight = 0;
            if (spriteSaveList.Count > startingIndex)
                SpriteSave s = spriteSaveList[startingIndex];

                // deduce the dimensionality of the tile from the texture coordinates
                tileFileDimensionsWidth = (int)System.Math.Round((double)((s.RightTextureCoordinate - s.LeftTextureCoordinate) * texture.Width));
                tileFileDimensionsHeight = (int)System.Math.Round((double)((s.BottomTextureCoordinate - s.TopTextureCoordinate) * texture.Height));


            // alas, we create the MDB
            MapDrawableBatch mMapBatch = new MapDrawableBatch(count, tileFileDimensionsWidth, tileFileDimensionsHeight, texture);

            int lastIndexExclusive = startingIndex + count;

            for (int i = startingIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++)
                SpriteSave spriteSave = spriteSaveList[i];

                // We don't want objects within the IDB to have a different Z than the IDB itself
                // (if possible) because that makes the IDB behave differently when using sorting vs.
                // the zbuffer.
                const bool setZTo0 = true;
                mMapBatch.Paste(spriteSave, setZTo0);


            return mMapBatch;
Пример #18
        internal static MapDrawableBatch FromReducedLayer(TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedLayerInfo reducedLayerInfo, TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedTileMapInfo rtmi, string contentManagerName)
            int tileDimensionWidth = rtmi.CellWidthInPixels;
            int tileDimensionHeight = rtmi.CellHeightInPixels;
            float quadWidth = rtmi.QuadWidth;
            float quadHeight = rtmi.QuadHeight;

            string textureName = reducedLayerInfo.Texture;


			textureName = textureName.ToLowerInvariant();


            Texture2D texture = FlatRedBallServices.Load<Texture2D>(textureName, contentManagerName);
            if (!MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Width) || !MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Height))
                throw new Exception("The dimensions of the texture file " + texture.Name + " are not power of 2!");
            MapDrawableBatch toReturn = new MapDrawableBatch(reducedLayerInfo.Quads.Count, tileDimensionWidth, tileDimensionHeight, texture);

            toReturn.Name = reducedLayerInfo.Name;

            Vector3 position = new Vector3();
            Vector2 tileDimensions = new Vector2(quadWidth, quadHeight);

            IEnumerable<TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo> quads = null;

            if (rtmi.NumberCellsWide > rtmi.NumberCellsTall)
                quads = reducedLayerInfo.Quads.OrderBy(item => item.LeftQuadCoordinate);
                toReturn.mSortAxis = SortAxis.X;
                quads = reducedLayerInfo.Quads.OrderBy(item => item.BottomQuadCoordinate);
                toReturn.mSortAxis = SortAxis.Y;

            foreach (var quad in quads)
                position.X = quad.LeftQuadCoordinate;
                position.Y = quad.BottomQuadCoordinate;

                // The Z of the quad should be relative to this layer, not absolute Z values.
                // A multi-layer map will offset the individual layer Z values, the quads should have a Z of 0.
                // position.Z = reducedLayerInfo.Z;

                var textureValues = new Vector4();
                textureValues.X = (float)quad.LeftTexturePixel / (float)texture.Width; // Left
                textureValues.Y = (float)(quad.LeftTexturePixel + tileDimensionWidth) / (float)texture.Width; // Right
                textureValues.Z = (float)quad.TopTexturePixel / (float)texture.Height; // Top
                textureValues.W = (float)(quad.TopTexturePixel + tileDimensionHeight) / (float)texture.Height; // Bottom

                // pad before doing any rotations/flipping
                const bool pad = true;
                if (pad)
                    const float amountToAdd = .0000001f;
                    textureValues.X += amountToAdd; // Left
                    textureValues.Y -= amountToAdd; // Right
                    textureValues.Z += amountToAdd; // Top
                    textureValues.W -= amountToAdd; // Bottom

                if ((quad.FlipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedHorizontallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedHorizontallyFlag)
                    var temp = textureValues.Y;
                    textureValues.Y = textureValues.X;
                    textureValues.X = temp;

                if ((quad.FlipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedVerticallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedVerticallyFlag)
                    var temp = textureValues.Z;
                    textureValues.Z = textureValues.W;
                    textureValues.W = temp;

                int tileIndex = toReturn.AddTile(position, tileDimensions,
                    //quad.LeftTexturePixel, quad.TopTexturePixel, quad.LeftTexturePixel + tileDimensionWidth, quad.TopTexturePixel + tileDimensionHeight);

                if ((quad.FlipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedDiagonallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedDiagonallyFlag)

                toReturn.RegisterName(quad.Name, tileIndex);

            return toReturn;
Пример #19
        internal static MapDrawableBatch FromReducedLayer(TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedLayerInfo reducedLayerInfo, TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedTileMapInfo rtmi, string contentManagerName)
            int   tileDimensionWidth  = rtmi.CellWidthInPixels;
            int   tileDimensionHeight = rtmi.CellHeightInPixels;
            float quadWidth           = rtmi.QuadWidth;
            float quadHeight          = rtmi.QuadHeight;

            string textureName = reducedLayerInfo.Texture;

            textureName = textureName.ToLowerInvariant();

            Texture2D texture = FlatRedBallServices.Load <Texture2D>(textureName, contentManagerName);
            if (!MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Width) || !MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Height))
                throw new Exception("The dimensions of the texture file " + texture.Name + " are not power of 2!");
            MapDrawableBatch toReturn = new MapDrawableBatch(reducedLayerInfo.Quads.Count, tileDimensionWidth, tileDimensionHeight, texture);

            toReturn.Name = reducedLayerInfo.Name;

            Vector3 position       = new Vector3();
            Vector2 tileDimensions = new Vector2(quadWidth, quadHeight);

            IEnumerable <TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo> quads = null;

            if (rtmi.NumberCellsWide > rtmi.NumberCellsTall)
                quads = reducedLayerInfo.Quads.OrderBy(item => item.LeftQuadCoordinate);
                toReturn.mSortAxis = SortAxis.X;
                quads = reducedLayerInfo.Quads.OrderBy(item => item.BottomQuadCoordinate);
                toReturn.mSortAxis = SortAxis.Y;

            foreach (var quad in quads)
                position.X = quad.LeftQuadCoordinate;
                position.Y = quad.BottomQuadCoordinate;

                // The Z of the quad should be relative to this layer, not absolute Z values.
                // A multi-layer map will offset the individual layer Z values, the quads should have a Z of 0.
                // position.Z = reducedLayerInfo.Z;

                var textureValues = new Vector4();
                textureValues.X = (float)quad.LeftTexturePixel / (float)texture.Width;                         // Left
                textureValues.Y = (float)(quad.LeftTexturePixel + tileDimensionWidth) / (float)texture.Width;  // Right
                textureValues.Z = (float)quad.TopTexturePixel / (float)texture.Height;                         // Top
                textureValues.W = (float)(quad.TopTexturePixel + tileDimensionHeight) / (float)texture.Height; // Bottom

                // pad before doing any rotations/flipping
                const bool pad = true;
                if (pad)
                    const float amountToAdd = .0000001f;
                    textureValues.X += amountToAdd; // Left
                    textureValues.Y -= amountToAdd; // Right
                    textureValues.Z += amountToAdd; // Top
                    textureValues.W -= amountToAdd; // Bottom

                if ((quad.FlipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedHorizontallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedHorizontallyFlag)
                    var temp = textureValues.Y;
                    textureValues.Y = textureValues.X;
                    textureValues.X = temp;

                if ((quad.FlipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedVerticallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedVerticallyFlag)
                    var temp = textureValues.Z;
                    textureValues.Z = textureValues.W;
                    textureValues.W = temp;

                int tileIndex = toReturn.AddTile(position, tileDimensions,
                                                 //quad.LeftTexturePixel, quad.TopTexturePixel, quad.LeftTexturePixel + tileDimensionWidth, quad.TopTexturePixel + tileDimensionHeight);

                if ((quad.FlipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedDiagonallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedDiagonallyFlag)

                toReturn.RegisterName(quad.Name, tileIndex);

Пример #20
        /* This creates a MapDrawableBatch (MDB) from the list of sprites provided to us by the FlatRedBall (FRB) Scene XML (scnx) file. */
        public static MapDrawableBatch FromSpriteSaves(List <SpriteSave> spriteSaveList, int startingIndex, int count, string contentManagerName, bool verifySameTexturesPerLayer)
            if (verifySameTexturesPerLayer)
                VerifySingleTexture(spriteSaveList, startingIndex, count);

            // We got it!  We are going to make some assumptions:
            // First we need the texture.  We'll assume all Sprites
            // use the same texture:

            // TODO: I (Bryan) really HATE this assumption. But it will work for now.
            SpriteSave firstSprite = spriteSaveList[startingIndex];

            // This is the file name of the texture, but the file name is relative to the .scnx location
            string textureRelativeToScene = firstSprite.Texture;
            // so we load the texture
            Texture2D texture = FlatRedBallServices.Load <Texture2D>(textureRelativeToScene, contentManagerName);

            if (!MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Width) || !MathFunctions.IsPowerOfTwo(texture.Height))
                throw new Exception("The dimensions of the texture file " + texture.Name + " are not power of 2!");

            // Assume all the dimensions of the textures are the same. I.e. all tiles use the same texture width and height.
            // This assumption is safe for Iso and Ortho tile maps.
            int tileFileDimensionsWidth  = 0;
            int tileFileDimensionsHeight = 0;
            if (spriteSaveList.Count > startingIndex)
                SpriteSave s = spriteSaveList[startingIndex];

                // deduce the dimensionality of the tile from the texture coordinates
                tileFileDimensionsWidth  = (int)System.Math.Round((double)((s.RightTextureCoordinate - s.LeftTextureCoordinate) * texture.Width));
                tileFileDimensionsHeight = (int)System.Math.Round((double)((s.BottomTextureCoordinate - s.TopTextureCoordinate) * texture.Height));

            // alas, we create the MDB
            MapDrawableBatch mMapBatch = new MapDrawableBatch(count, tileFileDimensionsWidth, tileFileDimensionsHeight, texture);

            int lastIndexExclusive = startingIndex + count;

            for (int i = startingIndex; i < lastIndexExclusive; i++)
                SpriteSave spriteSave = spriteSaveList[i];

                // here we have the Sprite's X and Y in absolute coords as well as its texture coords
                // NOTE: I appended the Z coordinate for the sake of iso maps. This SHOULDN'T have an effect on the ortho maps since I believe the
                // TMX->SCNX tool sets all z to zero.

                // The AddTile method expects the bottom-left corner
                float x = spriteSave.X - spriteSave.ScaleX;
                float y = spriteSave.Y - spriteSave.ScaleY;
                float z = spriteSave.Z;

                float width  = 2f * spriteSave.ScaleX; // w
                float height = 2f * spriteSave.ScaleY; // z

                float topTextureCoordinate    = spriteSave.TopTextureCoordinate;
                float bottomTextureCoordinate = spriteSave.BottomTextureCoordinate;
                float leftTextureCoordinate   = spriteSave.LeftTextureCoordinate;
                float rightTextureCoordinate  = spriteSave.RightTextureCoordinate;

                int tileIndex = mMapBatch.mCurrentNumberOfTiles;

                mMapBatch.RegisterName(spriteSave.Name, tileIndex);

                // add the textured tile to our map so that we may draw it.
                mMapBatch.AddTile(new Vector3(x, y, z), new Vector2(width, height), new Vector4(leftTextureCoordinate, rightTextureCoordinate, topTextureCoordinate, bottomTextureCoordinate));

Пример #21
        internal static MapDrawableBatch FromReducedLayer(TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedLayerInfo reducedLayerInfo, LayeredTileMap owner, TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedTileMapInfo rtmi, string contentManagerName)
            int   tileDimensionWidth  = reducedLayerInfo.TileWidth;
            int   tileDimensionHeight = reducedLayerInfo.TileHeight;
            float quadWidth           = reducedLayerInfo.TileWidth;
            float quadHeight          = reducedLayerInfo.TileHeight;

            string textureName = reducedLayerInfo.Texture;

            textureName = textureName.ToLowerInvariant();

            Texture2D texture = FlatRedBallServices.Load <Texture2D>(textureName, contentManagerName);

            MapDrawableBatch toReturn = new MapDrawableBatch(reducedLayerInfo.Quads.Count, tileDimensionWidth, tileDimensionHeight, texture);

            toReturn.Name = reducedLayerInfo.Name;

            Vector3 position       = new Vector3();
            Vector2 tileDimensions = new Vector2(quadWidth, quadHeight);

            IEnumerable <TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo> quads = null;

            if (rtmi.NumberCellsWide > rtmi.NumberCellsTall)
                quads = reducedLayerInfo.Quads.OrderBy(item => item.LeftQuadCoordinate).ToList();
                toReturn.mSortAxis = SortAxis.X;
                quads = reducedLayerInfo.Quads.OrderBy(item => item.BottomQuadCoordinate).ToList();
                toReturn.mSortAxis = SortAxis.Y;

            foreach (var quad in quads)
                position.X = quad.LeftQuadCoordinate;
                position.Y = quad.BottomQuadCoordinate;

                // The Z of the quad should be relative to this layer, not absolute Z values.
                // A multi-layer map will offset the individual layer Z values, the quads should have a Z of 0.
                // position.Z = reducedLayerInfo.Z;

                var textureValues = new Vector4();

                // The purpose of CoordinateAdjustment is to bring the texture values "in", to reduce the chance of adjacent
                // tiles drawing on a given tile quad. If we don't do this, we can get slivers of adjacent colors appearing, causing
                // lines or grid patterns.
                // To bring the values "in" we have to consider rotated quads.
                textureValues.X = CoordinateAdjustment + (float)quad.LeftTexturePixel / (float)texture.Width;                          // Left
                textureValues.Y = -CoordinateAdjustment + (float)(quad.LeftTexturePixel + tileDimensionWidth) / (float)texture.Width;  // Right
                textureValues.Z = CoordinateAdjustment + (float)quad.TopTexturePixel / (float)texture.Height;                          // Top
                textureValues.W = -CoordinateAdjustment + (float)(quad.TopTexturePixel + tileDimensionHeight) / (float)texture.Height; // Bottom

                // pad before doing any rotations/flipping
                const bool pad = true;
                if (pad)
                    const float amountToAdd = .0000001f;
                    textureValues.X += amountToAdd; // Left
                    textureValues.Y -= amountToAdd; // Right
                    textureValues.Z += amountToAdd; // Top
                    textureValues.W -= amountToAdd; // Bottom

                if ((quad.FlipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedHorizontallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedHorizontallyFlag)
                    var temp = textureValues.Y;
                    textureValues.Y = textureValues.X;
                    textureValues.X = temp;

                if ((quad.FlipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedVerticallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedVerticallyFlag)
                    var temp = textureValues.Z;
                    textureValues.Z = textureValues.W;
                    textureValues.W = temp;

                int tileIndex = toReturn.AddTile(position, tileDimensions,
                                                 //quad.LeftTexturePixel, quad.TopTexturePixel, quad.LeftTexturePixel + tileDimensionWidth, quad.TopTexturePixel + tileDimensionHeight);

                if ((quad.FlipFlags & TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedDiagonallyFlag) == TMXGlueLib.DataTypes.ReducedQuadInfo.FlippedDiagonallyFlag)

                // This was moved to outside of this conversion, to support shaps
                //if (quad.QuadSpecificProperties != null)
                //    var listToAdd = quad.QuadSpecificProperties.ToList();
                //    listToAdd.Add(new NamedValue { Name = "Name", Value = quad.Name });
                //    owner.Properties.Add(quad.Name, listToAdd);
                if (quad.RotationDegrees != 0)
                    // Tiled rotates clockwise :(
                    var rotationRadians = -MathHelper.ToRadians(quad.RotationDegrees);

                    Vector3 bottomLeftPos = toReturn.Vertices[tileIndex * 4].Position;

                    Vector3 vertPos = toReturn.Vertices[tileIndex * 4 + 1].Position;
                    MathFunctions.RotatePointAroundPoint(bottomLeftPos, ref vertPos, rotationRadians);
                    toReturn.Vertices[tileIndex * 4 + 1].Position = vertPos;

                    vertPos = toReturn.Vertices[tileIndex * 4 + 2].Position;
                    MathFunctions.RotatePointAroundPoint(bottomLeftPos, ref vertPos, rotationRadians);
                    toReturn.Vertices[tileIndex * 4 + 2].Position = vertPos;

                    vertPos = toReturn.Vertices[tileIndex * 4 + 3].Position;
                    MathFunctions.RotatePointAroundPoint(bottomLeftPos, ref vertPos, rotationRadians);
                    toReturn.Vertices[tileIndex * 4 + 3].Position = vertPos;

                toReturn.RegisterName(quad.Name, tileIndex);
