Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Check if a tombstone exists in the database saying that this place does *not* have any chicken. Returns true if we are sure this place
 /// doesn't have any lovely chicken, otherwise return false which means we should check (and create a tombstone if it doesn't)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="place"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool DoesChickenPlaceNotHaveChicken(ChickenPlace place)
     using (var conn = GetConnection())
         DateTime ExpireTime = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMonths(-2);
         var result = conn.Select<ChickenPlace>(q => q.Id == place.Id && q.Source == place.Source && q.HasChicken == false);
         if (result.Count() > 0) return true;
         return false;
Пример #2
        public List<ChickenPlace> GetAvailablePlaces(Location loc)
            List<ChickenPlace> returner = new List<ChickenPlace>();

            var client = new WebClient();
            string data = client.DownloadString(string.Format(BASE_URL, loc.Lat, loc.Long));
            List<dynamic> converted_data;
                converted_data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<List<dynamic>>(data);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Could not deserialize JSON", ex);
                return returner;

            foreach (dynamic entry in converted_data)
                // So ugly
                StringBuilder Address = new StringBuilder();
                    string[] possible_addresses = new string[] { entry.address1.ToString(), entry.address2.ToString(),
                                                    entry.address3.ToString(), entry.postcode.ToString() };

                    string Addresses = string.Join("\n", (from address in possible_addresses
                                                          where !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(address.ToString())
                                                          select address.ToString()).ToList());

                    ChickenPlace place = new ChickenPlace()
                        Id = entry.id.Value.ToString(),
                        Source = SOURCE_NAME,
                        Name = "KFC:" + CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.TextInfo.ToTitleCase(entry.storeName.Value.ToLower()),
                        Address = Addresses,
                        TelephoneNumber = entry.telno,
                        MenuAvaiable = false,
                        Location = new Location() { Lat = entry.latitude, Long = entry.longitude },
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.Error("Failed to add KFC entry", ex);

            return returner;
Пример #3
 public static void AddChickenPlace(ChickenPlace place)
     using (var conn = GetConnection())
         catch (Exception ex)
             logger.Error("Could not insert place", ex);
Пример #4
        public List<ChickenPlace> GetAvailablePlaces(Location loc)
            List<ChickenPlace> possible_places = new List<ChickenPlace>();
            List<ChickenPlace> found_places = new List<ChickenPlace>();

            var client = new TimeoutWebClient();
            client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent] = IOS_USER_AGENT;

            var doc = new HtmlDocument();
            string query_url = string.Format(BASE_URL, loc.FirstPostCode);
            logger.Info(string.Format("Downloading page {0}", query_url));
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Failed to download page", ex);
                return found_places;

            var OpenSections = doc.GetElementbyId("OpenRestaurants");
            var OpenPlaceNodes = OpenSections.SelectNodes(".//li");
            if (OpenPlaceNodes == null)
                logger.Info("Found no OpenPlaceNodes, returning");
                return found_places;

            // Go through each takeaway and discard some based on their cuisine types.
            foreach (var TakeAway in OpenPlaceNodes)
                var place = new ChickenPlace();
                place.Source = SOURCE_NAME;
                place.MenuAvaiable = this.SupportsMenu();
                // Get the <a> tag containing the name and the link to the place
                var name_link = TakeAway.SelectSingleNode("a[contains(@class,'name')]");
                place.Id = name_link.Attributes["href"].Value;

                // Extract the title of the place. Some titles have <span> elements with "sponsored" in them, if this is the case then skip it.
                var takeaway_name_base = name_link.SelectSingleNode("h2");
                var name_node = takeaway_name_base;
                if (takeaway_name_base.SelectSingleNode("span") != null) name_node = takeaway_name_base.SelectSingleNode("span");

                place.Name = RemoveUselessCharacters(takeaway_name_base.InnerText).Replace("sponsored", string.Empty).Replace("Sponsored", string.Empty);

                // Get the <div> that contains the rating and cuisine types
                var place_details = name_link.SelectSingleNode("./div[@class='restaurantDetails']");
                // Get a list of cuisine types
                string cuisine_string = place_details.SelectSingleNode("./p[@class='cuisineTypeList']").InnerText.Trim();
                string[] cuisine_list = (from cuisine in cuisine_string.Split(',') select RemoveUselessCharacters(cuisine).ToLower()).ToArray();
                // Take the list of cuisines and intersect it with the allowed cuisine list
                var cuisine_intersection = ALLOWED_CUISINES.Intersect(cuisine_list);
                if (cuisine_intersection.Count() == 0) continue;

                // Get the rating. Its a bit of a hack, but w/e
                var rating_node = place_details.SelectSingleNode("./p[contains(@class,'rating')]");
                // The rating itself is in the class.
                //place.Rating = NumberScale.ScaleNumber(Convert.ToInt32(rating_node.Attributes["class"].Value.Split('-')[1]), 0, 60, 100, 0);

                if (!DB.DoesChickenPlaceNotHaveChicken(place))
                    var saved_results = DB.GetChickenPlaceById(SOURCE_NAME, new string[] { place.Id });
                    if (saved_results.Count() == 0)

            Parallel.ForEach(possible_places, place =>
                // Ok. Now we have to fetch the actual menu page
                var menu_doc = new HtmlDocument();
                var menu_client = new TimeoutWebClient();
                    menu_doc.Load(menu_client.OpenRead(HOST + place.Id));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.Error(string.Format("Could not download JustEat page for place {0}", place.Id), ex);

                // Check if they actually serve fried chicken
                // XPath has now lower-case function (for some insane reason), hence the use of the rather ugly translate hack.
                var has_chicken = menu_doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(@".//h2[@class='H2MC' and
                if (has_chicken == null)
                    // No chicken here. Create a tombstone
                    place.HasChicken = false;

                // Get the address (used for geolocating)
                var address_node = menu_doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@itemtype='http://schema.org/PostalAddress']");

                if (address_node == null) {
                    logger.Error(string.Format("Could not find address for {0}", place.Id));

                var address_street = address_node.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@itemprop='streetAddress']").InnerText;
                var address_place = address_node.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@itemprop='addressLocality']").InnerText;
                var address_postcode = address_node.SelectSingleNode(".//span[@itemprop='postalCode']").InnerText;
                place.Address = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", address_street, address_place, address_postcode).Trim();

                lock (found_places) found_places.Add(place);
                place.HasChicken = true;


            // Lets GeoCode the *shit* out of our places using YQL
            YQL.GeoLocatePlaces(ref found_places);

            return found_places;
Пример #5
        public List<ChickenPlace> GetAvailablePlaces(Location loc)
            logger.Debug(string.Format("GetAvailablePlaces called: Lat: {0} Long: {1} PostCode: {2}", loc.Lat, loc.Long, loc.PostCode));
            List<ChickenPlace> returner = new List<ChickenPlace>();

            var client = new WebClient();
            client.Headers[HttpRequestHeader.UserAgent] = CHROME_USER_AGENT;
            string page_html;
                string furl = string.Format(FETCH_URL, loc.FirstPostCode);
                logger.Debug(string.Format("Fetching URL {0}", furl));
                page_html = client.DownloadString(furl);
            catch (Exception ex)
                logger.Error("Could not fetch URL", ex);
                return returner;

            HtmlDocument doc = new HtmlDocument();

            var results_node = doc.DocumentNode.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='restsSearchResultsLayout']");

            if (results_node == null)
                logger.Error("Could not parse restsSearchResultsLayout from HTML response");
                return returner;

            foreach (var place_node in results_node.SelectNodes(".//div[@class='restsSearchItemRes']"))
                ChickenPlace place = new ChickenPlace() { Source=SOURCE_NAME, MenuAvaiable=true };

                    // Check if the place is open first
                    var open_node = place_node.SelectSingleNode(".//a[contains(@class,'restsRestStatus')]");
                    if (open_node == null)
                        logger.Error("restsRestsStatus is null");

                    if (!open_node.Attributes["class"].Value.Split(' ').Contains("restsStatusOpen")) continue;

                    var page_link = place_node.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@class='restPageLink']");
                    if (page_link == null)
                        logger.Error("restPageLink is null");

                    place.Id = page_link.Attributes["href"].Value;
                    place.Name = page_link.Attributes["title"].Value;

                    // Get the rating. The rating is stored in a <div> as the style attribute, like "width:90%" means 90% rating
                    // ToDo: make this a regex?
                    var rating_node = place_node.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='restsRating']/div");
                    if (rating_node != null)
                        Rating place_rating = new Rating();
                        string rating_text = rating_node.InnerText;
                        // Text is like so: "Average rating: X of Y"
                            string x_of_y = rating_text.Split(':')[1].Trim();
                            int thescore = Convert.ToInt32(x_of_y.Split(' ')[0]);
                            int max = Convert.ToInt32(x_of_y.Split(' ')[2]);
                            place_rating.Score = NumberScale.ScaleNumber(thescore, 0, 50, 100, 0);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            logger.Error("Could not parse rating_node", ex);

                        // Get the total number of reviewers
                        var review_count_node = place_node.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@rel='restsReviewsTab']");
                        if (review_count_node != null)
                            place_rating.RatingsCount = Convert.ToInt32(review_count_node.InnerText.Split(' ')[0]);

                        if (place_rating.Score != 0) place.Rating = place_rating;

                    // The search page on HungryHouse is a bit shit so I'm not sure if it returns closed places or not.
                    // ToDo: Check this and remove closed places from returner.

                    // Get the location of the place. This is a huge hack - the lat/long is encoded in a <a> tag's style attribute
                    // which is used to display a google maps map.
                    // Firs get the restsMap node
                    var map_node = place_node.SelectSingleNode(".//div[@class='restsMap']");
                    if (map_node != null)
                            place.Address = map_node.SelectSingleNode(".//div").InnerText.Replace("\t", string.Empty).Trim();
                            if (place.Address.Contains("Distance")) place.Address = place.Address.Remove(place.Address.IndexOf("Distance"));
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            logger.Error("Could not parse the address", ex);

                        // Get the restsMapImage and extract the style
                            var node = map_node.SelectSingleNode(".//a[@class='restsMapImage']");
                            //logger.Debug("Found map node");

                            string map_style = node.Attributes["style"].Value;
                            //logger.Debug("Got map style attribute");

                            string uri = UriExtractor.Match(map_style).Groups[0].Value;
                            //logger.Debug(string.Format("Extracted URI: {0}", uri));

                            var parsed_qs = HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(uri);
                            //logger.Debug(string.Format("Parsed QS. Keys: {0}", string.Join(", ", parsed_qs.AllKeys)));
                            // On mono the key is "center", but on my development machine the key is amp;center. Weird.
                            string key = parsed_qs.AllKeys.Contains("center") ? "center" : "amp;center";

                            var location = parsed_qs[key].Split(',');
                            //logger.Debug(string.Format("Location: {0},{1}", location[0], location[1]));
                            place.Location = new Location() { Lat = float.Parse(location[0]), Long = float.Parse(location[1]) };
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            logger.Error("Could not extract location from URI", ex);
                            string fpath = Path.GetTempFileName();
                            File.WriteAllText(fpath, map_node.InnerHtml);
                            logger.Error(string.Format("Dumped map_node to file: {0}", fpath));
                        logger.Error(string.Format("Could not parse map node for place {0}", place.Name));

                catch (Exception ex)
                    logger.Error("Could not iterate over place", ex);
            return returner;