public ActionResult DisconnectedCustomers() { if (Session["name"] == null) Response.Redirect("Login/loginPage"); List<SearchModel> customerData = new List<SearchModel>(); user obj = new user(); customerData = obj.Disconnected(); return View(customerData); }
static void timer_Elapsed(object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) { user userObj = new user(); userObj.populatingDb(); }
public ActionResult loginPage(string loginName, string loginPassword) { FinLoginValidation obj = new FinLoginValidation(); string role = obj.loginDataValue(loginName, loginPassword); if (role == "Administrator") { //Admin page call statements Session["name"] = loginName; Response.Redirect("Administrator"); } else if (role == "Representative") { Session["name"] = loginName; Response.Redirect(""); } else if (role == "Collection") { Session["name"] = loginName; Response.Redirect(""); } else if (role == "Reporting") { user userObj = new user(); userObj.populatingDb(); Session["name"] = loginName; Response.Redirect("ReportingHome"); } else { return View((object)"Invalid User/Password"); } return View((object)""); }
public ActionResult TreatmentHistory(string treatmentAccNo) { List<ActionModel> customerData = new List<ActionModel>(); user obj = new user(); customerData = obj.treatmentHistory(treatmentAccNo); return View(customerData); }
public ActionResult StageWiseReport() { if (Session["name"] == null) Response.Redirect("Login/loginPage"); List<string> StageList = new List<string>(); user obj = new user(); StageList = obj.StagewiseReport(); return View(StageList); }
public ActionResult Search(string customerName, string zipCode) { List<SearchModel> customerData = new List<SearchModel>(); user obj = new user(); customerData=obj.reporting(customerName,zipCode); return View(customerData); // call function in model to invoke search from database and return a list }