internal void ObjectProcessComponent(int index, LineTypes.Component line, IParentObject obj, Stack<GameObject> objectStack, Stack<ParserContext> contextStack, ParserContext context) { #region Object context if (context == this.objectContext) { switch (index) { case 0: case 2: return; case 1: MeshFilter filter = objectStack.Peek().AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); MeshRenderer renderer = objectStack.Peek().AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); filter.mesh = Utility.MeshHelper.GetQuad(); renderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); return; } } #endregion if (context == this.objectContext.Components[2].context) { // COLLIDER // todo: this } // other components that have sub-components throw new Exception("Invalid member in parsed lines list"); }
internal virtual void SetContext() { this.context = new ParserContext( false, new LineTypes.Property[0], new LineTypes.Component[0], ParserContext.ContextType.Root ); SetObjectContext(); }
internal virtual void ProcessProperty(int index, LineTypes.Property line, IParentObject obj, Stack<GameObject> objectStack, ParserContext context) { // overload with switch-case and handle functionalities throw new Exception("Invalid member in parsed lines list"); }
internal void Parse(CountingReader reader, ParserContext context) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); line = line.Trim(); LineType type = GetLineType(line); if (type == LineType.Empty || type == LineType.Comment) continue; if (type == LineType.Unknown) throw new ParserExceptions.UnknownLineTypeException(); if (type == LineType.ComponentClose) { if (context.Type != ParserContext.ContextType.Component) throw new Exception("Syntax error - Cannot end component outside of component block"); Lines.Add(new LineTypes.ComponentClose()); return; } if (type == LineType.ObjectClose) { if (context.Type != ParserContext.ContextType.Object) throw new Exception("Syntax error - Cannot end object outside of object block"); Lines.Add(new LineTypes.ObjectClose()); return; } if (type == LineType.Property) { if (context.Properties.Length == 0) throw new Exception("Properties are not allowed in this context. Valid members are: " + context.ListValidMembers()); string propName = line.Split('=')[0].Trim().ToLower(); bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < context.Properties.Length; i++) { if (propName == context.Properties[i].name.ToLower()) { found = true; Lines.Add(GetProperty(line, context.Properties[i])); break; } } if (!found) throw new Exception("Invalid property member \"" + propName + "\". Valid members are: " + context.ListValidMembers()); continue; } if (type == LineType.Component) { if (context.Components.Length == 0) throw new Exception("Components are not allowed in this context. Valid members are: "+context.ListValidMembers()); string compName = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('(')).Trim().ToLower(); bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < context.Components.Length; i++) { if (compName == context.Components[i].name.ToLower()) { found = true; Lines.Add(new LineTypes.Component(context.Components[i].name, context.Components[i].context)); Parse(reader, context.Components[i].context); break; } } if (!found) throw new Exception("Invalid component member \"" + compName + "\". Valid members are: " + context.ListValidMembers()); continue; } if (type == LineType.Object) { if (!context.ObjectsAllowed) throw new Exception("Objects are not allowed in this context. Valid members are: "+context.ListValidMembers()); string objectName = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('[')).Trim(); Lines.Add(new LineTypes.Object(objectName)); Parse(reader, this.objectContext); continue; } } }
internal void ObjectProcessProperty(int index, LineTypes.Property line, IParentObject obj, Stack<GameObject> objectStack, ParserContext context) { #region Object context if (context == this.objectContext) { // properties for object itself (none atm) // return; } #endregion #region Transform if (context == this.objectContext.Components[0].context) { switch (index) { case 0: // position objectStack.Peek().transform.localPosition = (Vector3)line.argumentsData[0]; return; case 1: // rotation objectStack.Peek().transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler((Vector3)line.argumentsData[0]); return; case 2: // scale objectStack.Peek().transform.localScale = (Vector3)line.argumentsData[0]; return; } } #endregion #region Renderer if (context == this.objectContext.Components[1].context) { MeshRenderer renderer = objectStack.Peek().GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); switch (index) { case 0: // texture renderer.sharedMaterial.SetTexture(line.argumentsData[0].ToString(), (Texture2D)line.argumentsData[1]); return; case 1: // texture scale renderer.sharedMaterial.SetTextureScale(line.argumentsData[0].ToString(), (Vector2)line.argumentsData[1]); return; case 2: // texture offset renderer.sharedMaterial.SetTextureOffset(line.argumentsData[0].ToString(), (Vector2)line.argumentsData[1]); return; case 3: // color renderer.sharedMaterial.SetColor(line.argumentsData[0].ToString(), (Color)line.argumentsData[1]); return; case 4: // shader renderer.sharedMaterial = new Material(Shader.Find(line.argumentsData[0].ToString())); return; case 5: // rendering mode string mode = line.argumentsData[0].ToString().Trim().ToLower(); switch (mode) { case "opaque": renderer.sharedMaterial.SetFloat("_Mode", 0); break; case "cutout": renderer.sharedMaterial.SetFloat("_Mode", 1); break; case "fade": renderer.sharedMaterial.SetFloat("_Mode", 2); break; case "transparent": renderer.sharedMaterial.SetFloat("_Mode", 3); break; default: throw new ParserExceptions.ParserEnumException(mode, "Opaque", "Cutout", "Fade", "Transparent"); } return; default: throw new Exception("Invalid member in parsed lines list"); } } #endregion // todo: other contexts throw new Exception("Invalid member in parsed lines list"); }
private void SetObjectContext() { // SUB-CONTEXTS #region Transform ParserContext transformContext = new ParserContext( false, new LineTypes.Property[] { new LineTypes.Property("Position", "Position = X, Y, Z", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Vector3), new LineTypes.Property("Rotation", "Rotation = X, Y, Z", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Vector3), new LineTypes.Property("Scale", "Scale = X, Y, Z", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Vector3), // todo: add layer (first add enum handling) }, new LineTypes.Component[] { }, ParserContext.ContextType.Component ); #endregion #region Renderer ParserContext rendererContext = new ParserContext( false, new LineTypes.Property[] { new LineTypes.Property("Texture", "Texture = NAME = PATH", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.String, LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.TexturePath), new LineTypes.Property("TextureScale", "TextureScale = NAME = XSCALE, YSCALE", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.String, LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Vector2), new LineTypes.Property("TextureOffset", "TextureOffset = NAME = XOFFSET, YOFFSET", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.String, LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Vector2), new LineTypes.Property("Color", "Color = NAME = VALUE", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.String, LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Color), new LineTypes.Property("Shader", "Shader = NAME", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.String), new LineTypes.Property("Mode", "Mode = VALUE", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.String), }, new LineTypes.Component[] { }, ParserContext.ContextType.Component ); #endregion #region Collider ParserContext physicsMaterialContext = new ParserContext( false, new LineTypes.Property[] { new LineTypes.Property("Friction", "Friction = VALUE", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Float), new LineTypes.Property("Bounciness", "Bounciness = VALUE", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Float), }, new LineTypes.Component[] { }, ParserContext.ContextType.Component ); ParserContext boxColliderContext = new ParserContext( false, new LineTypes.Property[] { new LineTypes.Property("Center", "Center = X, Y, Z", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Vector3), new LineTypes.Property("Size", "Size = X, Y, Z", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Vector3), }, new LineTypes.Component[] { new LineTypes.Component("Material", physicsMaterialContext) }, ParserContext.ContextType.Component ); ParserContext circleColliderContext = new ParserContext( false, new LineTypes.Property[] { new LineTypes.Property("Center", "Center = X, Y, Z", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Vector3), new LineTypes.Property("Radius", "Radius = VALUE", LineTypes.Property.ArgumentTypes.Float), }, new LineTypes.Component[] { new LineTypes.Component("Material", physicsMaterialContext) }, ParserContext.ContextType.Component ); ParserContext colliderContext = new ParserContext( false, new LineTypes.Property[] { }, new LineTypes.Component[] { new LineTypes.Component("Box", boxColliderContext), new LineTypes.Component("Circle", circleColliderContext) // todo: add polygon collider }, ParserContext.ContextType.Component ); #endregion // todo: add lights, interaction, scripts, resources..... // MAIN CONTEXT this.objectContext = new ParserContext( true, new LineTypes.Property[0], new LineTypes.Component[] { new LineTypes.Component("Transform", transformContext), new LineTypes.Component("Renderer", rendererContext), new LineTypes.Component("Collider", colliderContext), }, ParserContext.ContextType.Object ); }
public Component(string name, ParserContext context) { = name; this.context = context; }
internal virtual void ProcessComponent(int index, LineTypes.Component line, IParentObject obj, Stack <GameObject> objectStack, Stack <ParserContext> contextStack, ParserContext context) { // overload with switch-case and handle functionalities throw new Exception("Invalid member in parsed lines list"); }
private void ProcessLine(IParentObject rootObject, Stack <ParserContext> contextStack, Stack <GameObject> objectStack, IParserLine tempLine) { LineType type = tempLine.GetType(); ParserContext currentContext = contextStack.Peek(); int index = -1; switch (type) { case LineType.Property: LineTypes.Property lineProperty = (LineTypes.Property)tempLine; for (int i = 0; i < currentContext.Properties.Length; i++) { if (currentContext.Properties[i].name == { index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new Exception("Invalid member in parsed lines list"); } ProcessProperty(index, lineProperty, rootObject, objectStack, currentContext); break; case LineType.Component: LineTypes.Component lineComponent = (LineTypes.Component)tempLine; for (int i = 0; i < currentContext.Components.Length; i++) { if (currentContext.Components[i].name == { index = i; break; } } if (index == -1) { throw new Exception("Invalid member in parsed lines list"); } ProcessComponent(index, lineComponent, rootObject, objectStack, contextStack, currentContext); contextStack.Push(currentContext.Components[index].context); break; case LineType.Object: LineTypes.Object lineObject = (LineTypes.Object)tempLine; GameObject tempGO = new GameObject(); =; tempGO.SetActive(false); if (objectStack.Count > 0) { tempGO.transform.parent = objectStack.Peek().transform; } rootObject.AssignChild(tempGO); objectStack.Push(tempGO); contextStack.Push(this.objectContext); break; case LineType.ObjectClose: case LineType.ComponentClose: contextStack.Pop(); break; default: throw new System.Exception("Invalid line type in parsed lines list"); } }
internal void Parse(CountingReader reader, ParserContext context) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); line = line.Trim(); LineType type = GetLineType(line); if (type == LineType.Empty || type == LineType.Comment) { continue; } if (type == LineType.Unknown) { throw new ParserExceptions.UnknownLineTypeException(); } if (type == LineType.ComponentClose) { if (context.Type != ParserContext.ContextType.Component) { throw new Exception("Syntax error - Cannot end component outside of component block"); } Lines.Add(new LineTypes.ComponentClose()); return; } if (type == LineType.ObjectClose) { if (context.Type != ParserContext.ContextType.Object) { throw new Exception("Syntax error - Cannot end object outside of object block"); } Lines.Add(new LineTypes.ObjectClose()); return; } if (type == LineType.Property) { if (context.Properties.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Properties are not allowed in this context. Valid members are: " + context.ListValidMembers()); } string propName = line.Split('=')[0].Trim().ToLower(); bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < context.Properties.Length; i++) { if (propName == context.Properties[i].name.ToLower()) { found = true; Lines.Add(GetProperty(line, context.Properties[i])); break; } } if (!found) { throw new Exception("Invalid property member \"" + propName + "\". Valid members are: " + context.ListValidMembers()); } continue; } if (type == LineType.Component) { if (context.Components.Length == 0) { throw new Exception("Components are not allowed in this context. Valid members are: " + context.ListValidMembers()); } string compName = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('(')).Trim().ToLower(); bool found = false; for (int i = 0; i < context.Components.Length; i++) { if (compName == context.Components[i].name.ToLower()) { found = true; Lines.Add(new LineTypes.Component(context.Components[i].name, context.Components[i].context)); Parse(reader, context.Components[i].context); break; } } if (!found) { throw new Exception("Invalid component member \"" + compName + "\". Valid members are: " + context.ListValidMembers()); } continue; } if (type == LineType.Object) { if (!context.ObjectsAllowed) { throw new Exception("Objects are not allowed in this context. Valid members are: " + context.ListValidMembers()); } string objectName = line.Substring(0, line.IndexOf('[')).Trim(); Lines.Add(new LineTypes.Object(objectName)); Parse(reader, this.objectContext); continue; } } }