Пример #1
        private static void ShowHandles(Path2D aPathRaw, int aIndex, Matrix4x4 aTransform, Matrix4x4 aInvTransform, SerializedProperty aPath, bool aShowMeta, bool aUnlock, Path2D.Plane aPlane, Plane aEditPlane, PathEditorVisuals aVisuals)
            PointControl ctrl   = aPathRaw.GetControls(aIndex);
            bool         locked = ctrl.type == PointType.Locked;
            Vector3      at     = aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Plane(aPathRaw[aIndex], aPlane));

            if (ctrl.type == PointType.Auto || ctrl.type == PointType.AutoSymmetrical || ctrl.type == PointType.Sharp)
            else if (ctrl.type == PointType.CircleCorner)
                if (aPathRaw.Closed || (aIndex != 0 && aIndex != aPathRaw.Count - 1))
                    float size         = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(at);
                    float radiusOffset = .2f;

                    Vector3 end1   = PathUtil.GetRoundedCornerEnd(aIndex, aPathRaw.GetPathRaw(), aPathRaw.GetControls(), aPathRaw.Closed, ctrl.radius, true);
                    Vector3 end2   = PathUtil.GetRoundedCornerEnd(aIndex, aPathRaw.GetPathRaw(), aPathRaw.GetControls(), aPathRaw.Closed, ctrl.radius, false);
                    Vector3 normal = Vector2.Lerp(end1.xy() - aPathRaw[aIndex], end2.xy() - aPathRaw[aIndex], 0.5f).normalized;

                    Vector3 v  = aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(normal * (ctrl.radius + radiusOffset), aPlane)) + at;
                    Vector3 nV = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(v,
                                                        size * aVisuals.sizeControlHandle,

                    if (nV != v)
                        SerializedProperty radius = aPath.FindPropertyRelative("_pointControls").GetArrayElementAtIndex(aIndex).FindPropertyRelative("radius");
                        nV  = EditorTools.ProjectPoint(nV, aEditPlane);
                        nV -= at;
                        nV  = aInvTransform.MultiplyVector(nV);
                        Vector2 newPos = Deplane(nV, aPlane);
                        radius.floatValue = SnapScale(radius.floatValue, Mathf.Max(0, newPos.magnitude - radiusOffset), PathSnap.World);
                        _recentInteract   = aIndex;
                        GUI.changed       = true;

                    if (aShowMeta)
                        string txt = Math.Round(ctrl.radius, 2).ToString();
                        Handles.Label(v, txt, ShadowStyle);
                        Handles.Label(v, txt, LabelStyle);
                Vector2 newPos;
                Vector3 v  = aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlPrev, aPlane)) + at;
                Vector3 nV = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(v,
                                                    HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(v) * aVisuals.sizeControlHandle,

                if (nV != v)
                    SerializedProperty controlProp = aPath.FindPropertyRelative("_pointControls").GetArrayElementAtIndex(aIndex);
                    SerializedProperty type        = controlProp.FindPropertyRelative("type");
                    SerializedProperty prev        = controlProp.FindPropertyRelative("controlPrev");

                    nV                = EditorTools.ProjectPoint(nV, aEditPlane);
                    nV               -= at;
                    nV                = aInvTransform.MultiplyVector(nV);
                    newPos            = Deplane(nV, aPlane);
                    prev.vector2Value = SnapRadial(v, prev.vector2Value, newPos, aTransform, aInvTransform, PathSnap.World);
                    if (aUnlock)
                        ctrl.type           = PointType.Free;
                        type.enumValueIndex = (int)ctrl.type;
                    _recentInteract = aIndex;
                    GUI.changed     = true;

                if (ctrl.type == PointType.Locked)
                    v = -aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlPrev, aPlane)) + at;
                    v = aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlNext, aPlane)) + at;

                nV = Handles.FreeMoveHandle(v,
                                            HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(v) * aVisuals.sizeControlHandle,

                if (nV != v)
                    SerializedProperty controlProp = aPath.FindPropertyRelative("_pointControls").GetArrayElementAtIndex(aIndex);
                    SerializedProperty type        = controlProp.FindPropertyRelative("type");
                    SerializedProperty prev        = controlProp.FindPropertyRelative("controlPrev");
                    SerializedProperty next        = controlProp.FindPropertyRelative("controlNext");

                    nV  = EditorTools.ProjectPoint(nV, aEditPlane);
                    nV -= at;
                    nV  = aInvTransform.MultiplyVector(nV);
                    if (aUnlock)
                        ctrl.type           = PointType.Free;
                        type.enumValueIndex = (int)ctrl.type;

                    if (ctrl.type == PointType.Locked)
                        newPos            = Deplane(-nV, aPlane);
                        prev.vector2Value = SnapRadial(v, prev.vector2Value, newPos, aTransform, aInvTransform, PathSnap.World);
                        newPos            = Deplane(nV, aPlane);
                        next.vector2Value = SnapRadial(v, next.vector2Value, newPos, aTransform, aInvTransform, PathSnap.World);
                    _recentInteract = aIndex;
                    GUI.changed     = true;

                if (aShowMeta)
                    bool xz = aPlane == Path2D.Plane.XZ;

                    Vector2 prop2   = (locked?ctrl.controlPrev:ctrl.controlNext);
                    Vector3 handle1 = aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlPrev, aPlane)) + at;
                    Vector3 handle2 = (locked?-1:1) * aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane((locked?ctrl.controlPrev:ctrl.controlNext), aPlane)) + at;
                    float   ang1    = PathUtil.ClockwiseAngle(ctrl.controlPrev, Vector2.right);                //Vector2.Angle(prev.vector2Value, Vector2.right);
                    float   ang2    = PathUtil.ClockwiseAngle((locked?-1:1) * prop2, Vector2.right);           //Vector2.Angle(prop2.vector2Value, Vector2.right);
                    float   mag1    = ctrl.controlPrev.magnitude;
                    float   mag2    = prop2.magnitude;

                    Vector3 pos = Vector3.Lerp(handle1, at, 0.5f);
                    string  txt = Math.Round(mag1, 2).ToString();
                    Handles.Label(pos, txt, ShadowStyle); Handles.Label(pos, txt, LabelStyle);
                    pos = Vector3.Lerp(handle2, at, 0.5f);
                    txt = Math.Round(mag2, 2).ToString();
                    Handles.Label(pos, txt, ShadowStyle); Handles.Label(pos, txt, LabelStyle);

                    pos = handle1;
                    txt = "\u00B0" + Mathf.Round(ang1);
                    Handles.Label(pos, txt, ShadowStyle); Handles.Label(pos, txt, LabelStyle);
                    pos = handle2;
                    txt = "\u00B0" + Mathf.Round(ang2);
                    Handles.Label(pos, txt, ShadowStyle); Handles.Label(pos, txt, LabelStyle);

                    if (ctrl.type == PointType.Free)
                        if (ang2 < ang1)
                            ang2 += 360;
                        float ang     = ang2 - ang1;
                        float halfAng = ang1 + ang / 2;

                        float   arcRadius = HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(at) * aVisuals.sizeVertex * 1.75f;
                        Vector3 centerArc = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(halfAng * Mathf.Deg2Rad), Mathf.Sin(halfAng * Mathf.Deg2Rad), 0);
                        if (xz)
                            centerArc = new Vector3(centerArc.x, 0, centerArc.y);
                        centerArc = aTransform.MultiplyVector(centerArc);

                        var centeredStyle = new GUIStyle(GUI.skin.label);
                        centeredStyle.contentOffset    = new Vector2(-9, -9);
                        centeredStyle.normal.textColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.5f);
                        Handles.Label(at + centerArc * arcRadius * 2f, "\u00B0" + Mathf.Round(ang), centeredStyle);
                        centeredStyle.contentOffset    = new Vector2(-10, -10);
                        centeredStyle.normal.textColor = Color.white;
                        Handles.Label(at + centerArc * arcRadius * 2f, "\u00B0" + Mathf.Round(ang), centeredStyle);

                        Handles.DrawWireArc(at, aPlane == Path2D.Plane.XY?Vector3.forward:Vector3.up, ((xz?handle2:handle1) - at).normalized, ang, arcRadius);
Пример #2
        public static List <Vector3> GetAllHandleLocations(Matrix4x4 aTransform, Path2D aPathRaw, bool aShowShiftAdd = true, Path2D.Plane aPlane = Path2D.Plane.XY)
            List <Vector3>      result   = new List <Vector3>();
            List <Vector2>      points   = aPathRaw.GetPathRaw();
            List <PointControl> controls = aPathRaw.GetControls();
            bool showControls            = !Event.current.shift && !Event.current.alt;

            // add all points
            List <Vector3> worldPoints = PathUtil.To3D(points, aTransform, aPlane == Path2D.Plane.XY ? PathUtil.ConvertOptions.XY : PathUtil.ConvertOptions.XZ);


            // add the control points
            if (showControls)
                for (int i = 0; i < points.Count; i++)
                    PointControl ctrl = controls[i];
                    PointType    t    = ctrl.type;
                    Vector3      at   = worldPoints[i];

                    if (t == PointType.CircleCorner)
                        Vector3 end1   = PathUtil.GetRoundedCornerEnd(i, points, controls, aPathRaw.Closed, ctrl.radius, true);
                        Vector3 end2   = PathUtil.GetRoundedCornerEnd(i, points, controls, aPathRaw.Closed, ctrl.radius, false);
                        Vector3 normal = Vector2.Lerp(end1.xy() - points[i], end2.xy() - points[i], 0.5f).normalized;

                        result.Add(at + aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(normal * (ctrl.radius + 0.2f), aPlane)));
                    else if (t == PointType.Free || t == PointType.Locked)
                        Vector3 v = aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlPrev, aPlane)) + at;

                        if (t == PointType.Locked)
                            v = -aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlPrev, aPlane)) + at;
                            v = aTransform.MultiplyVector(Plane(ctrl.controlNext, aPlane)) + at;

            // create the plane on which all edits occur
            Plane editPlane;

            if (aPlane == Path2D.Plane.XY)
                editPlane = new Plane(aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero), aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.right), aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.up));
                editPlane = new Plane(aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero), aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.right), aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.forward));

            // add shift-add handle
            if (Event.current.shift && aShowShiftAdd)
                Ray   r    = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition);
                float dist = 0;
                if (editPlane.Raycast(r, out dist))

Пример #3
        private static void ShowShiftAdd(Path2D aPathRaw, Matrix4x4 aTransform, Matrix4x4 aInvTransform, SerializedProperty aPath, Action <SerializedProperty, int> aOnAddPoint, Path2D.Plane aPlane, Plane aEditPlane, PathEditorVisuals aVisuals)
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseMove)

            Ray   r    = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(Event.current.mousePosition);
            float dist = 0;

            if (aEditPlane.Raycast(r, out dist))
                Vector3        worldPt = r.GetPoint(dist);
                Vector3        localPt = aInvTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(worldPt);
                List <Vector2> points  = aPathRaw.GetPathRaw();
                int            segment = PathUtil.GetClosestSegment(points, Deplane(localPt, aPlane), aPathRaw.Closed);

                Vector3 p1          = points.Count == 0 ? worldPt : aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Plane(points[segment], aPlane));
                Vector3 p2          = points.Count == 0 ? worldPt : aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Plane(points[PathUtil.WrapIndex(segment + 1, points.Count, aPathRaw.Closed)], aPlane));
                float   d1          = Vector3.Distance(p1, worldPt);
                float   d2          = Vector3.Distance(p2, worldPt);
                int     insertIndex = 0;

                EditorGUIUtility.AddCursorRect(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height), MouseCursor.ArrowPlus);

                // draw dotted lines, and figure out what index we'll be adding to
                if (!aPathRaw.Closed && segment == 0 && d1 < d2)
                    Handles.DrawDottedLine(p1, worldPt, 4);
                    insertIndex = 0;
                else if (!aPathRaw.Closed && segment == points.Count - 2 && d2 < d1)
                    Handles.DrawDottedLine(p2, worldPt, 4);
                    insertIndex = points.Count;
                    Handles.DrawDottedLine(p1, worldPt, 4);
                    Handles.DrawDottedLine(p2, worldPt, 4);
                    insertIndex = segment + 1;

                // do the add point button
                if (Handles.Button(worldPt,
                                   HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(worldPt) * aVisuals.sizeVertexAdd,
                                   HandleUtility.GetHandleSize(worldPt) * aVisuals.sizeVertexAdd,
                    AddPoint(aPath, Deplane(localPt, aPlane), insertIndex);
                    if (aOnAddPoint != null)
                        aOnAddPoint(aPath, insertIndex);

                    _recentInteract = insertIndex;
                    GUI.changed     = true;
Пример #4
        public static void      DoDragSelect(Matrix4x4 aTransform, Path2D aPath, Rect aValidDragArea, PathEditorVisuals aVisuals)
            if (aVisuals == null)
                aVisuals = _defaultVisuals;
            int   id   = GUIUtility.GetControlID("PathEditorDragSelect".GetHashCode(), FocusType.Keyboard);
            Event curr = Event.current;

            // get the current selection list
            Selection selection = GetSelection(aPath);
            Vector2   mouse     = curr.mousePosition;
            EventType type      = curr.GetTypeForControl(id);

            switch (type)
            case EventType.MouseDown:
                if (curr.button == 0 && !curr.alt && !curr.control && aValidDragArea.Contains(mouse))
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = id;
                    _isMouseDown          = true;
                    _mouseDownPos         = curr.mousePosition;

            case EventType.MouseUp:
                if (curr.button == 0)
                    _isMouseDown = false;

                if (curr.button == 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl == id && curr.mousePosition != _mouseDownPos)

                    for (int i = 0; i < aPath.Count; i += 1)
                        float left   = Mathf.Min(_mouseDownPos.x, _mouseDownPos.x + (mouse.x - _mouseDownPos.x));
                        float right  = Mathf.Max(_mouseDownPos.x, _mouseDownPos.x + (mouse.x - _mouseDownPos.x));
                        float top    = Mathf.Min(_mouseDownPos.y, _mouseDownPos.y + (mouse.y - _mouseDownPos.y));
                        float bottom = Mathf.Max(_mouseDownPos.y, _mouseDownPos.y + (mouse.y - _mouseDownPos.y));

                        Rect r = new Rect(left, top, right - left, bottom - top);
                        if (r.Contains(HandleUtility.WorldToGUIPoint(aTransform.MultiplyPoint(aPath[i]))))

                if (curr.button == 0 && GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    GUIUtility.hotControl = 0;

                // if the mouse hasn't moved, emulate Unity's default mouse behaviour
                if (curr.mousePosition == _mouseDownPos)
                    if (selection.Count > 0)
                        GameObject go = HandleUtility.PickGameObject(curr.mousePosition, false);
                        UnityEditor.Selection.activeGameObject = go;

            case EventType.MouseDrag:
                if (_isMouseDown && GUIUtility.hotControl == id)
                    GUI.changed = true;

            case EventType.Repaint:
                if (curr.button == 0 && !curr.alt && !curr.control && _isMouseDown)
                    Vector3 pt1 = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(_mouseDownPos).GetPoint(0.2f);
                    Vector3 pt2 = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(mouse).GetPoint(0.2f);
                    Vector3 pt3 = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(new Vector2(_mouseDownPos.x, mouse.y)).GetPoint(0.2f);
                    Vector3 pt4 = HandleUtility.GUIPointToWorldRay(new Vector2(mouse.x, _mouseDownPos.y)).GetPoint(0.2f);
                    Handles.DrawSolidRectangleWithOutline(new Vector3[] { pt1, pt3, pt2, pt4 }, aVisuals.colorDragSelectInner, aVisuals.colorDragSelectOuter);
Пример #5
        public static void OnSceneGUI(Matrix4x4 aTransform, Matrix4x4 aInvTransform, SerializedProperty aPath, Path2D aPathRaw, bool aShowShiftAdd = true, Action <SerializedProperty, int> aOnAddPoint = null, Action <SerializedProperty, int> aOnRemovePoint = null, Path2D.Plane aPlane = Path2D.Plane.XY, PathSnap aSnapMode = PathSnap.Unity, float aSmartSnapDist = 0, KeyCode aVertModeKey = KeyCode.C, PathEditorVisuals aVisuals = null)
            if (aVisuals == null)
                aVisuals = _defaultVisuals;

            // get the current selection list
            Selection selection = GetSelection(aPathRaw);

            bool showControls = !Event.current.shift && !Event.current.alt;

            // check for point type switching mode
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == aVertModeKey)
                _vMode = true;
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyUp && Event.current.keyCode == aVertModeKey)
                _vMode = false;
            bool deleteMode = Event.current.alt;

            // draw all the curve and handle lines
            if (Event.current.type == EventType.Repaint)
                ShowPathLines(aPathRaw, aTransform, showControls, aPlane, aVisuals);

            // create the plane on which all edits occur
            Plane editPlane;

            if (aPlane == Path2D.Plane.XY)
                editPlane = new Plane(aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero), aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.right), aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.up));
                editPlane = new Plane(aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.zero), aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.right), aTransform.MultiplyPoint3x4(Vector3.forward));

            // check for shift-add point to path
            if (Event.current.shift && aShowShiftAdd && Event.current.button != 1 && !Event.current.control)
                ShowShiftAdd(aPathRaw, aTransform, aInvTransform, aPath, aOnAddPoint, aPlane, editPlane, aVisuals);

            // draw the handles for each point
            for (int i = 0; i < aPathRaw.Count; i++)
                if (selection.Count > 0)
                    _activeHandleTint = selection.IsSelected(i) ? aVisuals.colorSelectionTint : aVisuals.colorUnselectedTint;
                    _activeHandleTint = aVisuals.colorNoSelectionTint;

                if (deleteMode)
                    ShowPointDeleteMode(aPathRaw, i, selection, aTransform, aPath, aOnRemovePoint, aPlane, aVisuals);
                else if (_vMode)
                    ShowPointTypeMode(aPathRaw, i, selection, aTransform, aInvTransform, aPath, aPlane, aVisuals);
                    ShowPoint(aPathRaw, i, selection, aTransform, aInvTransform, aPath, aPlane, editPlane, aSnapMode, aSmartSnapDist, aVisuals);
                if (showControls)
                    ShowHandles(aPathRaw, i, aTransform, aInvTransform, aPath, i == _recentInteract, _vMode, aPlane, editPlane, aVisuals);

            if (GUI.changed)

            Handles.color = Color.white;
Пример #6
        public Path2D BoolAdd(Path2D aOther)
            if (!(Closed && aOther.Closed) || SelfIntersecting() || aOther.SelfIntersecting())
                if (!Closed || !aOther.Closed)
                    Debug.LogWarning("Paths must be closed for boolean operations!");
                if (SelfIntersecting())
                    Debug.LogWarning("This path is self-intersecting!");
                if (aOther.SelfIntersecting())
                    Debug.LogWarning("Other path is self-intersecting!");
                Path2D r = new Path2D();
                r.Closed = true;

            if (!IsClockwise())
            if (!aOther.IsClockwise())

            // find a point that is not within the other path
            int id = -1;

            for (int i = 0; i < _points.Count; i++)
                if (!aOther.Contains(_points[i]))
                    id = i;

            // if it's entirely enclosed, then the other path is the result
            if (id == -1)
                return(new Path2D(aOther));

            int            currId        = id;
            List <Vector2> currPath      = _points;
            List <Vector2> otherPath     = aOther._points;
            Vector2        start         = currPath[currId];
            Vector2        curr          = start;
            int            ignoreSegment = -1;
            Path2D         result        = new Path2D();

            result.Closed = true;

            int escape = (currPath.Count + otherPath.Count) * 2;

            while (!(curr == start && result.Count > 1))
                int     nextId    = (currId + 1) % currPath.Count;
                Vector2 next      = currPath[nextId];
                float   dist      = float.MaxValue;
                Vector2 nextPt    = next;
                bool    swapPaths = false;

                for (int i = 0; i < otherPath.Count; i++)
                    if (i == ignoreSegment)

                    Vector2 o1 = otherPath[i];
                    Vector2 o2 = otherPath[(i + 1) % otherPath.Count];

                    if (PathUtil.LineSegmentIntersection(curr, next, o1, o2))
                        Vector2 pt  = PathUtil.LineIntersectionPoint(curr, next, o1, o2);
                        float   mag = (curr - pt).sqrMagnitude;
                        if (mag < dist)
                            dist      = mag;
                            nextPt    = pt;
                            swapPaths = true;
                            nextId    = i;
                ignoreSegment = -1;

                if (swapPaths)
                    List <Vector2> t = currPath;
                    currPath      = otherPath;
                    otherPath     = t;
                    ignoreSegment = currId;
                currId = nextId;
                curr   = nextPt;

                if (escape <= 0)
Пример #7
 public void CopySettings(Path2D aCopyPath)
     _closed        = aCopyPath.Closed;
     _splitDistance = aCopyPath.SmoothSplitDistance;