Пример #1
        private void MoveUpdatedIndexToFinalLocation(bool shouldSignIndex)
            if (shouldSignIndex)
                using (ITracer activity = this.tracer.StartActivity("SignIndex", EventLevel.Informational, Keywords.Telemetry, metadata: null))
                    using (FileStream fs = File.Open(this.updatedIndexPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                        // Truncate the old hash off. The Index class is expected to preserve any existing hash.
                        fs.SetLength(fs.Length - 20);
                        using (HashingStream hashStream = new HashingStream(fs))
                            fs.Position = 0;
                            byte[] hash = hashStream.Hash;

                            // The fs pointer is now where the old hash used to be. Perfect. :)
                            fs.Write(hash, 0, hash.Length);

            this.tracer.RelatedEvent(EventLevel.Informational, "MoveUpdatedIndexToFinalLocation", new EventMetadata() { { "UpdatedIndex", this.updatedIndexPath }, { "Index", this.indexPath } });
            File.Move(this.updatedIndexPath, this.indexPath);

Пример #2
        private void SignIndex()
            using (ITracer activity = this.tracer.StartActivity("SignIndex", EventLevel.Informational, Keywords.Telemetry, metadata: null))
                using (FileStream fs = File.Open(this.indexPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite))
                    // Truncate the old hash off. The Index class is expected to preserve any existing hash.
                    fs.SetLength(fs.Length - 20);
                    using (HashingStream hashStream = new HashingStream(fs))
                        fs.Position = 0;
                        byte[] hash = hashStream.Hash;

                        // The fs pointer is now where the old hash used to be. Perfect. :)
                        fs.Write(hash, 0, hash.Length);