FTypeRef stores a typeRef structure used to reference type signatures.
Пример #1
 public FCodeEmit(FTypeEmit parent, FBuf fcode, CILInstructions code, Reg[] regs, FTypeRef ret)
     this.pod      = parent.pod;
       this.emitter  = parent.emitter;
       this.parent   = parent;
       this.buf      = fcode.m_buf;
       this.len      = fcode.m_len;
       this.code     = code;
       this.podClass = FanUtil.toDotnetTypeName(pod.m_podName, "$Pod", false);
       this.jumps    = new Jumps(code);
       this.regs     = regs;
       this.ret      = ret;
Пример #2
 public override FTable read(FStore.Input input)
     if (input == null)
         m_size = 0; return(this);
     m_size  = input.u2();
     m_table = new object[m_size];
     for (int i = 0; i < m_size; i++)
         m_table[i] = FTypeRef.read(input);
Пример #3
        internal string selfName; // class name for self if self is true

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // Constructor
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor.
        /// </summary>
        public FMethodEmit(FTypeEmit emit, FMethod method)
            this.emitter    = emit.emitter;
              this.emit       = emit;
              this.method     = method;
              this.code       = method.m_code;
              this.name       = FanUtil.toDotnetMethodName(method.m_name);
              this.paramLen   = method.m_paramCount;
              this.isStatic   = (method.m_flags & FConst.Static) != 0;
              this.isInternal = false; //(method.m_flags & FConst.Internal) != 0;
              this.isPrivate  = (method.m_flags & FConst.Private) != 0;
              this.isAbstract = (method.m_flags & FConst.Abstract) != 0;
              this.isVirtual  = (method.m_flags & FConst.Virtual) != 0;
              this.isOverride = (method.m_flags & FConst.Override) != 0;
              this.isCtor     = (method.m_flags & FConst.Ctor) != 0;
              this.isNative   = (method.m_flags & FConst.Native) != 0;
              this.isHide     = false; // only used for make/make_
              this.ret        = emit.pod.typeRef(method.m_inheritedRet);
              this.selfName   = emit.selfName;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Emit a constructor - constructors get created as a static
        /// factory methods, so that that CallNew can just push args
        /// and invoke them
        ///   fan:
        ///     class Foo { new make(Long a) { ... } }
        ///   .net:
        ///     static Foo make(Long a) { return make_(new Foo(), a) }
        ///     static Foo make_(Foo self, Long a) { ... return self }
        /// We call the first method "make" the "factory" and the
        /// second method "make_" the "body".  CallNew opcodes are
        /// routed to the ctor factory, and CallCtor opcodes are routed
        /// to the ctor body.
        /// </summary>
        public void emitCtor()
            string ctorName = this.name;

              // both factory and body are static from CLR's perspective
              this.isStatic = true;
              this.isHide   = true;

              // first emit the body with implicit self
              this.name   = ctorName + "_";
              this.self   = true;
              PERWAPI.MethodDef make = emitter.methodDef;

              // emit body default parameter wrappers

              // then emit the factory
              this.name = ctorName;
              this.self = false;
              this.ret  = emit.pod.typeRef(emit.type.m_self);
              this.code = null;

              PERWAPI.CILInstructions code = doEmit();
              PERWAPI.Method ctor = emitter.findMethod(selfName, ".ctor", new string[0], "System.Void");
              code.MethInst(PERWAPI.MethodOp.newobj, ctor);
              pushArgs(code, false, method.m_paramCount);
              code.MethInst(PERWAPI.MethodOp.call, make);

              // emit factory default parameter wrappers
Пример #5
        private void loadType(FTypeRef tref)
            string podName  = tref.podName;
              string typeName = tref.typeName;

              // if pod is "sys", then we can perform a shortcut and use
              // one of the predefined fields in Sys
              if (!tref.isGenericInstance() && podName == "sys")
            PERWAPI.Field field = emitter.findField("Fan.Sys.Sys", typeName + "Type", "Fan.Sys.Type");
            code.FieldInst(FieldOp.ldsfld, field);
            if (tref.isNullable()) typeToNullable();

              // lazy allocate my parent's type literal map: sig -> fieldName
              if (parent.typeLiteralFields == null) parent.typeLiteralFields = new Hashtable();
              Hashtable map = parent.typeLiteralFields;

              // types are lazy loaded and then cached in a private static field called
              // type$count which will get generated by FTypeEmit (we keep track of signature
              // to fieldname in the typeConstFields map)
              string sig = tref.signature;
              string fieldName = (string)map[sig];
              if (fieldName == null)
            fieldName = "type$" + map.Count;
            map[sig] = fieldName;
              //int fieldRef = emit.field(parent.className + "." + fieldName + ":Lfan/sys/Type;");

              //code.op2(GETSTATIC, fieldRef);
              //int nonNull = code.branch(IFNONNULL);
              //code.op2(LDC_W, emit.strConst(sig));
              //code.op2(INVOKESTATIC, parent.sysFindType());
              //code.op2(PUTSTATIC, fieldRef);

              //emitter.EmitField(string name, string type, FieldAttr attr)
              //PERWAPI.Field field = emitter.EmitField("Fan.Sys.Sys", typeName + "Type", "Fan.Sys.Type");
              //code.FieldInst(FieldOp.ldsfld, field);

              // TODO - store in static field (all that crap above this)
              Method method = emitter.findMethod("Fan.Sys.Type", "find",
            new string[] { "System.String" }, "Fan.Sys.Type");
              code.MethInst(MethodOp.call, method);
Пример #6
        private void doCompare(string suffix, FTypeRef lhs, FTypeRef rhs)
            // get lhs and rhs types
              string[] args = new string[]
            lhs.isRef() ? "System.Object" : lhs.nname(),
            rhs.isRef() ? "System.Object" : rhs.nname()
              string ret = (suffix == "") ? "System.Int64" : "System.Boolean";

              PERWAPI.Method m = emitter.findMethod("Fanx.Util.OpUtil", "compare"+suffix, args, ret);
              code.MethInst(MethodOp.call, m);