Пример #1
        public Game_Universe()
            this.White_Player = new Player(Player.Colors.WHITE); // player 1
            this.Black_Player = new Player(Player.Colors.BLACK); // player 2

            this.board = new Board(); // pull out a board

            White_Player.initialize_Pieces(ref board); //white puts pieces on board
            Black_Player.initialize_Pieces(ref board); //black puts pieces on board

            turnNumber = 1; // first turn
Пример #2
        public override bool moveRules(byte pDestination, Board board)
            byte furthest_left, furthest_right, furthest_up, furthest_down;
            isPieceOnFile(this.Location, out furthest_up, out furthest_down, board);
            isPieceOnRow(this.Location, out furthest_left, out furthest_right, board);
            byte mod_value = (byte)(this.Location % 8);

            if (pDestination % 8 == mod_value)
                if (pDestination >= furthest_down && pDestination <= furthest_up)
                    return true;
                    return false;
            else if (pDestination >= furthest_right && pDestination <= furthest_left)
                return true;

            return false;
Пример #3
 public override bool captureRules(byte pDestination, Board board)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Пример #4
        public bool isPieceOnRow(byte pLocation, out byte pFurthest_Left, out byte pFurthest_Right, Board board)
            // look left and right on the row to see if a piece will cause another piece to not be able to move as far
            sbyte furthest_left = -1;   // furthest value left of location that a piece can move to
            sbyte furthest_right = -1;  // furthest value right of location that a piece can move to
            sbyte range_to_check_right = (sbyte)((int)pLocation % 8);    //will be a value 0-7 giving us a range to check left and right of location
            sbyte range_to_check_left = (sbyte)(7 - range_to_check_right);

            if (range_to_check_right == 0) // we are on the right edge of the board
                furthest_right = (sbyte)pLocation;
                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation + 1); i <= (sbyte)(pLocation + range_to_check_left); i++) // check as far as the left side of the board
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        furthest_left = (sbyte)(i - pLocation - 1); // number of spots piece can move left of the location tile

                if (furthest_left == -1) // no piece to our location's left
                    pFurthest_Right = (byte)pLocation; // we are on the right edge of the board, can't move right.
                    pFurthest_Left = (byte)(pLocation + 7); // we can move as far left as we want, but not over the edge of the board
                    return false;
                    pFurthest_Right = pLocation;
                    pFurthest_Left = (byte)furthest_left;
                    return true;
            else if (range_to_check_left == 0)
                furthest_left = (sbyte)pLocation;
                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation - 1); i >= pLocation - range_to_check_right; i--) // check as far as the right side of the board
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        furthest_right = (sbyte)(pLocation - (pLocation - i - 1)); // number of spots piece can move right of the location tile

                if (furthest_right == -1)
                    pFurthest_Left = pLocation;
                    pFurthest_Right = (byte)(pLocation - 7);
                    return false;
                    pFurthest_Left = pLocation;
                    pFurthest_Right = (byte)furthest_right;
                    return true;
            else // piece is not on left or right edge of board
                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation - 1); i >= pLocation - range_to_check_right; i--) // check as far as the right side of the board
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn) // piece on tile 'i'
                        furthest_right = (sbyte)(pLocation - (pLocation - i - 1)); // number of spots piece can move right of the location tile

                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation + 1); i <= (sbyte)(pLocation + range_to_check_left); i++) // check as far as the left side of the board
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        furthest_left = (sbyte)(i - pLocation - 1); // number of spots piece can move left of the location tile

                if (furthest_left == -1 && furthest_right == -1) // there are no pieces left or right of the location
                    pFurthest_Right = (byte)(pLocation - range_to_check_right);
                    pFurthest_Left = (byte)(pLocation + range_to_check_left);
                    return false;
                else if (furthest_left == -1) // no piece to the left
                    pFurthest_Left = (byte)(pLocation + range_to_check_left);
                    pFurthest_Right = (byte)furthest_right;
                    return true;
                else if (furthest_right == -1) // no piece to the right
                    pFurthest_Right = (byte)(pLocation - range_to_check_right);
                    pFurthest_Left = (byte)furthest_left;
                    return true;
                    pFurthest_Left = (byte)furthest_left;
                    pFurthest_Right = (byte)furthest_right;
                    return true;
Пример #5
 public abstract bool moveRules(byte pDestination, Board board);
Пример #6
        public bool isPieceOnNegativeDiagonal(byte pLocation, out byte pFurthest_Left, out byte pFurthest_Right, Board board)
            sbyte furthest_left = -1;   // furthest value left of location that a piece can move to
            sbyte furthest_right = -1;  // furthest value right of location that a piece can move to

            if (pLocation % 8 == 0)

            else if (pLocation % 8 == 7)


Пример #7
        public bool isPieceOnPositiveDiagonal(byte pLocation, out byte pFurthest_Left, out byte pFurthest_Right, Board board)
            sbyte furthest_left = -1;   // furthest value left of location that a piece can move to
            sbyte furthest_right = -1;  // furthest value right of location that a piece can move to
            sbyte range_to_check_left; // how far we want to check left
            sbyte range_to_check_right; // how far we want to check right
            sbyte mod_value = (sbyte)(pLocation % 8);

            if (pLocation % 8 == 0 || pLocation < 8)
                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation + 7); (i % 8) <= 7; i += 7)
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        range_to_check_left = (sbyte)(i - 7);
            else if (pLocation % 8 == 7 || pLocation > 55) // if we are on the left-most file
                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation - 7); (i % 8) <= 0; i -= 7)
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        range_to_check_right = (sbyte)(i + 7);
            else // we are in the middle of the board somewhere
                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation + 7); (i % 8) <= 7; i += 7)
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        range_to_check_left = (sbyte)(i - 7);

                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation - 7); (i % 8) <= 0; i -= 7)
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        range_to_check_right = (sbyte)(i + 7);
Пример #8
        public bool isPieceOnFile(byte pLocation, out byte pFurthest_Up, out byte pFurthest_Down, Board board)
            // look up and down on the file to see if a piece will cause another piece to not be able to move as far
            sbyte mod_value = (sbyte)(pLocation % 8);
            sbyte furthest_up = -1;
            sbyte furthest_down = -1;
            sbyte top_of_file = -1;
            sbyte bottom_of_file = mod_value;

            for (sbyte i = (sbyte)pLocation; i < 64; i += 8) // assign value so we know the top of the file
                top_of_file = i;

            if (pLocation == bottom_of_file)
                furthest_down = (sbyte)pLocation;
                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation + 8); i <= top_of_file; i += 8) //increase i by 8 to traverse only squares on the same file as location
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        furthest_up = (sbyte)(i - 8);

                if (furthest_up == -1) // set out params if no piece is found
                    pFurthest_Up = (byte)top_of_file;
                    pFurthest_Down = pLocation;
                    return false;
                else // set out params if piece is found
                    pFurthest_Up = (byte)furthest_up;
                    pFurthest_Down = pLocation;
                    return true;

            else if (pLocation == top_of_file)
                furthest_up = (sbyte)pLocation;
                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation - 8); i >= bottom_of_file; i -= 8) //decrease i by 8 to traverse only squares on the same file as location
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        furthest_down = (sbyte)(i + 8);

                if (furthest_down == -1) // set out params if no piece is found
                    pFurthest_Down = (byte)bottom_of_file;
                    pFurthest_Up = pLocation;
                    return false;
                else // set out params if piece is found
                    pFurthest_Down = (byte)furthest_down;
                    pFurthest_Up = pLocation;
                    return true;
                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation - 8); i >= bottom_of_file; i -= 8) // check below location for piece
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        furthest_down = (sbyte)(i + 8);

                for (sbyte i = (sbyte)(pLocation + 8); i <= top_of_file; i += 8) // check above location for piece
                    if (board.Squares[i].PieceOn)
                        furthest_up = (sbyte)(i - 8);

                if (furthest_down == -1 && furthest_up == -1) // no other piece on file
                    pFurthest_Down = (byte)bottom_of_file;
                    pFurthest_Up = (byte)top_of_file;
                    return false;
                else if (furthest_down == -1) // only a piece above
                    pFurthest_Down = (byte)bottom_of_file;
                    pFurthest_Up = (byte)furthest_up;
                    return true;
                else if (furthest_up == -1) // only a piece below
                    pFurthest_Down = (byte)furthest_down;
                    pFurthest_Up = (byte)top_of_file;
                    return true;
                else // piece above and below
                    pFurthest_Down = (byte)furthest_down;
                    pFurthest_Up = (byte)furthest_up;
                    return true;
Пример #9
 public abstract bool captureRules(byte pDestination, Board board);
Пример #10
        public override bool moveRules(byte pDestination, Board board)
            byte destination = (byte)pDestination;
            byte currentPosition = (byte)this.Location;

            if (this.Color == Colors.WHITE) // white pawn movements
                if (!HasMoved)
                    if (destination == currentPosition + 16 || destination == currentPosition + 8)  // first move can go 1 or 2 spots forward
                        return true;
                        return false;
                    if (destination == currentPosition + 8) // not first move, can go 1 spot
                        return true;
                        return false;
            else // black pawn movements
                if (!HasMoved)
                    if (destination == currentPosition - 16 || destination == currentPosition - 8)  // first move can go 1 or 2 spots forward
                        return true;
                        return false;
                    if (destination == currentPosition - 8) // not first move, can go 1 spot
                        return true;
                        return false;
Пример #11
 public void initialize_Pieces(ref Board pBoard)
     for (byte i = 0; i < 16; i++)
         player_Pieces[i].Location = player_Pieces[i].InitialPosition; // piece's current location is their initial location
Пример #12
 private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     Board board = new Board();