Пример #1
        public void ProcessDataGridViewResult(DataGridViewsProcessResult dgvResult)
            if (dgvResult.Success)
                if (dgvResult.ShouldRefreshAPIDataGrids && dgvResult.ShouldRefreshDatabaseDataGrids)
                    if (DataAllFormRefresh != null)
                        //Alert that there's no event handler.
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Data Form ALL has no handler. so the event fired but nothing happened.");
                    if (dgvResult.ShouldRefreshAPIDataGrids)
                        if (DataApiFormRefresh != null)
                            //Alert that there's no event handler.
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Data Form API has no handler. so the event fired but nothing happened.");

                    if (dgvResult.ShouldRefreshDatabaseDataGrids)
                        if (DataFormRefresh != null)
                            //Alert that there's no event handler.
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Data Form Refresh has no handler. so the event fired but nothing happened.");
                //this was intended for processing individual controls on pages (such as textboxes outside of a grid, or the Status label.)
                //TODO: Include the Status Label update for processing.
                //foreach (var ControlName in dgvResult.loControlsToRefresh)
                //    if (this.Controls.ContainsKey(ControlName))
                //    {
                //    }
        /// <summary>
        /// Event handlers for the Data Grid View "FaceAPI - FaceList"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">dgvFaceAPIFaceLists</param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="Column">Column of the event thats being fired</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// There's two ways to go about handling these events, one you can take the column and look it up.
        ///                     OR
        /// you can use the <see cref="System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs"/> Column Index to lookup the control <seealso cref="Facial_Recognition_Library.Controls.DataGridViewMethods"/>
        /// </remarks>
        public static DataGridViewsProcessResult DgvFaceApiFaceLists(ref object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e, DataGridViewColumn Column)
            DataGridViewsProcessResult methodResult = new DataGridViewsProcessResult();

            if (sender is DataGridView dgvFaceApiFaceLists)
                if (Column != null)
                    if (e.RowIndex < 0)
                        methodResult.Success = false;
                        methodResult.Reason  = $"the Select Row is < 0 [No Row Selected]";
                    //NAME: Delete Face List By Face List ID
                    if (e.ColumnIndex == dgvFaceApiFaceLists.Columns[Column.Name]?.Index)
                        //TODO: Fix this becasue it doesn't lookup the value by column Index properly we want it to mimic the index lookup from the line above.
                        string FaceListID = (string)dgvFaceApiFaceLists[0, e.RowIndex].Value;
                        var    concent    = MessageBox.Show($@"Are you sure you want to delete {FaceListID.ToString()} from the DB and API?", $@"Remove Face List", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
                        if (concent == DialogResult.OK)
                            bool Success = ProjectOxfordAPI.DeleteFaceListByFaceListID(FaceListID).Result;
                            if (Success)
                                methodResult.Success = true;
                                methodResult.ShouldRefreshAPIDataGrids      = false;
                                methodResult.ShouldRefreshDatabaseDataGrids = true;
                                throw new NotImplementedException();
                    //NAME: Show Face Details
                    else if (e.ColumnIndex == dgvFaceApiFaceLists.Columns[Column.Name]?.Index)
                        throw new NotImplementedException();
                        //frmShowFaceListDetails frmShowFaceList = new frmShowFaceListDetails();
                        //frmShowFaceList.FaceListGuid = dgvFaceAPIFaceLists[0, e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();
                    //NAME: Catch all for : FaceAPI - Face Lists
                        //do nothing:)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Data Grid View Handler : Face API Face List was called but the click was not handled.");

        /// <summary>
        /// Event handlers for the Data Grid View "Face Lists In DB"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="column"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataGridViewsProcessResult DgvFaceListDb(ref object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e, DataGridViewColumn column)
            DataGridViewsProcessResult methodResult = new DataGridViewsProcessResult();

            if (sender is DataGridView dgvFaceListInDB)
                if (e.RowIndex < 0)
                //NAME: Delete Face List
                if (e.ColumnIndex == dgvFaceListInDB.Columns[column.Name]?.Index)
                    //NAME: DELETE FACE LIST
                    //TODO: The Cell Reference needs to be exact so that users can move the Columns.
                    Guid faceListDbid = (Guid)dgvFaceListInDB[0, e.RowIndex].Value;
                    var  concent      = MessageBox.Show($@"Are you sure you want to delete {faceListDbid.ToString()} from the DB and API?", $@"Remove Face List", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel);
                    if (concent == DialogResult.OK)
                        string faceListId = "";
                        using (var db = new LiveEduFaceModel())
                            var myFaceList = db.MyFaceLists.Single(x => x.ID == faceListDbid);
                            faceListId = myFaceList.FaceListId;
                        bool Success = ProjectOxfordAPI.DeleteFaceListByFaceListID(faceListId).Result;
                        if (Success)
                            MessageBox.Show($@"Item Removed: Refreshing Data");
                else if (e.ColumnIndex == dgvFaceListInDB.Columns[column.Name]?.Index)
                    //SHOW FACE LIST DETAILS

        /// <summary>
        /// Event handlers for the Data Grid View "Images In DB"
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        /// <param name="Column"></param>
        /// <param name="DataGridViewColumns"></param>
        /// <exception cref="Facial_Recognition_Library.Controls.DataGridViewsFaceDetectException">This is thrown with an image contains more than one face. We cannot register a face when more than one is within the image.</exception>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static DataGridViewsProcessResult DgvImagesInDbAsync(ref object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e, DataGridViewColumn Column, params DataGridViewColumn[] DataGridViewColumns)
            throw new NotImplementedException("The ASYNC methods have not been compeleted. Please review and remove this exception before use.");
            DataGridViewsProcessResult methodResult = new DataGridViewsProcessResult();
            DataGridView dgvImagesInDb = (DataGridView)sender;

            if (Column != null)
                DataGridViewColumn ResendToDetect             = Column;
                DataGridViewColumn dgvBtnAddToCurrentFaceList = Column;

                DataGridViewColumn SystemIDdgvtxtColumn = null;
                DataGridViewColumn faceRectangleDataGridViewTextBoxColumn = null;
                DataGridViewColumn imageBytesDataGridViewImageColumn      = null;

                bool GridViewColumnsInitialized = false;
                if (DataGridViewColumns?.Length > 0)
                        SystemIDdgvtxtColumn = DataGridViewColumns.First(dgvc => dgvc.Name == "SystemIDdgvtxtColumn");
                        faceRectangleDataGridViewTextBoxColumn = DataGridViewColumns.First(dgvc => dgvc.Name == "faceRectangleDataGridViewTextBoxColumn");
                        imageBytesDataGridViewImageColumn      = DataGridViewColumns.First(dgvc => dgvc.Name == "imageBytesDataGridViewImageColumn");
                        GridViewColumnsInitialized             = true;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Failed to retrieve the columns for data retrieval.");
                        methodResult.Success = false;
                    SystemIDdgvtxtColumn = dgvImagesInDb.Columns.OfType <DataGridViewColumn>().First(dgvc => dgvc.Name == "SystemIdDataGridViewTextBoxColumn");
                    faceRectangleDataGridViewTextBoxColumn = dgvImagesInDb.Columns.OfType <DataGridViewColumn>().First(dgvc => dgvc.Name == "rectangleDataGridViewTextBoxColumn");
                    imageBytesDataGridViewImageColumn      = dgvImagesInDb.Columns.OfType <DataGridViewColumn>().First(dgvc => dgvc.Name == "dataGridViewImageColumn2");

                //Providing this style of Index lookup allows the Columns to be moved around. so the function stays the same
                if (e.ColumnIndex == dgvImagesInDb.Columns[ResendToDetect.Name].Index)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Row index is {e.RowIndex}");
                    Guid   FaceSystemID = new Guid(dgvImagesInDb[SystemIDdgvtxtColumn.Index, e.RowIndex].Value.ToString());
                    string Rectangle    = dgvImagesInDb[faceRectangleDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.Index, e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();
                    var    ImageData    = dgvImagesInDb[imageBytesDataGridViewImageColumn.Index, e.RowIndex].Value;
                    if (ImageData is byte[] ImageArray)//if ImageData is not Null.
                        string FaceListID = string.Empty;
                        Task.Run(async() =>
                            using (var db = new LiveEduFaceModel())
                                Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face.Contract.Face[] FaceDetect = null;
                                FaceDetect = await Facial_Recognition_Library.API.ProjectOxfordAPI.DetectFace(new MemoryStream(ImageArray));
                                if (FaceDetect.Length > 1)
                                    //Output the image to a temporary storage and show it to the end user WITH the Rectangles on it, this way the user can SEE the faces detected.
                                    throw new Facial_Recognition_Library.Controls.DataGridViewsFaceDetectException($@"More than one face found in this image. Please review image in temp folder {Facial_Recognition_Library.IO.FileSystemManager.TempImageLocationForErrors} ");
                                var FaceToUpdate = db.MyFaces.Where((f) => f.ID == FaceSystemID);
                                foreach (var face in FaceToUpdate)
                                    face.FaceID           = FaceDetect[0].FaceId;
                                    face.DateLastDetected = DateTime.Now;
                                methodResult.Success = true;
                                methodResult.ShouldRefreshDatabaseDataGrids = true;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Image Array was empty. You must ensure that there is an image with which to send. (cannot send 0 bytes)");
                        methodResult.Success = false;

                else if (e.ColumnIndex == dgvImagesInDb.Columns[dgvBtnAddToCurrentFaceList.Name].Index)
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Row index is {e.RowIndex}");
                    if (GridViewColumnsInitialized)
                        //TODO: Move this to the libary : dgvImagesInDb_CellClick : dgvImagesInDb.Columns[dgvBtnAddToCurrentFaceList.Name].Index
                        Guid   FaceSystemID = new Guid(dgvImagesInDb[SystemIDdgvtxtColumn.Index, e.RowIndex].Value.ToString());
                        string Rectangle    = dgvImagesInDb[faceRectangleDataGridViewTextBoxColumn.Index, e.RowIndex].Value.ToString();
                        var    ImageData    = dgvImagesInDb[imageBytesDataGridViewImageColumn.Index, e.RowIndex].Value;
                        byte[] ImageArray   = ImageData as byte[];
                        if (ImageArray != null)
                            string FaceListID = string.Empty;

                            using (var db = new LiveEduFaceModel())
                                FaceListID = db.MyFaceLists.First().FaceListId;

                                Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face.Contract.FaceRectangle faceRectangle = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Microsoft.ProjectOxford.Face.Contract.FaceRectangle>(Rectangle);

                                var FaceListFacePersistantID = Facial_Recognition_Library.API.ProjectOxfordAPI.AddFaceToFaceListByFaceListID(FaceListID, new MemoryStream(ImageArray), null, faceRectangle).Result;

                                var FaceToUpdate = db.MyFaces.Where((f) => f.ID == FaceSystemID);

                                foreach (var face in FaceToUpdate)
                                    face.FaceListPersistantID = FaceListFacePersistantID;
                                    face.DateLastDetected     = DateTime.Now;
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Image Array was empty. You must ensure that there is an image with which to send. (cannot send 0 bytes)");
                            methodResult.Success = false;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Columns needed for lookup failed to retrieve, check the execptions list.");

        public static DataGridViewsProcessResult DgvPersonApi(ref object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e, DataGridViewColumn column)
            DataGridViewsProcessResult methodResult = new DataGridViewsProcessResult();
