Пример #1
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var config = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            //your application id and secret from https://developers.facebook.com/apps
            config.Add("appId", "3955...........");
            config.Add("secret", "4c1d099f9377b52eb...............");
            config.Add("fileUpload", true); //optional

            FacebookClient client = new FacebookClient(config);

            ulong facebookId = client.getUser();

            var loginPrms = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            string[] permissions = { "email", "friends_likes", "publish_stream" };

            //or you can use the helper classes FacebookUserDataPermissions, FacebookFriendDataPermissions, FacebookExtendedPermissions for autocomplete in visual studio.
            //string[] permissions = {FacebookUserDataPermissions.email, FacebookFriendDataPermissions.friends_likes, FacebookExtendedPermissions.publish_stream};
            loginPrms.Add("scope", permissions); //optional

            //your application url
            loginPrms.Add("redirect_uri", new Uri("http://apps.facebook.com/yourappnamespace"));

            //you can save this random string to a session variable check at the beginning for csrf protection.
            loginPrms.Add("state", "randomstring"); //optional

            //the default value is "page" you can change this to "popup".
            loginPrms.Add("display", "page"); //optional

            var logoutPrms = new Dictionary<string, object>();

            //optional logout redirect uri.
            logoutPrms.Add("next", "http://apps.facebook.com/yourappnamespace");

            //the user is not added the application we redirect it to our permission screen.
            if (facebookId == 0)
                Response.Write("<script>top.location.href='" + client.getLoginUrl(loginPrms) + "';</script>");
                //we get the short lived access token and exchange it for 60 days extension.

                //all methods and their return values for testing

                // getAccessToken first retrieves the application access token, if exists this value is changed to user access token for our application.
                Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->getAccessToken();" + client.getAccessToken() + "<br/>");

                //gets our app secret from the config value.
                Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->getApiSecret();" + client.getApiSecret() + "<br/>");

                //gets our app id from the config value.
                Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->getAppId();" + client.getAppId() + "<br/>");

                //gets our login url with permissions we defined in loginPrms variable. getLoginStatusUrl is basically a wrapper for getLoginUrl.
                Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->getLoginStatusUrl();" + client.getLoginStatusUrl(loginPrms) + "<br/>");
                Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->getLoginUrl();" + client.getLoginUrl(loginPrms) + "<br/>");

                //retrieves the signed_request post value from facebook in our application and retrieves a Dictionary<string, object>.
                //for more info please refer to  http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/login/signed-request/

                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> kvp in client.getSignedRequest())
                    //user is json object
                    if (kvp.Key == "user")
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> fields in client.getSignedRequest()["user"] as Dictionary<string, object>)
                            //age in user is also a json object
                            if(fields.Key == "age")
                                foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> field in fields.Value as Dictionary<string, object>)
                                    Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->getSignedRequest();" + field.Key + " - " + field.Value + "<br/>");
                                Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->getSignedRequest();" + fields.Key + " - " + fields.Value + "<br/>");
                    //page is json object
                    if (kvp.Key == "page")
                        foreach (KeyValuePair<string, object> fields in client.getSignedRequest()["page"] as Dictionary<string, object>)
                            Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->getSignedRequest();" + fields.Key + " - " + fields.Value + "<br/>");
                        Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->getSignedRequest();" + kvp.Key + " - " + kvp.Value + "<br/>");


                //retrieves the signed user facebook id as ulong
                Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->getUser();" + client.getUser() + "';</script>" + "<br/>");

                //retrieves the fileUpload value from config
                Response.Write("php sdk equivalent $facebook->useFileUploadSupport();" + client.useFileUploadSupport() + "<br/>");

                //you can retrieve fql queries using fql method.
                //this query retrieves current user and his /her friends uid, name, pic_square fields
                Response.Write(client.fql("SELECT uid, name, pic_square FROM user WHERE uid = me() OR uid IN (SELECT uid2 FROM friend WHERE uid1 = me())") + "<br/>");

                //you can also make batch fql queries and reference them. in this example we first retrieve the user list attends to a particual event in "query1"
                //and then retrieve their name, url, pic fields in "query2" referencing the results in "query1"
                var batchFqlQueries = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                batchFqlQueries.Add("query1", "SELECT uid, rsvp_status FROM event_member WHERE eid=221426641328833");
                batchFqlQueries.Add("query2", "SELECT name, url, pic FROM profile WHERE id IN (SELECT uid FROM #query1)"); //referencing #query1
                Response.Write(client.fql(batchFqlQueries) + "<br/>");

                //you can make simple graph api calls like in php sdk
                Response.Write(client.api("/me/friends", "GET", null)); // or equivalently Response.Write(client.api("/me/friends", FacebookApiMethodType.GET, null));

                //same call in more object oriented way
                var graphApiCall = new FacebookGraphApiRequest();
                graphApiCall.Method = FacebookApiMethodType.GET;
                graphApiCall.Path = "/me";
                graphApiCall.Params = null;

                //this is an example of batch graph api request. retrieve the current user public info from /me and posts a wall post to this user's wall in one call
                List<FacebookGraphApiRequest> list = new List<FacebookGraphApiRequest>();

                //first request
                var request = new FacebookGraphApiRequest();
                request.Method = FacebookApiMethodType.GET; //or just type "GET" string like request.Method = "GET"
                request.Path = "/me";
                request.Params = new NameValueCollection(); // Graph api GET calls do not need parameters.


                //second request is wall post.
                request.Method = FacebookApiMethodType.POST; //or just type "POST" sting like request.Method = "POST"
                request.Path = "/me/feed";
                //we enter the wall post parameter fields link and message
                // you can refer to http://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/publishing/ Other Objects section
                request.Params = new NameValueCollection();
                request.Params.Add("link", "www.arcademonk.com");
                request.Params.Add("message", "C# SDK Batch Request Messsage");


                //retrieves the result from these two requests

                //you can catch all api errors using FacebookApiException class
                    //this user is invalid
                    client.api("/arcademonk.notvalid", "GET", null);
                catch (FacebookApiException exception)
                    Response.Write(exception.Type + exception.Error);
