Пример #1
        public int AddWorkingCalendar(WorkingCalendar workingCalendar, List<Break> breakList, List<Holiday> holidayList, PaymentRate workingDayPaymentRate, PaymentRate nonWorkingDayPaymentRate, PaymentRate holidayPaymentRate, PayPeriod payPeriod)

                //add pay period
                payPeriod.ID = AddPayPeriod(payPeriod);

                if (payPeriod.ID < 0)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                workingCalendar.PayPeriodID = payPeriod.ID;
                workingCalendar.ID = AddWorkingCalendar(workingCalendar);

                if (workingCalendar.ID < 0)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                //add breaks
                foreach (Break _break in breakList)
                    _break.WorkingCalendarID = workingCalendar.ID;
                    if (AddBreak(_break) < 0)
                        throw new NullReferenceException();

                //add holidays
                foreach (Holiday holiday in holidayList)
                    holiday.WorkingCalendarID = workingCalendar.ID;
                    if (AddHoliday(holiday) < 0)
                        throw new NullReferenceException();

                //add payment rates
                workingDayPaymentRate.DayTypeID = 1; //working day
                workingDayPaymentRate.WorkingCalendarID = workingCalendar.ID;
                if (AddPaymentRate(workingDayPaymentRate) < 0)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                nonWorkingDayPaymentRate.DayTypeID = 2; //non working day
                nonWorkingDayPaymentRate.WorkingCalendarID = workingCalendar.ID;
                if (AddPaymentRate(nonWorkingDayPaymentRate) < 0)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                holidayPaymentRate.DayTypeID = 3; //holiday
                holidayPaymentRate.WorkingCalendarID = workingCalendar.ID;
                if (AddPaymentRate(holidayPaymentRate) < 0)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

            catch (Exception)
                return -1;

            return workingCalendar.ID;
Пример #2
        private bool ComparePayPeriods(PayPeriod payPeriod1, PayPeriod payPeriod2)
            if (payPeriod1 == null || payPeriod2 == null)
                return false;

            if (payPeriod1.PayPeriodTypeID != payPeriod2.PayPeriodTypeID)
                return false;

            if (payPeriod1.StartFrom != payPeriod2.StartFrom)
                return false;

            if (payPeriod1.CustomPeriod != payPeriod2.CustomPeriod)
                return false;

            return true;
Пример #3
        public int AddPayPeriod(PayPeriod payPeriod)
            OleDbCommand odCom1 = BuildInsertCmd("PayPeriod",
                new string[] { "PayPeriodTypeID"
                new object[] { payPeriod.PayPeriodTypeID

            if (odCom1.ExecuteNonQuery() == 1)
                odCom1.CommandText = "SELECT @@IDENTITY";
                return Convert.ToInt16(odCom1.ExecuteScalar().ToString());
            return -1;
Пример #4
        public PayPeriod GetPayPeriod(int payPeriodID)
            OleDbCommand odCom = BuildSelectCmd("PayPeriod", "*", "ID=@ID", new object[] { "@ID", payPeriodID });
            OleDbDataReader odRdr = odCom.ExecuteReader();

            PayPeriod payPeriod = null;
            if (odRdr.Read())
                payPeriod = new PayPeriod();

                payPeriod.ID = Convert.ToInt16(odRdr["ID"]);
                payPeriod.PayPeriodTypeID = Convert.ToInt16(odRdr["PayPeriodTypeID"]);
                payPeriod.StartFrom = Convert.ToDateTime(odRdr["StartFrom"]);
                payPeriod.CustomPeriod = Convert.ToInt16(odRdr["CustomPeriod"]);

            return payPeriod;
Пример #5
        public bool UpdateWorkingCalendar(WorkingCalendar workingCalendar, List<Break> breakList, List<Holiday> holidayList, PaymentRate workingDayPaymentRate, PaymentRate nonWorkingDayPaymentRate, PaymentRate holidayPaymentRate, PayPeriod payPeriod)

                //update pay period
                PayPeriod oldPayPeriod = GetPayPeriod(workingCalendar.PayPeriodID);

                if (ComparePayPeriods(payPeriod, oldPayPeriod) == true)
                    payPeriod = oldPayPeriod;
                    payPeriod.ID = AddPayPeriod(payPeriod);

                if (payPeriod.ID < 0)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                workingCalendar.PayPeriodID = payPeriod.ID;

                if (UpdateWorkingCalendar(workingCalendar) == false)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                //update breaks
                foreach (Break _break in GetBreakListByWorkingCalendar(workingCalendar.ID))
                    if (DeleteBreak(_break.ID) == false)
                        throw new NullReferenceException();

                foreach (Break _break in breakList)
                    _break.WorkingCalendarID = workingCalendar.ID;
                    if (AddBreak(_break) < 0)
                        throw new NullReferenceException();

                //add holidays
                foreach (Holiday holiday in GetHolidayListByWorkingCalendar(workingCalendar.ID))
                    if (DeleteHoliday(holiday.ID) == false)
                        throw new NullReferenceException();

                foreach (Holiday holiday in holidayList)
                    holiday.WorkingCalendarID = workingCalendar.ID;
                    if (AddHoliday(holiday) < 0)
                        throw new NullReferenceException();

                //update payment rates
                workingDayPaymentRate.ID = GetWorkingDayPaymentRateByWorkingCalendar(workingCalendar.ID).ID;
                workingDayPaymentRate.DayTypeID = 1; //working day
                workingDayPaymentRate.WorkingCalendarID = workingCalendar.ID;
                if (UpdatePaymentRate(workingDayPaymentRate) == false)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                nonWorkingDayPaymentRate.ID = GetNonWorkingDayPaymentRateByWorkingCalendar(workingCalendar.ID).ID;
                nonWorkingDayPaymentRate.DayTypeID = 2; //non working day
                nonWorkingDayPaymentRate.WorkingCalendarID = workingCalendar.ID;
                if (UpdatePaymentRate(nonWorkingDayPaymentRate) == false)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

                holidayPaymentRate.ID = GetHolidayPaymentRateByWorkingCalendar(workingCalendar.ID).ID;
                holidayPaymentRate.DayTypeID = 3; //holiday
                holidayPaymentRate.WorkingCalendarID = workingCalendar.ID;
                if (UpdatePaymentRate(holidayPaymentRate) == false)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

            catch (Exception)
                return false;

            return true;
Пример #6
        private void AddTestData()

                Invoke(new SetTextCallBack(SetText), new object[] { txtProgress, "Adding ..." });

                //add test company
                Company com = new Company();
                com.Name = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
                com.ID = _dtCtrl.AddCompany(com);

                //add test department
                Department dep = new Department();
                dep.CompanyID = com.ID;
                dep.Name = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
                dep.SupDepartmentID = 0; //root
                dep.ID = _dtCtrl.AddDepartment(dep);

                //add test working calendar
                WorkingCalendar wCal = new WorkingCalendar();

                wCal.Name = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
                wCal.RegularWorkingFrom = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 9, 0, 0);
                wCal.RegularWorkingTo = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 18, 0, 0);

                wCal.WorkOnMonday = true;
                wCal.WorkOnTuesday = true;
                wCal.WorkOnWednesday = true;
                wCal.WorkOnThursday = true;
                wCal.WorkOnFriday = true;

                wCal.GraceForwardToEntry = 30;
                wCal.GraceBackwardToExit = 30;
                wCal.EarliestBeforeEntry = 60;
                wCal.LastestAfterExit = 180;

                List<Break> breakList = new List<Break>();
                Break break1 = new Break();
                break1.From = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 12, 0, 0);
                break1.To = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 13, 0, 0);
                break1.Name = "break1";
                break1.Paid = true;


                List<Holiday> holidayList = new List<Holiday>();

                PaymentRate workingDayPaymentRate = new PaymentRate();
                workingDayPaymentRate.NumberOfRegularHours = 8;
                workingDayPaymentRate.RegularRate = 100;
                workingDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime1 = 8;
                workingDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate1 = 200;

                PaymentRate nonWorkingDayPaymentRate = workingDayPaymentRate;
                PaymentRate holidayPaymentRate = workingDayPaymentRate;

                PayPeriod payPeriod = new PayPeriod();
                payPeriod.CustomPeriod = 5;
                payPeriod.PayPeriodTypeID = 5; //custom
                payPeriod.StartFrom = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1);

                wCal.ID = _dtCtrl.AddWorkingCalendar(wCal, breakList, holidayList, workingDayPaymentRate, nonWorkingDayPaymentRate, holidayPaymentRate, payPeriod);

                //add test employee
                Employee emp = new Employee();
                emp.Active = true;
                emp.ActiveFrom = DateTime.Today;
                emp.ActiveTo = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
                emp.Address = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
                emp.Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-20);
                emp.DepartmentID = dep.ID;
                emp.EmployeeNumber = 0;
                emp.FirstName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
                emp.JobDescription = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
                emp.HiredDate = DateTime.Today;
                emp.LeftDate = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1);
                emp.LastName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
                emp.PhoneNumber = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
                emp.WorkingCalendarID = wCal.ID;

                emp.PayrollNumber = _dtCtrl.AddEmployee(emp, new List<Terminal>());

                //add test att records
                //att1 : expected totalHours: 9
                AttendanceRecord att11 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att11.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att11.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 9, 0, 0);
                att11.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att11);

                AttendanceRecord att12 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att12.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att12.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 18, 0, 0);
                att12.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att12);

                AttendanceRecord att13 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att13.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att13.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0);
                att13.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att13);

                AttendanceRecord att14 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att14.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att14.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 13, 0, 0);
                att14.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att14);

                //att2 : expected totalHours: 9
                AttendanceRecord att21 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att21.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att21.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 8, 45, 0);
                att21.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att21);

                AttendanceRecord att22 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att22.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att22.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 18, 15, 0);
                att22.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att22);

                //att3 : expected totalHours: 9.75
                AttendanceRecord att31 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att31.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att31.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 3, 8, 15, 0);
                att31.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att31);

                AttendanceRecord att32 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att32.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att32.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 3, 18, 0, 0);
                att32.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att32);

                //att4 : expected totalHours: 0 + out mistake alert
                AttendanceRecord att41 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att41.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att41.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 4, 7, 00, 0);
                att41.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att41);

                AttendanceRecord att42 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att42.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att42.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 4, 18, 0, 0);
                att42.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att42);

                //att5 : expected totalHours: 8.8x
                AttendanceRecord att51 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att51.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att51.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 5, 9, 06, 0);
                att51.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att51);

                AttendanceRecord att52 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att52.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att52.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 5, 18, 2, 0);
                att52.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att52);

                //att6 : expected totalHours: 8.5
                AttendanceRecord att61 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att61.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att61.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 6, 9, 0, 0);
                att61.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att61);

                AttendanceRecord att62 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att62.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att62.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 6, 18, 0, 0);
                att62.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att62);

                AttendanceRecord att63 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att63.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att63.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 6, 12, 30, 0);
                att63.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att63);

                AttendanceRecord att64 = new AttendanceRecord();
                att64.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
                att64.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 6, 13, 30, 0);
                att64.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att64);


                Invoke(new SetTextCallBack(SetText), new object[] { txtProgress, "Adding Complete." });
            catch (Exception ex)
                Invoke(new AddTextCallBack(SetText), new object[] { txtProgress, "Error: " + ex.Message });
Пример #7
        private void AddTestOneShiftFlexi(ref IDataController _dtCtrl)
            #region add test company
            Company com = new Company();
            com.Name = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            com.ID = _dtCtrl.AddCompany(com);

            #region add test department
            Department dep = new Department();
            dep.CompanyID = com.ID;
            dep.Name = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            dep.SupDepartmentID = 0; //root
            dep.ID = _dtCtrl.AddDepartment(dep);

            #region add test working calendar
            List<Break> breakList = new List<Break>();
            Break break1 = new Break();
            break1.From = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 12, 0, 0);
            break1.To = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 13, 0, 0);
            break1.Name = "break1";
            break1.Paid = true;


            List<Holiday> holidayList = new List<Holiday>();

            PaymentRate workingDayPaymentRate = new PaymentRate();
            workingDayPaymentRate.NumberOfRegularHours = 7;
            workingDayPaymentRate.RegularRate = 100;
            workingDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime1 = 8;
            workingDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate1 = 200;

            PaymentRate nonWorkingDayPaymentRate = workingDayPaymentRate;
            PaymentRate holidayPaymentRate = workingDayPaymentRate;

            PayPeriod payPeriod = new PayPeriod();
            payPeriod.CustomPeriod = 5;
            payPeriod.PayPeriodTypeID = 5; //custom
            payPeriod.StartFrom = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1);

            WorkingCalendar wCal = new WorkingCalendar();
            wCal.Name = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            wCal.ApplyFlexiHours = true;
            wCal.FlexiHours = 40;
            wCal.WeekStartsOn = 3; //Thursday

            List<Shift> shiftList = new List<Shift>();
            Shift shift1 = new Shift();
            shift1.From = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 9, 0, 0);
            shift1.To = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 18, 0, 0);

            wCal.WorkOnMonday = true;
            wCal.WorkOnTuesday = true;
            wCal.WorkOnWednesday = true;
            wCal.WorkOnThursday = true;
            wCal.WorkOnFriday = true;

            wCal.GraceForwardToEntry = 30;
            wCal.GraceBackwardToExit = 30;
            wCal.EarliestBeforeEntry = 60;
            wCal.LastestAfterExit = 180;

            wCal.ID = _dtCtrl.AddWorkingCalendar(wCal, shiftList, new List<Break>(), holidayList, workingDayPaymentRate, nonWorkingDayPaymentRate, holidayPaymentRate, payPeriod);

            #region add test employee
            Employee emp = new Employee();
            emp.Active = true;
            emp.ActiveFrom = DateTime.Today;
            emp.ActiveTo = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            emp.Address = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            emp.Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-20);
            emp.DepartmentID = dep.ID;
            emp.EmployeeNumber = 0;
            emp.FirstName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            emp.JobDescription = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            emp.HiredDate = DateTime.Today;
            emp.LeftDate = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1);
            emp.LastName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            emp.PhoneNumber = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            emp.WorkingCalendarID = wCal.ID;
            emp.PayrollNumber = _dtCtrl.AddEmployee(emp, new List<Terminal>());

            #region add test att records 2
            //att7 : expected regHour: 10
            AttendanceRecord att71 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att71.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att71.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 7, 9, 0, 0);
            att71.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att71);

            AttendanceRecord att72 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att72.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att72.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 7, 19, 0, 0);
            att72.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att72);

            //att8 : expected regHour: 8
            AttendanceRecord att81 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att81.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att81.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 8, 9, 0, 0);
            att81.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att81);

            AttendanceRecord att82 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att82.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att82.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 8, 17, 0, 0);
            att82.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att82);

            //att9 : expected regHour: 8
            AttendanceRecord att91 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att91.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att91.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 9, 9, 0, 0);
            att91.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att91);

            AttendanceRecord att92 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att92.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att92.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 9, 17, 0, 0);
            att92.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att92);

            //att10 : expected regHour: 8
            AttendanceRecord att101 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att101.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att101.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 10, 9, 00, 0);
            att101.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att101);

            AttendanceRecord att102 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att102.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att102.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 10, 17, 0, 0);
            att102.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att102);

            //att11 : expected regHour: 4
            AttendanceRecord att111 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att111.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att111.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 11, 9, 0, 0);
            att111.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att111);

            AttendanceRecord att112 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att112.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att112.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 11, 13, 0, 0);
            att112.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att112);

            //att12 : expected regHour: 2 overHour: 2
            AttendanceRecord att121 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att121.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att121.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 12, 9, 0, 0);
            att121.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att121);

            AttendanceRecord att122 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att122.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att122.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 12, 13, 0, 0);
            att122.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att122);

            //att13 : expected overHour: 2
            AttendanceRecord att131 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att131.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att131.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 13, 9, 0, 0);
            att131.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att131);

            AttendanceRecord att132 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att132.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att132.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 13, 11, 0, 0);
            att132.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att132);
Пример #8
        private void AddTestMultiShiftNonFlexi(ref IDataController _dtCtrl)
            #region add test company
            Company com = new Company();
            com.Name = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            com.ID = _dtCtrl.AddCompany(com);

            #region add test department
            Department dep = new Department();
            dep.CompanyID = com.ID;
            dep.Name = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            dep.SupDepartmentID = 0; //root
            dep.ID = _dtCtrl.AddDepartment(dep);

            #region add test working calendar
            WorkingCalendar wCal = new WorkingCalendar();

            wCal.Name = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();

            wCal.WorkOnMonday = true;
            wCal.WorkOnTuesday = true;
            wCal.WorkOnWednesday = true;
            wCal.WorkOnThursday = true;
            wCal.WorkOnFriday = true;

            wCal.GraceForwardToEntry = 30;
            wCal.GraceBackwardToExit = 30;
            wCal.EarliestBeforeEntry = 60;
            wCal.LastestAfterExit = 60;

            List<Shift> shiftList = new List<Shift>();
            Shift shift1 = new Shift();
            shift1.From = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 8, 0, 0);
            shift1.To = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 12, 0, 0);

            Shift shift2 = new Shift();
            shift2.From = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 14, 0, 0);
            shift2.To = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 18, 0, 0);

            Shift shift3 = new Shift();
            shift3.From = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 20, 0, 0);
            shift3.To = new DateTime(2000, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0);

            List<Break> breakList = new List<Break>();
            //Break break1 = new Break();
            //break1.From = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 12, 0, 0);
            //break1.To = new DateTime(2000, 2, 2, 13, 0, 0);
            //break1.Name = "break1";
            //break1.Paid = true;


            List<Holiday> holidayList = new List<Holiday>();

            PaymentRate workingDayPaymentRate = new PaymentRate();
            workingDayPaymentRate.NumberOfRegularHours = 4;
            workingDayPaymentRate.RegularRate = 100;
            workingDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime1 = 1;
            workingDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate1 = 200;

            PaymentRate nonWorkingDayPaymentRate = workingDayPaymentRate;
            PaymentRate holidayPaymentRate = workingDayPaymentRate;

            PayPeriod payPeriod = new PayPeriod();
            payPeriod.CustomPeriod = 5;
            payPeriod.PayPeriodTypeID = 5; //custom
            payPeriod.StartFrom = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1);

            wCal.ID = _dtCtrl.AddWorkingCalendar(wCal, shiftList, breakList, holidayList, workingDayPaymentRate, nonWorkingDayPaymentRate, holidayPaymentRate, payPeriod);

            #region add test employee
            Employee emp = new Employee();
            emp.Active = true;
            emp.ActiveFrom = DateTime.Today;
            emp.ActiveTo = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);
            emp.Address = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            emp.Birthday = DateTime.Today.AddYears(-20);
            emp.DepartmentID = dep.ID;
            emp.EmployeeNumber = 0;
            emp.FirstName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            emp.JobDescription = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            emp.HiredDate = DateTime.Today;
            emp.LeftDate = DateTime.Today.AddYears(1);
            emp.LastName = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            emp.PhoneNumber = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString();
            emp.WorkingCalendarID = wCal.ID;
            emp.PayrollNumber = _dtCtrl.AddEmployee(emp, new List<Terminal>());

            #region add test att records 1
            //att1 : expected totalHours: 4
            AttendanceRecord att11 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att11.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att11.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 8, 0, 0);
            att11.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att11);

            AttendanceRecord att12 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att12.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att12.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0);
            att12.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att12);

            //att2 : expected totalHours: 4
            AttendanceRecord att13 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att13.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att13.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 14, 0, 0);
            att13.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att13);

            AttendanceRecord att14 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att14.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att14.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 18, 0, 0);
            att14.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att14);

            //att3 : expected totalHours: 4
            AttendanceRecord att21 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att21.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att21.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 20, 0, 0);
            att21.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att21);

            AttendanceRecord att22 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att22.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att22.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0);
            att22.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att22);

            //att4 : expected totalHours: 2.67
            AttendanceRecord att31 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att31.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att31.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 8, 15, 0);
            att31.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att31);

            AttendanceRecord att32 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att32.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att32.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 11, 0, 0);
            att32.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att32);

            //att4 : expected totalHours: 4 + 1 over
            AttendanceRecord att41 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att41.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att41.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 14, 00, 0);
            att41.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att41);

            AttendanceRecord att42 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att42.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att42.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 19, 0, 0);
            att42.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att42);

            //att4 : expected totalHours:
            AttendanceRecord att51 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att51.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att51.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 20, 06, 0);
            att51.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att51);

            AttendanceRecord att52 = new AttendanceRecord();
            att52.EmployeeNumber = emp.EmployeeNumber;
            att52.Time = new DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 23, 2, 0);
            att52.ID = _dtCtrl.AddAttendanceRecord(att52);
        private void SetWorkingCalendarProperties(ref WorkingCalendar workingCalendar, ref List<Shift> shiftList, ref List<Break> breakList, ref List<Holiday> holidayList, ref PaymentRate workDayPaymentRate, ref PaymentRate nonWorkDayPaymentRate, ref PaymentRate holidayPaymentRate, ref PayPeriod payPeriod)
            workingCalendar.Name = txtName.Text;

            #region Flexi Hours
            workingCalendar.ApplyFlexiHours = chbApplyFlexiHours.Checked;
            if (workingCalendar.ApplyFlexiHours)
                workingCalendar.FlexiHours = (int)nudFlexiHours.Value;
                workingCalendar.WeekStartsOn = cbxWeekStartsOn.SelectedIndex;

            #region Get Working Days
            workingCalendar.WorkOnMonday = chbMonday.Checked;
            workingCalendar.WorkOnTuesday = chbTuesday.Checked;
            workingCalendar.WorkOnWednesday = chbWednesday.Checked;
            workingCalendar.WorkOnThursday = chbThursday.Checked;
            workingCalendar.WorkOnFriday = chbFriday.Checked;
            workingCalendar.WorkOnSaturday = chbSaturday.Checked;
            workingCalendar.WorkOnSunday = chbSunday.Checked;

            workingCalendar.GraceForwardToEntry = (int)nudGraceForwardToEntry.Value;
            workingCalendar.GraceBackwardToExit = (int)nudGraceBackwardToExit.Value;
            workingCalendar.EarliestBeforeEntry = (int)nudEarliestBeforeEntry.Value;
            workingCalendar.LastestAfterExit = (int)nudLastestAfterExit.Value;

            #region Shift
            if (rbtOneShift.Checked)
                Shift shift = new Shift();
                shift.From = dtpRegularWorkFrom.Value;
                shift.To = dtpRegularWorkTo.Value;

            else //multi-shifts
                shiftList = _shiftList;

            #region Get Break Times
            if (chbBreak1.Checked)
                Break break1 = new Break();

                break1.Name = txtBreakName1.Text;
                break1.From = dtpBreakFrom1.Value;
                break1.To = dtpBreakTo1.Value;
                break1.Paid = chbBreakPaid1.Checked;


            if (chbBreak2.Checked)
                Break break2 = new Break();

                break2.Name = txtBreakName2.Text;
                break2.From = dtpBreakFrom2.Value;
                break2.To = dtpBreakTo2.Value;
                break2.Paid = chbBreakPaid2.Checked;


            if (chbBreak3.Checked)
                Break break3 = new Break();

                break3.Name = txtBreakName3.Text;
                break3.From = dtpBreakFrom3.Value;
                break3.To = dtpBreakTo3.Value;
                break3.Paid = chbBreakPaid3.Checked;



            #region Get Payment Rates
            if (workingCalendar.ApplyFlexiHours)
                workDayPaymentRate.NumberOfRegularHours = (int)nudFlexiHourRegularHour.Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime1 = (int)nudFlexiHourOvertimeHour1.Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime2 = (int)nudFlexiHourOvertimeHour2.Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime3 = (int)nudFlexiHourOvertimeHour3.Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime4 = (int)nudFlexiHourOvertimeHour4.Value;

                workDayPaymentRate.RegularRate = ((Rate)cbxFlexiHourWorkingDayRegularRate.SelectedItem).Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate1 = ((Rate)cbxHolidayOvertimeRate1.SelectedItem).Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate2 = ((Rate)cbxHolidayOvertimeRate2.SelectedItem).Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate3 = ((Rate)cbxHolidayOvertimeRate3.SelectedItem).Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate4 = ((Rate)cbxHolidayOvertimeRate4.SelectedItem).Value;

                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.RegularRate = ((Rate)cbxFlexiHourNonWorkingDayRegularRate.SelectedItem).Value;
                holidayPaymentRate.RegularRate = ((Rate)cbxFlexiHourHolidayRegularRate.SelectedItem).Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.NumberOfRegularHours = (int)nudWorkDayRegularHour.Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime1 = (int)nudWorkDayOvertimeHour1.Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime2 = (int)nudWorkDayOvertimeHour2.Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime3 = (int)nudWorkDayOvertimeHour3.Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime4 = (int)nudWorkDayOvertimeHour4.Value;

                workDayPaymentRate.RegularRate = ((Rate)cbxWorkDayRegularRate.SelectedItem).Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate1 = ((Rate)cbxWorkDayOvertimeRate1.SelectedItem).Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate2 = ((Rate)cbxWorkDayOvertimeRate2.SelectedItem).Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate3 = ((Rate)cbxWorkDayOvertimeRate3.SelectedItem).Value;
                workDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate4 = ((Rate)cbxWorkDayOvertimeRate4.SelectedItem).Value;

                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.NumberOfRegularHours = (int)nudNonWorkDayRegularHour.Value;
                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime1 = (int)nudNonWorkDayOvertimeHour1.Value;
                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime2 = (int)nudNonWorkDayOvertimeHour2.Value;
                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime3 = (int)nudNonWorkDayOvertimeHour3.Value;
                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime4 = (int)nudNonWorkDayOvertimeHour4.Value;

                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.RegularRate = ((Rate)cbxNonWorkDayRegularRate.SelectedItem).Value;
                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate1 = ((Rate)cbxNonWorkDayOvertimeRate1.SelectedItem).Value;
                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate2 = ((Rate)cbxNonWorkDayOvertimeRate2.SelectedItem).Value;
                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate3 = ((Rate)cbxNonWorkDayOvertimeRate3.SelectedItem).Value;
                nonWorkDayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate4 = ((Rate)cbxNonWorkDayOvertimeRate4.SelectedItem).Value;

                holidayPaymentRate.NumberOfRegularHours = (int)nudHolidayRegularHour.Value;
                holidayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime1 = (int)nudHolidayOvertimeHour1.Value;
                holidayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime2 = (int)nudHolidayOvertimeHour2.Value;
                holidayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime3 = (int)nudHolidayOvertimeHour3.Value;
                holidayPaymentRate.NumberOfOvertime4 = (int)nudHolidayOvertimeHour4.Value;

                holidayPaymentRate.RegularRate = ((Rate)cbxHolidayRegularRate.SelectedItem).Value;
                holidayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate1 = ((Rate)cbxHolidayOvertimeRate1.SelectedItem).Value;
                holidayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate2 = ((Rate)cbxHolidayOvertimeRate2.SelectedItem).Value;
                holidayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate3 = ((Rate)cbxHolidayOvertimeRate3.SelectedItem).Value;
                holidayPaymentRate.OvertimeRate4 = ((Rate)cbxHolidayOvertimeRate4.SelectedItem).Value;

            #region Get Holidays
            holidayList = _holidayList;

            #region Get Pay Period
            if (rbtPayPeriodCustom.Checked)//custom Pay Period
                payPeriod.PayPeriodTypeID = 5;
                payPeriod.CustomPeriod = (int)nudCustomPayPeriod.Value;
                if (rbtPayPeriodWeekly.Checked)
                    payPeriod.PayPeriodTypeID = 1;
                else if (rbtPayPeriodBiweekly.Checked)
                    payPeriod.PayPeriodTypeID = 2;
                else if (rbtPayPeriodMonthly.Checked)
                    payPeriod.PayPeriodTypeID = 3;
                else if (rbtPayPeriodHalfmonthly.Checked)
                    payPeriod.PayPeriodTypeID = 4;

            payPeriod.StartFrom = dtpPayPeriodStartFrom.Value;
        private void AddUpdateWorkingCalendar()
            #region Validate inputs
            if (ValidateName() == false)
                tabAddUpdateWorkingCalendar.SelectedTab = tabPage1;

            if (ValidateWorkingHour() == false)
                tabAddUpdateWorkingCalendar.SelectedTab = tabPage2;

            if (ValidateBreaks() == false)
                tabAddUpdateWorkingCalendar.SelectedTab = tabPage3;

            if (ValidateWorkingDayRate() == false)
                tabAddUpdateWorkingCalendar.SelectedTab = tabPage4;

            if (ValidateNonWorkingDayRate() == false)
                tabAddUpdateWorkingCalendar.SelectedTab = tabPage4;

            if (ValidateHolidayRate() == false)
                tabAddUpdateWorkingCalendar.SelectedTab = tabPage4;

            if (ValidateHoliday() == false)
                tabAddUpdateWorkingCalendar.SelectedTab = tabPage5;

            if (ValidatePayPeriod() == false)

            #region Create object and set properties
            WorkingCalendar workingCalendar = null;
            List<Shift> shiftList = new List<Shift>();
            List<Break> breakList = new List<Break>();
            List<Holiday> holidayList = new List<Holiday>();
            PaymentRate workingDayPaymentRate = new PaymentRate();
            PaymentRate nonWorkingDayPaymentRate = new PaymentRate();
            PaymentRate holidayPaymentRate = new PaymentRate();
            PayPeriod payPeriod = new PayPeriod();

            if (_workingCalendarID < 0) //add
                workingCalendar = new WorkingCalendar();
            else //update
                workingCalendar = _dtCtrl.GetWorkingCalendar(_workingCalendarID);
                if (workingCalendar == null)
                    throw new NullReferenceException();

            SetWorkingCalendarProperties(ref workingCalendar, ref shiftList, ref breakList, ref holidayList, ref workingDayPaymentRate, ref nonWorkingDayPaymentRate, ref holidayPaymentRate, ref payPeriod);


            #region insert/update in database
            if (_workingCalendarID < 0) //add
                int workingCalendarID = _dtCtrl.AddWorkingCalendar(workingCalendar, shiftList, breakList, holidayList, workingDayPaymentRate, nonWorkingDayPaymentRate, holidayPaymentRate, payPeriod);

                if (workingCalendarID < 0)
                    throw new Exception("Working Calendar could not be added.");

                MessageBox.Show("Working Calendar added.");
            else //update
                bool result = _dtCtrl.UpdateWorkingCalendar(workingCalendar, shiftList, breakList, holidayList, workingDayPaymentRate, nonWorkingDayPaymentRate, holidayPaymentRate, payPeriod);

                if (result != true)
                    throw new Exception("Working Calendar could not be updated.");

                MessageBox.Show("Working Calendar updated.");