GetDescription() публичный Метод

Gets the description of the current device.
public GetDescription ( string &Description ) : FT_STATUS
Description string The description of the current device.
Результат FT_STATUS
Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Called when the window is loaded
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void WindowLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            int i;
            // Configure datagrid
            dataGrid1.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn { Header = "Device Number", Binding = new Binding("Dn") });
            dataGrid1.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn { Header = "Serial Number", Binding = new Binding("Sn") });
            dataGrid1.Columns.Add(new DataGridTextColumn { Header = "Device Description", Binding = new Binding("Dd") });

            // Get FTDI basic data
            FTDI f = new FTDI();
            uint devicecount = 0;
            f.GetNumberOfDevices(ref devicecount);

            // Fill datagrid with device data
            string dd, sn, dn;
            if (devicecount == 0)
                FtErrorReport("GetFTDeviceCount", FTDI.FT_STATUS.FT_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND);
            for (i = 0; i < devicecount; i++)
                dn = String.Format("Device {0}", i);
                f.GetSerialNumber(out sn);
                f.GetDescription(out dd);
                dataGrid1.Items.Add( new SDevice{ Dd = dd, Dn = dn, Sn = sn } );