public CacheEntry(PixbufCache cache, string path, object closure, int width, int height) { this.path = path; this.width = width; this.height = height; = closure; this.Reload = true; this.cache = cache; cache.total_size += this.Size; }
public CacheEntry(PixbufCache cache, SafeUri uri, object closure, int width, int height) { Uri = uri; Width = width; Height = height; // Should this be or Data? data = closure; Reload = true; this.cache = cache; cache.total_size += Size; }
public void Dispose() { lock (this) { if (!IsDisposed) { cache.total_size -= this.Size; } if (this.pixbuf != null) { this.pixbuf.Dispose(); } this.pixbuf = null; this.cache = null; this.path = null; } System.GC.SuppressFinalize(this); }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { lock (locker) { if (disposed) { return; } disposed = true; if (disposing) { cache.total_size -= Size; if (pixbuf != null) { pixbuf.Dispose(); pixbuf = null; } cache = null; Uri = null; } } }
protected IconView () : base (null, null) { cache = new FSpot.PixbufCache (); cache.OnPixbufLoaded += HandlePixbufLoaded; ScrollAdjustmentsSet += new ScrollAdjustmentsSetHandler (HandleScrollAdjustmentsSet); ButtonPressEvent += new ButtonPressEventHandler (HandleButtonPressEvent); ButtonReleaseEvent += new ButtonReleaseEventHandler (HandleButtonReleaseEvent); KeyPressEvent += new KeyPressEventHandler (HandleKeyPressEvent); ScrollEvent += new ScrollEventHandler(HandleScrollEvent); Destroyed += HandleDestroyed; AddEvents ((int) EventMask.KeyPressMask | (int) EventMask.KeyReleaseMask | (int) EventMask.PointerMotionMask); CanFocus = true; //FSpot.Global.ModifyColors (this); }
public void Dispose () { lock (this) { if (! IsDisposed) cache.total_size -= this.Size; if (this.pixbuf != null) { this.pixbuf.Dispose (); } this.pixbuf = null; this.cache = null; this.path = null; } System.GC.SuppressFinalize (this); }
public CacheEntry (PixbufCache cache, string path, object closure, int width, int height) { this.path = path; this.width = width; this.height = height; = closure; this.Reload = true; this.cache = cache; cache.total_size += this.Size; }
public CacheEntry(PixbufCache cache, SafeUri uri, object closure, int width, int height) { Uri = uri; Width = width; Height = height; // Should this be or Data? = closure; Reload = true; this.cache = cache; cache.total_size += this.Size; }
public CacheEntry(PixbufCache cache, SafeUri uri, object closure, int width, int height) { this.uri = uri; this.width = width; this.height = height; = closure; this.Reload = true; this.cache = cache; cache.total_size += this.Size; }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { lock (locker) { if (disposed) return; disposed = true; if (disposing) { cache.total_size -= Size; if (pixbuf != null) { pixbuf.Dispose (); pixbuf = null; } cache = null; Uri = null; } } }