public void ResetVM() { VMNetDriver driver; driver = new VMServerDriver(Port, NetClosed); var vm = new VM(new VMContext(null), driver, new VMNullHeadlineProvider()); state = vm; vm.Init(); vm.OnChatEvent += Vm_OnChatEvent; var path = Settings.Default.GamePath + "housedata/blueprints/" + Settings.Default.DebugLot; string filename = Path.GetFileName(path); try { //try to load from FSOV first. LoadState(vm, "Content/LocalHouse/" + filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 4) + ".fsov"); } catch (Exception) { try { Console.WriteLine("Failed FSOV load... Trying Backup"); LoadState(vm, "Content/LocalHouse/" + filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 4) + "_backup.fsov"); } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("CRITICAL::: Failed FSOV load... Trying Blueprint (first run or something went wrong)"); short jobLevel = -1; //quick hack to find the job level from the chosen blueprint //the final server will know this from the fact that it wants to create a job lot in the first place... try { if (filename.StartsWith("nightclub") || filename.StartsWith("restaurant") || filename.StartsWith("robotfactory")) jobLevel = Convert.ToInt16(filename.Substring(filename.Length - 9, 2)); } catch (Exception) { } vm.SendCommand(new VMBlueprintRestoreCmd { JobLevel = jobLevel, XMLData = File.ReadAllBytes(path) }); vm.Context.Clock.Hours = 10; } } vm.MyUID = uint.MaxValue-1; vm.SendCommand(new VMNetSimJoinCmd { ActorUID = uint.MaxValue - 1, Name = "server" }); }
public CVMInstance(int port) { VM.UseWorld = false; VMNetDriver driver; driver = new VMServerDriver(port); var vm = new VM(new VMContext(null), driver); vm.Init(); vm.SendCommand(new VMBlueprintRestoreCmd { XMLData = File.ReadAllBytes(Path.Combine(Settings.Default.GamePath+"housedata/blueprints/"+Settings.Default.DebugLot)) }); vm.Context.Clock.Hours = 10; state = vm; }
public void InitTestLot(string path, bool host) { if (Connecting) { return; } if (vm != null) { CleanupLastWorld(); } World = new LotView.World(GameFacade.Game.GraphicsDevice); GameFacade.Scenes.Add(World); VMNetDriver driver; if (host) { driver = new VMServerDriver(37564, null); } else { Connecting = true; ConnectingDialog = new UILoginProgress(); ConnectingDialog.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("211", "1"); ConnectingDialog.ProgressCaption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("211", "24"); //this.Add(ConnectingDialog); UIScreen.ShowDialog(ConnectingDialog, true); driver = new VMClientDriver(path, 37564, ClientStateChange); } vm = new VM(new VMContext(World), driver, new UIHeadlineRendererProvider()); vm.Init(); vm.LotName = (path == null) ? "localhost" : path.Split('/').LastOrDefault(); //quick hack just so we can remember where we are if (host) { //check: do we have an fsov to try loading from? string filename = Path.GetFileName(path); try { using (var file = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead("Content/LocalHouse/" + filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 4) + ".fsov"))) { var marshal = new SimAntics.Marshals.VMMarshal(); marshal.Deserialize(file); vm.Load(marshal); vm.Reset(); } } catch (Exception) { short jobLevel = -1; //quick hack to find the job level from the chosen blueprint //the final server will know this from the fact that it wants to create a job lot in the first place... try { if (filename.StartsWith("nightclub") || filename.StartsWith("restaurant") || filename.StartsWith("robotfactory")) { jobLevel = Convert.ToInt16(filename.Substring(filename.Length - 9, 2)); } } catch (Exception) { } vm.SendCommand(new VMBlueprintRestoreCmd { JobLevel = jobLevel, XMLData = File.ReadAllBytes(path) }); } } uint simID = (uint)(new Random()).Next(); vm.MyUID = simID; vm.SendCommand(new VMNetSimJoinCmd { ActorUID = simID, HeadID = GlobalSettings.Default.DebugHead, BodyID = GlobalSettings.Default.DebugBody, SkinTone = (byte)GlobalSettings.Default.DebugSkin, Gender = !GlobalSettings.Default.DebugGender, Name = GlobalSettings.Default.LastUser }); LotController = new UILotControl(vm, World); this.AddAt(0, LotController); vm.Context.Clock.Hours = 10; if (m_ZoomLevel > 3) { World.Visible = false; LotController.Visible = false; } if (host) { ZoomLevel = 1; ucp.SetInLot(true); } else { ZoomLevel = Math.Max(ZoomLevel, 4); } if (IDEHook.IDE != null) { IDEHook.IDE.StartIDE(vm); } vm.OnFullRefresh += VMRefreshed; vm.OnChatEvent += Vm_OnChatEvent; vm.OnEODMessage += LotController.EODs.OnEODMessage; }
public override void Update(UpdateState state) { base.Update(state); if (TempVM == null && GUID != 0) { var world = new ExternalWorld(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice); world.Initialize(GameFacade.Scenes); var context = new VMContext(world); TempVM = new VM(context, new VMServerDriver(37565, null), new VMNullHeadlineProvider()); TempVM.Init(); var blueprint = new Blueprint(32, 32); blueprint.Light = new RoomLighting[] { new RoomLighting() { OutsideLight = 100 }, new RoomLighting() { OutsideLight = 100 }, new RoomLighting() { OutsideLight = 100 }, }; blueprint.OutsideColor = Color.White; blueprint.GenerateRoomLights(); blueprint.RoomColors[2].A /= 2; world.State._2D.AmbientLight.SetData(blueprint.RoomColors); world.InitBlueprint(blueprint); context.Blueprint = blueprint; context.Architecture = new VMArchitecture(1, 1, blueprint, TempVM.Context); } if (GUID != oldGUID) { SetGUIDLocal(GUID, TempVM); state.SharedData["ExternalDraw"] = true; } if (ForceRedraw) { state.SharedData["ExternalDraw"] = true; ForceRedraw = false; } if (TempVM != null) TempVM.Update(); }
public void InitTestLot(string path, bool host) { if (Connecting) return; if (vm != null) CleanupLastWorld(); World = new LotView.World(GameFacade.Game.GraphicsDevice); GameFacade.Scenes.Add(World); VMNetDriver driver; if (host) { driver = new VMServerDriver(37564, null); } else { Connecting = true; ConnectingDialog = new UILoginProgress(); ConnectingDialog.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("211", "1"); ConnectingDialog.ProgressCaption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("211", "24"); //this.Add(ConnectingDialog); UIScreen.ShowDialog(ConnectingDialog, true); driver = new VMClientDriver(path, 37564, ClientStateChange); } vm = new VM(new VMContext(World), driver, new UIHeadlineRendererProvider()); vm.Init(); vm.LotName = (path == null) ? "localhost" : path.Split('/').LastOrDefault(); //quick hack just so we can remember where we are if (host) { //check: do we have an fsov to try loading from? string filename = Path.GetFileName(path); try { using (var file = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(FSOEnvironment.UserDir, "LocalHouse/")+filename.Substring(0, filename.Length-4)+".fsov"))) { var marshal = new SimAntics.Marshals.VMMarshal(); marshal.Deserialize(file); vm.Load(marshal); vm.Reset(); } } catch (Exception) { short jobLevel = -1; //quick hack to find the job level from the chosen blueprint //the final server will know this from the fact that it wants to create a job lot in the first place... try { if (filename.StartsWith("nightclub") || filename.StartsWith("restaurant") || filename.StartsWith("robotfactory")) jobLevel = Convert.ToInt16(filename.Substring(filename.Length - 9, 2)); } catch (Exception) { } vm.SendCommand(new VMBlueprintRestoreCmd { JobLevel = jobLevel, XMLData = File.ReadAllBytes(path) }); } } uint simID = (uint)(new Random()).Next(); vm.MyUID = simID; vm.SendCommand(new VMNetSimJoinCmd { ActorUID = simID, HeadID = GlobalSettings.Default.DebugHead, BodyID = GlobalSettings.Default.DebugBody, SkinTone = (byte)GlobalSettings.Default.DebugSkin, Gender = !GlobalSettings.Default.DebugGender, Name = GlobalSettings.Default.LastUser }); LotController = new UILotControl(vm, World); this.AddAt(0, LotController); vm.Context.Clock.Hours = 10; if (m_ZoomLevel > 3) { World.Visible = false; LotController.Visible = false; } if (host) { ZoomLevel = 1; ucp.SetInLot(true); } else { ZoomLevel = Math.Max(ZoomLevel, 4); } if (IDEHook.IDE != null) IDEHook.IDE.StartIDE(vm); vm.OnFullRefresh += VMRefreshed; vm.OnChatEvent += Vm_OnChatEvent; vm.OnEODMessage += LotController.EODs.OnEODMessage; }
public override void Update(UpdateState state) { base.Update(state); if (TempVM == null && GUID != 0) { var world = new ExternalWorld(GameFacade.GraphicsDevice); world.Initialize(GameFacade.Scenes); var context = new VMContext(world); TempVM = new VM(context, new VMServerDriver(37565, null), new VMNullHeadlineProvider()); TempVM.Init(); var blueprint = new Blueprint(1, 1); world.InitBlueprint(blueprint); context.Blueprint = blueprint; context.Architecture = new VMArchitecture(1, 1, blueprint, TempVM.Context); } if (GUID != oldGUID) { SetGUIDLocal(GUID); state.SharedData["ExternalDraw"] = true; } }
public void InitTestLot(string path, bool host) { if (Connecting) { return; } lotName = path; Characters = new List <XmlCharacter>(); SaveHouseButton.Visible = true; CreateChar.Visible = false; if (vm != null) { CleanupLastWorld(); } World = new LotView.World(GameFacade.Game.GraphicsDevice); GameFacade.Scenes.Add(World); vm = new VM(new VMContext(World), new UIHeadlineRendererProvider()); vm.Init(); vm.LotName = (path == null) ? "localhost" : path.Split('/').LastOrDefault(); //quick hack just so we can remember where we are var DirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(FSOEnvironment.UserDir, "Characters/")); for (int i = 0; i <= DirectoryInfo.GetFiles().Count() - 1; i++) { var file = DirectoryInfo.GetFiles()[i]; CharacterInfos[i] = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FullName); if (CharacterInfos[i] != null && CharacterInfos[i] != gizmo.SelectedCharInfo.Name) { Characters.Add(XmlCharacter.Parse(file.FullName)); } } VMNetDriver driver; if (host) { driver = new VMServerDriver(37564, null); } else { Connecting = true; ConnectingDialog = new UILoginProgress(); ConnectingDialog.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("211", "1"); ConnectingDialog.ProgressCaption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("211", "24"); //this.Add(ConnectingDialog); UIScreen.ShowDialog(ConnectingDialog, true); driver = new VMClientDriver(path, 37564, ClientStateChange); } vm.VM_SetDriver(driver); if (host) { //check: do we have an fsov to try loading from? string filename = Path.GetFileName(path); try { using (var file = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(Path.Combine(FSOEnvironment.UserDir, "Houses/") + filename.Substring(0, filename.Length - 4) + ".fsov"))) { var marshal = new SimAntics.Marshals.VMMarshal(); marshal.Deserialize(file); vm.Load(marshal); vm.Reset(); } } catch (Exception) { short jobLevel = -1; //quick hack to find the job level from the chosen blueprint //the final server will know this from the fact that it wants to create a job lot in the first place... try { if (filename.StartsWith("nightclub") || filename.StartsWith("restaurant") || filename.StartsWith("robotfactory")) { jobLevel = Convert.ToInt16(filename.Substring(filename.Length - 9, 2)); } } catch (Exception) { } vm.SendCommand(new VMBlueprintRestoreCmd { JobLevel = jobLevel, XMLData = File.ReadAllBytes(path), Characters = Characters }); } } //Check the clients loaded; List <VMAvatar> Clients = new List <VMAvatar>(); foreach (VMEntity entity in vm.Entities) { if (entity is VMAvatar && entity.PersistID > 0) { Clients.Add((VMAvatar)entity); } } if (Clients.Count == 0) { Permissions = true; } uint simID = (uint)(new Random()).Next(); vm.MyUID = simID; var headPurchasable = Content.Content.Get().AvatarPurchasables.Get(Convert.ToUInt64(gizmo.SelectedCharInfo.Head, 16)); var bodyPurchasable = Content.Content.Get().AvatarPurchasables.Get(Convert.ToUInt64(gizmo.SelectedCharInfo.Body, 16)); var HeadID = headPurchasable != null ? headPurchasable.OutfitID : Convert.ToUInt64(gizmo.SelectedCharInfo.Head, 16); var BodyID = bodyPurchasable != null ? bodyPurchasable.OutfitID : Convert.ToUInt64(gizmo.SelectedCharInfo.Body, 16); AppearanceType type; Enum.TryParse(gizmo.SelectedCharInfo.Appearance, out type); bool Male = (gizmo.SelectedCharInfo.Gender == "male") ? true:false; vm.SendCommand(new VMNetSimJoinCmd { ActorUID = simID, HeadID = HeadID, BodyID = BodyID, SkinTone = (byte)type, Gender = Male, Name = gizmo.SelectedCharInfo.Name, Permissions = (Permissions == true) ? VMTSOAvatarPermissions.Owner : VMTSOAvatarPermissions.Visitor }); VMWorldActivator activator = new VMWorldActivator(vm, World); if (host) { } else { foreach (XmlCharacter Char in Characters) { uint vsimID = (uint)(new Random()).Next(); Enum.TryParse(Char.Appearance, out type); var vheadPurchasable = Content.Content.Get().AvatarPurchasables.Get(Convert.ToUInt64(Char.Head, 16)); var vbodyPurchasable = Content.Content.Get().AvatarPurchasables.Get(Convert.ToUInt64(Char.Body, 16)); var vHeadID = vheadPurchasable != null ? vheadPurchasable.OutfitID : Convert.ToUInt64(Char.Head, 16); var vBodyID = vbodyPurchasable != null ? vbodyPurchasable.OutfitID : Convert.ToUInt64(Char.Body, 16); VMEntity vEntity = vm.Entities.FirstOrDefault(x => (x.Object.OBJ.GUID == 0x7FD96B54 && x.Name == Char.Name)); if (vEntity != null) { ((VMAvatar)vEntity).SetAvatarData(Char); } } } LotController = new UILotControl(vm, World); this.AddAt(0, LotController); vm.Context.Clock.Hours = 10; if (m_ZoomLevel > 3) { World.Visible = false; LotController.Visible = false; } if (host) { ZoomLevel = 1; ucp.SetInLot(true); } else { ZoomLevel = Math.Max(ZoomLevel, 4); } vm.OnFullRefresh += VMRefreshed; vm.OnChatEvent += Vm_OnChatEvent; vm.OnEODMessage += LotController.EODs.OnEODMessage; }
public void InitTestLot(string path, bool host) { if (Connecting) return; if (vm != null) CleanupLastWorld(); World = new LotView.World(GameFacade.Game.GraphicsDevice); GameFacade.Scenes.Add(World); VMNetDriver driver; if (host) { driver = new VMServerDriver(37564); } else { Connecting = true; ConnectingDialog = new UILoginProgress(); ConnectingDialog.Caption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("211", "1"); ConnectingDialog.ProgressCaption = GameFacade.Strings.GetString("211", "24"); //this.Add(ConnectingDialog); UIScreen.ShowDialog(ConnectingDialog, true); driver = new VMClientDriver(path, 37564, ClientStateChange); } vm = new VM(new VMContext(World), driver); vm.Init(); if (host) { vm.SendCommand(new VMBlueprintRestoreCmd { XMLData = File.ReadAllBytes(path) }); } uint simID = (uint)(new Random()).Next(); vm.SendCommand(new VMNetSimJoinCmd { SimID = simID, HeadID = GlobalSettings.Default.DebugHead, BodyID = GlobalSettings.Default.DebugBody, SkinTone = (byte)GlobalSettings.Default.DebugSkin, Gender = !GlobalSettings.Default.DebugGender, Name = GlobalSettings.Default.LastUser }); LotController = new UILotControl(vm, World); LotController.SelectedSimID = simID; this.AddAt(0, LotController); vm.Context.Clock.Hours = 8; if (m_ZoomLevel > 3) { World.Visible = false; LotController.Visible = false; } if (host) { ZoomLevel = 1; ucp.SetInLot(true); } else { ZoomLevel = Math.Max(ZoomLevel, 4); } vm.OnFullRefresh += VMRefreshed; }