Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor for deserialization.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="info">info is the serialization info to deserialize with</param>
 /// <param name="context">context is the context in which to deserialize...?</param>
 protected SunburnSprite_cl(SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)
     mBaseRenderableEffectName = info.GetString("TextureName");
     mRectangle = (FloatRectangle)info.GetValue("Rectangle", typeof(FloatRectangle));
     mSize = (Vector2)info.GetValue("SpriteSize", typeof(Vector2));
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// On the update, the animated component sets the image on the renderable component to the current frame of animation.
        /// </summary>
        public void Update()
            Animation currentAnimation = Animations[mCurrentAnimation];

            RotationComponent rotation = (RotationComponent)(mParentEntity.GetComponentOfType(typeof(RotationComponent)));
            RotationComponent.CardinalDirections animDirection = (rotation == null) ? RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.NONE : rotation.GetCardinalOrientation();

            mAccumulatedFrameTime += Game_cl.BaseInstance.Timer.UnpausedElapsedMilliseconds * Math.Abs(mSpeed);
            // TODO: Make the value '1000.0f / 30.0f' be a private static variable or something instead of always calculating it multiple times every frame. [JSD 09/27/11]
            if (mAccumulatedFrameTime > 1000.0f / 30.0f /* The time needed to advance one frame at 30fps */)
                mAccumulatedFrameTime -= 1000.0f / 30.0f;

                FloatRectangle rect = new FloatRectangle();
                Script script = new Script();

                bool playReversed = false;
                if (mSpeed < 0)
                    playReversed = true;

                bool spriteFlipped;

                currentAnimation.GetFrameInfo(ref mCurrentKey, ref mFramesOnKey, ref rect, ref script, animDirection, out spriteFlipped, playReversed);


                SunburnSprite_cl currentSprite = ((RenderableComponent_cl)mParentEntity.GetComponentOfType(typeof(RenderableComponent_cl))).Sprite;
                currentSprite.Flipped = spriteFlipped;
                currentSprite.Rectangle = rect;

                // Process motion delta channels here.
                PhysicsComponent_cl physics = ((PhysicsComponent_cl)mParentEntity.GetComponentOfType(typeof(PhysicsComponent_cl)));
                Dictionary<int, Vector2> motionDeltas = null;
                currentAnimation.GetMotionDeltas(mCurrentKey, out motionDeltas);

                if (motionDeltas != null)
                    foreach (KeyValuePair<int, Vector2> deltaPair in motionDeltas)
                        if (DoesUseMotionDelta(deltaPair.Key))
                            Vector2 motionDelta = deltaPair.Value;
                            float timeBasedConstant = Game_cl.BaseInstance.Timer.UnpausedElapsedMilliseconds / (currentAnimation.FrameDurations[mCurrentKey] * 1000.0f / 30.0f);

                            Vector2 forwardDelta;
                            Vector2 upwardDelta;

                            // Not a TODO, but what's going on here?  Just curious
                            //      - JSD
                            switch (deltaPair.Key)
                                 * HACK:
                                 * Hacking for Finale. Motion delta coming from the tool as (X, Y) will translate
                                 * to horizontal and vertical movement on the 2D plane. Positive X is in the
                                 * current direction the character is facing. Positive Y is always up.
                                 * Larsson Burch - 2011/11/16 - 13:26
                                case 0:
                                    // Position
                                    motionDelta.X *= timeBasedConstant;
                                    motionDelta.Y *= timeBasedConstant;

                                    forwardDelta = rotation.Direction * motionDelta.X;
                                    upwardDelta = rotation.DirectionUp * motionDelta.Y;

                                    physics.AddedPosition = new Vector2((forwardDelta.X + upwardDelta.X), (forwardDelta.Y + upwardDelta.Y));

                                case 1:
                                case 2:
                                case 3:
                                case 4:
                                case 5:
                                    // Velocity
                                    motionDelta.X *= timeBasedConstant;
                                    motionDelta.Y *= timeBasedConstant; // tested values - motionDelta: 4.0, Density: 10, Area = 16, Mass = 160

                                    forwardDelta = rotation.Direction * motionDelta.X;
                                    upwardDelta = rotation.DirectionUp * motionDelta.Y;

                                    Vector2 newVelocity = new Vector2((forwardDelta.X + upwardDelta.X), (forwardDelta.Y + upwardDelta.Y));
                                    if (newVelocity.Length() > 0)
                                        physics.Velocity = newVelocity;

                                case 6:
                                case 7:
                                case 8:
                                case 9:
                                case 10:
                                    // Force
                                    motionDelta.X *= timeBasedConstant * 1000.0f; // scale, N to kN
                                    motionDelta.Y *= timeBasedConstant * 1000.0f; // tested values - motionDelta: 4.0-8.0, Density: 10, Area = 16, Mass = 160

                                    forwardDelta = rotation.Direction * motionDelta.X;
                                    upwardDelta = rotation.DirectionUp * motionDelta.Y;

                                    physics.Force = new Vector2((forwardDelta.X + upwardDelta.X), (forwardDelta.Y + upwardDelta.Y));

                                case 11:
                                case 12:
                                case 13:
                                case 14:
                                case 15:
                                    // Impulse
                                    motionDelta.X *= timeBasedConstant * 1000.0f; // scale, N to kN
                                    motionDelta.Y *= timeBasedConstant * 1000.0f; // tested values - motionDelta: 0.1, Density: 10, Area = 16, Mass = 160

                                    forwardDelta = rotation.Direction * motionDelta.X;
                                    upwardDelta = rotation.DirectionUp * motionDelta.Y;

                                    Vector2 newImpulse = new Vector2((forwardDelta.X + upwardDelta.X), (forwardDelta.Y + upwardDelta.Y));
                                    if (newImpulse.Length() > 0)
                                        physics.Impulse = newImpulse;


                                case 16:
                                case 17:
                                case 18:
                                case 19:
                                case 20:
                                    // Jump Impulse
                                    motionDelta.X *= 1000.0f; // scale, N to kN
                                    motionDelta.Y *= 1000.0f; // tested values - motionDelta: 0.1, Density: 10, Area = 16, Mass = 160

                                    forwardDelta = rotation.Direction * motionDelta.X;
                                    upwardDelta = rotation.DirectionUp * motionDelta.Y;

                                    physics.JumpImpulse = new Vector2((forwardDelta.X + upwardDelta.X), (forwardDelta.Y + upwardDelta.Y));


                                case 21:
                                case 22:
                                case 23:
                                case 24:
                                case 25:
                                case 26:
                                case 27:
                                case 28:
                                case 29:

                                    forwardDelta = rotation.Orientation * motionDelta.Y;
                                    upwardDelta = rotation.OrientationRight * motionDelta.X;

                                    ((PositionComponent_cl)mParentEntity.GetComponentOfType(typeof(PositionComponent_cl))).SetPosition2D(((PositionComponent_cl)mParentEntity.GetComponentOfType(typeof(PositionComponent_cl))).Position2D.X + forwardDelta.X + upwardDelta.X,
                                                                                                                    ((PositionComponent_cl)mParentEntity.GetComponentOfType(typeof(PositionComponent_cl))).Position2D.Y + (forwardDelta.Y + upwardDelta.Y) * 0.57735f);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// QueueAnimation is the method by which we tell a new animation to play from the beginning.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="animationName">animationName is the string name by which the animation we want to play is 
        /// indexed into the hashmap.</param>
        /// <param name="frame"></param>
        /// <param name="speed"></param>
        public void QueueAnimation(string animationName, int frame = 0, float speed = 1.0f)
            // f**k - took out the check to see if this animation is already playing so that we can jump to frames in a current anim... is this okay?
            RotationComponent rotation = (RotationComponent)(mParentEntity.GetComponentOfType(typeof(RotationComponent)));
            RotationComponent.CardinalDirections animDirection = RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.NONE;
            if (rotation != null)
                animDirection = rotation.GetCardinalOrientation();

            mCurrentAnimation = animationName;
            Animation currentAnimation = Animations[mCurrentAnimation];

            FloatRectangle rect = new FloatRectangle();
            Script script = new Script();

            bool spriteFlipped;
            mCurrentKey = frame;
            mFramesOnKey = 0;
            currentAnimation.GetFrameInfo(ref mCurrentKey, ref mFramesOnKey, ref rect, ref script, animDirection, out spriteFlipped, false);
            mCurrentKey = frame;
            mFramesOnKey = 0;


            SunburnSprite_cl currentSprite = ((RenderableComponent_cl)mParentEntity.GetComponentOfType(typeof(RenderableComponent_cl))).Sprite;
            currentSprite.Rectangle = rect;

            mSpeed = speed;
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentKey"></param>
        /// <param name="framesOnKey"></param>
        /// <param name="rect"></param>
        /// <param name="script"></param>
        /// <param name="direction"></param>
        /// <param name="spriteFlipped"></param>
        /// <param name="reversed"></param>
        public virtual void GetFrameInfo(ref int currentKey, ref int framesOnKey, ref FloatRectangle rect, ref Script script, RotationComponent.CardinalDirections direction, out bool spriteFlipped,bool reversed = false)
            if (framesOnKey > mFrameDurations[currentKey])
                framesOnKey = 0;

                if (reversed)
                    if (currentKey < 0)
                        currentKey = mFrames[DirectionMap[RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.N]].Count - 1;
                    if (currentKey > mFrames[DirectionMap[RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.N]].Count - 1)
                        currentKey = 0;

            if (mFrames.Count == 1)
                rect = mFrames[RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.NONE][currentKey];
                rect = mFrames[mDirectionMap[direction]][currentKey];

            if (direction > RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.S && mDirectionMap[RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.SW] != RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.SW)
                spriteFlipped = true;
                spriteFlipped = false;


            if (mFrameScripts.ContainsKey(currentKey))
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="direction"></param>
        /// <param name="frame"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        public void AddFrame(RotationComponent.CardinalDirections direction, FloatRectangle frame, int index)
            // Add a keyframe dictionary if one doesn't exist for the specified direction.
            if(mFrames.ContainsKey(direction) == false)
                mFrames.Add(direction, new KeyFrameDictionary());

            if (mFrames[direction].ContainsKey(index))
                mFrames[direction][index] = frame;
                mFrames[direction].Add(index, frame);

            // Make sure a script exists for this keyframe index
            if(mFrameScripts.ContainsKey(index) == false)
                mFrameScripts.Add(index, new Script());

            if (direction == RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.NONE)
                foreach (RotationComponent.CardinalDirections animDirection in Enum.GetValues(typeof(RotationComponent.CardinalDirections)))
                    mDirectionMap[animDirection] = RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.NONE;
Пример #6
        private void mAddFrameButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (mSpriteSheetImage != null)
                mSelectionRect.X = mPictureBox.SelectionRect.X;
                mSelectionRect.Y = mPictureBox.SelectionRect.Y;
                mSelectionRect.Width = mPictureBox.SelectionRect.Width;
                mSelectionRect.Height = mPictureBox.SelectionRect.Height;

                if ((mSelectionRect.Width > 0) && (mSelectionRect.Height > 0))

                    Bitmap imageToCopy = new Bitmap(mSpriteSheetImage);
                    if (mSelectionRect.Width > mGridWidth)
                        if (mSelectionRect.Height > mGridHeight)
                            MessageBox.Show("Select only one row or column.");

                        int numCells = mSelectionRect.Width / mGridWidth;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numCells; i++)
                            System.Drawing.Rectangle cellRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(mPictureBox.SelectionRect.X + (i * mGridWidth), mPictureBox.SelectionRect.Y, mGridWidth, mGridHeight);
                            FloatRectangle cellFloatRect = new FloatRectangle();

                            cellFloatRect.U = cellRect.X / (float)mSpriteSheetWidth;
                            cellFloatRect.V = cellRect.Y / (float)mSpriteSheetHeight;
                            cellFloatRect.Width = (float)cellRect.Width / mSpriteSheetWidth;
                            cellFloatRect.Height = (float)cellRect.Height / mSpriteSheetHeight;

                            if (mMultidirCheckBox.Checked)
                                    cellFloatRect, mCurrentAnimation.Frames[mCurrentAnimation.DirectionMap[GetDirectionFromString(mDirectionComboBox.Text)]].Count);
                                    cellFloatRect, mCurrentAnimation.Frames[mCurrentAnimation.DirectionMap[RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.NONE]].Count);

                            Bitmap croppedImage = imageToCopy.Clone(cellRect, imageToCopy.PixelFormat);
                            mImageView.AddImage(mKeyframeImageList[mKeyframeImageList.Count - 1]);
                            mImageView.PictureBoxes[mImageView.PictureBoxes.Count - 1].MouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(imageViewKeyframe_Click);
                            if (!mCurrentAnimation.FrameDurations.ContainsKey(mKeyframeImageList.Count - 1))
                                mCurrentAnimation.FrameDurations.Add(mCurrentAnimation.FrameDurations.Count, 1);
                    else if (mSelectionRect.Height > mGridHeight)
                        if (mSelectionRect.Width > mGridWidth)
                            MessageBox.Show("Select only one row or column.");

                        int numCells = mSelectionRect.Height / mGridHeight;
                        for (int i = 0; i < numCells; i++)
                            System.Drawing.Rectangle cellRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(mPictureBox.SelectionRect.X, mPictureBox.SelectionRect.Y + (i * mGridHeight), mGridWidth, mGridHeight);
                            FloatRectangle cellFloatRect = new FloatRectangle();
                            cellFloatRect.U = cellRect.X / (float)mSpriteSheetWidth;
                            cellFloatRect.V = cellRect.Y / (float)mSpriteSheetHeight;
                            cellFloatRect.Width = (float)cellRect.Width / mSpriteSheetWidth;
                            cellFloatRect.Height = (float)cellRect.Height / mSpriteSheetHeight;

                            if (mMultidirCheckBox.Checked)
                                    cellFloatRect, mCurrentAnimation.Frames[mCurrentAnimation.DirectionMap[GetDirectionFromString(mDirectionComboBox.Text)]].Count);
                                    cellFloatRect, mCurrentAnimation.Frames[mCurrentAnimation.DirectionMap[RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.NONE]].Count);

                            Bitmap croppedImage = imageToCopy.Clone(cellRect, imageToCopy.PixelFormat);
                            mImageView.AddImage(mKeyframeImageList[mKeyframeImageList.Count - 1]);
                            mImageView.PictureBoxes[mImageView.PictureBoxes.Count - 1].MouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(imageViewKeyframe_Click);
                            if (!mCurrentAnimation.FrameDurations.ContainsKey(mKeyframeImageList.Count - 1))
                                mCurrentAnimation.FrameDurations.Add(mCurrentAnimation.FrameDurations.Count, 1);
                        FloatRectangle selectionFloatRect = new FloatRectangle();
                        selectionFloatRect.U = mSelectionRect.X / (float)mSpriteSheetWidth;
                        selectionFloatRect.V = mSelectionRect.Y / (float)mSpriteSheetHeight;
                        selectionFloatRect.Width = (float)mSelectionRect.Width / mSpriteSheetWidth;
                        selectionFloatRect.Height = (float)mSelectionRect.Height / mSpriteSheetHeight;

                        if (mMultidirCheckBox.Checked)
                                selectionFloatRect, mCurrentAnimation.Frames[mCurrentAnimation.DirectionMap[GetDirectionFromString(mDirectionComboBox.Text)]].Count);
                                selectionFloatRect, mCurrentAnimation.Frames[mCurrentAnimation.DirectionMap[RotationComponent.CardinalDirections.NONE]].Count);

                        Bitmap croppedImage = imageToCopy.Clone(mPictureBox.SelectionRect, imageToCopy.PixelFormat);
                        mImageView.AddImage(mKeyframeImageList[mKeyframeImageList.Count - 1]);
                        mImageView.PictureBoxes[mImageView.PictureBoxes.Count - 1].MouseClick += new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler(imageViewKeyframe_Click);
                        if (!mCurrentAnimation.FrameDurations.ContainsKey(mKeyframeImageList.Count-1))
                            mCurrentAnimation.FrameDurations.Add(mCurrentAnimation.FrameDurations.Count, 1);
                    MessageBox.Show("Make a selection in the SpriteSheet first!");
                MessageBox.Show("Load a SpriteSheet first!");