Пример #1
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
            var    resp        = await FHIRUtils.CallFHIRServer("", FHIRUtils.TransformBundle(requestBody, log), HttpMethod.Post, log);

            string r = "{}";

            if (resp != null)
                r = resp.Content;
            int sc = (int)resp.Status;

            return(new ContentResult()
                Content = r, StatusCode = sc, ContentType = "application/json"
Пример #2
        public static async Task Run([EventGridTrigger] EventGridEvent blobCreatedEvent,
                                     [Blob("{data.url}", FileAccess.Read, Connection = "FBI-STORAGEACCT")] Stream myBlob,
                                     ILogger log)
            bool   trbundles  = true;
            string strbundles = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FBI-TRANSFORMBUNDLES");

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strbundles) && (strbundles.ToLower().Equals("no") || strbundles.ToLower().Equals("false")))
                trbundles = false;
            StorageBlobCreatedEventData createdEvent = ((JObject)blobCreatedEvent.Data).ToObject <StorageBlobCreatedEventData>();
            string name = createdEvent.Url.Substring(createdEvent.Url.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);

            if (myBlob == null)
            log.LogInformation($"ImportFHIRBUndles: Processing file Name:{name} \n Size: {myBlob.Length}");
            var          cbclient = StorageUtils.GetCloudBlobClient(System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("FBI-STORAGEACCT"));
            StreamReader reader   = new StreamReader(myBlob);
            var          text     = await reader.ReadToEndAsync();

            var trtext     = (trbundles ? FHIRUtils.TransformBundle(text, log) : text);
            var fhirbundle = await FHIRUtils.CallFHIRServer("", trtext, HttpMethod.Post, log);

            var result = LoadErrorsDetected(trtext, fhirbundle, name, log);

            //Bundle Post was Throttled we can retry
            if (!fhirbundle.Success && fhirbundle.Status == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.TooManyRequests)
                //Currently cannot use retry hints with EventGrid Trigger function bindings so we will throw and exception to enter eventgrid retry logic for FHIR Server throttling and do
                //our own dead letter for internal errors or unrecoverable conditions
                log.LogInformation($"ImportFHIRBUndles File Name:{name} is throttled...");
                throw new Exception($"ImportFHIRBUndles: Transient Error File: {name}...Entering eventgrid retry process until success or ultimate failure to dead letter if configured.");
            //No Errors move to processed container
            if (fhirbundle.Success && ((JArray)result["errors"]).Count == 0 && ((JArray)result["throttled"]).Count == 0)
                await StorageUtils.MoveTo(cbclient, "bundles", "bundlesprocessed", name, $"{name}.processed", log);

                await StorageUtils.WriteStringToBlob(cbclient, "bundlesprocessed", $"{name}.processed.result", fhirbundle.Content, log);

                log.LogInformation($"ImportFHIRBUndles Processed file Name:{name}");
            //Handle Errors from FHIR Server of proxy
            if (!fhirbundle.Success || ((JArray)result["errors"]).Count > 0)
                await StorageUtils.MoveTo(cbclient, "bundles", "bundleserr", name, $"{name}.err", log);

                await StorageUtils.WriteStringToBlob(cbclient, "bundleserr", $"{name}.err.response", fhirbundle.Content, log);

                await StorageUtils.WriteStringToBlob(cbclient, "bundleserr", $"{name}.err.actionneeded", result.ToString(), log);

                log.LogInformation($"ImportFHIRBUndles File Name:{name} had errors. Moved to deadletter bundleserr directory");
            //Handle Throttled Requests inside of bundle so we will create a new bundle to retry
            if (fhirbundle.Success && ((JArray)result["throttled"]).Count > 0)
                var nb = NDJSONConverter.initBundle();
                nb["entry"] = result["throttled"];
                string fn = $"retry{Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-","")}.json";
                await StorageUtils.MoveTo(cbclient, "bundles", "bundlesprocessed", name, $"{name}.processed", log);

                await StorageUtils.WriteStringToBlob(cbclient, "bundlesprocessed", $"{name}.processed.result", fhirbundle.Content, log);

                await StorageUtils.WriteStringToBlob(cbclient, "bundles", fn, nb.ToString(), log);

                log.LogInformation($"ImportFHIRBUndles File Name:{name} had throttled resources in response bundle. Moved to processed..Created retry bunde {fn}");