BlockCopy() публичный статический Метод

public static BlockCopy ( Array src, int srcOffset, Array dest, int destOffset, int count ) : void
src System.Array
srcOffset int
dest System.Array
destOffset int
count int
Результат void
        public static BitmapHolder ToCropped(BitmapHolder source, int x, int y, int width, int height)
            var srcWidth  = source.Width;
            var srcHeight = source.Height;

            // Clamp to boundaries
            if (x < 0)
                x = 0;
            if (x + width > srcWidth)
                width = srcWidth - x;
            if (y < 0)
                y = 0;
            if (y + height > srcHeight)
                height = srcHeight - y;

            // Copy the pixels line by line using fast BlockCopy
            var result = new byte[width * height * 4];

            for (var line = 0; line < height; line++)
                var srcOff = ((y + line) * srcWidth + x) * ColorExtensions.SizeOfArgb;
                var dstOff = line * width * ColorExtensions.SizeOfArgb;
                Helpers.BlockCopy(source.PixelData, srcOff, result, dstOff, width * ColorExtensions.SizeOfArgb);

            return(new BitmapHolder(result, width, height));
Пример #2
        public static BitmapHolder ToCropped(BitmapHolder source, int x, int y, int width, int height)
            int width2  = source.Width;
            int height2 = source.Height;

            if (x < 0)
                x = 0;
            if (x + width > width2)
                width = width2 - x;
            if (y < 0)
                y = 0;
            if (y + height > height2)
                height = height2 - y;
            byte[] array = new byte[width * height * 4];
            for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
                int srcOffset  = ((y + i) * width2 + x) * 4;
                int destOffset = i * width * 4;
                Helpers.BlockCopy(source.PixelData, srcOffset, array, destOffset, width * 4);
            return(new BitmapHolder(array, width, height));
Пример #3
        public static BitmapHolder ToCropped(BitmapHolder source, double zoomFactor, double xOffset, double yOffset, double cropWidthRatio, double cropHeightRatio)
            double num  = source.Width;
            double num2 = source.Height;
            double num3 = num;
            double num4 = num2;
            double num5 = cropWidthRatio / cropHeightRatio;
            double num6 = num / num2;

            if (num6 > num5)
                num3 = cropWidthRatio * num2 / cropHeightRatio;
            else if (num6 < num5)
                num4 = cropHeightRatio * num / cropWidthRatio;
            xOffset *= num3;
            yOffset *= num4;
            num3    /= zoomFactor;
            num4    /= zoomFactor;
            float num7 = (float)((num - num3) / 2.0 + xOffset);
            float num8 = (float)((num2 - num4) / 2.0 + yOffset);

            if (num7 < 0f)
                num7 = 0f;
            if (num8 < 0f)
                num8 = 0f;
            if ((double)num7 + num3 > num)
                num7 = (float)(num - num3);
            if ((double)num8 + num4 > num2)
                num8 = (float)(num2 - num4);
            int num9  = (int)num3;
            int num10 = (int)num4;

            byte[] array = new byte[num9 * num10 * 4];
            for (int i = 0; i < num10; i++)
                int srcOffset  = (((int)num8 + i) * source.Width + (int)num7) * 4;
                int destOffset = i * num9 * 4;
                Helpers.BlockCopy(source.PixelData, srcOffset, array, destOffset, num9 * 4);
            return(new BitmapHolder(array, num9, num10));
        public static void ToCropped(BitmapHolder source, int x, int y, int width, int height)
            var srcWidth  = source.Width;
            var srcHeight = source.Height;

            // If the rectangle is completely out of the bitmap
            if (x > srcWidth || y > srcHeight)

            // Clamp to boundaries
            if (x < 0)
                x = 0;
            if (x + width > srcWidth)
                width = srcWidth - x;
            if (y < 0)
                y = 0;
            if (y + height > srcHeight)
                height = srcHeight - y;

            // Copy the pixels line by line using fast BlockCopy
            var result = new int[width * height];

            for (var line = 0; line < height; line++)
                var srcOff = ((y + line) * srcWidth + x) * Helpers.SizeOfArgb;
                var dstOff = line * width * Helpers.SizeOfArgb;
                Helpers.BlockCopy(source.Pixels, srcOff, result, dstOff, width * Helpers.SizeOfArgb);

            source.SetPixels(result, width, height);
        public static BitmapHolder ToCropped(BitmapHolder source, double zoomFactor, double xOffset, double yOffset, double cropWidthRatio, double cropHeightRatio)
            double sourceWidth  = source.Width;
            double sourceHeight = source.Height;

            double desiredWidth  = sourceWidth;
            double desiredHeight = sourceHeight;

            double desiredRatio = cropWidthRatio / cropHeightRatio;
            double currentRatio = sourceWidth / sourceHeight;

            if (currentRatio > desiredRatio)
                desiredWidth = (cropWidthRatio * sourceHeight / cropHeightRatio);
            else if (currentRatio < desiredRatio)
                desiredHeight = (cropHeightRatio * sourceWidth / cropWidthRatio);

            xOffset = xOffset * desiredWidth;
            yOffset = yOffset * desiredHeight;

            desiredWidth  = desiredWidth / zoomFactor;
            desiredHeight = desiredHeight / zoomFactor;

            float cropX = (float)(((sourceWidth - desiredWidth) / 2) + xOffset);
            float cropY = (float)(((sourceHeight - desiredHeight) / 2) + yOffset);

            if (cropX < 0)
                cropX = 0;

            if (cropY < 0)
                cropY = 0;

            if (cropX + desiredWidth > sourceWidth)
                cropX = (float)(sourceWidth - desiredWidth);

            if (cropY + desiredHeight > sourceHeight)
                cropY = (float)(sourceHeight - desiredHeight);

            int width  = (int)desiredWidth;
            int height = (int)desiredHeight;

            // Copy the pixels line by line using fast BlockCopy
            var result = new byte[width * height * 4];

            for (var line = 0; line < height; line++)
                var srcOff = (((int)cropY + line) * source.Width + (int)cropX) * ColorExtensions.SizeOfArgb;
                var dstOff = line * width * ColorExtensions.SizeOfArgb;
                Helpers.BlockCopy(source.PixelData, srcOff, result, dstOff, width * ColorExtensions.SizeOfArgb);

            return(new BitmapHolder(result, width, height));