public static List <GameObject> CutObjectInstantiate(GameObject obj, NDPlane plane, bool destroyPrevious = false) { List <Mesh> newMeshes = CutObject(obj, plane); List <GameObject> finalObjects = new List <GameObject>(); int finalMeshCount = newMeshes.Count; if (finalMeshCount == 0) { return(finalObjects); } for (int i = 0; i < finalMeshCount; i++) { GameObject newObject = new GameObject( + "+" + i); MeshRenderer renderer = newObject.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>(); MeshFilter filter = newObject.AddComponent <MeshFilter>(); filter.mesh = newMeshes[i]; newObject.transform.position = obj.transform.position; newObject.transform.rotation = obj.transform.rotation; newObject.transform.localScale = obj.transform.localScale; renderer.sharedMaterials = obj.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().sharedMaterials; finalObjects.Add(newObject); } if (destroyPrevious) { Object.Destroy(obj); } return(finalObjects); }
/* * Cuts the given object using the provided NDPlane. This function returns a List of Meshes * which is the final mesh cut by the NDPlane. At most, this function will return 2 meshes. */ public static List<Mesh> CutObject(GameObject obj, NDPlane plane) { List<Mesh> newMeshes = new List<Mesh>(); if (plane == null) { return newMeshes; } MeshFilter renderer = obj.GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); if (renderer == null) { return newMeshes; } Mesh sharedMesh = renderer.sharedMesh; if (sharedMesh == null) { return newMeshes; } Vector3[] vertices = sharedMesh.vertices; Vector2[] uv = sharedMesh.uv; int[] indices = sharedMesh.triangles; // the primary buffers which will be used to construct a new mesh List<Vector3> upperHull = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> lowerHull = new List<Vector3>(); List<int> upperIndices = new List<int>(); List<int> lowerIndices = new List<int>(); List<Vector2> upperUV = new List<Vector2>(); List<Vector2> lowerUV = new List<Vector2>(); List<Vector3> closingHull = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector2> closingHullUV = new List<Vector2>(); List<int> closingHullIndices = new List<int>(); int indicesCount = indices.Length; for (int index = 0; index < indicesCount; index += 3) { // get the first triangles Vector3 tri1 = vertices[indices[index]]; Vector3 tri2 = vertices[indices[index + 1]]; Vector3 tri3 = vertices[indices[index + 2]]; // get the first triangle UV's Vector2 tri1uva = uv[indices[index]]; Vector2 tri1uvb = uv[indices[index + 1]]; Vector2 tri1uvc = uv[indices[index + 2]]; // clear our temporary Buffers tmpLowerHull.Clear(); tmpUpperHull.Clear(); tmpIntersectionPt.Clear(); tmpIntersectionUv.Clear(); tmpLowerHullUV.Clear(); tmpUpperHullUV.Clear(); tmpLowerIndices.Clear(); tmpUpperIndices.Clear(); // intersect the first triangle plane.IntersectTriangleHull(ref tri1, ref tri2, ref tri3, ref tri1uva, ref tri1uvb, ref tri1uvc, tmpLowerHull, tmpLowerHullUV, tmpUpperHull, tmpUpperHullUV, tmpIntersectionPt, tmpIntersectionUv); // add intersection point into overall buffers tmpLowerHull.AddRange(tmpIntersectionPt); tmpUpperHull.AddRange(tmpIntersectionPt); tmpLowerHullUV.AddRange(tmpIntersectionUv); tmpUpperHullUV.AddRange(tmpIntersectionUv); closingHull.AddRange(tmpIntersectionPt); // triangulate the temporary buffers and get the indices Triangulator.TriangulateNDSlice(tmpLowerHull, tmpLowerIndices, lowerHull.Count); Triangulator.TriangulateNDSlice(tmpUpperHull, tmpUpperIndices, upperHull.Count); // add to the final buffers upperHull.AddRange(tmpUpperHull); lowerHull.AddRange(tmpLowerHull); upperIndices.AddRange(tmpUpperIndices); lowerIndices.AddRange(tmpLowerIndices); upperUV.AddRange(tmpUpperHullUV); lowerUV.AddRange(tmpLowerHullUV); } List<Vector3> finalClosingHull = new List<Vector3>(); // generate the closing hull (if any) if (closingHull.Count > 0) { Triangulator.TriangulateHullPt(closingHull, finalClosingHull, closingHullIndices, closingHullUV, plane.Normal); } if (upperIndices.Count > 0) { Mesh newMesh = new Mesh(); newMesh.subMeshCount = 2; // close the hull int count = upperHull.Count; upperHull.AddRange(finalClosingHull); upperUV.AddRange(closingHullUV); newMesh.SetVertices(upperHull); newMesh.SetTriangles(upperIndices, 0); newMesh.SetUVs(0, upperUV); // set the closing hull UV's int triCount = closingHullIndices.Count; if (triCount > 0) { List<int> finalTriangles = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < triCount; i += 3) { finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i] + count); finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i + 2] + count); finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i + 1] + count); } newMesh.SetTriangles(finalTriangles, 1); } newMesh.RecalculateNormals(); newMeshes.Add(newMesh); } if (lowerIndices.Count > 0) { Mesh newMesh = new Mesh(); newMesh.subMeshCount = 2; // close the hull int count = lowerHull.Count; lowerHull.AddRange(finalClosingHull); lowerUV.AddRange(closingHullUV); newMesh.SetVertices(lowerHull); newMesh.SetTriangles(lowerIndices, 0); newMesh.SetUVs(0, lowerUV); // set the closing hull UV's int triCount = closingHullIndices.Count; if (triCount > 0) { List<int> finalTriangles = new List<int>(); for (int i = 0; i < triCount; i += 3) { finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i] + count); finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i + 1] + count); finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i + 2] + count); } newMesh.SetTriangles(finalTriangles, 1); } newMesh.RecalculateNormals(); newMeshes.Add(newMesh); } return newMeshes; }
public static List<GameObject> CutObjectInstantiate(GameObject obj, NDPlane plane, bool destroyPrevious = false) { List<Mesh> newMeshes = CutObject(obj, plane); List<GameObject> finalObjects = new List<GameObject>(); int finalMeshCount = newMeshes.Count; if (finalMeshCount == 0) { return finalObjects; } for (int i = 0; i < finalMeshCount; i++) { GameObject newObject = new GameObject( + "+" + i); MeshRenderer renderer = newObject.AddComponent<MeshRenderer>(); MeshFilter filter = newObject.AddComponent<MeshFilter>(); filter.mesh = newMeshes[i]; newObject.transform.position = obj.transform.position; newObject.transform.rotation = obj.transform.rotation; newObject.transform.localScale = obj.transform.localScale; renderer.materials = obj.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().materials; finalObjects.Add(newObject); } if (destroyPrevious) { Object.Destroy(obj); } return finalObjects; }
/* * Cuts the given object using the provided NDPlane. This function returns a List of Meshes * which is the final mesh cut by the NDPlane. At most, this function will return 2 meshes. */ public static List <Mesh> CutObject(GameObject obj, NDPlane plane) { List <Mesh> newMeshes = new List <Mesh>(); if (plane == null) { return(newMeshes); } MeshFilter renderer = obj.GetComponent <MeshFilter>(); if (renderer == null) { return(newMeshes); } Mesh sharedMesh = renderer.sharedMesh; if (sharedMesh == null) { return(newMeshes); } Vector3[] vertices = sharedMesh.vertices; Vector2[] uv = sharedMesh.uv; int[] indices = sharedMesh.triangles; // the primary buffers which will be used to construct a new mesh List <Vector3> upperHull = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector3> lowerHull = new List <Vector3>(); List <int> upperIndices = new List <int>(); List <int> lowerIndices = new List <int>(); List <Vector2> upperUV = new List <Vector2>(); List <Vector2> lowerUV = new List <Vector2>(); List <Vector3> closingHull = new List <Vector3>(); List <Vector2> closingHullUV = new List <Vector2>(); List <int> closingHullIndices = new List <int>(); int indicesCount = indices.Length; for (int index = 0; index < indicesCount; index += 3) { // get the first triangles Vector3 tri1 = vertices[indices[index]]; Vector3 tri2 = vertices[indices[index + 1]]; Vector3 tri3 = vertices[indices[index + 2]]; // get the first triangle UV's Vector2 tri1uva = uv[indices[index]]; Vector2 tri1uvb = uv[indices[index + 1]]; Vector2 tri1uvc = uv[indices[index + 2]]; // clear our temporary Buffers tmpLowerHull.Clear(); tmpUpperHull.Clear(); tmpIntersectionPt.Clear(); tmpIntersectionUv.Clear(); tmpLowerHullUV.Clear(); tmpUpperHullUV.Clear(); tmpLowerIndices.Clear(); tmpUpperIndices.Clear(); // intersect the first triangle plane.IntersectTriangleHull(ref tri1, ref tri2, ref tri3, ref tri1uva, ref tri1uvb, ref tri1uvc, tmpLowerHull, tmpLowerHullUV, tmpUpperHull, tmpUpperHullUV, tmpIntersectionPt, tmpIntersectionUv); // add intersection point into overall buffers tmpLowerHull.AddRange(tmpIntersectionPt); tmpUpperHull.AddRange(tmpIntersectionPt); tmpLowerHullUV.AddRange(tmpIntersectionUv); tmpUpperHullUV.AddRange(tmpIntersectionUv); closingHull.AddRange(tmpIntersectionPt); // triangulate the temporary buffers and get the indices Triangulator.TriangulateNDSlice(tmpLowerHull, tmpLowerIndices, lowerHull.Count); Triangulator.TriangulateNDSlice(tmpUpperHull, tmpUpperIndices, upperHull.Count); // add to the final buffers upperHull.AddRange(tmpUpperHull); lowerHull.AddRange(tmpLowerHull); upperIndices.AddRange(tmpUpperIndices); lowerIndices.AddRange(tmpLowerIndices); upperUV.AddRange(tmpUpperHullUV); lowerUV.AddRange(tmpLowerHullUV); } List <Vector3> finalClosingHull = new List <Vector3>(); // generate the closing hull (if any) if (closingHull.Count > 0) { Triangulator.TriangulateHullPt(closingHull, finalClosingHull, closingHullIndices, closingHullUV, plane.Normal); } if (upperIndices.Count > 0) { Mesh newMesh = new Mesh(); newMesh.subMeshCount = 2; // close the hull int count = upperHull.Count; upperHull.AddRange(finalClosingHull); upperUV.AddRange(closingHullUV); newMesh.SetVertices(upperHull); newMesh.SetTriangles(upperIndices, 0); newMesh.SetUVs(0, upperUV); // set the closing hull UV's int triCount = closingHullIndices.Count; if (triCount > 0) { List <int> finalTriangles = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < triCount; i += 3) { finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i] + count); finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i + 2] + count); finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i + 1] + count); } newMesh.SetTriangles(finalTriangles, 1); } newMesh.RecalculateNormals(); newMeshes.Add(newMesh); } if (lowerIndices.Count > 0) { Mesh newMesh = new Mesh(); newMesh.subMeshCount = 2; // close the hull int count = lowerHull.Count; lowerHull.AddRange(finalClosingHull); lowerUV.AddRange(closingHullUV); newMesh.SetVertices(lowerHull); newMesh.SetTriangles(lowerIndices, 0); newMesh.SetUVs(0, lowerUV); // set the closing hull UV's int triCount = closingHullIndices.Count; if (triCount > 0) { List <int> finalTriangles = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < triCount; i += 3) { finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i] + count); finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i + 1] + count); finalTriangles.Add(closingHullIndices[i + 2] + count); } newMesh.SetTriangles(finalTriangles, 1); } newMesh.RecalculateNormals(); newMeshes.Add(newMesh); } return(newMeshes); }
private void Split() { NDPlane plane = new NDPlane(); plane.ComputePlane((mpta + mptb + mptc) / 3, RandomVector3()); List<Vector3> upper = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> lower = new List<Vector3>(); List<Vector3> intersection = new List<Vector3>(); plane.IntersectTriangleHull(mpta, mptb, mptc, upper, lower, intersection); upper.AddRange(intersection); lower.AddRange(intersection); List<int> indices = new List<int>(); // UPPER HULL Triangulator.TriangulateNDSlice(upper, indices); for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i += 3) { RenderTriangle tri = new RenderTriangle(); Vector3 pta = upper[indices[i]]; Vector3 ptb = upper[indices[i+1]]; Vector3 ptc = upper[indices[i+2]]; Vector2 uva = Triangulator.GenerateUVCoords(ref mpta, ref mptb, ref mptc, ref muva, ref muvb, ref muvc, ref pta); Vector2 uvb = Triangulator.GenerateUVCoords(ref mpta, ref mptb, ref mptc, ref muva, ref muvb, ref muvc, ref ptb); Vector2 uvc = Triangulator.GenerateUVCoords(ref mpta, ref mptb, ref mptc, ref muva, ref muvb, ref muvc, ref ptc); tri.SetPoints(pta, ptb, ptc); tri.SetUV(uva, uvb, uvc); splits.Add(tri); } indices.Clear(); // LOWER HULL Triangulator.TriangulateNDSlice(lower, indices); for (int i = 0; i < indices.Count; i += 3) { RenderTriangle tri = new RenderTriangle(); Vector3 pta = lower[indices[i]]; Vector3 ptb = lower[indices[i + 1]]; Vector3 ptc = lower[indices[i + 2]]; Vector2 uva = Triangulator.GenerateUVCoords(ref mpta, ref mptb, ref mptc, ref muva, ref muvb, ref muvc, ref pta); Vector2 uvb = Triangulator.GenerateUVCoords(ref mpta, ref mptb, ref mptc, ref muva, ref muvb, ref muvc, ref ptb); Vector2 uvc = Triangulator.GenerateUVCoords(ref mpta, ref mptb, ref mptc, ref muva, ref muvb, ref muvc, ref ptc); tri.SetPoints(pta, ptb, ptc); tri.SetUV(uva, uvb, uvc); splits.Add(tri); } }