public ImapIdler(string address, string password, EventLog eventLog) { _log = new SafeLog(); _cfg = new Conf(_log); _cfg.Init(); _eventLog = eventLog; _timeout = new TimeSpan(0, _cfg.AutoResponderIdleTimeoutMinutes, _cfg.AutoResponderIdleTimeoutSeconds); // 30 sec timeout for idle _oDb = new SqlConnection(); InitImap(address, password); }
public void TestMailbee() { _cfg = new Conf(_log); _cfg.Init(); try { Global.LicenseKey = _cfg.MailBeeLicenseKey; } catch (MailBeeLicenseException e) { _log.Error("License key is invalid: {0}", e); //Mailer.Mailer.SendMail(_cfg.TestAddress, _cfg.TestPassword, "EzAutoresonder Error", e.ToString(), "*****@*****.**"); } // try _imap = new Imap { SslMode = MailBee.Security.SslStartupMode.OnConnect }; // Connect to IMAP server _imap.Connect(_cfg.Server, _cfg.Port); _log.Info("Connected to the server"); // Log into IMAP account _imap.Login("", ""); //todo enter a login _log.Info("Logged into the server"); // Select Inbox folder _imap.ExamineFolder("Inbox"); var uids = (UidCollection)_imap.Search(true, "UNSEEN", null); if (uids.Count > 0) { // Download all the messages found by Search method MailMessageCollection msgs = _imap.DownloadMessageHeaders(uids.ToString(), true); // Iterate througn the messages collection and display info about them foreach (MailMessage msg in msgs) { Console.WriteLine("Message #" + msg.IndexOnServer.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + " has subject: " + msg.Subject + " from: " + msg.From.Email + " received on: " + msg.DateReceived); } } }
public AutoResponderService() { InitializeComponent(); _log = new SafeLog(); _cfg = new Conf(_log); _cfg.Init(); if (!EventLog.SourceExists("AutoResponderServiceSource")) { EventLog.CreateEventSource("AutoResponderServiceSource", "AutoResponderServiceLog"); } _eventLog.Source = "AutoResponderServiceSource"; _eventLog.Log = "AutoResponderServiceLog"; string[] mails = _cfg.AutoResponderMails.Split(' '); string[] passwords = _cfg.AutoResponderPasswords.Split(' '); if (mails.Length != passwords.Length) { _eventLog.WriteEntry("Wrong emails passwords count", EventLogEntryType.Error); return; } for (int i = 0; i < mails.Length; i++) { ImapIdler ImapIdler; try { ImapIdler = new ImapIdler(mails[i], passwords[i], _eventLog); } catch (Exception) { continue; } _imapIdlerList.Add(ImapIdler); } }
public void TestConfBase() { _cfg = new Conf(_log); _cfg.Init(); }
public void Init() { _cfg = new Conf(_log); _cfg.Init(); }