void UpdateDownloadInfo(DownloadInfo downloadInfo, DownloadInfo.STATUS status, NSUrl destinationUrl)
            if (downloadInfo == null)

            downloadInfo.Status = status;
            downloadInfo.DestinationFilename = Path.GetFileName(destinationUrl.AbsoluteString);
        /// <summary>
        /// Plays the MP3 associated with the download. Stops output first.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="downloadInfo">Download info.</param>
        public void PlayAudio(DownloadInfo downloadInfo)

            if (downloadInfo == null)

            Console.WriteLine("Playing file '{0}'.", downloadInfo.DestinationFilename);

            if (!File.Exists(downloadInfo.FullDestinationFilePath))
                Console.WriteLine("Cannot find file '{0}'!", downloadInfo.FullDestinationFilePath);

            NSError error = null;

            // Use AVAudioPlayer to load the MP3 file and start playing.
            this.audioPlayer = new AVAudioPlayer(NSUrl.FromFilename(downloadInfo.FullDestinationFilePath), "mp3", out error);
            if (error == null)
                this.stopBtn.Enabled = true;

                // Update information about currently played song.
                MPNowPlayingInfoCenter.DefaultCenter.NowPlaying = new MPNowPlayingInfo
                    Artist = downloadInfo.Artist,
                    Title  = downloadInfo.Title

                // Update selection in the table view.
                this.TableView.SelectRow(NSIndexPath.FromRowSection(this.currentSongIndex, 0), true, UITableViewScrollPosition.Middle);
                Console.WriteLine("Error playing back audio: " + error);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets called by iOS if all pending transfers are done. This will only be called if the app was backgrounded.
        /// </summary>
        public override void DidFinishEventsForBackgroundSession(NSUrlSession session)
            // Nothing more to be done. This is the place where we have to call the completion handler we get passed in in AppDelegate.
            var handler = AppDelegate.BackgroundSessionCompletionHandler;

            AppDelegate.BackgroundSessionCompletionHandler = null;
            if (handler != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Calling completion handler.");
                NSOperationQueue.MainQueue.AddOperation(() =>

                    var alert = new UIAlertController
                        Message = "Selected files have been downloaded."
                    alert.AddAction(UIAlertAction.Create("OK", UIAlertActionStyle.Default, null));
                    controller.PresentViewController(alert, true, null);

                    // Bring up a local notification to take the user back to our app.
                    Console.WriteLine("Posting notification.");
                    var notif = new UILocalNotification {
                        AlertBody = "Xamarin news: All pending files have been downloaded!"

                    // Start playback if download has finished. This is only possible if UIApplication.SharedApplication.BeginReceivingRemoteControlEvents () is called (which is done in MusicListController).
                    if (this.firstCompletedDownload != null)
                        this.firstCompletedDownload = null;

                    // Invoke the completion handle. This will tell iOS to update the snapshot in the task manager.