Пример #1
        private void btn_export_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (description == null)

            if (chkbox_clear.Checked)

            if (chbox_ignoreEmtpyFields.Checked)
                List <SIEEField> toBeRemoved = new List <SIEEField>();
                foreach (SIEEDocument doc in batch)
                    toBeRemoved = doc.Fieldlist.Where(n => !(n is SIEETableField) && n.Value == string.Empty).ToList();
                    foreach (SIEEField f in toBeRemoved)

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;

            export.ExportBatch(settings, batch);
            TimeSpan duration = DateTime.Now - startTime;

            Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;

            string timeTakenString = "Time taken: " + duration.Milliseconds + " milliseconds";

            if (batch.ExportSucceeded())
                SIEEMessageBox.Show("Success!\n" + timeTakenString,
                                    "Export result", System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.None);
                SIEEMessageBox.Show("Failed:\n" + batch.ErrorMessage() + "\n" + timeTakenString,
                                    "Export result", System.Windows.MessageBoxImage.Error);
        public override XmlDocument transform(XmlDocument data, IParameters parameters)
            // The SIEEBatch is created from the schema as defined in the setting object. It contains all
            // fields regardless of whether they have been mapped to OCC fields.
            SIEEFieldlist schema = (SIEEFieldlist)SIEESerializer.StringToObject(writerSettings.SerializedSchema);

            // This class has no initialization by which the factory could be set beforehand. We therefore
            // load the factory from the SIEE_FactoryManager. (This was the only reason to invent the
            // SIEE_FactoryManager in the first place.

            SIEEFactory factory = SIEEFactoryManager.GetFromSettingsTypename(writerSettings.SettingsTypename);


            // Create the SIEE objects wee need
            SIEEExport      myExport    = factory.CreateExport();
            SIEEDescription description = factory.CreateDescription();

            DataPool  pool          = new DataPool(data);
            SIEEBatch batch         = new SIEEBatch();
            int       maxRetryCount = description.NumberOfRetries;
            string    batchId       = pool.RootNode.Fields["cc_BatchId"].Value;
            string    profile       = pool.RootNode.Fields["cc_ProfileName"].Value;

            SIEEExport.Trace.WriteInfo("Start exporting batch " + batchId);

            ExportStateParams exportStateParams = null;
            Dictionary <SIEEDocument, Document> siee2dataPool    = new Dictionary <SIEEDocument, Document>();
            Dictionary <SIEEDocument, int>      annotationNumber = new Dictionary <SIEEDocument, int>();

            for (int i = 0; i < pool.RootNode.Documents.Count; i++)
                Document     document     = pool.RootNode.Documents[i];
                SIEEDocument sieeDocument = documentToFieldlist(new SIEEFieldlist(schema), document, batchId, profile);
                sieeDocument.DocumentId    = String.Format("{0:D4}", i);
                sieeDocument.DocumentClass = document.Name;

                sieeDocument.SIEEAnnotation = sieeDocument.NewSIEEAnnotation = null;
                int anNo = findAnnotation(document);
                annotationNumber[sieeDocument] = anNo;
                if (anNo != 0)
                    sieeDocument.SIEEAnnotation = document.Annotations[annotationName(anNo - 1)].Value;

                exportStateParams = DataPoolWorkflowStateExtensions.GetExportStateParams(document);
                // Process only documents with state "ToBeProcessed" (not yet exported documents or documents whose export failed).
                if (exportStateParams.state == ExportState.ToBeProcessed)
                    siee2dataPool[sieeDocument] = document;

                SIEESettings settings = writerSettings.GetEmbeddedSettings();
                myExport.ExportBatch(settings, batch);
            catch (Exception e)
                SIEEExport.Trace.WriteError("SIEEWriterExport: Batch " + batchId + " failed", e);

            foreach (SIEEDocument doc in batch)
                Document occDocument = siee2dataPool[doc];
                int      anNo        = annotationNumber[doc];
                if (doc.NewSIEEAnnotation != null)
                    occDocument.Annotations.Add(new Annotation(pool, annotationName(anNo), doc.NewSIEEAnnotation));

                exportStateParams = DataPoolWorkflowStateExtensions.GetExportStateParams(occDocument);

                if (doc.Succeeded)
                    occDocument.Annotations.Add(new Annotation(pool, "TargetDocumentId", doc.TargetDocumentId));
                    occDocument.Annotations.Add(new Annotation(pool, "TargetType", description.TypeName));
                    exportStateParams.state = ExportState.Succeeded;
                    exportStateParams.message = "Export failed: " + doc.ErrorMsg;
                    if (doc.NonRecoverableError)
                        throw new Exception("Fatal export error: " + doc.ErrorMsg);

                // Set delay time for start of retry
                if (exportStateParams.repetitionCount == 0)
                    exportStateParams.delaySeconds = description.StartTimeForRetry;

                DataPoolWorkflowStateExtensions.HandleExportStateParams(occDocument, maxRetryCount, exportStateParams);
            SIEEExport.Trace.WriteInfo("Done exporting batch " + batchId);