Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a scripting method definition from the reflection info
        /// </summary>
        private static SciterNativeMethodDef DefineScriptingMethod(MethodInfo methodInfo, ScriptingMethodAttribute methodAttr)
            return(new SciterNativeMethodDef()
                name = methodAttr.Name ?? methodInfo.Name,

                // Method callback implementation
                method = (IntPtr hvm, ref JsonValue p_data_slot, IntPtr argv, int argc, ref JsonValue retval) =>
                        var instance = default(object);
                        if (!methodInfo.IsStatic)
                            instance = InstanceProtector.GetInstance(p_data_slot.GetNativeObject());

                        var result = methodInfo.Invoke(instance, JsonPtrToArray(argv, argc));
                        retval = result == null ? new JsonValue() : new JsonValue(result);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        SciterHostApi.SciterNativeThrow(hvm, ex.Message);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a scripting property definitions
        /// </summary>
        private static SciterNativePropertyDef DefineScriptingProperty(PropertyInfo propertyInfo, ScriptingPropertyAttribute propertyAttr)
            return(new SciterNativePropertyDef()
                name = propertyAttr.Name ?? propertyInfo.Name,

                // Property callback implementation
                property = (IntPtr hvm, ref JsonValue p_data_slot, bool set, ref JsonValue retval) =>
                        var instance = default(object);
                        if (!propertyInfo.GetGetMethod().IsStatic)
                            instance = InstanceProtector.GetInstance(p_data_slot.GetNativeObject());

                        retval = new JsonValue();
                        if (set)
                            propertyInfo.SetValue(instance, retval.GetValue(), null);
                            retval = new JsonValue(propertyInfo.GetValue(instance, null));
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        SciterHostApi.SciterNativeThrow(hvm, ex.Message);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a scripting ctor definition from the reflection info
        /// </summary>
        private static SciterNativeMethodDef DefineCtorMethod(Type type)
            return(new SciterNativeMethodDef()
                name = "this",

                // Construction callback implementation
                method = (IntPtr hvm, ref JsonValue p_data_slot, IntPtr argv, int argc, ref JsonValue retval) =>
                        var result = Activator.CreateInstance(type, JsonPtrToArray(argv, argc));
                        var data_slot_value = InstanceProtector.Protect(result);

                        _registrations[hvm].Instances.Add(data_slot_value, result);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        SciterHostApi.SciterNativeThrow(hvm, ex.Message);