Пример #1
 public CollapseAnimationListener(AnimatedExpandableListAdapter adapter, int groupPosition, ExpandableListView listView, GroupInfo info, DummyView dummyView)
     _adapter       = adapter;
     _groupPosition = groupPosition;
     _listView      = listView;
     _info          = info;
     _dummyView     = dummyView;
Пример #2
 public ExpandAnimationListener(AnimatedExpandableListAdapter adapter, int groupPosition, DummyView dummyView)
     _adapter       = adapter;
     _groupPosition = groupPosition;
     _dummyView     = dummyView;
Пример #3
         * Override {@link #getChildView(int, int, boolean, View, ViewGroup)} instead.
        public override View GetChildView(int groupPosition, int childPosition, bool isLastChild, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
            GroupInfo info = GetGroupInfo(groupPosition);

            if (info.Animating)
                // If this group is animating, return the a DummyView...
                if (convertView is DummyView == false)
                    convertView = new DummyView(parent.Context);
                    convertView.LayoutParameters = new AbsListView.LayoutParams(AbsListView.LayoutParams.MatchParent, 0);

                if (childPosition < info.FirstChildPosition)
                    // The reason why we do this is to support the collapse
                    // this group when the group view is not visible but the
                    // children of this group are. When notifyDataSetChanged
                    // is called, the ExpandableListView tries to keep the
                    // list position the same by saving the first visible item
                    // and jumping back to that item after the views have been
                    // refreshed. Now the problem is, if a group has 2 items
                    // and the first visible item is the 2nd child of the group
                    // and this group is collapsed, then the dummy view will be
                    // used for the group. But now the group only has 1 item
                    // which is the dummy view, thus when the ListView is trying
                    // to restore the scroll position, it will try to jump to
                    // the second item of the group. But this group no longer
                    // has a second item, so it is forced to jump to the next
                    // group. This will cause a very ugly visual glitch. So
                    // the way that we counteract this is by creating as many
                    // dummy views as we need to maintain the scroll position
                    // of the ListView after notifyDataSetChanged has been
                    // called.
                    convertView.LayoutParameters.Height = 0;

                ExpandableListView listview = (ExpandableListView)parent;

                DummyView dummyView = (DummyView)convertView;

                // Clear the views that the dummy view draws

                // Set the style of the divider
                dummyView.SetDivider(listview.Divider, parent.MeasuredWidth, listview.DividerHeight);

                // Make measure specs to measure child views
                int measureSpecW = View.MeasureSpec.MakeMeasureSpec(parent.Width, MeasureSpecMode.Exactly);
                int measureSpecH = View.MeasureSpec.MakeMeasureSpec(0, MeasureSpecMode.Unspecified);

                int totalHeight = 0;
                int clipHeight  = parent.Height;

                int len = GetRealChildrenCount(groupPosition);
                for (int i = info.FirstChildPosition; i < len; i++)
                    View childView = GetRealChildView(groupPosition, i, (i == len - 1), null, parent);

                    AbsListView.LayoutParams p = (AbsListView.LayoutParams)childView.LayoutParameters;
                    if (p == null)
                        p = (AbsListView.LayoutParams)GenerateDefaultLayoutParams();
                        childView.LayoutParameters = p;

                    int lpHeight = p.Height;

                    int childHeightSpec;
                    if (lpHeight > 0)
                        childHeightSpec = View.MeasureSpec.MakeMeasureSpec(lpHeight, MeasureSpecMode.Exactly);
                        childHeightSpec = measureSpecH;

                    childView.Measure(measureSpecW, childHeightSpec);
                    totalHeight += childView.MeasuredHeight;

                    if (totalHeight < clipHeight)
                        // we only need to draw enough views to fool the user...

                        // if this group has too many views, we don't want to
                        // calculate the height of everything... just do a light
                        // approximation and break
                        int averageHeight = totalHeight / (i + 1);
                        totalHeight += (len - i - 1) * averageHeight;

                Java.Lang.Object o;
                int state = (o = dummyView.Tag) == null ? STATE_IDLE : (Int16)o;

                if (info.Expanding && state != STATE_EXPANDING)
                    ExpandAnimation ani = new ExpandAnimation(dummyView, 0, totalHeight, info);
                    ani.Duration = _parent.GetAnimationDuration();
                    ani.SetAnimationListener(new ExpandAnimationListener(this, groupPosition, dummyView));
                    dummyView.Tag = STATE_EXPANDING;
                else if (!info.Expanding && state != STATE_COLLAPSING)
                    if (info.DummyHeight == -1)
                        info.DummyHeight = totalHeight;

                    ExpandAnimation ani = new ExpandAnimation(dummyView, info.DummyHeight, 0, info);
                    ani.Duration = _parent.GetAnimationDuration();
                    ani.SetAnimationListener(new CollapseAnimationListener(this, groupPosition, listview, info, dummyView));

                    dummyView.Tag = STATE_COLLAPSING;

                return(GetRealChildView(groupPosition, childPosition, isLastChild, convertView, parent));