static void shuffleAndDeal() { //Exercise 1: Shuffle Cards //Write a program to create a standard 52 card deck and then deal a random hand to a player. //Once a card is dealt then it can't be used again. //create a new deck (instance of class Deck) Deck myDeck = new Deck(); Console.WriteLine("Original order of myDeck:"); Console.WriteLine(myDeck.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); //Whitespace //shuffle it myDeck.shuffle(); Console.WriteLine("Order of myDeck after shuffle:"); Console.WriteLine(myDeck.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); //Whitespace //create a player hand, dealing off the deck List<Card> hand = myDeck.dealHand(5); //five is a traditional hand size for Poker Console.WriteLine("myDeck after dealing:"); Console.WriteLine(myDeck.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); //Whitespace Console.WriteLine("And the hand dealt contains:"); foreach (Card c in hand) { Console.WriteLine(c.ToString()); } }
static void ShuffleAndDeal4Hands() { //Objectionable Objects, Exercise 1: Card Shuffle duex //Rewrite your code for the card shuffle to deal a random hand to 4 players. //Use objects to represent each player's hand. //create a new deck (instance of class Deck), and shuffle it Deck myDeck = new Deck(); myDeck.shuffle(); //create a list of hands and populate with new empty hands to represent the four players' hands List<HandOfCards> playerHands = new List<HandOfCards>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { playerHands.Add(new HandOfCards(5)); // hands have five cards , so make limit 5 } //Deal cards to each of the hands in the list of hands bool allHandsFull = false; while (!allHandsFull) //careful! if the hands had no hand limit, this would be an infinite loop! { foreach (HandOfCards h in playerHands) { h.beDealt(myDeck.dealOne()); allHandsFull = allHandsFull && h.isFull(); } } //display hands one by one, then show the deck state Console.WriteLine("Hands after dealing:"); foreach (HandOfCards h in playerHands) { Console.WriteLine("hand:"); Console.WriteLine(h.ToString()); } Console.WriteLine(); //Whitespace Console.WriteLine("myDeck after dealing:"); Console.WriteLine(myDeck.ToString()); Console.WriteLine(); //Whitespace }