Пример #1
 //Prints hierarchical list's data from x,y position
 private static void PrintHierarchicalList(this ExcelWorksheet ws, int x, int y, HierarchyElement root)
     ws.Cells[y, x].Value = root.Content;
     if (root.Children.Count > 0)
         int startRow    = y + 1;
         int startColumn = x + 1;
         foreach (var child in root.Children)
             ws.PrintHierarchicalList(startColumn, startRow, child);
             startRow += child.GetCount();
Пример #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (ExcelPackage pkg = new ExcelPackage(new System.IO.FileInfo(@"test.xlsx")))
                ExcelWorksheet ws;

                if (pkg.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"] == null)
                    ws = pkg.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
                    ws = pkg.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet1"];

                ///Clear worksheet for testing

                /// Insert table with 2D array
                string[,] data =
                    { "ID", "Name",      "Color" },
                    { "A1", "Chocolate", "Brown" },
                    { "A2", "Milk",      "White" },

                ws.InsertTable(2, 2, data, "2D Array");

                /// Insert table with IEnumerable
                var list = new List <TestObject>
                    { new TestObject("Társasjáték", "Játék", 8) },
                    { new TestObject("Videojáték", "Játék", 10) },
                    { new TestObject("Kenyér", "Pékáru", 5) },
                    { new TestObject("Alma", "Gyümölcs", 10) },
                    { new TestObject("Autó", "Jármű", 1) },
                    { new TestObject("Éjjeliszekrény", "Bútor", 3) }

                ws.InsertTable(2, 7, list, "IEnumerable", ExcelColor.Succes);

                /// Insert table with Key-Value pairs
                var dictionary = new Dictionary <int, TestObject>();
                for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                    dictionary.Add(i, list[i]);

                ws.InsertTable(6, 2, dictionary, "Key-Value", ExcelColor.Danger);

                /// Insert hierarchical list

                var root = new HierarchyElement("Benchmark")
                    new HierarchyElement("Aláíráshitelesítő")
                        new HierarchyElement("Transzformációk")
                            new HierarchyElement("Átmáretezés")
                                new HierarchyElement("Vízszintes átméretezés"),
                                new HierarchyElement("Függőleges átméretezés")
                            new HierarchyElement("Eltolás")
                        new HierarchyElement("Osztályozók")
                            new HierarchyElement("O1"),
                            new HierarchyElement("O2")

                ws.InsertHierarchicalList(9, 2, root, "Hierarchical list", ExcelColor.Secondary);

                /// Insert legend
                    "Ez egy általános leírás arról, hogym it tud ez a táblázat  Ez egy általános leírás arról, hogym it tud ez a táblázat Ez egy általános leírás arról, hogym it tud ez a táblázat Ez egy általános leírás ",

                /// Insert link
                if (pkg.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet2"] == null)

                ws.Cells["A1"].Value = "To Sheet2";
                ws.Cells["B1"].Value = "To B2 in Sheet2";
                ws.Cells["B1"].InsertLink("Sheet2", "B2");

                ///Insert graphs

                var ws2 = pkg.Workbook.Worksheets["Sheet2"];

                string[,] chartHeader =
                    { "xLabel", "FAR", "FRR" }

                double [,] chartData =
                    { 0.5,   0, 100 },
                    { 0.9,  10,  80 },
                    { 1.4,  30,  60 },
                    { 1.9,  50,  50 },
                    { 2.2,  70,  30 },
                    { 2.7,  90,  20 },
                    {   3, 100,   0 }

                ws2.InsertTable(2, 2, chartHeader, null, ExcelColor.Transparent, false, false);
                ws2.InsertTable(2, 3, chartData, null, ExcelColor.Transparent, false, false);

                ws2.InsertLineChart(ws2.Cells["B3:D9"], 6, 1, "Error Rates", ws2.Cells["B2"].Value?.ToString(), "yLabel", ws2.Cells["C2:D2"], 500, 400);
                ws2.InsertColumnChart(ws2.Cells["B3:D9"], 14, 1, "Error Rates 2", ws2.Cells["B2"].Value?.ToString(), "yLabel", ws2.Cells["C2:D2"], 500, 400, "Error Rates");
                ws2.InsertColumnChart(ws2.Cells["B3:C9"], 6, 23, "Error Rates 3", ws2.Cells["B2"].Value?.ToString(), "yLabel", ws2.Cells["C2:D2"], 500, 400, "Error Rates");

Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Insert a hierarchical list in tree style into the worksheet
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ws">Worksheet in wich the list is inserted</param>
        /// <param name="x">Starting row of the list</param>
        /// <param name="y">Starting column of the list</param>
        /// <param name="root">Root element of the list</param>
        /// <param name="title">Title of the list</param>
        /// <param name="color">color of the list</param>
        public static void InsertHierarchicalList(this ExcelWorksheet ws, int x, int y, HierarchyElement root, string title = null, ExcelColor color = ExcelColor.Primary)
            //Get hierarchy debth and the number of items in it
            int depth  = root.GetDepth();
            int length = root.GetCount();

            //Get table range
            ExcelRange range = ws.Cells[y, x, y + length - 1, x + depth - 1];


            var palette = PaletteStorage.GetPalette(color);

            var startRow = y;

            if (title != null)
                //Get the title's cells and format title
                var titleCells = ws.Cells[range.Start.Row, range.Start.Column, range.Start.Row, range.End.Column];
                titleCells.Value = title;
                //if there's title then the range should be changed after (pushed down by one row)
                range = ws.Cells[range.Start.Row + 1, range.Start.Column, range.End.Row + 1, range.End.Column];

            //Format table under title

            //Insert data into formatted cells
            ws.PrintHierarchicalList(x, startRow, root);

            //Set columns to a low width
            for (int i = x; i < (x + depth - 1); i++)
                ws.Column(i).Width = 2;
            //set last column to autosize
            ws.Column(x + depth - 1).AutoFit();