Пример #1
        public static void CreateExcelTableFromMovementsViewModel(List <MovementsViewModel> movementsModel, ExcelWorksheet wsSheet, string tableName)
            //Get the list of Column that want to be created in the table
            var excelColumns = MovementsViewModel.excelColumns;

            // Calculate size of the table
            var endRow   = _startRow + movementsModel.Count + 1;
            var endColum = _startColumn + excelColumns.Count;

            // Create Excel table Header
            CreateExcelTableHeader(wsSheet, tableName, excelColumns, _startRow, endRow, _startColumn, endColum);

            // Set Excel table content
            var tableStartColumn = _startColumn;
            var row = _startRow + 1;

            foreach (var movement in movementsModel)
                // account Movements
                foreach (var propertyName in excelColumns)
                    //Get Property name value
                    var propertyValue = ModelClassServices.GetPropertyValue(movement, propertyName);
                    //add value tu excel cell
                    wsSheet.Cells[row, tableStartColumn].Style.Numberformat.Format = ExcelHelpers.SetFormatToCell(propertyName);

                    AddExcelCellValue(row, tableStartColumn, propertyValue, wsSheet);
                tableStartColumn = _startColumn;

            //var noko = dict2.Keys.Except(dict.Keys);
            //var noko2 = dict.Keys.Except(dict2.Keys);
Пример #2
        public static void UpdateClassesTableValues(Dictionary <string, string> BudgetCategoriesAddressdictionary, Dictionary <string, string> ExpenseCategoriesAddressdictionary, int year,
                                                    ExcelWorksheet workSheet, string tableName)
            //TODO check if dictionary have key and if Table have column name

            var addressDictionary = ExcelHelpers.GetTableStartAdress(workSheet, tableName);

            //TODO check cell Value
            var date          = (double)workSheet.Cells["G1"].Value;
            var monthToFilter = DateTime.FromOADate(date).Month;

            // Get cell address
            var OperatingAdress = ExcelHelpers.GetColumnNameAdress("OPERATING", workSheet, tableName);
            var BudgetAdress    = ExcelHelpers.GetColumnNameAdress("BUDGET", workSheet, tableName);
            var ActualAdress    = ExcelHelpers.GetColumnNameAdress("ACTUAL", workSheet, tableName);

            //Get Row and Colum Index
            var OperatingIndex = ExcelHelpers.GetRowAndColumIndex(OperatingAdress);
            var BudgetIndex    = ExcelHelpers.GetRowAndColumIndex(BudgetAdress);
            var ActualIndex    = ExcelHelpers.GetRowAndColumIndex(ActualAdress);
            //int budgetCategories = BudgetCategoriesAddressdictionary.Count();
            //int expenseCategories = ExpenseCategoriesAddressdictionary.Count();

            var categories = BudgetCategoriesAddressdictionary.Where(ct => ExpenseCategoriesAddressdictionary.ContainsKey(ct.Key)).Select(ct => ct.Key).ToList();

            //List<string> categories = budgetCategories > expenseCategories ? new List<string>(ExpenseCategoriesAddressdictionary.Keys) : new List<string>(BudgetCategoriesAddressdictionary.Keys);

            if (addressDictionary.Any())
                var i = 1;
                foreach (var category in categories)
                    //TODO Update formula =HLOOKUP([@OPERATING];'Expenses details'!$E$22:$AC$34;MONTH($G$1)+1;FALSE)

                    string budgetCellAdress = BudgetCategoriesAddressdictionary[category];
                    string actualCellAdress = ExpenseCategoriesAddressdictionary[category];

                    string newBudgetCell = $"OFFSET({budgetCellAdress},MONTH($G$1),0)";
                    string newActualCell = $"OFFSET({actualCellAdress},MONTH($G$1),0)";

                    AddExcelCellValue(OperatingIndex["row"] + i, OperatingIndex["column"], category, workSheet);

                    workSheet.Cells[BudgetIndex["row"] + i, BudgetIndex["column"]].Style.Numberformat.Format = ExcelHelpers.SetFormatToCell("Amount");
                    AddExcelCellFormula(BudgetIndex["row"] + i, BudgetIndex["column"], newBudgetCell, workSheet);
                    workSheet.Cells[ActualIndex["row"] + i, ActualIndex["column"]].Style.Numberformat.Format = ExcelHelpers.SetFormatToCell("Amount");
                    AddExcelCellFormula(ActualIndex["row"] + i, ActualIndex["column"], newActualCell, workSheet);
Пример #3
        public static void UpdateYearTableValues(Dictionary <string, string> categoriesAddressdictionary, int year,
                                                 ExcelWorksheet workSheet, string tableName, string columnName, string dictionaryKey)
            //TODO check if dictionary have key and if Table have column name

            var addressDictionary = ExcelHelpers.GetTableStartAdress(workSheet, tableName);

            // Get cell address
            var columnNameAdress     = ExcelHelpers.GetColumnNameAdress(columnName, workSheet, tableName);
            var dictionaryKeyAddress = categoriesAddressdictionary[dictionaryKey];

            //Get Row and Colum Index
            var columNamecellIndex = ExcelHelpers.GetRowAndColumIndex(columnNameAdress);

            if (addressDictionary.Any())
                for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++)
                    string newCellAdress = ExcelHelpers.AddRowAndColumnToCellAddress(categoriesAddressdictionary[dictionaryKey], month, 0);
                    workSheet.Cells[columNamecellIndex["row"], columNamecellIndex["column"]].Style.Numberformat.Format = ExcelHelpers.SetFormatToCell("Amount");
                    AddExcelCellFormula(columNamecellIndex["row"] + month, columNamecellIndex["column"], newCellAdress, workSheet);
Пример #4
        public static void CreateExcelMonthSummaryTableFromMovementsViewModel(List <MovementsViewModel> movementsModel, ExcelWorksheet wsSheet, IEnumerable <string> categories,
                                                                              int sheetYear = 0, string sheetTableName = null, bool justExtrations = true)
            int minYear;
            int maxYear;
            IEnumerable <string> TemExcelColumn;

            if (sheetYear > 0)
                minYear = sheetYear;
                maxYear = sheetYear;
                //add month ant total column to Ienumeration
                TemExcelColumn = new[] { "Month", "Total" };
                minYear = movementsModel.Min(mov => mov.DateTime.Year);
                maxYear = movementsModel.Max(mov => mov.DateTime.Year);
                //add month column to Ienumeration
                TemExcelColumn = new[] { "Month" };

            if (justExtrations)
                categories = ModelClassServices.GetExtractionCategories(categories, movementsModel);
                categories = ModelClassServices.GetIncomsCategories(categories, movementsModel);

            categories = categories.OrderBy(c => c);
            // and the new columns to the category
            var newExcelColumn = TemExcelColumn.Concat(categories);

            // Calculate size of the table
            var endRow   = _startRow + 12;
            var endColum = _startColumn + newExcelColumn.Count();

            // Create Excel table Header
            int startRow    = _startRow;
            int startColumn = _startColumn;

            //var row = _startRow + 1;
            var row = _startRow;

            for (int year = minYear; year <= maxYear; year++)
                //give table Name
                var tableName = sheetTableName ?? string.Concat("Table-", year);

                // add Headers to table
                CreateExcelTableHeader(wsSheet, tableName, newExcelColumn, startRow, endRow, _startColumn, endColum, true);

                var tableStartColumn = _startColumn;

                // Set Excel table content
                for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++)
                    var monthName = string.Concat(DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.GetMonthName(month));
                    AddExcelCellValue(row, tableStartColumn, monthName, wsSheet);
                    if (sheetYear > 0)
                        //Get summ for category
                        double totalCategory = ModelClassServices.CategoriesMonthYearTotal(movementsModel, year, month, justExtrations);

                        AddExcelCellValue(row, tableStartColumn + 1, totalCategory, wsSheet);
                    foreach (var category in newExcelColumn)
                        if (category != "Month" && category != "Total")
                            //Get summ for category
                            double totalCategory = ModelClassServices.TotalforCategory(movementsModel, category, year, month, justExtrations);
                            wsSheet.Cells[row, tableStartColumn].Style.Numberformat.Format = ExcelHelpers.SetFormatToCell("Amount");
                            //add value tu excel cell
                            AddExcelCellValue(row, tableStartColumn, totalCategory, wsSheet);
                    tableStartColumn = _startColumn;
                row      = row + 2;
                startRow = row;
                endRow   = row + 12;

            //var noko = dict2.Keys.Except(dict.Keys);
            //var noko2 = dict.Keys.Except(dict2.Keys);
Пример #5
        public static void CreateCategoriesAverage(List <MovementsViewModel> movementsModel, ExcelWorksheet wsSheet, IEnumerable <string> categories,
                                                   int year = 0, int month1 = 0, bool justExtrations = true)
            if (justExtrations)
                categories = ModelClassServices.GetExtractionCategories(categories, movementsModel);
                categories = ModelClassServices.GetIncomsCategories(categories, movementsModel);
            categories = categories.OrderBy(c => c);
            var columns          = new[] { "Type" };
            var newAverageColumn = new[] { $"Year({year})", "Day" };

            var newExcelColumn = columns.Concat(categories);
            // Calculate size of the table
            var endRow   = _startRow + newAverageColumn.Count();
            var endColum = _startColumn + newExcelColumn.Count();

            // Create Excel table Header
            int startRow    = _startRow;
            int startColumn = _startColumn;

            var row = _startRow;

            var tableStartColumn = _startColumn;

            // Set Excel table content

            //give table Name
            var tableName = "CategoriesAverage";

            // Add table Headers
            CreateExcelTableHeader(wsSheet, tableName, newExcelColumn, startRow, endRow, _startColumn, endColum, true);

            foreach (var item in newAverageColumn)
                foreach (var category in newExcelColumn)
                    if (category == "Type")
                        AddExcelCellValue(row, tableStartColumn, item, wsSheet);
                        double categoryAverage = 0;
                        if (item == $"Year({year})")
                            categoryAverage = ModelClassServices.AverageforCategory(movementsModel, category, year, null, justExtrations);
                        if (item == $"Day")
                            categoryAverage = ModelClassServices.AverageforCategory(movementsModel, category, null, null, justExtrations);
                        wsSheet.Cells[row, tableStartColumn].Style.Numberformat.Format = ExcelHelpers.SetFormatToCell("Amount");
                        AddExcelCellValue(row, tableStartColumn, categoryAverage, wsSheet);
                tableStartColumn = _startColumn;

            row = row + 3;

            // Calculate size of the table
            endRow   = row + 12;
            endColum = _startColumn + newExcelColumn.Count();

            // Create Excel table Header
            startRow    = row;
            startColumn = _startColumn;

            tableStartColumn = _startColumn;

            // Set Excel table content

            //give table Name
            tableName = "CategoriesMonthAverage";
            // Add table Headers
            CreateExcelTableHeader(wsSheet, tableName, newExcelColumn, startRow, endRow, _startColumn, endColum, true);

            tableStartColumn = _startColumn;

            for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++)
                var monthName = string.Concat(DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo.GetMonthName(month));
                AddExcelCellValue(row, tableStartColumn, monthName, wsSheet);

                foreach (var category in newExcelColumn)
                    double categoryAverage = 0;

                    if (category == "Type")
                        categoryAverage = ModelClassServices.AverageforCategory(movementsModel, category, null, month, justExtrations);

                        wsSheet.Cells[row, tableStartColumn].Style.Numberformat.Format = ExcelHelpers.SetFormatToCell("Amount");
                        AddExcelCellValue(row, tableStartColumn, categoryAverage, wsSheet);
                tableStartColumn = _startColumn;